
Saturday 3.30.13

Rest Day.

Friday 3.29.13

I was not feeling it today since it was my fifth day in a row without a rest day, but I wanted to try and get some strength work in.

Power Snatch (Goal:  200x 3x3):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets:  200x0- I had no explosiveness today so I decided to stop. 

Bench Press (Goal:  295x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups:  65x10, 115x8, 155x6, 205x4, 245x2
- Work Sets:  295x3, then I stopped because this really bothered my shoulder.  Gonna reset the weights and work back up.

I had nothing today.  Probably should have rested and then tried to lift tomorrow.  The SWAT training workout on Wednesday, which is normally a day off, really threw off my training this week.


Thursday 3.28.13

Back Squats (Goal:  390x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups:  160x5, 210x4, 250x3, 300x2, 340x1
- Work Sets:  390x3 (PR!), 351x5, 312x7

Hips to Rings Pull Ups:
- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Weighted Chin Ups:
- 80x3, 55x5, 30x7

Conditioning:  CF Games Open Workout 13.4:
As far into the following ladder in 7:00 as possible:
- 3 Clean and Jerks @ 135 lbs
- 3 Toes to Bar
- 6 Clean and Jerks
- 6 Toes to Bar
- 9 Clean and Jerks
- 9 Toes to Bar
- Ascending by 3's until time expires.
Score:  76 Reps (Finished 15 C&J's, and got 1 rep of T2B).


Wednesday 3.27.13

Today is supposed to be a rest day but it was SWAT training so we did:

"Tabata Something Else":
8 rounds of :20 work and :10 for each movement:
- Pull Ups
- Push Ups
- Sit Ups
- Squats
Score:  339 total reps

Tuesday 3.26.13

Deadlift (Goal:  480x1, 90% x3, 80% x5, no belt):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 405x1
- Work Sets:  480x1, 432x3, 385x5

Ring Dips:
- 5 sets of 8 strict reps.  Time to add some weight.

As Many Rounds as Possible in 12:00 of:
- 4 Strict Presses @ 75 lbs
- 8 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 75 lbs
- 12 Front Squats @ 75 lbs
Score:  9 rounds + 4 presses


Monday 3.25.13

Overhead Squats (Goal:  255x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets:  255x1, 230x3, 205x5- This is the third week I've failed to hit my numbers at these weights, so next week I'll drop down 10% and work back up.

Weighted Pull Ups:
- Hips to Rings:  Body Weight x 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- Work Sets:  +70x3, +50x5, +30x7- Move up to 75 for the first set, but then decrease by 25 lbs for subsequent sets.

In 10:00 complete a 1000m Row, then as many rounds of the following in the remaining time:
- 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 200m Sprint
Score:  1000m Row in 3:23, then 2 rounds + 10 pull ups of the couplet.


Sunday 3.24.13

Rest Day.  I was moving all weekend and my training and nutrition sucked.  Back at it tomorrow.


Saturday 3.23.13

Rest Day.  See yesterday, ditto that.

Friday 3.22.13

Rest Day.  Moving Day.  Legs all f@#& up from 13.3 day.


Thursday 3.21.13

CrossFit Open 13.3 Workout
As Many Rounds and reps as Possible in 12:00 of:
- 150 Wall Balls (20 lbs ball to a 10 foot target)
- 90 Double Unders
- 30 Muscle Ups
Score:  240 reps.  I got all reps of wall ball and double unders.  I attempted a muscle up but couldn't hold the false grip and then ran out of time.


Tuesday 3.19.13

Power Snatch (Goal:  3x3 @ 200 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets:  200x 2, 2, 1- I'm going to try this weight one more time before I do a reset.

Bench Press (Goal:  290x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups:  60x10, 110x8, 150x6, 200x4, 240x2
- Work Sets:  290x3, 261x5, 232x7

150 Push Ups for time:
- Every time you stop sprint 40 yards (20 out and back)
Time:  10:25

I hit failure pretty fast on this workout.  Push ups and bench press are the only lifts that hurt my shoulder a little so I haven't done a lot of them recently, which was obvious today.


Monday 3.18.13

Back Squats (Goal:  385x3, 90% x5, 80% x7:
- Warm Ups:  155x5, 205x4, 245x3, 295x2, 335x1
- Work Sets:  385x3, 346x5, 308x7

Weighted Pull Ups:
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 60x1
- Work Sets:  65x3, 45x5, 25x7

3 Rounds for time:
- 7 Ground to Overhead @ 155 lbs
- 400m Run
- 15 Toes to Bar
Time:  14:34

My conditioning has really gone to hell lately after a few illnesses and a long term neck injury this past year.  I gotta get back in shape so I can challenge Rich Froning next year.  Thought this was going to be my year, turns out I was wrong.


Sunday 3.17.13

Rest Day.

Saturday 3.16.13

Missed some strength training this week that I wanted to make up.

Weighted Chin Ups:
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 60x1
- Work Sets:  80x2, 60x4, 40x6

Ring Dips:
- 5x7 strict reps with a turn out at the top

- 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x2

I was going to attempt 13.2 again today with a better strategy, but then I judged reps for 3 people in a row, and by that time 45 minutes had passed, I needed to warm up again, and everyone worked so hard that I just felt exhausted watching!  Oh well, I also got busy and forgot to log my pathetic score, so I'm out of the Open anyway.


Friday 3.15.13

Overhead Squats (Goal:  255x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets:  255x1, 230x2, 205x4- I had no shoulder stability.  I was all over the place at the bottom and kept losing the barbell forward.

I totally Gold's Gym-ed it today, lost track of time, and ended up not having time for anything else.

Thursday 3.14.13

CrossFit Open Workout 13.2:
As many Rounds as Possible in 10:00 of:
- 5 Reps of Shoulder to Overhead @ 115 lbs
- 10 Deadlifts @ 115 lbs
- 15 Box Jumps @ 24"
Score:  6 Rounds + 7 box jumps (202 reps).

The box jumps killed me.  My arches started cramping and I had to resort to step ups.  Pathetic.


Tuesday 3.12.13

Power Cleans (Goal: 3x3 at 5 lbs over last week):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets:  250x 3, 3, 3

Shoulder Press (Goal:  195x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Press/Push Press:  95x 3/3, 135x 2/2, 185x 1/1, 225 x 0/1, 270x0
- Shoulder Press:  195x3, 176x5, 156x7

For max reps complete the following:
- Tabata Burpees (I got 48 reps)
- Rest 1:00
- Tabata Leg/Hip Raises (I got 61 reps)
- Rest 1:00
- Tabata Burpees (I got 43 reps)
Total Reps:  152 Reps


Monday 3.11.13

Front Squats (Goal:  305x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups:  75x5, 125x5, 165x3, 215x2, 255x1
- Work Sets:  305x2, 275x4, 245x7- Stay here next week

Weighted Pull Ups:
- 0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 60x1, 75x1, 85x0- Just using this as a warm up for the conditioning.

5 Rounds for Time of:
- 20 Steps Overhead Walking Lunges @ 45 lbs
- 15 Box Jumps @ 24"
- 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Time:  16:24


Friday 3.08.13

I had a lot of strength work to make up today and I kind of ran out of time, but here is what I did get done...

Back Squat (Goal:  380x3, 90% x5, 80% x7)
- Warm Ups:  150x5, 200x4, 240x3, 290x2, 330x1
- Work Sets:  380x3, 342x5, 304x7

Weighted Chin Ups:
- +15x5, +30x4, +45x3, +60x2, +75x1

Bench Press:
- 60x10, 110x8, 150x6, 200x4, 240x2

Too much talking and not enough lifting tonight at The Compound.


Thursday 3.07.13

CrossFit Games open WOD 13.1
Get as far into the following circuit in 17:00:
- 40 Burpees with a jump to a 6" target above max reach with both hands
- 30 Snatches @75 (Any kind)
- 30 Burpees
- 30 Snatches @ 135
- 20 Burpees
- 30 Snatches @ 165
- 10 Burpees
- Max Snatches @ 210
Score:  I made it through the 30 snatches @ 135 for a score of 130 reps.

The second round of burpees just killed me and I had nothing going into the snatches @ 135.  My goal was 150.  I may try this again before Sunday night with a different pacing strategy if I feel recovered enough.

Wednesday 3.06.13

Rest Day.


Tuesday 3.05.13

Rather than continue to be upset by failing my lifts, I decided to take a lot of weight off the bar and work back up addressing any technique flaws.

11:00 am

Deadlifts (Goal:  475x1, 90% x3, 80% x5- without a belt):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 405x1
- Work Sets:  475x1, 428x3, 380x5- I was able to get all the lifts without a belt.  Because my lifts are about 50 lbs higher with a belt on, I want to try address that weakness for a little while.

Ring Dips:
- 8 sets of 6 reps, all strict with a turn out.  These were done in between deadlift sets.

Barbell Row:
- 3x7 @ 225- attempt 3x8 next time.

GHD Sit Ups:
- 3x10 unweighted

Off.  I'm doing a running workout later tonight.

6:00 pm

Endurance Workout:
- Run for 15:00- I went 2.8 km in that time.  Not all out y any means.  I need to get my body used to running agin (my calves were tore up for 4 days after my sprints last week) and I'm breaking in some new running shoes.  I'm just going to ease back into running over the next 4-6 weeks.  I'll run twice a week during the CF Open, then 3x per week after that.
- 10x 40 yard sprints resting only on the walk back to the starting line.


Monday 3.04.13

Overhead Squats (Goal:  255x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets:  255x1, 230x2, 205x1- I had no balance or coordination today.  I lost the lift in the hole on every set.

Weighted Pull Ups (Goal:  65x3, 45x5, 25x7):
- Warm Ups:  +15x5, +30x4, +45x3, +60x2, +70x1
- Work Sets:  +65x2, +45x3, +25x5- No strength today either.

5 Rounds for Time of:
- 10 Wall Ball
- 15 Pull Ups
- 20 KB Swings @ 88 lbs

In the second round, after the 8th pull up, my right hand tore so I stopped doing pull ups and added 30 double unders each round.  I was thoroughly frustrated today as none of my goals were met or even close to being met.  Some days you get after it, some days it gets after you.


Friday 3.01.13

Power Cleans (Goal:  3x3 @ 245):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets:  245x 3, 3, 3- Fairly light but I wanted to lower the weight on my work sets and work back up with better form, especially after being sick.

Shoulder Press (Goal:  190x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Press/Push Press:  85x4/3, 135x3/2, 175x2/1, 225x0/2, 265x0/1- Push Press PR!
- Shoulder Press:  190x3, 171x5, 152x7

"Elizabeth": 21-15-9 Reps for time of:
- Power Clean @ 135
- Ring Dips
Time:  6:30