
Thursday 4.28.22

Cardio and Core Day:

Weighted Walk:
- Weighted walk with 25 lbs vest and the dog

- Flutter Kicks: 5x20 2-count reps with 5x20 band pull aparts (every 2:00)
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 5x20 with 5x20 no moneys (every 2:00)


Wednesday 4.27.22

Strength Training:

Single Leg Hamstrings and Calves (every 2:30):
- Landmine RDL's: 45x 8x10 each leg
- Standing Calf Raises: 60x 1x12, 7x11

Push Superset (every 2:30):
- Dips: 6x6
- Push Ups: 6x12

Overhead Press (every 2:30):
- Landmine Press: 30x 5x10 each arm

Triceps and Shoulders (every 2:30):
- Skull Crushers: 75x 5x12
- Seated Lateral Raises: 30's x 5x12


Tuesday 4.26.22

Strength Training:

Squat and Calves (every 2:30):
- Slant Board Safety Bar Squats: 70x10, 90x9, 110x8, 130x7, 150x 4x6
- Single Leg Calf Raises: 0x 8x6

Back Superset #1 (every 2:30):
- Inverted Rows: 0x 8x10
- Band Pull Aparts: Red x 4x13, 4x12

Back Superset #2 (every 2:30):
- Cable Face Pulls: 24x 2x13, 2x12
- Seated KB Shrugs: 80's x 2x13, 2x12

Biceps and Back Finisher (every 2:30):
- Barbell Curls: 75x 2x13, 2x12
- Pullovers: 25x 2x13, 2x12


Monday 4.25.22

Cardio and Core Day:

Weighted Walk:
- Weighted walk with 25 lbs vest and the dog (35:54)

- Barbell Serratus Crunches: 45x 5x20 (every 2:00)
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 5x20 with 5x20 band pull aparts (every 2:00)

Sunday 4.24.22

 Rest day.

Saturday 4.23.22

 Rest day.

Friday 4.22.22

 Rest day.

Thursday 4.21.22

 Rest day.

Wednesday 4.20.22

 Rest day.


Tuesday 4.19.22

Strength Training:

2 Mile Walk with the Dog:
- 30:00

Hamstrings, Push, and Triceps (every 3:00):
- DB Single Leg RDL: 50x 10x10 each leg
- Push Ups: 10x10
- Body Skull Crushers: 10x10 (8 holes below BP height)

Shoulders (every 2:00):
- Seated DB Lateral Raises: 25’s x 5x20

Monday 4.18.22

Strength Training:

2 Mile Walk with the Dog:
- 30:00

Quads, Pull, and Biceps (every 3:00):
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 0x 10x10 each leg
- Inverted Rows: 0x 10x10
- Spider Curls: 55x 10x10

Sunday 4.17.22

 Rest day.


Saturday 4.16.22

 Strength Training:

Shoulders (every 3:00):
- Landmine Presses: 0x13, 10x12, 20x11, 30x10, 36x9, 41x 5x8
- Landmine High Pulls: 0x13, 10x12, 20x11, 30x10, 36x9, 41x 5x8

Arms Superset #1 (every 3:00):
- Incline DB Curls: 35’s x 5x10
- Bodyweight Skull Crushers (8 holes below bench press height): 5x10

Arms Superset #2 (every 3:00):
- EZ Bar Reverse Curls: 58x 5x12
- Single Arm Reverse Cable Pushdowns: Orange CS Cords x 5x12


Friday 4.15.22

 Active Rest Day:

Weighted Walk:
- 2 mile weighted walk with 25 lbs vest


Thursday 4.14.22

Strength Training:

Deadlifts and Calves (every 2:30):
- Deadlifts: 118x10, 158x9, 208x8, 248x7, 298x 4x6
- Standing Calf Raises: 60x 1x12, 7x11

Push Superset with Band Pull Aparts (every 2:30):
- Dips: 6x6, 2x5
- Push Ups: 6x12, 2x10
- Band Pull Aparts: 4x13, 4x12

Triceps and Shoulders (every 2:30):
- Overhead Triceps Extensions: 45x16, 55x15, 65x14, 75x13, 80x 4x12
- Seated Lateral Raises: 30's x 3x13, 25's x 1x13, 4x12


Wednesday 4.15.22

Active Rest Day:

Weighted Walk:
- 2 mile weighted walk with 25 lbs vest

Upper Body Mobility:
- EZ Bar Pullovers: 26x 5x10
- 5x10 Band Pull Aparts between sets

Upper Body Stretching:
- Chest, Biceps, Shoulders, and Lats
- 5x10 Band Pull Aparts between stretches


Tuesday 4.12.22

Strength Training:

Squat and Calves (every 2:30):
- Safety Bar Squats: 82x10, 112x9, 142x8, 172x7, 202x 4x6
- Standing Calf Raises: 60x 1x12, 7x11

Back Superset #1 (every 2:30):
- Chest Supported DB Rows: 35's x 12, 45's x 11, 55's x 10, 65's x 9, 70's x 3x8, 65's x 1x8
- Cable Face Pulls: 24x 3x13, 22.5x 1x13, 4x12

Back Superset #2 (every 2:30):
- Parallel Grip Chin-Ups: 4x2
- Scap Pull Ups: 4x5
- Rack Scrape Shrugs: 257x 4x10

Biceps (every 2:30):
- Barbell Curls: 80x 4x12

Monday 4.11.22

Strength Training:

Deadlifts and Calves (every 2:30):
- Deadlifts: 97x10, 147x9, 197x8, 247x7, 297x 4x6
- Standing Calf Raises: 60x 1x12, 7x11

Push Superset with Band Pull Aparts (every 2:30):
- Dips: 6x6, 2x5
- Push Ups: 6x12, 2x10
- Band Pull Aparts: 4x13, 4x12

Triceps and Shoulders (every 2:30):
- Overhead Triceps Extensions: 45x16, 55x15, 65x14, 75x13, 80x 4x12
- Seated Lateral Raises: 30's x 3x13, 25's x 1x13, 4x12


Sunday 4.10.22

Active Rest Day:

Weighted Walk:
- 2 mile weighted walk with 25 lbs vest and the dog

Upper Body Mobility:
- EZ Bar Pullovers: 25x 5x10
- 5x10 Band Pull Aparts between sets

Upper Body Stretching:
- Chest, Biceps, Shoulders, and Lats
- 5x10 Band Pull Aparts between stretches
- Theragun during single arm stretches

Saturday 4.09.22

Strength Training:

Shoulders (every 3:00):
- Landmine Presses: 0x13, 10x12, 20x11, 30x10, 35x9, 40x 5x8
- Landmine High Pulls: 0x13, 10x12, 20x11, 30x10, 35x9, 40x 5x8

Arms Superset #1 (every 3:00):
- Incline DB Curls: 35’s x 5x10
- Bodyweight Skull Crushers (7 holes below bench press height): 5x10

Arms Superset #2 (every 3:00):
- EZ Bar Reverse Curls: 57x 5x12
- Single Arm Reverse Cable Pushdowns: Orange CS Cords x 5x12


Friday 4.08.22

Active Rest Day:

Weighted Walk:
- 35:00 weighted walk with 25 lbs vest and the dog

Upper Body Mobility:
- EZ Bar Pullovers: 24x 5x10
- 5x10 Band Pull Aparts between sets

Upper Body Stretching:
- Chest, Biceps, Shoulders, and Lats
- 5x10 Band Pull Aparts between stretches
- Theragun during single arm stretches


Thursday 4.07.22

Strength Training:

Squat and Calves (every 2:30):
- Safety Bar Squats: 81x10, 111x9, 141x8, 171x7, 201x 4x6
- Standing Calf Raises: 60x 8x11

Back Superset #1 (every 2:30):
- Chest Supported DB Rows: 35's x 12, 45's x 11, 55's x 10, 65's x 9, 70's x 2x8, 65's x 2x8
- Cable Face Pulls: 24x 2x13, 22.5x 2x13, 4x12

Back Superset #2 (every 2:30):
- Parallel Grip Chin-Ups: 3x2, 1x1
- Scap Pull Ups: 4x5
- Rack Scrape Shrugs: 256x 4x10

Biceps (every 2:30):
- Barbell Curls: 80x 1x12, 79x 3x12


Wednesday 4.06.22

Active Rest Day:

Conditioning (30:00):
- 30:00 weighted walk with 25 lbs vest

Lower Body Mobility:
- Hip Flexors, Quads, Groin, Hamstrings, and Squat
- 5x20 Band Pull AParts between stretches

Upper Body Mobility:
- Chest, Biceps, Shoulders, and Lats
- 5x20 Reverse Band Pull Aparts between stretches

- EZ Bar Pullovers: 23x 5x10
- 5x20 No Money's between sets


Tuesday 4.05.22

Strength Training:

Deadlifts and Calves (every 2:30):
- Deadlifts: 96x10, 146x9, 196x8, 246x7, 296x 4x6
- Standing Calf Raises: 60x 8x11

Push Superset with Band Pull Aparts (every 2:30):
- Dips: 6x6, 2x5
- Push Ups: 6x12, 2x10
- Band Pull Aparts: 4x13, 4x12

Triceps and Shoulders (every 2:30):
- Overhead Triceps Extensions: 45x16, 55x15, 65x14, 75x13, 80x 4x12
- Seated Lateral Raises: 30's x 3x13, 25's x 1x13, 4x12


Monday 4.04.22

Strength Training:

Squat and Calves (every 2:30):
- Safety Bar Squats: 80x10, 110x9, 140x8, 170x7, 200x 4x6
- Standing Calf Raises: 60x 8x11

Back Superset #1 (every 2:30):
- Chest Supported DB Rows: 35's x 12, 45's x 11, 55's x 10, 65's x 9, 70's x 2x8, 65's x 2x8
- Cable Face Pulls: 24x 2x13, 22.5x 2x13, 4x12

Back Superset #2 (every 2:30):
- Parallel Grip Chin-Ups: 3x2, 1x1
- Scap Pull Ups: 4x5
- Rack Scrape Shrugs: 255x 4x10

Biceps (every 2:30):
- Barbell Curls: 79x 4x12


Sunday 4.03.22

  Active Rest:

- 40 minute weighted walk with 25 lbs vest and the dog.


Saturday 4.02.22

Strength Training:

Shoulders (every 3:00):
- Landmine Presses: 0x13, 10x12, 20x11, 29x10, 34x9, 39x 5x8
- Landmine High Pulls: 0x13, 10x12, 20x11, 29x10, 34x9, 39x 5x8

Arms Superset #1 (every 3:00):
- Incline DB Curls: 35’s x 5x10
- Bodyweight Skull Crushers (6 holes below bench press height): 5x10

Arms Superset #2 (every 3:00):
- EZ Bar Reverse Curls: 56x 5x12
- Single Arm Reverse Cable Pushdowns: Orange CS Cords x 5x12


Friday 4.01.22

 Active Rest:

- 40 minute weighted walk with 25 lbs vest and the dog.