
The Top Ten Resolutions List

According to this article, the following are the top ten resolutions for the New Year....

  1. 1. Stop Smoking
  2. 2. Get into a Habit of being Fit
  3. 3. Lose Weight
  4. 4. Enjoy Life More.
  5. 5. Quit Drinking
  6. 6. Organize Yourself
  7. 7. Learn Something New
  8. 8. Get out of Debt
  9. 9. Spend More Time With Family
  10. 10. Help People.
How many of these are on your list?  Do you even have a list?  I personally think New Years Resolutions are a waste of time, since almost no one follows through with them.  Without a significant reason to change rather than just a new year, people don't have the necessary motivation to make drastic changes in their lives.

Maybe instead of trying to make big changes, we should try to make small ones.  For example, rather than say "lose weight", how about a goal to cut out soda.  That alone will cut hundreds of calories and sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup out of our diets resulting in some weight loss.  And it's a lot easier and more specific than simply to "lose weight".

Think about the resolutions you made last year and why you didn't keep them.  Then decide what you REALLY want to do in 2012 and why you want to do it, and not just because the calendar changes.


Fight Night

This should be fun to watch.  I believe that tactical operators should train like fighters since you could easily be fighting for your life on any given day on the job.  Tonight we'll see how these guys' fitness pays off for them.

What I did today...

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic SHoulder Warm Up with Bands
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Clean Complex (Power Clean, Hang Clean Clean):
- 45x3
- 95x2
- 135x1
- 185x1 clean
- 225x1 clean
- 265x1 clean
Power Clean (75%, 85%, and 95% of 260):
- 195x1
- 221x1
- 247x1,1,1
Weighted Pull Ups:
- 15x1
- 25x1
- 35x3

I was going to do some conditioning (hill sprints) but with the way I performed yesterday due to this chest cold I figured it best not to.  I'll take tomorrow and Sunday completely off to rest and recover and hopefully be fully healthy on Monday.


Tip for 2012: Take care of you!

The following article was printed on PoliceOne.com.
Submitted by:
Rich Von Voigt
Riverhead, New York

Wow! This has been one heck of a year — the officer down page is once again above 100. I’m not going to tell you in this article about watching your six, checking your weapon for good operation, or keeping your tactical self in order, or even about wearing your vest.
Nope, not at all.
What I'm going to ask you is, since you left the police academy 1-4 years or 4-8 years ago, have you been taking care of you? Are you getting annual physicals, are you checking you heart, are you smoking a pack a day, drinking more than two drinks a day?

You older guys, how about that colonoscopy (ouch!)?  It actually doesn’t hurt at all, and you might even have your eyes checked at the same time! LOL...

All kidding aside here, you don’t get healthier doing this job. As you get older — you just gain more street experience — the healthy part is up to you. Get to the doctor, you have insurance. The biggest fear is not knowing what is lurking under that uniform, not the guy who is trying to take your head off. Collectively we can deal with the bad guys, but only you can take care of you. So what are you waiting for get to your doctor ASAP, get that machine you call a body on track. Ladies, this goes for you too.

Merry and Healthy Christmas and Happier New Year too. Happy Holidays to all.

Here what I did today...

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
Front Squats (75%, 85%, and 95% of 330):
- 248x1
- 281x1
- 315x2
Standing Shoulder Press (75%, 85%, and 95% of 215):
- 163x1
- 182x1
- 205x3

"Fran"- 21-15-9 reps of:
- 95 lbs Barbell Thrusters
- Pull Ups
Time:  7:59

This is officially my worst Fran time ever, and about 4:30 slower than my PR time.  I felt okay during the thrusters and even hit the first 21 straight, but this chest cold made breathing through my nose impossible, and I felt like I was wearing a gas mask during the whole workout.  I couldn't breathe at all!  Oh well, at least I know next time I do this will be better no matter what!



Rest Day.  Took the dog on about a 3 mile walk, and I could barely breathe the whole time!  Colds suck.



An awesome post-Christmas cold is currently kicking my butt, but I still managed to get some work in.  What I did today...

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Snatch Complex (Power Snatch, Hang Snatch, Snatch):
- 45x3
- 95x2
- 135x1
- 165x1 snatch
- 185x1 snatch
- 205x0- I pulled it too early causing the barbell to move forward on me.
Deadlift (75%, 85%, and 95% of 515):
Warm Up Sets:  225x4, 315x2
Work Sets:
- 387x1
- 438x1
- 490x3 (PR!)
Weighted Chin Ups (30 total reps):
- 20x1
- 30x1
- 40x3
- Body Weight x6, 6, 5, 5, 3

I skipped it today due to this cold.


Back at it after a weekend of gluttony....

A new study shows a link between exercise and sleep quality, as well as awake time quality as a result of getting adequate rest.  Pretty cool benefit of exercise I'd say.
Read the article here.

What I did today.....
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Back Squats (75%, 85%, and 95% of 385):
Warm Ups:  95x6, 185x4, 275x2
Work Sets:
- 289x1
- 328x1
- 366x3
Bench Press (75%, 85%, and 95% of 345):
Warm Ups:  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
Work Sets:
- 259x1
- 294x1
- 328x2
Weighted Dips:
- 30 Reps @ 50 lbs: 8,6,6,6,4
GHD Sit Ups:
- 30 Reps with 25 lbs:  8,6,6,6,4

- I skipped conditioning today to do some extra strength work, mostly due to the nasty cold I came down with over the weekend.  Also, poor nutritional choices over the weekend did not have me feeling like doing anything really fast.


Merry Christmas

I'll be enjoying the day with family and taking a rest day from the gym.  Back at it tomorrow!


How to Minimize the Christmas Dietary Damage

If you're situation is anything like mine, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will bring with it several dietary challenges for those looking to maintain a healthy nutrition plan.  My advise:  don't worry about it.  It's one weekend so enjoy it.  Forget "paleo", forget "Zone" and just enjoy yourself.

That doesn't mean that I recommend an all out binge, either.  Believe me, I've done it and it isn't worth the feeling of sickness, the guilt afterward, and weeks of hard work to recover.  But I do think you can get through the holiday weekend relaxed and able to enjoy a little of everything by follow a few rules Martin Berkhan of Leangains.com suggests.  They are:

  1. Don't Stress Over it:  Some people forget to enjoy themselves and stress hormones aren't good for your health or your waistline.
  2. Create a Calorie Buffer:  The day leading up to Christmas dinner, eat mostly protein and in small amounts, so the calories you consume at the feast don't put you so far over your optimal daily caloric range.
  3. Protein Priority:  Protein is the most satiating of all the macronutrients while also being the least calorie dense.  So when the big meal starts, eat your protein first and don't skimp on it.  Eat your veggies next, and then look at starches like potatoes, breads, etc.  Then then sweets will be filler at the end.  Fill up with good stuff so you don't hit the dessert table on an empty stomach.
  4. Limit Choices, Not Amounts:  It is proven that given fewer choices people stop eating sooner.  If the only dessert choice was fudge, for example, you would eat a few pieces and be done.  If, on top of the fudge, there were several other kinds of cookies and candies, would be more likely to sample everything and even go back for seconds due to the different tastes and textures.  Let yourself have as much as you want of a few things you've been craving, and call it good.
You can read the entire article here.  Martin knows his stuff and his ideas on Intermittent Fasting are revolutionary.

What I did today....

It was a rest day from the gym but I took the dog on a good 3 mile walk.  Hopefully I'll have time to do it again tomorrow in between all the festivities.



Hope everyone is training hard and being good with their diet so they can enjoy the next couple of days of eating poorly and not working out!  Here's what I did today....

Warm Up: 
- 200m Jog 
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands 
- Samson Stretch 

Strength Work: 
Clean Complex (Power Clean, Hang Clean, Clean): 
- 45x3 
- 95x2 
- 135x1 
- 185x1 clean 
- 225x1 clean 
- 260x1 clean 
Power Cleans (70%, 80%, and 90% of 260): 
- 182x3 
- 204x3 
- 234x3 
Weighted Pull Ups: 
- 10x3 
- 20x3 
- 30x5 

1:00, :45, :30, and :15 rounds each of the following: 
- Pull Ups 
- Sit Ups 
- Push Ups 
- Squats 
Score: 328 reps. 

This is 6 reps fewer than last week, which I think is due to added range of motion on my push ups.


Sleep Disorder?

Study: 40% of police have a sleep disorder

 What I did today..... 


Warm Ups:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands
- Reverse Hypers
- GHD Sit Ups
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
Front Squats (70%, 80%, and 90% of 330):
- 231x3
- 264x3
- 297x4
Standing Shoulder Press (70%, 80%, and 90% of 215):
- 151x3
- 172x3
- 194x5
1-Arm Kettlebell Press:
- 30 reps with the 62 lbs bell in sets of: 7, 6, 6, 6, and 5.

8 Rounds of :
- 0:20 Double Unders
- 0:10 Rest
- 0:20 Ring Push Ups
- 0:10 Rest
Score: 21

The score is the lowest number of double unders completed in any 0:20 round (15) added to the lowest number of ring push ups completed in any 0:20 round (6). All of my double unders rounds were between 23 and 36 but I messed up twice during one round causing me to get a 15. My ring push ups were with feet elevated, chest going below my hands at the bottom, and a full turn out of the hands at the top.


Rest Day

If you have one of these, then your active rest or NEPA should be built in!
Today was a rest day from the gym, but I did walk the dog for about three miles.  He will now be asleep for the rest of the day.


On the topic of NEPA

Clink Here to see a nice list of winter NEPA options to help keep the waistline under control during the holidays.

What I did today....

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Samson Stretch (hip flexors)
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands

Snatch Complex (Power Snatch, Hang Snatch, Snatch):
- 45x3
- 95x2
- 135x1
- 160x1 snatch
- 185x1 snatch
- 205x1 miss. I pulled it forward and lost it.

Deadlift (70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x max reps):
- 225x3
- 315x3
- 361x3
- 412x3
- 464x4- I wanted 5 here but felt real light headed after the 4th.

Weighted Chin Ups:
- +15x3
- +25x3
- +35x5

On the minute for 10:00:
- 3 KB Power Snatches each arm @ 70 lbs
- 24" Box Jumps for the rest of the minute

I only ended up doing 8:00 because I hit myself in the nuts with the KB on the way up in round 4 or 5. I tried to keep going but my stomach hurt and my head was no longer in it!I have no idea how many box jumps I did, but I'm guessing around 40 or so before I went down.


Monday 12.19.11

Here's what I did today...

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Samson Stretch
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands

High Bar Back Squat (70%, 80%, and 90% of 385):
Warm Ups:  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
Work Sets:
- 270x3
- 308x3
- 347x4

Bench Press (70%, 80%, and 90% of 345):
Warm Ups:  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
Work Sets:
- 242x3
- 276x3
- 311x3 (I wanted to get 5 but without a spotter I was a little concerned)

Ring Push Ups:
- 30 reps @ Body Weight in sets of 13, 10, and 7.

For Time:
- GHD Sit Ups x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- GHD Back Extensions x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- Double Unders x 30, 27, 24, 21, 28, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
Time:  13:05.

For the conditioning circuit I did the first round of each movement, then the second, then the third, etc.  I wasn't feeling very strong or motivated today but I got through it.  Definitely not my best day in the gym, but at least I got some work in.


Non Exercise Physical Activity (NEPA)

I've been to this 24 Hour Fitness in San Diego and it's pretty funny.  Don't wanna tire out those hammies before I do a bunch of half squats with too much weight and improper technique.
This is an article I wrote a while back for The Compound's site....

To some degree, every one of us works out to better the way we look. For some that means adding muscle mass, but for the vast majority that means fat loss. While the most important thing we can do to aid fat loss is to gain control of our diet, there are other things that can help as well.

Many people who want to lose weight will try to do it by working out more, up to seven days a week. The thought being, you burn more calories and you lose more fat. The problem with that theory is that many people instinctively overeat on such a regimen in order to recover properly. More exercise, especially the intense training we do at The Compound, will also cause your body to produce an excess amount of cortisol. Chronically elevated cortisol levels contribute to the accumulation of abdominal fat and make it very difficult to get rid of it. The immune system is suppressed and the individual becomes more susceptible to infections, both minor and major. So more training is counter productive to efforts to lose body fat.

A better method to burn more calories without causing stress to the body (thereby increasing cortisol production) and without hindering muscle recovery from regular workouts, is called NEPA: Non-Exercise Physical Activity. This includes walking 30 minutes a day, taking the stairs, walking to the store, riding a bike to work, playing with your kids, etc. Many of us bust our butts in the gym, only to be sedentary for the other 23 hours of each day.
NEPA will not create a "highly fit" person. Instead, avoiding everyday opportunities for physical activity will virtually ensure that you do NOT reach the ranks of the highly fit. Remember, even if you're spending 10 hours a week working out at the gym (which almost nobody does), that still gives you 158 hours of "slack" time. Many people have found that maximizing their NEPA during that time makes the difference between meeting their goals and failing.

For more information on NEPA, read this article. Also read this one called The Seven Habits of Highly Fit People. 

What I did today....

About 40 minutes of NEPA walking the dog for 2.5 miles.


Product Review- Liquid Grip

Today I tried out Liquid Grip, which is a cleaner version of chalk to avoid hands slipping on the bar.  I don't use gloves for anything, and chalk is not always available depending on where you work out.  Some places don't even allow chalk because of the mess.  I found Liquid Grip on the Rogue Fitness site and decided I would try it out.

I put a dime sized amount on my hand and rubbed them together.  It dried quickly and I could tell there was a chalk-like film on my hands, but nothing transferred to the bar or my clothes.  I did a strength workout consisting of power cleans and pull ups and my hands were dry and grip was good the whole time, as opposed to using chalk where I might re-apply every few sets.

I did re-apply for my conditioning circuit, though, because I knew sweat would be more of a factor during that portion of the workout.  Over the course of a 10:00 circuit my grip never failed and my hands stayed dry.  I highly recommend this product, and unlike chalk, I think it will help keep my hands from tearing during high-rep pull ups workouts.

You can purchase Liquid Grip in various sizes ranging from $7.99 to $23.99 directly from the Liquid Grip website, or like me, you can support Rogue Fitness and buy through them.

What I did today....

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands (pull aparts and dislocates)
- Samson Stretch (hip flexors)
- Reverse Hypers (glute activation)
- GHD Sit Ups

Clean Complex (power clean, hang clean, clean):
- 45x3
- 95x2
- 135x1
- 185x1 clean
- 225x1 clean
- 255x 1 clean

Power Cleans (@65%, 75%, and 85%):
- 169x5
- 195x5
- 221x5

Weighted Pull Ups:
- 5x5
- 10x5
- 25x6


1:00, :45, :30, and :15 rounds each of the following:
- Pull Ups
- Sit Ups
- Push Ups
- Squats
Score:  334 reps.

For the conditioner, there is no rest between rounds, so the clock runs continuously for 10:00.  This is the circuit I have my SWAT team do every year for our annual PT test, with 250 reps being the minimum qualifying score.


Fitness more important than weight?

This is a picture of me completing the Big Sur half marathon in 1:45:00.  Not blazing fast by any means, but not slow either.  I ran this race at a body weight of 245.  I have never been a small guy so the link to the article below about fitness being more important than bodyweight is exactly what I like to hear!

Physical Fitness Trumps Body Weight in Reducing Death Risks

What I did today:

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands
- Samson Stretch (hip flexor)
- Reverse Hypers (glute activation)
- GHD Sit Ups

Strength Training:
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x1+1 front squat.  Wasn't feeling very powerful today to go for 2.

Front Squats:
(Work sets at 65%, 75%, and 85%)
- 215x5
- 248x5
- 281x6

(Work sets at the same percentages as front squats)
- 140x5
- 162x5
- 183x6

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10:00 of:
- 5 Push Presses at 185
- 20 Double Unders
Score:  I did 7 full rounds and 3 push presses into the next round.

I was hoping to do one round per minute but fell off that pace after the third round!


Well Rounded Fitness

Are you physically ready to fight if the fight happens today?

This is a good article (or rather part 1 of an article) on the need for a well-rounded and thought out fitness program for law enforcement.  The old run 30 minute run for 3-5 miles isn't the time realm law enforcement has to prepare for (the duration of the average physical struggle is 30 to 120 seconds, with only 25% lasting morethan two minutes).  The focus should be on training anaerobically as well!  Check out the link....


Thursday 12.15.11

Rest Day.


Wednesday 12.14.11

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Samson Stretch
- Romanian Deadlifts
- Hollow Rocks

Snatch Complex (Power Snatch, Hang Snatch, Snatch):
- 65x3
- 115x2
- 155x1
- 180x1 snatch
- 200x1 snatch
Warm Ups:  135x6, 225x4, 315x2
Work Sets:
- 335x5
- 387x5
- 438x6
Weighted Chin Ups:
- 10x5
- 20x5
- 30x6

6 Rounds of Tabata SWAT Op Gone Bad:
- Pull Ups
- Sit Ups
- Push Ups
- Squats
Score: 269 reps.


Tuesday 12.13.11

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with bands
- Samson Stretch
- Reverse Hypers

High Bar Back Squats (Training Max: 385)
Warm Ups: 95x6, 185x4, 275x2
Work Sets:
- 251x5
- 289x5
- 328x7

Bench Press (Training Max: 340):
Warm Ups: 95x6, 185x4, 275x2
Work Sets:
- 225x5
- 259x5
-294x6 (I wanted 7 but without a spotter I didn't want to risk it)

Ring Dips:
- 30 reps in sets of: 6,5,5,5,5,4

No metcon today due to time constraints.


Monday 12.12.11

Forced Rest Day due to work.  Back at it tomorrow, work permitting.


Saturday 12.10.11

Strongman Saturday!

This is Jenna and Holly making me look bad in a strongman WOD today.  Thanks for whooping my butt, girls!
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands
- Samson Stretch

Stone Shoulder and Squat:
- 42x4
- 93x3
- 116x2
- 173x1

5 Rounds for time of:
- 6 Left Shoulder Atlas Stone Squats @116
- 6  Right Shoulder Atlas Stone Squats @116
- 12 GHD Sit Ups
Time:  11:52

This one kicked my butt!  Jenna and Holly both finished several minutes before me, which was cool because neither of them had ever lifted a stone before!  


Friday 12.09.11

Warm Up:
- 400m Run
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands
- Samson Stretch

Clean Complex (Power Clean, Hang Clean, Clean):
- 70x3
- 120x2
- 160x1
- 210x1
- 250x1
Power Cleans (255:  75% x1, 85% x1, 95% x max reps):
- 192x1
- 217x1
- 243x3
Pull Ups:
- Bwt x5
- 25x4
- 50x1
- 75x0
- C2B x 3,3,3,3 (My pull ups sucked today, probably from being tired from doing so many yesterday)

- 6x 200m sprints on the 2:00 mark.  I did these as 100m out and back sprints.


Thursday 12.08.11

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder warm up with bands (mini black, red, and orange)
- Samson Stretch
- Thrusters:  45x6, 135x4, 225x2

Front Squats (320:  75%x1, 85%x1, 95%x max reps):
- 240x1
- 272x1
- 304x3
Press (210:  75%x1, 85%x1, 95%x max reps):
- 158x1
- 179x1
- 200x3
1-Arm KB Press:
- 60x 7,7,7

SWAT Op Gone Bad:
- Score:  328 reps.  Last week was 322 reps so I'm heading in the right direction!



Tuesday 12.06.11

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands
- V-Ups:  3x5
- Reverse Hypers:  3x5

Snatch Complex:
- 65x3
- 115x2
- 155x1
- 175x1 snatch
- 195x1 snatch
Deadlifts (Training Max: 505)
- 379x1
- 430x1
- 480x3 (Did these with a double overhand hook grip.  3RM PR!)
Chin Ups:
- Bwtx5
- 25x4
- 50x2
- 75x1
- C2B x4

5 round Tabata SWAT Circuit:
- Score:  226 reps


Monday 12.05.11

Warm Up:
- 400m Run
- Weighted GHD Sit Ups @25
- Samson Stretch

High Bar Back Squats (Training Max: 375)
Warm Ups: 50x6, 140x4, 230x2
Work Sets:
- 282x1
- 319x1
- 357x3

Bench Press (Training Max: 340):
Warm Ups: 50x6, 140x4, 230x2
Work Sets:
- 255x1
- 289x1
- 323x3

Ring Dips:
- 30 reps in sets of: 5,5,5,5,5,5

- 4x 400m sprints. I set the clock for 4:00 intervals and after my run I had the remainder of the 4:00 as a rest period.



Saturday 12.03.11

Today should have been Strongman Saturday, but due to traveling this week I had to push everything back a day so I needed to get my normal Friday workout in today.

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Shoulder Warm Up with Bands:  Mini Black, Red, and Orange
- Samson Stretch:  3 rounds of :15 each side
- Leg Swings:  3x10 swings each leg


Pull Ups:  
- Bwt x5
- 25x4
- 50x2
- 75x1
- C2B x4,3,3

3 Position Clean Complex (Power Clean, Hang Clean Clean, Clean):
- 65x3
- 115x2
- 155x1

- 205x1
- 245x1

Power Cleans (Training Max: 255):
- 179x3
- 204x3
- 230x3

SWAT Op Gone Bad:
- 322 Reps.

It's amazing the difference when you're rested and when you don't have any chest congestion or breathing difficulties.  I beat my last week's score by 44 reps because of it!  I'm still 58 reps off my PR and 78 reps off my goal but I still have about 6 weeks to keep working on it before I test on it for work.


Friday 12.02.11

Warm Up:
- 400m Run
- Samson Stretch
- GHD Sit Ups:  5x5 @ 25 lbs
- Thrusters:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1

Front Squats:
- 224x3
- 256x3
- 288x5
- 147x3
- 168x3
- 189x5
1-Arm KB Press:
- 53x 10,10,10

100m Sprints:
- 9 sprints with 1:00 rest.  I didn't time the sprints, just the rest periods.

It was SO nice to be lifting at The Compound again. 


Thursday 12.01.11

I planned to get up early and train this morning, however being the DD for the guys I was at training with in San Diego led to a late night, which led to a late wake up, which led to late to class, which led to a second rest day.  That just means I'll be REALLY strong and fast by Friday (or just regular, or even perhaps worse due to too much bad food in San Diego).  Either way...