Front Squat (Goal: 300x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 70x5, 120x4, 160x3, 210x2, 250x1
- Work Sets: 300x1, 270x3, 240x5- My calves are on fire from the two interval workouts I did this week, and they almost cramped up during these sets. Crazy how out of running shape you can get despite training pretty hard all the time.
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +30x4, +45x3, +60x2, +70x1
- Work Sets: +80x2, +60x4, +40x6- I wanted to get 3, 5, and 7 reps so I'll keep the weights here next week.
Core Stability:
- 2x10 GHD Sit Ups
- 2x10 GHD Hip Extensions
None. My calves are so sore I can't walk correctly so I decided to give them a break.
Thursday 2.28.13
Front Squat,
GHD Sit Ups,
Hip Extensions,
Weighted Chin Ups
Wednesday 2.27.13
CrossFit Endurance Running Workout
Long Intervals (Run as far as possible in the given time frame):
- Run 1:00
- Walk 1:00
- Run 3:00
- Walk 2:00
- Run 4:00
- Walk 3:00
- Run 5:00
Score: I covered 2.04 miles total.
My calves are on fire! It's been a while since I've done any real running, and working my mid-foot strike puts a TON of stress on my calves. It sucks, but I'm just going to push through until my muscle endurance and recovery ability catches up to my workload.
Long Intervals (Run as far as possible in the given time frame):
- Run 1:00
- Walk 1:00
- Run 3:00
- Walk 2:00
- Run 4:00
- Walk 3:00
- Run 5:00
Score: I covered 2.04 miles total.
My calves are on fire! It's been a while since I've done any real running, and working my mid-foot strike puts a TON of stress on my calves. It sucks, but I'm just going to push through until my muscle endurance and recovery ability catches up to my workload.
Tuesday 2.26.13
Power Snatch (Goal: 3x3 adding 5 lbs to last week):
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets: 200x 1, 0, 0- I had no explosiveness today. last night's sprints killed my legs and left me sore today.
Bench Press (Goal: 285x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 55x10, 105x8, 145x6, 195x4, 235x2
- Work Sets: 285x3, 257x5, 228x7
None. I ran out of time today.
Power Snatch (Goal: 3x3 adding 5 lbs to last week):
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets: 200x 1, 0, 0- I had no explosiveness today. last night's sprints killed my legs and left me sore today.
Bench Press (Goal: 285x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 55x10, 105x8, 145x6, 195x4, 235x2
- Work Sets: 285x3, 257x5, 228x7
None. I ran out of time today.
Monday 2.25.13
Back in the gym after a week off due to sickness. I'm going to reduce all my training weights a little and work back up over the next 2-3 weeks since nutrition was lacking as well as being sick this last week.
11:00 AM
Back Squat (Goal: 375x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 145x5, 195x4, 235x3, 285x2, 325x1
- Work Sets: 375x3, 338x5, 300x7- These sets winded me!
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +30x4, +45x3, +55x2, +65x1
- Work Sets: +60x3, +40x5, +20x7
7 Rounds for time of:
- 7 Push Presses @ 135
- 7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 7 Burpees
Score: I scaled this down to 5 rounds, and it still took me 10:00. The chest to bar pull ups were the limiting factor.
6:00 PM
CFE Running Workout
- 400m Time Trial: 1:20. Absolutely terrible. I paced it too much in the first half.
- 4x 200m Sprints with 1:30-ish rest (estimated). I didn't time the runs, just sprinted all out, and the rest periods were estimated.
My stamina is the worst it's been in a few years due to a variety of reasons, some out of my control but some not. Due to that, I'm going to be doing three CFE running workouts a week in addition to four CrossFit workouts to improve on this fitness quality without sacrificing my strength. Each week will have a short interval run (today), a long interval run (Wednesday), and a longer run (Saturday). Monday will be the only day I have two workouts, then one workout for the rest of the week, and rest on Sunday.
11:00 AM
Back Squat (Goal: 375x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 145x5, 195x4, 235x3, 285x2, 325x1
- Work Sets: 375x3, 338x5, 300x7- These sets winded me!
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +30x4, +45x3, +55x2, +65x1
- Work Sets: +60x3, +40x5, +20x7
7 Rounds for time of:
- 7 Push Presses @ 135
- 7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 7 Burpees
Score: I scaled this down to 5 rounds, and it still took me 10:00. The chest to bar pull ups were the limiting factor.
6:00 PM
CFE Running Workout
- 400m Time Trial: 1:20. Absolutely terrible. I paced it too much in the first half.
- 4x 200m Sprints with 1:30-ish rest (estimated). I didn't time the runs, just sprinted all out, and the rest periods were estimated.
My stamina is the worst it's been in a few years due to a variety of reasons, some out of my control but some not. Due to that, I'm going to be doing three CFE running workouts a week in addition to four CrossFit workouts to improve on this fitness quality without sacrificing my strength. Each week will have a short interval run (today), a long interval run (Wednesday), and a longer run (Saturday). Monday will be the only day I have two workouts, then one workout for the rest of the week, and rest on Sunday.
Back Squats,
C2B Pull Ups,
CFE Short Intervals,
Push Presses,
Sprints (200m),
Sprints (400m Time Trial),
Weighted Pull Ups
Monday 2.18.13- Sunday 2.24.13
Taking the whole week off to heal and recover.
Friday 2.15.13
Power Snatch (Goal: 3x3 @ 195):
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets: 195x 3, 3, 3- I could only get these in sets of 1 last time, so this was good.
Bench Press (Goal: 280x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 50x10, 100x8, 140x6, 190x4, 230x2
- Work Sets: 280x3, 252x5, 225x7
For 10:00 complete the following on the minute:
- Odd Minutes: Power Snatch 145x3
- Even Minutes: Max Reps of Burpees
Score: Power Snatch as rx'd, 69 total burpees completed. I could hardly breathe during this workout, and about two hours later when my throat swelled shut due to an infection on my tonsils I realized why.
Power Snatch (Goal: 3x3 @ 195):
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets: 195x 3, 3, 3- I could only get these in sets of 1 last time, so this was good.
Bench Press (Goal: 280x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 50x10, 100x8, 140x6, 190x4, 230x2
- Work Sets: 280x3, 252x5, 225x7
For 10:00 complete the following on the minute:
- Odd Minutes: Power Snatch 145x3
- Even Minutes: Max Reps of Burpees
Score: Power Snatch as rx'd, 69 total burpees completed. I could hardly breathe during this workout, and about two hours later when my throat swelled shut due to an infection on my tonsils I realized why.
Thursday 2.14.13
Back Squats (Goal: 385x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 155x5, 205x4, 245x3, 295x2, 335x1
- Work Sets: 385x3 (PR!), 347x5, 308x7
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +30x4, +45x3, +55x2, +65x1
- Work Sets: +75x3, +55x5, +35x7
AMRAP in 15:00 of:
- 5 Power Cleans @ 135
- 10 Box Jumps @ 24"
- 15 Toes to Bar
Score: 5 full rounds + 5 power cleans, 10 box jumps, and 9 TTB in round 6. This included one nasty trip up and fall from the top of the box flat onto my back. Not my greatest moment.
Back Squats (Goal: 385x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 155x5, 205x4, 245x3, 295x2, 335x1
- Work Sets: 385x3 (PR!), 347x5, 308x7
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +30x4, +45x3, +55x2, +65x1
- Work Sets: +75x3, +55x5, +35x7
AMRAP in 15:00 of:
- 5 Power Cleans @ 135
- 10 Box Jumps @ 24"
- 15 Toes to Bar
Score: 5 full rounds + 5 power cleans, 10 box jumps, and 9 TTB in round 6. This included one nasty trip up and fall from the top of the box flat onto my back. Not my greatest moment.
Back Squats,
Box Jumps,
Power Cleans,
Toes to Bar,
Weighted Chin Ups
Tuesday 2.12.13
Deadlifts (Goal: 535x1, 90% x3, 80% x5):
- Warm Ups: 175x5, 265x4, 355x3, 445x2
- Work Sets: 535x0, 482x1, 428x3- No deadlift strength today. WEAK!
Ring Dips:
- 7 sets of 5 reps with full turn out. I did one set of 5 in between each deadlift set. My left shoulder has been bothering me with weighted bar dips so I'm going to unweighted rings dips for a little bit.
5 Rounds for Time of:
- 10 Burpee Box Overs with a 24" Box
- 10 Russian KB Swings @ 88 lbs
- 20 Double Unders
Time: 9:49. Burpees suck.
Deadlifts (Goal: 535x1, 90% x3, 80% x5):
- Warm Ups: 175x5, 265x4, 355x3, 445x2
- Work Sets: 535x0, 482x1, 428x3- No deadlift strength today. WEAK!
Ring Dips:
- 7 sets of 5 reps with full turn out. I did one set of 5 in between each deadlift set. My left shoulder has been bothering me with weighted bar dips so I'm going to unweighted rings dips for a little bit.
5 Rounds for Time of:
- 10 Burpee Box Overs with a 24" Box
- 10 Russian KB Swings @ 88 lbs
- 20 Double Unders
Time: 9:49. Burpees suck.
Burpee Box Overs,
Double Unders,
KB Swings,
Ring Dips
Monday 2.11.13
Overhead Squats (Goal: 250x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets: 250x3- PR!, 225x5, 200x7
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +30x4, +40x3, +50x2, +60x1
- Work Sets: +70x3- PR!, +50x5, +30x7
21-15-9 Reps for Time of:
- Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95 lbs
- Wall Ball
Time: 3:24. All sets unbroken.
Overhead Squats (Goal: 250x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets: 250x3- PR!, 225x5, 200x7
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +30x4, +40x3, +50x2, +60x1
- Work Sets: +70x3- PR!, +50x5, +30x7
21-15-9 Reps for Time of:
- Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95 lbs
- Wall Ball
Time: 3:24. All sets unbroken.
Saturday 2.09.13
Rest Day. My legs are THRASHED from Karen.
Friday 2.08.13
Power Cleans (Goal: 3x3 @ 255):
- Warm Ups: 100x5, 140x4, 190x3, 230x2, 280x1
- Work Sets: 255x 3, 3, 3
Shoulder Press (Goal: 200x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 80x5, 130x4, 170x3, 215x1 and 1 push press, 260x1 push press
- Work Sets: 200x2 (failed the 3rd), 180x5, 160x7
- 150 Wall Balls for time
Time: 7:46
Power Cleans (Goal: 3x3 @ 255):
- Warm Ups: 100x5, 140x4, 190x3, 230x2, 280x1
- Work Sets: 255x 3, 3, 3
Shoulder Press (Goal: 200x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 80x5, 130x4, 170x3, 215x1 and 1 push press, 260x1 push press
- Work Sets: 200x2 (failed the 3rd), 180x5, 160x7
- 150 Wall Balls for time
Time: 7:46
Power Cleans,
Push Presses,
Wall Ball
Thursday 2.07.13
Front Squat (Goal: 320x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 100x5, 140x4, 190x3, 230x2, 280x1
- Work Sets: 320x3 (PR!), 288x2- Stopped after two because I felt a tweak in my back on the left side. I think I let my core tightness lapse in the bottom and just moved a little wrong. I decided to stop there.
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +30x4, +40x3, +50x2, +60x1
- Work Sets: +70x3 (PR!)- That's all I ended up having time for today.
Hopefully by stopping right when I felt a little back pain I will not be out of commission for a few days. At least I hit two 3RM PRs before I had to quit today.
Front Squat (Goal: 320x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 100x5, 140x4, 190x3, 230x2, 280x1
- Work Sets: 320x3 (PR!), 288x2- Stopped after two because I felt a tweak in my back on the left side. I think I let my core tightness lapse in the bottom and just moved a little wrong. I decided to stop there.
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +30x4, +40x3, +50x2, +60x1
- Work Sets: +70x3 (PR!)- That's all I ended up having time for today.
Hopefully by stopping right when I felt a little back pain I will not be out of commission for a few days. At least I hit two 3RM PRs before I had to quit today.
Tuesday 2.05.13
Power Snatch (Goal: 195x 3x3):
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets: 195x 1,1,1- Failed every set on rep #2. My legs were very tired today.
Bench Press (Goal: 275x3, 90% x5, 80% x7+):
- Warm Ups: 45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 185x4, 225x2
- Work Sets: 275x3, 248x5, 220x10
Max Effort 500m Row
Score: 1:23:9
Power Snatch (Goal: 195x 3x3):
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets: 195x 1,1,1- Failed every set on rep #2. My legs were very tired today.
Bench Press (Goal: 275x3, 90% x5, 80% x7+):
- Warm Ups: 45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 185x4, 225x2
- Work Sets: 275x3, 248x5, 220x10
Max Effort 500m Row
Score: 1:23:9
Monday 2.04.13
After puking my guts out all day yesterday I did not expect to be in the gym today, but I actually woke up feeling fine. I didn't eat anything to not upset my stomach, just drank a Monster with some BCAAs and got after it.
Back Squat (Goal: 380x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 150x5, 200x4, 240x3, 290x2, 330x1
- Work Sets: 380x3, 342x5, 304x7- I was VERY surprised to git my numbers today.
Weighted Pull Ups (Goal: 65x5, -20x5, -20x7):
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +25x4, +35x3, +45x2, +55x1
- Work Sets: +65x3, +45x5, +25x7- Again, shocked at my strength today.
CrossFit Open 12.1 Workout:
- AMRAP in 7:00 of burpees jumping with both hands to a target 6 inches above max reach.
Score: 80 reps.
Last year in the Open I got 87 reps, but I didn't squat before hand and I jumped to a shorter target, and I also was not puking my brains out the day before. I take the 80.
Back Squat (Goal: 380x3, 90% x5, 80% x7):
- Warm Ups: 150x5, 200x4, 240x3, 290x2, 330x1
- Work Sets: 380x3, 342x5, 304x7- I was VERY surprised to git my numbers today.
Weighted Pull Ups (Goal: 65x5, -20x5, -20x7):
- Warm Ups: +15x5, +25x4, +35x3, +45x2, +55x1
- Work Sets: +65x3, +45x5, +25x7- Again, shocked at my strength today.
CrossFit Open 12.1 Workout:
- AMRAP in 7:00 of burpees jumping with both hands to a target 6 inches above max reach.
Score: 80 reps.
Last year in the Open I got 87 reps, but I didn't squat before hand and I jumped to a shorter target, and I also was not puking my brains out the day before. I take the 80.
Back Squats,
CrossFit Games 2012,
Weighted Pull Ups
Friday 2.01.13
Power Snatch:
(Goal: Warm up to a heavy single, the 3x3 at the same weight as last week, which I missed)
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets: 190x 3, 3, 3- Could only get sets of 2 at this weight last week.
Bench Press:
(Goal: heavy triple +5 from last workout, 90% x5, 80% x max reps):
- Warm Ups: 45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 185x4, 225x2
- Work Sets: 270x3, 243x5, 216x14
Barbell Row:
Goal: 3x6 at the weight I got 3x5 with last week):
- 225x 6, 6, 6
Power Snatch:
(Goal: Warm up to a heavy single, the 3x3 at the same weight as last week, which I missed)
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets: 190x 3, 3, 3- Could only get sets of 2 at this weight last week.
Bench Press:
(Goal: heavy triple +5 from last workout, 90% x5, 80% x max reps):
- Warm Ups: 45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 185x4, 225x2
- Work Sets: 270x3, 243x5, 216x14
Barbell Row:
Goal: 3x6 at the weight I got 3x5 with last week):
- 225x 6, 6, 6
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