
Sunday 2.28.21

 Warm Up (on the 2:00):

- Front Squats: 46x9, 96x7, 136x5, 186x3, 226x1

- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 1x12, 4x11

Strength Training:
Heavy Squat Movement (on the 2:00)
- Front Squats: 186x 5x5 (slow eccentrics)

Hip Hinge with Core (on the 2:30):
- Banded Barbell Romanian Deadlifts: 186x 4x8

Knee Extensions Movement with Core (on the 2:30):
- Sissy Squats: 1x 4x10
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20

Knee Flexion Movement with Core (on the 2:30):
- Supine Hanging Leg Curl: 1x9, 3x8 (work to 4x10)
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20

Single-Leg Hamstring Focus (on the 2:30):
- 1-Leg Landming Romanian Deadlifts: 25 x 3x15 (each leg, not including bar weight)

Lateral Movement
- Lateral Lunges: 22, 16, 12


Saturday 2.27.21

Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:30):
- Prone Y Raises: 5x12, 8x11, 10x10, 12x9
- Rear Delt Flyes: 5x12, 8x11, 10x10, 12x9
- Prone External Rotations: 5x12, 8x11, 10x10, 12x9
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x12, 95x11, 135x10, 185x9

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press and Banded "No Money's" (on the 2:00):
- Bench Press: 188x 5x8
- No Money's: 5x10

Dips and Band Pull Aparts (on the 2:00):
- Dips x 3x9, 2x8
- Pull Aparts: Red Band x 5x10

Tall Kneeling 1-Arm Landmine Presses and 1-Arm Landmine High Pulls (on the 3:00):
- Press: 27x 2x12, 26x 2x12 (each arm, not including bar weight)
- High Pulls: 27x 2x12, 26x 2x12 (each arm, not including bar weight)

French Presses and DB Lateral Raises (on the 2:30):
- French Presses: 73 x 4x12 (3-second negatives)
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 4x12

Reverse Grip Crossover Cable Pushdowns (50 reps, minimal rest):
- Blue CS Cords x 21, 16, 13

Push Ups Finisher:
- Floor: 13
- 1 Plate: 5
- 2 Plates: 3
(push ups to floor until failure, then to 1 plate to failure, then to 2 plates. No rest between sets)


Friday 2.26.21

Warm Up:

DB Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:00):

- Y Raises: 5x10, 8x10, 10x10

- Rear Delt Flyes: 5x10, 8x10, 10x10

- Prone DB External Rotations: 5x10, 8x10, 10x10

Strength Training:

Fat Man Pull Ups and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Pull Ups: 3x7, 2x6
- VTT: 5x20

Supinated Grip Body Rows and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Rows: 3x9, 2x8
- VTT: 5x20

Upper Back and Rear Delt Superset (on the 2:00):
- Prone DB Face Pulls: 35's x 3 and 30's x 7, 30's x 4x10
- Rear Delt DB Swings: 35's x 3 and 30's x 7, 30's x 4x10

Single Arm Landmine Suitcase Shrugs (on the 2:30):
- 50x12, 55x12, 60x12, 65x12 (each Arm)

Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz (on the 2:30):
- 35 x 4x12 (each arm)

Barbell Spider Curls (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 35x 21, 16, 13


Thursday 2.25.21

  Warm Up:

- Back Squats: 45x11, 95x9, 135x7, 185x5, 225x3, 275x1

- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 5x11

Strength Training:
Heavy Squat Movement:
- Back Squats: 225x 5x5 (slow eccentrics)

Hip Hinge with Core:
- Banded DB Romanian Deadlifts: 80's x 4x8
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20

Knee Extensions Movement with Core:
- Sissy Squats: 0x 4x10
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20

Knee Flexion Movement with Core:
- Supine Hanging Leg Curl: 4x8 (work to 4x10)
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20

Single-Leg Quad Focus:
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 0 x 3x15 (each leg)

Lateral Movement
- Lateral Lunges: 0x 50 (25 each side)


Wednesday 2.24.21

 Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:30):
- Prone Y Raises: 5x 2x10, 10x 1x10
- Rear Delt Flyes" 5x 2x10, 10x 1x10
- Prone External Rotations: 5x 2x10, 10x 1x10
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 45x11, 95x10, 135x9

Strength Training:
Reverse Grip Bench Press and Banded "No Money's" (on the 2:00):
- Bench Press: 158x 5x8
- No Money's: 5x10

Dips and Band Pull Aparts (on the 2:00):
- Dips x 3x9, 2x8
- Pull Aparts: Red Band x 5x10

Tall Kneeling 1-Arm Landmine Presses and Ring Face Pulls (on the 2:30):
- Press: 27x 2x12, 26x 3x12 (each arm, not including bar weight)
- Face Pulls: 5x10

DB Skull Crushers and DB Lateral Raises (on the 2:30):
- Skull Crushers: 35's x 5x12
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 5x12

Crossover Cable Pushdowns (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 7.5 x 21, 16, 13

Serratus Push-Ups (1 set to technical failure):
- 13


Tuesday 2.23.21

 Warm Up:

DB Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:00):

- Y Raises: 5x 2x10, 10x 1x10

- Rear Delt Flyes: 5x 2x10, 10x 1x10

- Prone DB External Rotations: 5x 2x10, 10x 1x10

Strength Training:

Fat Man Chin Ups and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Chin Ups: 3x7, 2x6
- VTT: 5x20

Body Rows and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Rows: 3x9, 2x8
- VTT: 5x20

Upper Back and Rear Delt Superset (on the 2:00):
- Prone DB Face Pulls: 35's x 3 amd 30's x7, 30's x 4x10
- Rear Delt DB Swings: 35's x 3 amd 30's x7, 30's x 4x10

Single Arm Barbell Suitcase Shrugs (on the 2:30):
- 103x 4x12 (each Arm)

Lean_away DB Curls with Fat Gripz (on the 2:30):
- 35 x 4x12 (each arm)

Reverse Spider Curls (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 30x 21, 16, 13 (stay at this weight)


Monday 2.22.21

 Warm Up:

- Front Squats: 45x9, 95x7, 135x5, 185x3, 225x1

- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 5x11

Strength Training:
Heavy Squat Movement:
- Front Squats: 185x 5x5 

Hip Hinge with Core:
- Skipped

Knee Extensions Movement with Core:
- Sissy Squats: 0x 4x10
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20

Knee Flexion Movement with Core:
- Supine Hanging Leg Curl: 4x8 (work to 4x10)
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20

Single-Leg Hamstring Focus:
- 1-Leg Landming Romanian Deadlifts: 25 x 3x15 (each leg, not including bar weight)

Lateral Movement
- Lateral Lunges: 0x 50 (25 each side)

Sunday 2.21.21

 Rest day.


Saturday 2.20.21

Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:30):
- Prone Y Raises: 4x 5x10
- Rear Delt Flyes: 4x 5x10
- Prone External Rotations: 4x 5x10
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x12, 95x11, 135x10, 185x9

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press and Banded "No Money's" (on the 2:00):
- Bench Press: 187x 5x8
- No Money's: 5x10

Dips and Band Pull Aparts (on the 2:00):
- Dips x 3x9, 2x8
- Pull Aparts: Red Band x 5x10

Tall Kneeling 1-Arm Landmine Presses and Band Face Pulls (on the 2:30):
- Press: 27x 1x12, 26x 4x12 (each arm, not including bar weight)
- Face Pulls: Green x 5x10

French Presses and DB Lateral Raises (on the 2:30):
- French Presses: 72 x 5x12 (3-second negatives)
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 5x12

Reverse Grip Crossover Cable Pushdowns (50 reps, minimal rest):
- Blue CS Cords x 21, 16, 13

Serratus Push Ups (1 set to technical failure):
- 12


Friday 2.19.21

 Warm Up:

DB Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:00):

- Y Raises: 5x 3x10

- Rear Delt Flyes: 5x 3x10

- Prone DB External Rotations: 5x 3x10

Strength Training:

Fat Man Pull Ups and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Pull Ups: 2x7, 3x6
- VTT: 5x20

Supinated Grip Body Rows and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Rows: 2x9, 3x8
- VTT: 5x20

Upper Back and Rear Delt Superset (on the 2:00):
- Prone DB Face Pulls: 35's x 2 and 30's x8, 30's x 4x10
- Rear Delt DB Swings: 35's x 2 and 30's x8, 30's x 4x10

Single Arm Barbell Suitcase Shrugs (on the 2:30):
- 102x 4x12 (each Arm)

Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz (on the 2:30):
- 35 x 4x12 (each arm)

Barbell Spider Curls (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 35x 21, 16, 13


Thursday 2.18.21

  Warm Up:

Leg Tri-Set Warm Ups:

- Landmine Reverse Lunges: 5x13, 15x12, 25x11, 35x10, 45x9 (each leg, not including bar weight)

- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 80's x 2x10, 75's x 3x10
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 4x11, 1x10

Strength Training:
Leg Superset #1:
- Landmine Reverse Lunges: 55x 2x8, 50x 1x8 (each leg, not including bar weight)
- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 3x8

Leg Superset #2:
- Back Squats: 45x12, 95x11, 135x10, 185x9, 200x 3x8
- Landmine Single Leg RDL's: 46x 7x10 (each leg, not including bar weight)


Wednesday 2.17.21

Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:30):
- Prone Y Raises: 5x 3x10
- Rear Delt Flyes" 5x 3x10
- Prone External Rotations: 5x 3x10
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 45x11, 95x10, 135x9

Strength Training:
Reverse Grip Bench Press and Banded "No Money's" (on the 2:00):
- Bench Press: 157x 5x8
- No Money's: 5x10

Dips and Band Pull Aparts (on the 2:00):
- Dips x 3x9, 2x8
- Pull Aparts: Red Band x 5x10

Tall Kneeling 1-Arm Landmine Presses and Ring Face Pulls (on the 2:30):
- Press: 27x 1x12, 26x 4x12 (each arm, not including bar weight)
- Face Pulls: 5x10

DB Skull Crushers and DB Lateral Raises (on the 2:30):
- Skull Crushers: 35's x 5x12
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 5x12

Crossover Cable Pushdowns (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 7.5 x 20, 16, 14

Serratus Push Ups (1 set to technical failure):
- 12


Tuesday 2.16.21

Warm Up:

DB Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:00):

- Y Raises: 5x 3x10

- Rear Delt Flyes: 5x 3x10

- Prone DB External Rotations: 5x 3x10

Strength Training:

Fat Man Chin Ups and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Chin Ups: 2x7, 3x6
- VTT: 5x20

Body Rows and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Rows: 2x9, 3x8
- VTT: 5x20

Upper Back and Rear Delt Superset (on the 2:00):
- Prone DB Face Pulls: 35's x 2 amd 30's x8, 30's x 4x10
- Rear Delt DB Swings: 35's x 2 amd 30's x8, 30's x 4x10

Single Arm Barbell Suitcase Shrugs (on the 2:00):
- 102x 4x12 (each Arm)

Lean_away DB Curls with Fat Gripz (on the 2:30):
- 35 x 4x12 (each arm)

Reverse Spider Curls (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 29x 20, 16, 14


Monday 2.15.21

Warm Up:

Leg Tri-Set Warm Ups:

- Bulgarian Split Squats: 10x13, 20x12, 30x111, 40x10, 50x9 (each leg)

- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 80's x 2x10, 75's x 3x10
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 4x11, 1x10

Strength Training:
Leg Superset #1:
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 55x 2x8, 50x 1x8
- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 3x10

Leg Superset #2:
- Front Squats: 45x11, 95x10, 135x9, 150x 3x8 
- Landmine Single Leg RDL's: 46x 6x10 (each leg, not including bar weight)

Sunday 2.14.21

 Rest day.


Saturday 2.13.21

Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:30):
- Prone Y Raises: 5x 4x10
- Rear Delt Flyes" 5x 4x10
- Prone External Rotations: 5x 4x10
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x12, 95x11, 135x10, 185x9

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press and Banded "No Money's" (on the 2:00):
- Bench Press: 186x 5x8
- No Money's: 5x10

Dips and Band Pull Aparts (on the 2:00):
- Dips x 2x9, 3x8
- Pull Aparts: Red Band x 5x10

1-Arm Landmine Presses and Ring Face Pulls (on the 2:30):
- Press: 26x 5x12 (each arm, not including bar weight)
- Face Pulls: 5x10

French Presses and DB Lateral Raises (on the 2:30):
- French Presses: 76 x 5x12 (with the cambered bar)
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 5x12

Reverse Grip Crossover Cable Pushdowns (50 reps, minimal rest):
- Blue CS Cords x 20, 16, 14

Push Ups (1 set to technical failure):
- 15


Friday 2.12.21

Warm Up:

DB Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:00):

- Y Raises: 5x 3x10

- Rear Delt Flyes: 5x 3x10

- Prone DB External Rotations: 5x 3x10

Strength Training:

Fat Man Pull Ups and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Pull Ups: 1x7, 4x6
- VTT: 5x20

Supinated Grip Body Rows and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Rows: 1x9, 4x8
- VTT: 5x20

Upper Back and Rear Delt Superset (on the 2:00):
- Prone DB Face Pulls: 35's x 1 and 30's x9, 30's x 4x10
- Rear Delt DB Swings: 35's x 1 and 30's x9, 30's x 4x10

Single Arm Barbell Suitcase Shrugs (on the 2:00):
- 101x 4x12 (each Arm)

Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz (on the 2:30):
- 35 x 4x12 (each arm)

Barbell Spider Curls (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 35x 20, 16, 14


Thursday 2.11.21

 Warm Up:

Leg Tri-Set Warm Ups:

- Landmine Reverse Lunges: 5x13, 15x12, 25x11, 35x10, 45x9 (each leg, not including bar weight)

- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 89's x 1x10, 75's x 4x10
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 3x11, 2x10

Strength Training:
Leg Superset #1:
- Landmine Reverse Lunges: 55x 1x8, 50x 2x8 (each leg, not including bar weight)
- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 3x8

Leg Superset #2:
- Back Squats: 45x12, 95x11, 135x10, 185x9, 199x 3x8
- Landmine Single Leg RDL's: 45x 7x10 (each leg, not including bar weight)


Wednesday 2.10.21

  Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit (on the 3:00):
- Prone Y Raises: 5x 3x10
- Rear Delt Flyes" 5x 3x10
- Prone External Rotations: 5x 3x10
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 45x11, 95x10, 135x9

Strength Training:
Reverse Grip Bench Press and Banded "No Money's" (on the 2:00):
- Bench Press: 156x 5x8
- No Money's: 5x10

Dips and Band Pull Aparts (on the 2:00):
- Dips x 2x9, 3x8
- Pull Aparts: Red Band x 5x10

1-Arm Landmine Presses and Ring Face Pulls (on the 2:30):
- Press: 26x 5x12 (each arm, not including bar weight)
- Face Pulls: 5x10

DB Skull Crushers and DB Lateral Raises (on the 2:30):
- Skull Crushers: 35's x 5x12
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 5x12

Crossover Cable Pushdowns (50 reps, minimal rest):
- Blue CS Cords x 20, 16, 14

Push Ups (1 set to technical failure):
- 15


Tuesday 2.09.21

Warm Up:

DB Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:00):

- Y Raises: 5x 3x10

- Rear Delt Flyes: 5x 3x10

- Prone DB External Rotations: 5x 3x10

Strength Training:

Fat Man Chin Ups and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Chin Ups: 1x7, 4x6
- VTT: 5x20

Body Rows and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Rows: 1x9, 4x8
- VTT: 5x20

Upper Back and Rear Delt Superset (on the 2:00):
- Prone DB Face Pulls: 35's x 1 amd 30's x9, 30's x 4x10
- Rear Delt DB Swings: 35's x 1 amd 30's x9, 30's x 4x10

Single Arm Barbell Suitcase Shrugs (on the 2:00):
- 101x 4x12 (each Arm)

Lean_away DB Curls with Fat Gripz (on the 2:30):
- 35 x 4x12 (each arm)

Reverse Spider Curls (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 29x 20, 16, 14


Monday 2.08.21

   Warm Up:

Leg Tri-Set Warm Ups:

- Bulgarian Split Squats: 10x13, 20x12, 30x111, 40x10, 50x9 (each leg)

- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 80's x 1x10, 75's x 4x10
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 3x11, 2x10

Strength Training:
Leg Superset #1:
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 53x 3x8
- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 3x10

Leg Superset #2:
- Front Squats: 45x11, 95x10, 135x9, 149x 3x8 
- Landmine Single Leg RDL's: 45x 6x10 (each leg, not including bar weight)

Sunday 2.07.21

 Rest day.


Saturday 2.06.21

 Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit (on the 3:00):
- Prone Y Raises: 5x 3x10
- Rear Delt Flyes" 5x 3x10
- Prone External Rotations: 5x 3x10
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x11, 95x10, 135x9

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press and Banded "No Money's" (on the 2:00):
- Bench Press: 185x 5x8
- No Money's: 5x10

Dips and Band Pull Aparts (on the 2:00):
- Dips x 1x9, 4x8
- Pull Aparts: Red Band x 5x10

1-Arm Landmine Presses and Ring Face Pulls (on the 2:30):
- Press: 25x 5x12 (each arm, not including bar weight)
- Face Pulls: 5x10

French Presses and DB Lateral Raises (on the 2:30):
- French Press: 75 x 5x12 (with cambered bar)
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 5x12

Reverse Grip Crossover Cable Pushdowns (50 reps, minimal rest):
- Blue CS Cords x 20, 16, 14


Friday 2.05.21

   Warm Up:

DB Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:00):

- Y Raises: 5x 3x10

- Rear Delt Flyes: 5x 3x10

- Prone DB External Rotations: 5x 3x10

Strength Training:

Fat Man Pull Ups and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Pull Ups: 5x6
- VTT: 5x20

Supinated Grip Body Rows and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Rows: 5x8
- VTT: 5x20

Upper Back and Rear Delts Superset (on the 2:00):
- Prone DB Face Pulls: 30's x 5x10
- Rear Delt DB Swings: 30's x 5x10

Traps (on the 2:00):
- Single Arm Barbell Suitcase Shrugs: 100x 4x12 (each arm)

DB Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz (on the 2:30):
- 35 x 4x12 (each arm)

Barbell Spider Curls (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 38x 20, 16, 14


Thursday 2.04.21

Warm Up:

Leg Tri-Set Warm Ups:

- Landmine Reverse Lunges: 0x13, 10x12, 20x11, 30x10, 40x9 (each leg, not including bar weight)

- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 5x10
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 2x11, 3x10

Strength Training:
Leg Superset #1:
- Landmine Reverse Lunges: 50x 3x8 (each leg, not including bar weight)
- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 3x8

Leg Superset #2:
- Back Squats: 45x12, 95x11, 135x10, 185x9, 198x 3x8
- Landmine Single Leg RDL's: 10x 14, 25x13, 40x12, 55x11, 70 x 3x10 (each leg, not including bar        weight)


Wednesday 2.03.21

 Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit (on the 3:00):
- Prone Y Raises: 5x 3x10
- Rear Delt Flyes" 5x 3x10
- Prone External Rotations: 5x 3x10
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 45x11, 95x10, 135x9

Strength Training:
Reverse Grip Bench Press and Banded "No Money's" (on the 2:00):
- Bench Press: 155x 5x8
- No Money's: 5x10

Dips and Band Pull Aparts (on the 2:00):
- Dips x 1x9, 4x8
- Pull Aparts: Red Band x 5x10

1-Arm Landmine Presses and Ring Face Pulls (on the 2:30):
- Press: 25x 5x12 (each arm, not including bar weight)
- Face Pulls: 5x10

DB Skull Crushers and DB Lateral Raises (1:00 rest):
- Skull Crushers: 35's x 5x12
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 5x12

Crossover Cable Pushdowns (50 reps, minimal rest):
- Blue CS Cords x 20, 16, 14


Tuesday 2.02.21

   Warm Up:

DB Shoulder Circuit (on the 2:00):

- Y Raises: 5x 3x10

- Rear Delt Flyes: 5x 3x10

- Prone DB External Rotations: 5x 3x10

Strength Training:

Fat Man Chin Ups and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Chin Ups: 5x6
- VTT: 5x20

Body Rows and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Rows: 5x8
- VTT: 5x20

Upper Back and Rear Delt Superset (on the 2:00):
- Prone DB Face Pulls: 30's x 5x10
- Rear Delt DB Swings: 30's x 5x10

Single Arm Barbell Suitcase Shrugs (on the 2:00):
- 100x 4x12 (each Arm)

Lean_away DB Curls with Fat Gripz (on the 2:30):
- 35 x 4x12 (each arm)

Reverse Spider Curls (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 28x 20, 16, 14


Monday 2.01.21

  Warm Up:

Leg Tri-Set Warm Ups:

- Bulgarian Split Squats: 0x13, 10x12, 20x11, 30x10, 40x9 (each leg)

- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 5x10
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 2x11, 3x10

Strength Training:
Leg Superset #1:
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 50x 3x8
- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 3x10

Leg Superset #2:
- Front Squats: Skipped 
- Landmine Single Leg RDL's: Skipped

- Skipped