Strength Training:
Warm Up (on the 3:00):
- Front Squats: 53x9, 103x7, 143x5, 193x3, 233x1
Strength Training:
Warm Up (on the 3:00):
- Front Squats: 53x9, 103x7, 143x5, 193x3, 233x1
Strength Training:
Warm Up:
Strength Training:
Warm Up (on the 2:30):
- Back Squats: 53x11, 103x9, 143x7, 193x5, 233x3, 283x1
Strength Training:
Warm Up:
Core and Conditioning:
Strength Training:
Warm Up:
Strength Training:
Warm Up (on the 2:30):
- Front Squats: 52x9, 102x7, 142x5, 192x3, 232x1
Strength Training:
Warm Up:
Core and Conditioning:
Strength Training
Warm Ups (on the 2:00):
- Back Squats: 52x11, 102x9, 142x7, 192x5, 232x3, 282x1
Strength Training:
Warm Up:
Core and Conditioning:
Strength Training:
Warm Up:
Strength Training:
Warm Up (on the 2:00):
- Front Squats: 51x9, 101x7, 141x5, 191x3, 231x1
Strength Training:
Warm Up:
Core and Conditioning:
Strength Training
Warm Ups (on the 2:00):
- Back Squats: 50x11, 100x9, 140x7, 190x5, 230x3, 280x1
Strength Training:
Warm Up:
Core and Conditioning:
Strength Training:
Warm Up:
Strength Training:
Warm Up (on the 2:00):
- Front Squats: 50x9, 100x7, 140x5, 190x3, 230x1
Rest day. We travelled home from Mexico.
Hotel Workout:
- Leg and core day with various bodyweight squats, lunges, and vacuum trunk twists.
Hotel Workout:
- Upper body push/pull, shoulders, and arms using various dumbbell movements.
Rest day doing vacation stuff.
Rest day doing vacation stuff.
Hotel Workout:
- Leg and core day with various bodyweight squats, lunges, and vacuum trunk twists.
Hotel Workout:
- Upper body push/pull, shoulders, and arms using various dumbbell movements.
Rest day. We travelled to Mexico for family vacation.
Strength Training:
Warm Up (on the 2:00):
- Front Squats: 50x9, 100x7, 140x5, 190x3, 230x1