
Monday 10.31.11

Warm Ups:
5 Rounds for Quality of:
- Samson Stretch
- 5 Barbell Hip Thrusts @145
- 5 V-Ups

High Bar Back Squats (Training Max:  405)
- Warm Ups:  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
- Work Sets:  240x4, 275x5, 315x7

Bench Press (Training Max:  335)
- Warm Ups:  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
- Work Sets:  220x5, 255x5, 285x9

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
- 5 Thrusters @140
- 15 Abmat Sit Ups
- 25 Double Unders
Score:  5 rounds+5 thrusters and 15 sit ups.

Today was the first day playing with the Wendler 5-3-1 rep scheme.  I hesitate to say I am doing the 5-3-1 program, because I am not actually doing it the way it was written.  But I am following the rep scheme to see what kind of effect the lowered volume of strength work and fewer maximal effort attempts have on my overall strength and recovery ability.  The SWOD took about half the time it normally does, so that's a huge improvement already.  For the metcon, I'm still trying to stay at 10:00 or less to keep my intensity up and recover better, which is good since I had no day off this weekend with the olympic lifting cert I was at.


Sunday 10.30.11

Today was the second day of the USA Weightlifting seminar. We did a lot of lifting but it was all pretty light, technique oriented stuff. Because of the seminar I had no real rest day this weekend, but I'm going to consider it "active rest" since none of it was really maximum effort lifting.

We had to take a written test to pass the seminar and now we have to wait 2 weeks to find out if Craig, Kyle, Matt, and I are USAW Level 1 certified coaches.


Saturday 10.29.11

I attended the first day of the USA Weightlifting coach's course today.  We did a lot of various olympic and supplemental lifts, mostly for lighter weights to work on form.  We did get to lift heavy a little at the end of the day, however.  My best lifts were as follows:

- Snatch:  225 (barely missed 236)
- Clean and Jerk:  256 (didn't go heavier due to time)


Friday 10.28.11

Warm Ups:
5 Rounds between sets of SWOD of:
- Samson Stretch
- 5 Russian KB Swings @ 70
- 8 GHD Sit Ups

Power Cleans:
-55xBurgener,105x4,145x3,195x2, 235x1
Hang Power Cleans:
- 205x3, 215x3, 225x3, 235x3, 245x3, 255x2
Chin Ups:
- Warm Ups: Bwt x4, 25x3, 50x2, 75x1
- Work Sets: 10 Dead Hang C2B (3,3,3,1)

I took it easy today since I'll be at an Olympic lifting seminar all weekend.


Thursday 10.27.11

Warm Ups:
5 Rounds for Quality of:
- Samson Stretch
- 5 Barbell Hip Thrusts @ 140
- 8 Hollow Rocks

Press, Push Press, Jerk Complex:
- 110x3 each, 150x2 each, 200x1 each, 240x1 PP/Jerk, 290x1 Jerk, 330x1 jerk
- 206x3, 190x5, 165x7
Front Squat:
- Warm Ups:  105x5, 155x4, 205x3, 255x2, 305x1
- Work Sets:  340x1, 310x3, 280x5

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
- 5 HSPU's (2 Abmats)
- 10 Pistols (with assistance on the left leg, rx'd on the right leg for most reps)
- 15 C2B Pull Ups
Score:  I only got 2 rounds in since I suck at all of these movements.  I just worked through them for rep quality instead of quantity.


Wednesday 10.26.11

Rest, recover, and eat healthy food (for sure on the first two, no promises on the the third!).


Tuesday 10.25.11

Warm Ups:
5 Rounds for quality of:
- Samson stretch
- 5 Russian KB Swings
- 8 GHD Sit Ups

Power Snatch Warm Ups:
- 55x Burgener Warm Up, 105x3, 145x2, 195x1
Snatch Pulls:
- 235x3, 285x2, 325x1
Power Snatch Work Sets:
- 219x0,0,0, 195x3,2,1
Pull Ups:
- Unweighted x3, 25x2, 50x1, 75x1
- Dead Hang Chest to Bar: 3,3,2,2

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
- 3 Toes to Bar
- 6 Ring Rows
- 9 Ring Push Ups
- 250m Row
Score: 3 full rounds and 70m row into round 4.

I missed my 1rm PR attempt at 219 for power snatch 3 times today!   Oh well, at least I hit a new 3rm at 195(although I think I've done this before but since I can't find it recorded anywhere it didn't happen!)


Monday 10.24.11

Warm Ups:
5 Rounds for Quality of:
- Samson Stretch
- 5 Barbell Hip Thrusts @ 140
- 8 Hollow Rocks

Box Squats:
- Warm Ups: 65x5, 155x4, 245x3, 335x2
- Work Sets: 425x1, 385x3, 345x5
Bench Press:
- Warm Ups: 55x5, 145x4, 235x3, 325x2, 415x 10 second hold, 360x1
- Work Sets: 330x3, 300x5, 270x10

None due to time.  I need to launch into my workout as soon after the 9:30 class as possible so I have time to get stuff done!  My strength work was good today, however, since I tied 1rm and 3rm on the box squat and 3rm on the bench press.  Definitely happy with that!


Sunday 10.23.11

Rest Day!  I'm gonna try and move a s little as possible all day!


Saturday 10.22.11

Strongman Saturday

Max weight yoke walk for 50 feet (must complete the entire 50 feet without dropping the weight)
- Set 1:  Yoke = 175
- Set 2:  Yoke+100 = 275
- Set 3:  Yoke+200 = 375
- Set 4:  Yoke+400 = 575
- Set 5:  Yoke+550 = 725 (PR!  Last time my best was 717.)

15-12-9 reps of:
- 115 pound stone squat clean and press
- Chest to Bar pull ups
Time:  14:23.

Last time on this metcon I got 17:30, so I'm happy with the progress.  The stones were more ground to overhead than squat clean and press, and my hands were fried from toes to bar earlier this week, but I'll take 3 minutes of progress any day!


Friday 10.21.11

I hope this isn't the Rapture day because I'd hate for this to be my final workout.  Not my best effort....

Warm Ups:
5 Rounds for Quality of:
- 7 GHD Sit Ups
- Samson Stretch
- 5 Russian KB Swings @ 70

Rack Pulls/Deadlifts:
- 50x5/1, 140x4/1, 230x3/1, 320x2/1, 410x1/1, 500x1 RP, 590xFail
- 515x1, 465x3, 425x5
Power Snatch Warm Ups:
- 45x3, 95x2, 135x1, 185x1

After warming up for it I realized that I did not have it today after minimal sleep and still recovering from sickness.  I was glad to hit my goal weights in the deadlift, but figured I'd live to fight another day and call it early.  It was definitely a "Gold's Gym" kinda day where I did a set, talked for 5-8 minutes, did another set, talked again.  I blame Holly.  And the limited energy I had, but mostly Holly.  Oh well....


Thursday 10.20.11

Warm Ups:
5 Rounds for Quality of:
- Samson Stretch
- 5 Barbell Hip Thrusts @ 135
- 7 Hollow Rocks

Overhead Squats:
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets: 270x1, 240x3, 210x5
- Warm Ups: Bwt x4, 30x3, 55x2, 80x1
- Work Sets: 105x3, 80x5, 60x7, ring x4,4,2

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
- Max Reps of Toes to Bar
- Matching number of Wall Balls @ 30
- Matching number of box jumps @ 24
Score: 40 reps of each movement

I decided while I focus on strength and at a caloric deficit (I've been under 2500 calories a day all week) that I would keep my metcons to 10:00 or less for a while to keep from burning muscle for fuel.  So I modified the metcon a little to a 10:00 AMRAP and max reps of TTB instead of 10, that way I could try and keep moving for the whole 10:00.  THis plan of attack will NOT increase my fitness "across broad time and modal domains," as CrossFit likes to say.  But rather it will help me retain muscle and increase strength while hopefully shedding some body fat in the process.


Wednesday 10.19.11

Rest Day. I am sore from the last two days! Who programs this crap?


Tuesday 10.18.11

Warm Ups:
5 Rounds between sets of SWOD of:
- Samson Stretch
- 5 Russian KB Swings @ 70
- 7 GHD Sit Ups

Power Cleans:
-Warm Ups: 50x5,100x4,140x3,190x2, 230x1, 280x3 clean pulls, 320x2 clean pulls, 370x 1clean pull
-Work Sets: 260x 2,2,1
Chin Ups:
- Warm Ups: Bwt x3, 25x2, 50x1, 75x1
- Work Sets: Dead Hang C2B x 3,3,3

Tabata Mash Up of:
- Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 75
- Abmat Sit Ups
Score: 228 reps

Power Cleans sucked today for some reason, and for chin ups since my arm is hurt I decided to take my ego out of it and focus on unweighted strict chest to bar reps starting each rep from a dead hang for a while.  My goal for the metcon was to get 14 every round of both sit ups and SDHP's, which would have put me at 224.  So I did just a little better than that, which I was surprised with.  And tabatas suck.  That is all I have to say about that.


Monday 10.17.11

Warm Ups:
5 Rounds for Quality of:
- Samson Stretch :15 each leg
- 5 Barbell Hip Thrusts at 135
- 7 Hollow Rocks

Press, Push Press, Jerk Complex:
- 105x3 each, 145x2 each, 195x1 each, 235x1 PP/Jerk, 285x1 Jerk, 325x1 jerk
- 204x3, 185x5, 160x7
Front Squat:
- Warm Ups:  100x5, 150x4, 200x3, 250x2, 300x1
- Work Sets:  335x1, 305x3, 275x5

5 Rounds for time of:
- 20 Overhead Walking Lunges @ 45
- 10 Lateral Hops over the plate
- 5 Handstand Push Ups
Time:  16:34

Today's metcon was TERRIBLE.  All the overhead pressing I did in my SWOD left NOTHING for the handstand push ups.  I used the bands backpack style, went up in band thickness almost every round, and still was doing them in sets of 2's and 1's.  The lunges and lateral hops were like a break from the handstand push ups.  Still not being able to breathe doesn't help either.  Oh well, tomorrow's another day.  At least I got the work in!



Saturday 10.15.11

I missed B4B this morning due to being sick all week.  I really wanted to do the workout, however, so I figured out how much Dayquil would kill me, backed it off a little, and came in.

Warm Ups:
5 rounds in between sets of the SWOD of:
- Samson Stretch
- 5 Barbell Hip Thrusts
- 6 Hollow Rocks

Axle Clean and Press
250x0, 1

I still wanted to do some strongman work today so I decided to work up to a 1rm axle clean and press.  250 was rough on the grip!  I missed it on the first attempt but hit it the second time around.

- 30 clean and jerks for time @ 135
Time:  2:00.

This was a 22 second PR for me, but I wasn't too happy with it.  My chest congestion made breathing difficult today and I was really after a sub 2:00.  Oh well.  A PR is a PR and I'll do better next time.  Great job to all the B4B participants this morning.  I wish I could've done the workout with you guys!


Friday 10.14.11

Warm Up:
5 Rounds between power snatch warm up sets of:
- 5 Romanian Deadlifts
- 6 GHD Sit Ups
- Samson Stretch

Power Cleans:
- Warm Ups:  50x Burgener w/u, 100x3, 140x2, 190x1, 230x3 snatch pulls, 280x2 snatch pulls, 320x1 snatch pull
- Work Sets:  217x0,0,1 (PR!), 190x3,3,3
Pull Ups:
- Warm Ups:  Bwt x3, 25x2, 50x1
- Work Sets:  I didn't do these today because they were really bothering my left bicep injury.

- Skipped due to chest/head cold that won't go away.


Thursday 10.13.11

Warm Ups:
5 Rounds between sets of:
- 5 Bent Leg GHD Sit Ups
- 6 Hollow Rocks
- Samson Stretch

Box Squats:
- Warm Ups:  55x5, 145x4, 235x3, 325x2,
- Work Sets:  415x1, 375x3, 335x5
Bench Press:
- Warm Ups:  50x5, 140x4, 230x3, 320x2, 410x10 sec hold, 355x1
- Work Sets:  325x3, 295x5, 265x10

4 Rounds NOT for time of:
- 5 CTB Pull Ups
- 10 Ring Push Ups
- 15 Squats

Still working through a nasty chest/head infection so I cut the metcon way short and intensity was way down.  Strength is there, though, so that's good.


Wednesday 10.12.11

Rest Day.  Good thing because I'm sick and I didn't have the common sense to rest Monday or Tuesday.


Tuesday 10.11.11

Warm Up:
5 rounds of:
- 5 Russian KB Swings @ 70
- 6 GHD Sit Ups
- 10 second Samson Stretch each leg

Rack Pull + Deadlifts:
- 45x1+5, 135x+1+4, 225x1+3, 315x1+2, 405x1+1, 495x1 RP, 585x1 RP
- 505x1, 460x3, 420x5
Ring Rows:
- Body Weight x 3.  These are really painful on my left bicep injury so I stopped.  I'll try them again on my next deadlift day and see how they feel.

21-15-9 reps of:
- 1 arm KB Snatches @ 60
- Toes to Bar
Time: 12:08

My goal for deadlifts on the next total is 585.  So in order to get that I'd like to get to 495x3 during this training cycle and and least 565x1.  The last time I did today's metcon I used the 53# KB and it took me 9:30.  Today I used the 60, but I was kind of just going through the motions today.  Don't train sick, I do and I'm sure it's not good for me.


Monday 10.10.11

I came down with a nasty head cold over the weekend that got worse yesterday.  I probably should not have worked out, but a hefty dose of Dayquil and the 9:30 class inspired me.

Warm Up:
5 sets of the following in between warm up sets of overhead squats:
- 5 Bent Leg Reverse Hypers
- 6 Hollow Rocks
- 10 second Samson stretch each leg

Overhead Squat:
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets:  265x1, 235x2, 205x5
Wieghted Dips:
- Warm Ups:  Explosive Body Weight Bar Dips:  5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- Work Sets:  105x2, 80x4, 55x7, 10 ring dips x 3,2,2,1, 1, 1 (slow, full depth, good head position, no kip, full turn out)

5 Rounds for Time:
- 7 Back Squats to Snatch Push Press @ 135 (weight snatched from the floor)
- 21 Double Unders
Time: 7:06

My goal for overhead squats is to get to 300 by the end of Decmeber.  In order to do that I'll need to go up 5 lbs every time I do them, and work some assistance lifts as well.  I really need to work on my ring dips.  I noticed the last few times they were programmed in a metcon that I have a hard time getting a good turn out at the top, and I confirmed that today.  I did weighted dips for strength work, but I'm going to finish with 10 ring dips in as many sets as it takes to get them and see if I can work up to 10 solid strict ring dips with a full turn out.

On the metcon, I subbed a movement that would be a good accessory lift to snatch and overhead squat instead of the thrusters.  Back Squat with a snatch grip right into a snatch grip push press really works the muscles needed to get a overhead squat into place and is similar to a thruster so it fit nicely in today's metcon.  Shoulders are now smoked and I could not get the double unders to work well today.


Sunday 10.09.11

Rest Day. Sleep in, church, football, and food.


Saturday 10.08.11

Strongman Saturday

Warm Up:
- Not much really.  Just girl talk with Craig and Ryan.

Farmers Walks 100 ft with no drops:
- 130 (65 per hand)
- 210 (105 per hand)
- 310 (155 per hand)
- 390 (190 per hand)
- 490 (245 per hand)

1 rep on the first minute, 2 reps on the second, 3 on the third, etc. until I couldn't complete the required reps of:
- 173 lbs stone carry for 10m:  I got 4 reps
- Keg ground to overhead:  13 rounds and 12 reps for 103 total reps
- #4 Tire Flip:  9 rounds and 8 reps for 53 total reps

Score:  160 total reps.

This was a brutal WOD that took us around 40 minutes to complete!  Definitely puts our real world strength to the test.  I'm ready for a rest day now!


Friday 10.07.11

Warm Up:
In between warm up sets of power cleans I did:
- 5 KB Swings (Russian style as glute activation)
- 5 GHD sit ups

Power Cleans:
- Warm Ups:  45x Burgener warm up, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x2, 275x1, 315x3 clean pulls, 365x2 clean pulls, 405x1 clean pull
- Work Sets:  300x0,0, 255x3, 2, 1
Chin Ups on Rings:
- Warm Ups:  Body weight x 4, +25x3, +50x2
- Work Sets:  +75x2, +50x4, +25x6, unweighted strict chest to rings x4

AMRAP in 12:00 of:
- 20 KB Swings @ 60 (I scaled up to 70 lbs)
- 10 box jumps @ 24"
- 20 ft Bear Crawl
Score:  5 rounds + 7 KB Swings

Today was not my day.  My core and legs were feeling pretty thrashed still from yesterday so I didn't have much explosiveness today, which showed when I missed my 300 power clean twice!  And my legs felt like cement on the box jumps so they were pretty pathetic and slow.  I started off the metcon with the game plan of starting a round every two minutes, which would give me 6 rounds.  That plan fell apart in round two when I could no longer do the swings in straight sets or string more than a few box jumps together!  I probably shouldn't be working out through this head cold but I hate unplanned off days so I forge on, against all common sense!


Thursday 10.06.11

Warm Up:
Sets of the following between warm up sets of front squats:
- 5 bent leg reverse hypers
- 5 hollow rocks
- 10 second Samson stretch on each leg

Front Squats:
- Warm Ups:  110x5, 150x4, 200x3, 240x2, 290x1
- Work Sets:  330x1, 295x3, 265x5
Jerk Complex:
- 110x3, 150x2, 200x1, 240x1 PP/J, 290x 1J, 320x1J
Shoulder Press:
- 202x3, 180x5, 155x10

4 rounds for time of:
- 7 Front Squats @ 205 (60% of 1rm, which is 340)
- 50 yard sprint (25 out and back)
- 9 chest to bar pull ups
- 50 yard sprint
Time:  None because I screwed up the timer somehow.  I'm estimating somewehre between 2:00 and 2:30 per round, so 8:00 to 10:00 overall.

I reset some of my SWOD weights for these lifts.  My goals for this quarter for front squat is 365, and for the press I'd like to press body weight, whatever that happens to be by the end of December.

In the metcon, I modified it from the gym WOD, which was overhead squats.  I did this because I had done front squats in the SWOD so that movement was warmed up, and because I had snatched a lot two days ago and my traps are still fried.  I also wanted to go a little heavier.  It should be noted that I took the front squats out of the rack instead of cleaning them because I will be cleaning heavy tomorrow.


Wednesday 10.05.11

Rest Day.  Good thing too because my traps are sore from all the pulling yesterday and my chest is fried from ring push ups!


Tuesday 10.04.11

Warm Up:
- I did sets of 5 GHD sit ups and 5 Russian KB swings in between my sets of power snatches

Power Snatch:
- Warm Ups:  45x Burgener Warm Up, 95x3, 135x2, 185x1, 225x 3 snatch pulls, 275x 2 snatch pulls, and 315x 1 snatch pull
- Work Sets:  215x 0, 1, then 185x 3, 2, 1

Pull Ups
- Warm Ups:  Body weight x 4, 25x3, 50x2
- Work Sets:  75x2, 50x4, 25x6, unweighted strict chest to bar x3 (left bicep not feeling it!)

5 rounds for time of:
- 15 ring push ups with feet elevated to the height if the rings and a full turn out at the top.
- 5 Deadlifts at 365
Time:  6:53

For the power snatches, 215 is my 1rm all time so I tied that today after missing it once.  I want to hit at least 225 on this lift by the end of the year.  For pull ups, I did these on rings, except for the last set of chest to bars.  Rings are more forgiving on aching wrists, elbows, and shoulders because your arms are free to turn the way they feel best.  While I'm rehabbing my left bicep/elbow I'll be using the rings a lot.

In the metcon, rx'd for push ups was "hand release".  I scaled up to ring push ups with my feet elevated to the same height as the rings, and turning out the hands at the top.  This is a much harder variation for me and took it from a movement I would've done unbroken to one where only one set was unbroken.  The rx'd deadlift weight was 65% of 1rm, which for me would have been 357.5.  I just rounded up to 365 to make plate loading easier.  Deadlifts felt strong and all reps were unbroken.  The push ups were definitely the hardest part of this workout.


Monday 10.03.11

Warm Up:
- Did sets of 5 glute activation raises on the GHD and Samson stretch in between all sets of box squats.

Box Squats:
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2
- Work Sets:  405x1, 365x3, 325x5
Bench Press:
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 405x 10 second hold
- Work Sets:  350x1, 315x3, 280x5, 245x10

AMRAP in 15:00:
- 10 Ground to Overhead @ 185
- 15 Toes to Bar
- 20 Double Unders
Score:  3 rounds + 10 ground to overheads.

I took it easy today due to an extended time off period as well as a head cold I picked up yesterday.  Felt good once I got started though.  I'm also nursing a sore left elbow.  I don't think it's injured but possibly inflamed.  My strategy is a solid warm up, wearing a protective elbow sleeve to increase blood flow to the area during training, and 15 grams of fish oil for the next week or two.


Sunday 10.02.11

Rest day (again). It will be interesting to see how badly my poor nutrition this last week affects me tomorrow when I get back to my normal workout schedule. My guess is strength will be good, conditioning will not!

Saturday 10.01.11

An unexpected work call out at 5am and kids' soccer games made me miss my workout today. Oh well, no one ever got weak or out of shape by taking a few extra rest days.