
Monday 10.10.11

I came down with a nasty head cold over the weekend that got worse yesterday.  I probably should not have worked out, but a hefty dose of Dayquil and the 9:30 class inspired me.

Warm Up:
5 sets of the following in between warm up sets of overhead squats:
- 5 Bent Leg Reverse Hypers
- 6 Hollow Rocks
- 10 second Samson stretch each leg

Overhead Squat:
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets:  265x1, 235x2, 205x5
Wieghted Dips:
- Warm Ups:  Explosive Body Weight Bar Dips:  5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- Work Sets:  105x2, 80x4, 55x7, 10 ring dips x 3,2,2,1, 1, 1 (slow, full depth, good head position, no kip, full turn out)

5 Rounds for Time:
- 7 Back Squats to Snatch Push Press @ 135 (weight snatched from the floor)
- 21 Double Unders
Time: 7:06

My goal for overhead squats is to get to 300 by the end of Decmeber.  In order to do that I'll need to go up 5 lbs every time I do them, and work some assistance lifts as well.  I really need to work on my ring dips.  I noticed the last few times they were programmed in a metcon that I have a hard time getting a good turn out at the top, and I confirmed that today.  I did weighted dips for strength work, but I'm going to finish with 10 ring dips in as many sets as it takes to get them and see if I can work up to 10 solid strict ring dips with a full turn out.

On the metcon, I subbed a movement that would be a good accessory lift to snatch and overhead squat instead of the thrusters.  Back Squat with a snatch grip right into a snatch grip push press really works the muscles needed to get a overhead squat into place and is similar to a thruster so it fit nicely in today's metcon.  Shoulders are now smoked and I could not get the double unders to work well today.

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