10:30 am
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- GHD Sit Ups
- Hip Extensions
- Deadlift: 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x1
- 30:00 of gymnastics skills practice: pistols, free handstands, and ring pull ups
As Many Rounds as Possible in 8:00 of:
- 5 Deadlifts @ 315
- 25 Double Unders
Score: 8 rounds + 4 Deadlifts
I was hoping to stay on a round per minute pace, which I was able to do. Double Unders were rough today for some reason, though, and I only had one round unbroken. I think if Double Unders are clicking then 9-10 rounds is possible.
11:30 pm
I went for a leisurely 5k run in 27:23. I didn't push the pace, just wanted to get the run in without stopping since I haven't run a 5k in a LONG time.
Monday 7.30.12
Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility
- Samson Stretch
- Lots of talking and standing around
Box Squats 3x5 adding 5 lbs to last week:
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 360x1
- Work Sets: 300x 3x5
Shoulder Press 3x5 adding 2.5 pounds to last workout:
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 200x0
- Work Sets: 170x 3x5- I cleaned these from the floor on each set.
5 Rounds for Time of:
- 1 Bench Press @ 90% of 1rm (245 based on a 275 estimated injured bench press max)
- 1 Bent Row @ 110% of Bench Press 1rm (305 based on the same 275 bench press)
- 1 Bench Press @ 90% of 1rm
- 3 Bent Row @ 110% of Bench Press 1rm
- 1 Bench Press @ 90% of 1rm
- 5 Bent Row @ 110% of Bench Press 1rm
This workout pretty much sucked for my neck injury. I did one round as rx'd, then I just dropped down to body weight (245) for both lifts for the next two rounds, then I just stopped because both movements caused a lot of neck/arm pain on my injured side. So I did 3 rounds in 12:27, NOT as rx'd.
- Dynamic Mobility
- Samson Stretch
- Lots of talking and standing around
Box Squats 3x5 adding 5 lbs to last week:
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 360x1
- Work Sets: 300x 3x5
Shoulder Press 3x5 adding 2.5 pounds to last workout:
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 200x0
- Work Sets: 170x 3x5- I cleaned these from the floor on each set.
5 Rounds for Time of:
- 1 Bench Press @ 90% of 1rm (245 based on a 275 estimated injured bench press max)
- 1 Bent Row @ 110% of Bench Press 1rm (305 based on the same 275 bench press)
- 1 Bench Press @ 90% of 1rm
- 3 Bent Row @ 110% of Bench Press 1rm
- 1 Bench Press @ 90% of 1rm
- 5 Bent Row @ 110% of Bench Press 1rm
This workout pretty much sucked for my neck injury. I did one round as rx'd, then I just dropped down to body weight (245) for both lifts for the next two rounds, then I just stopped because both movements caused a lot of neck/arm pain on my injured side. So I did 3 rounds in 12:27, NOT as rx'd.
Saturday 7.28.12
Warm Up:
Walk for 45 minutes carrying 60 lbs however I could.
I chose to carry a 60 lbs barbell. I only made it for about 23 minutes and 1 mile before calling it quits. This was brutal on the neck, traps, shoulders, core and arms. Everything hurt. I walked 4x400m laps and once every lap I would do 10 overhead presses and 10 barbell curls while walking just to get my arms moving. This workout was deceptively hard.
Walk for 45 minutes carrying 60 lbs however I could.
I chose to carry a 60 lbs barbell. I only made it for about 23 minutes and 1 mile before calling it quits. This was brutal on the neck, traps, shoulders, core and arms. Everything hurt. I walked 4x400m laps and once every lap I would do 10 overhead presses and 10 barbell curls while walking just to get my arms moving. This workout was deceptively hard.
Friday 7.27.12
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Hip Extensions
- Burgener Warm Up with45 lbs
- Handstand Push Ups
- Hollow Rocks
Power Cleans 5x3 adding 5 lbs to last week:
Warm Up Sets:
- 105x5
- 145x4
- 195x3
- 235x2
- 285x 0,0,0- Not moving very fast today
Work Sets:
- 240x 5x3
"Elizabeth"- 21-15-9 reps of:
- Power Clean 135 lbs
- Ring Dips
Time: 5:56.
I ahd to do my ring dips in mostly sets of 3, which slowed me down a lot. I was hoping for sub 5:00.
- 500m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Hip Extensions
- Burgener Warm Up with45 lbs
- Handstand Push Ups
- Hollow Rocks
Power Cleans 5x3 adding 5 lbs to last week:
Warm Up Sets:
- 105x5
- 145x4
- 195x3
- 235x2
- 285x 0,0,0- Not moving very fast today
Work Sets:
- 240x 5x3
"Elizabeth"- 21-15-9 reps of:
- Power Clean 135 lbs
- Ring Dips
Time: 5:56.
I ahd to do my ring dips in mostly sets of 3, which slowed me down a lot. I was hoping for sub 5:00.
Thursday 7.26.12
10:00 AM
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Reverse Hypers
- Pistols
High Bar Back Squats 3x5 adding 5 lbs to last week:
Warm Ups Sets: 45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 285x2, 325x1
Work Set: 270x 3x5
Bench Press 3x5 adding 5 lbs to last week:
Warm Up Sets: 45x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x2, 265x1
Work Sets: 215x 3x5- I did all reps with a 1 second pause on my chest.
10 Rounds For Max Effort of:
- 10 Push Ups
- 50 Yard Sprint
This conditioning circuit was not timed. I just did the push ups as fast as possible while hitting chest to floor and full lockout on each rep, then sprinted as hard a possible. After each sprint I walked back to the start. This one was fun and I did it with my 7 and 9 year old kids. They did 5 modified push ups each round, but sprinted the entire distance with me each round. Trying to mold the next generation of bad@$$'s!
11:30 PM
2x 800m "sprints" with 3:00 rest.
I didn't warm up at all for the first run and I was very slow getting started and finished around 4:20. The second run felt a lot smoother and I finished under 4:00 but I don't have a real accurate time.
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Reverse Hypers
- Pistols
High Bar Back Squats 3x5 adding 5 lbs to last week:
Warm Ups Sets: 45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 285x2, 325x1
Work Set: 270x 3x5
Bench Press 3x5 adding 5 lbs to last week:
Warm Up Sets: 45x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x2, 265x1
Work Sets: 215x 3x5- I did all reps with a 1 second pause on my chest.
10 Rounds For Max Effort of:
- 10 Push Ups
- 50 Yard Sprint
This conditioning circuit was not timed. I just did the push ups as fast as possible while hitting chest to floor and full lockout on each rep, then sprinted as hard a possible. After each sprint I walked back to the start. This one was fun and I did it with my 7 and 9 year old kids. They did 5 modified push ups each round, but sprinted the entire distance with me each round. Trying to mold the next generation of bad@$$'s!
11:30 PM
2x 800m "sprints" with 3:00 rest.
I didn't warm up at all for the first run and I was very slow getting started and finished around 4:20. The second run felt a lot smoother and I finished under 4:00 but I don't have a real accurate time.
Wednesday 7.25.12
I decided I needed to make up for yesterday, but I didn't want to hinder my weight training tomorrow, so I decided on some track work...
8x 200m sprints with +/- 2:00 rest periods.
I haven't run 200's in a while and I forget how much they suck. To short to really get away with "pacing" yourself, and long enough that maintaining an all-out sprint is hard to do. Good workout, though.
8x 200m sprints with +/- 2:00 rest periods.
I haven't run 200's in a while and I forget how much they suck. To short to really get away with "pacing" yourself, and long enough that maintaining an all-out sprint is hard to do. Good workout, though.
Tuesday 7.24.12
Today was supposed to be deadlift day but as I warmed up my hamstrings were fried from yesterday and I felt my back doing all the work. To avoid tweaking it, I called it a day and took an unscheduled rest day.
Monday 7.23.12
Warm Ups:
- 500m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Reverse Hypers
- Muscle Ups
- Samson Stretch
Box Squats 3x5 adding 5 lbs form last week:
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 355x1
- Work Sets: 295x 3x5
Shoulder Press 1 Rep Max:
- I worked up to 195x1, failed at 200. This is 30 pounds off my best due to injury. It's frustrating when you know you can lift more.
5 Rounds for time of:
- 1 Push Press at 175
- 1 Pull Up
- 3 Push Presses
- 3 Pull Ups
- 5 Push Presses
- 5 Pull Ups
Time: 16:09
- 500m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Reverse Hypers
- Muscle Ups
- Samson Stretch
Box Squats 3x5 adding 5 lbs form last week:
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 355x1
- Work Sets: 295x 3x5
Shoulder Press 1 Rep Max:
- I worked up to 195x1, failed at 200. This is 30 pounds off my best due to injury. It's frustrating when you know you can lift more.
5 Rounds for time of:
- 1 Push Press at 175
- 1 Pull Up
- 3 Push Presses
- 3 Pull Ups
- 5 Push Presses
- 5 Pull Ups
Time: 16:09
Saturday 7.21.12
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- GHD Situps
- GHD Reverse Hypers
- Pistols
- Muscle Ups
- Deadlifts: 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x2, 495x0
- Handstand Walk Attempts
12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
- 315 lbs Deadlifts
- Handstand Push Ups
Time: 18:36
This should have been an 8:00-10:00 workout but my herniated disc puts pressure on the nerves that control triceps strength in my right arm, so the HSPU's were mostly one at a time, and after the first 12 I had to add an Abmat to get them done. It was very frustrating but I didn't want to skip it. I really didn't want to scale it either, but if I didn't add an Abmat I might still be there.
- 500m Row
- GHD Situps
- GHD Reverse Hypers
- Pistols
- Muscle Ups
- Deadlifts: 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x2, 495x0
- Handstand Walk Attempts
12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
- 315 lbs Deadlifts
- Handstand Push Ups
Time: 18:36
This should have been an 8:00-10:00 workout but my herniated disc puts pressure on the nerves that control triceps strength in my right arm, so the HSPU's were mostly one at a time, and after the first 12 I had to add an Abmat to get them done. It was very frustrating but I didn't want to skip it. I really didn't want to scale it either, but if I didn't add an Abmat I might still be there.
Friday 7.20.12
Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Burgener Warm Up with 45 lbs bar
Power Cleans:
Warm Up Sets: 95x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x2, 280x1
Work Sets: 235x 5x3
Front Squats:
Warm Up for Conditioning: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x2, 275x2
On the minute for 8:00:
- 2 Front Squats @ 265 (Body Weight + 20 lbs)
- 60 yard Shuttle Sprint (30 out and back with a two-hand touch at the line)
Score: I completed all sets in the 22-25 second range.
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Burgener Warm Up with 45 lbs bar
Power Cleans:
Warm Up Sets: 95x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x2, 280x1
Work Sets: 235x 5x3
Front Squats:
Warm Up for Conditioning: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x2, 275x2
On the minute for 8:00:
- 2 Front Squats @ 265 (Body Weight + 20 lbs)
- 60 yard Shuttle Sprint (30 out and back with a two-hand touch at the line)
Score: I completed all sets in the 22-25 second range.
Thursday 7.19.12
Warm Up:
- 500m RowThen 3 Rounds of:- 5 GHD Sit Ups- 5 Hip Extensions- 3 Pistols each leg- 2 Handstand Push Ups- 2 Muscle Ups
Strength Work:
High Bar Back Squat:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 280x2
- 320x1
Work Sets:
- 265x 3x5
Bench Press:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 185x3
- 225x2
- 260x1
Work Sets:
- 210x 3x5
5 Rounds of Max Reps of:
- 1:00 of Kettle Push Presses @ 53 lbs (a 53 lbs kb in each hand)
- 1:00 of strict pull ups
Score: 114 reps (81 kb push presses and 33 pull ups)
This conditioner didn't feel good on my disc injury, but not bad enough to stop. I did have to do my pull ups in doubles and singles, though.
- 500m RowThen 3 Rounds of:- 5 GHD Sit Ups- 5 Hip Extensions- 3 Pistols each leg- 2 Handstand Push Ups- 2 Muscle Ups
Strength Work:
High Bar Back Squat:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 280x2
- 320x1
Work Sets:
- 265x 3x5
Bench Press:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 185x3
- 225x2
- 260x1
Work Sets:
- 210x 3x5
5 Rounds of Max Reps of:
- 1:00 of Kettle Push Presses @ 53 lbs (a 53 lbs kb in each hand)
- 1:00 of strict pull ups
Score: 114 reps (81 kb push presses and 33 pull ups)
This conditioner didn't feel good on my disc injury, but not bad enough to stop. I did have to do my pull ups in doubles and singles, though.
Bench Presses,
High Bar Back Squats,
KB Push Presses,
Pull Ups
Tuesday 7.17.12
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers
- 3 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 2 Hips to Rings Pull Ups
Strength Work:
I warmed up my power clean to 275x1, which actually took me 3 tries to hit. My hamstrings are tight and sore from yesterday's workout so I didn't feel very explosive today.
8 Rounds of:
- 3 Hang Power Cleans @225
- 50 yard sprint
- walk back to the barbell
I did this one as fast as I could but didn't time it.
Extra Work:
Hamstrings: 3x3 Glute/Ham Raises with some assistance
Core: 3x6 Evil Wheels with the 225 barbell
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers
- 3 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 2 Hips to Rings Pull Ups
Strength Work:
I warmed up my power clean to 275x1, which actually took me 3 tries to hit. My hamstrings are tight and sore from yesterday's workout so I didn't feel very explosive today.
8 Rounds of:
- 3 Hang Power Cleans @225
- 50 yard sprint
- walk back to the barbell
I did this one as fast as I could but didn't time it.
Extra Work:
Hamstrings: 3x3 Glute/Ham Raises with some assistance
Core: 3x6 Evil Wheels with the 225 barbell
Monday 7.16.12
Back at home and in the gym after an inspiring weekend of watching the elite of the CrossFit community do some pretty awesome things. I am nowhere NEAR where I should be in my strength and conditioning based on what I saw.
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- A few Handstand Push Ups
- A few Ring Muscle Ups
- Box Squats: 45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2
- Shoulder Press: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 155x2
- Deadlift: 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x2
Strength Work:
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- A few Handstand Push Ups
- A few Ring Muscle Ups
- Box Squats: 45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2
- Shoulder Press: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 155x2
- Deadlift: 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x2
Strength Work:
"10,000 lbs"
Complete 10 rounds for time of:
1 Squat - 365 lbs
1 Press - 180 lbs
1 Deadlift - 455 lbs
1 Press - 180 lbs
1 Deadlift - 455 lbs
Score: 32:31
The goal is to lift 10,000 lbs as fast as possible. I've completed this before (but at 340 squat and 475 deadlift) in 23:00. The additional weight on the squat bar and my herniated disc had me moving a lot slower this time around, however.
Sunday 7.15.12
"Rest Day", which is in quotes because after sitting in intense direct sun for about 9 hours, then driving for about 6.5 hours back home, I feel exhausted!
Friday 7.13.12
Rest Day. While resting, I am also attending the 2012 Reebok Crossfit Games and seeing some pretty awesome athletes compete at the highest levels of exercising. Yep, that's right. Exercising used to be done to prepare for sports, but now it is a sport itself. And the top competitors are pretty much pro athletes, getting sponsorships and being paid to train. I must be doing something wrong because I've been doing it for free for years!
Thursday 7.12.12
Warm Ups:
- 500m Row
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch
- Mobility Drills
- GHD Sit Ups
- Hip Extensions
Find Max Height Box Jump: 42.5 inches (inured arm makes it hard to be as explosive as possible)
Sprints: 6x60 yards resting only long enough to walk back to the starting line.
Strength Training:
Power Cleans:
Warm Up Sets:
- 45x Burgener Warm Up
- 95x5
- 135x4
- 185x3
- 225x2
- 275x1
Work Sets:
- 230x 5x3
Hang Power Cleans:
I attempted 5 reps on the minute for 5:00, but my grip gave out on my injured side during round 3.
Glute/Ham Raises:
Body weight x 3x3
- 500m Row
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch
- Mobility Drills
- GHD Sit Ups
- Hip Extensions
Find Max Height Box Jump: 42.5 inches (inured arm makes it hard to be as explosive as possible)
Sprints: 6x60 yards resting only long enough to walk back to the starting line.
Strength Training:
Power Cleans:
Warm Up Sets:
- 45x Burgener Warm Up
- 95x5
- 135x4
- 185x3
- 225x2
- 275x1
Work Sets:
- 230x 5x3
Hang Power Cleans:
I attempted 5 reps on the minute for 5:00, but my grip gave out on my injured side during round 3.
Glute/Ham Raises:
Body weight x 3x3
Wednesday 7.11.12
Today is normally a rest day, but since I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon for the weekend I needed to hit my strength work today and tomorrow in order to not get behind.
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 HSPU's (kipping because my nerve issue makes pressing impossible)
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
High Bar Back Squat:
Warm Up Sets
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 275x2
- 315x1
Work Sets:
- 260x 3x5- These felt pretty good today and I'm using my nerve injury as time to reset and really stress form as I build back to where I used to be for sets of 5.
Bench Press:
Warm Ups Sets:
- 135x4
- 185x3
- 225x2
- 275x1
Work Sets:
- 225x4- My nerve injury makes pressing VERY weak so I took some weight off.
- 205x 2x5
I'm going to have to reset even lower on my bench press while I work through this injury. It's very frustrating! Also, due to training 4 days straight I skipped conditioning today. I'll hit it tomorrow, though, and then I'll take 3 days completely off.
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 HSPU's (kipping because my nerve issue makes pressing impossible)
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
High Bar Back Squat:
Warm Up Sets
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 275x2
- 315x1
Work Sets:
- 260x 3x5- These felt pretty good today and I'm using my nerve injury as time to reset and really stress form as I build back to where I used to be for sets of 5.
Bench Press:
Warm Ups Sets:
- 135x4
- 185x3
- 225x2
- 275x1
Work Sets:
- 225x4- My nerve injury makes pressing VERY weak so I took some weight off.
- 205x 2x5
I'm going to have to reset even lower on my bench press while I work through this injury. It's very frustrating! Also, due to training 4 days straight I skipped conditioning today. I'll hit it tomorrow, though, and then I'll take 3 days completely off.
Tuesday 7.10.12
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
Warm Up Sets:
- 135x5
- 225x4
- 315x3
- 405x2
- 495x0- Stupid nerve problem.
Work Sets:
- 420x5 (up 5 lbs from last week)
3 rounds for max reps of:
- :40 of 1-arm thrusters with a 53 lbs KB
- :20 Rest
- :40 of strict pull ups
- :20 rest
- :40 of 1-arm KB power snatch at 62 lbs
- :20 rest
- :40 of mountain climbers
- :20 rest
Score: I did 236 total reps counting each foot strike in the mountain climbers as a rep. The pull ups really hurt my arm today, as did the support position in the mountain climbers, so my score reflects that.
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
Warm Up Sets:
- 135x5
- 225x4
- 315x3
- 405x2
- 495x0- Stupid nerve problem.
Work Sets:
- 420x5 (up 5 lbs from last week)
3 rounds for max reps of:
- :40 of 1-arm thrusters with a 53 lbs KB
- :20 Rest
- :40 of strict pull ups
- :20 rest
- :40 of 1-arm KB power snatch at 62 lbs
- :20 rest
- :40 of mountain climbers
- :20 rest
Score: I did 236 total reps counting each foot strike in the mountain climbers as a rep. The pull ups really hurt my arm today, as did the support position in the mountain climbers, so my score reflects that.
1-Arm KB Thrusters,
KB Snatches,
Mountain Climbers,
Pull Ups
Monday 7.09.12
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
Box Squats:
Warm Up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 315x2
- 348x1
Work Sets:
- 290x 3x5 (up 5 lbs from last week)
Shoulder Press:
Warm up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 201x1
Work Sets:
- 167.5x 3x5 (up 2.5 lbs from last week)- I did all my presses by first power cleaning the bar from the floor.
5 Rounds of:
- 100 yard sprint (50 yards out and back)
- Max 15 ft. rope climbs in 1:00
Score: I completed 15 total rope climbs, 3 each round.
I was doing each rope climb in 10-12 seconds so maybe I could do 4-5 per round fresh, but that sprint each round made it so I was starting each round of rope climbs already in oxygen debt. It was pretty fun though.
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
Box Squats:
Warm Up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 315x2
- 348x1
Work Sets:
- 290x 3x5 (up 5 lbs from last week)
Shoulder Press:
Warm up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 201x1
Work Sets:
- 167.5x 3x5 (up 2.5 lbs from last week)- I did all my presses by first power cleaning the bar from the floor.
5 Rounds of:
- 100 yard sprint (50 yards out and back)
- Max 15 ft. rope climbs in 1:00
Score: I completed 15 total rope climbs, 3 each round.
I was doing each rope climb in 10-12 seconds so maybe I could do 4-5 per round fresh, but that sprint each round made it so I was starting each round of rope climbs already in oxygen debt. It was pretty fun though.
Box Squats,
Rope Climbs,
Sprints (100 yards)
Saturday 7.07.12
Last night I had a big cheat meal including some dreaded gluten (I've been gluten free for this whole year so far except for some accidental dosing here and there) so my stomach felt like I had bricks in it this morning, but nevertheless....
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 GHD Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
T. Rice Conditioning Test:
Three (3) 300 yard Shuttle Runs with 5 minutes of rest between efforts.
* You have two choices: 6x50 yard shuttles or 5x60 yard shuttles.
To Pass Conditioning Test:
*If body weight is less than 200 lbs: 60 seconds and below
*If body weight is 200 lbs-250 lbs 65 seconds and below
*If body weight is greater than 250 lbs: 70 seconds and below
My Scores at a body weight of about 245:
1- 0:54:74
2- 0:56:04
3- 0:58:97
I passed on every round, even if I weighed 200 lbs. I did the 6x50 yard shuttles, which is harder because the more turns you have, the more decceleration and acceleration time is added to your run. I'm pleased with this effort, since this is one of the conditioning test used in the NFL and a version of the test Albert Haynesworth failed a few years ago. The exact test he took was this:
Run a 300-yard shuttle in 12x25-yard increments in 70 seconds or under; take a 3.5 minute break; then do it again, completing it in 73 seconds or under. Next time I think I'll try it his way and see if I can pass.
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 GHD Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
T. Rice Conditioning Test:
Three (3) 300 yard Shuttle Runs with 5 minutes of rest between efforts.
* You have two choices: 6x50 yard shuttles or 5x60 yard shuttles.
To Pass Conditioning Test:
*If body weight is less than 200 lbs: 60 seconds and below
*If body weight is 200 lbs-250 lbs 65 seconds and below
*If body weight is greater than 250 lbs: 70 seconds and below
My Scores at a body weight of about 245:
1- 0:54:74
2- 0:56:04
3- 0:58:97
I passed on every round, even if I weighed 200 lbs. I did the 6x50 yard shuttles, which is harder because the more turns you have, the more decceleration and acceleration time is added to your run. I'm pleased with this effort, since this is one of the conditioning test used in the NFL and a version of the test Albert Haynesworth failed a few years ago. The exact test he took was this:
Run a 300-yard shuttle in 12x25-yard increments in 70 seconds or under; take a 3.5 minute break; then do it again, completing it in 73 seconds or under. Next time I think I'll try it his way and see if I can pass.
Friday 7.06.12
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 2 rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers
- Samson Stretch
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
Power Cleans:
Warm Up set to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x Burgener Warm Up
- 95x5
- 135x4
- 185x3
- 225x2
- 270x1
Work Sets:
- 225 x 5x3
- 7:00 to do as many Hang Power Cleans @225
- 3:00 Rest
- 7:00 to do as many Pull Ups as possible
Score: 29 reps of Hang Power Cleans and 60 pull ups.
My grip is definitely being affected by my herniated disc, but I was able to get some work in, so that was good. The original workout called for 7:00 of Front Squats instead of Hang Power Cleans, but front squats really aggravate my nerve in my right arm, so I substituted them.
- 500m Row
Then 2 rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers
- Samson Stretch
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
Power Cleans:
Warm Up set to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x Burgener Warm Up
- 95x5
- 135x4
- 185x3
- 225x2
- 270x1
Work Sets:
- 225 x 5x3
- 7:00 to do as many Hang Power Cleans @225
- 3:00 Rest
- 7:00 to do as many Pull Ups as possible
Score: 29 reps of Hang Power Cleans and 60 pull ups.
My grip is definitely being affected by my herniated disc, but I was able to get some work in, so that was good. The original workout called for 7:00 of Front Squats instead of Hang Power Cleans, but front squats really aggravate my nerve in my right arm, so I substituted them.
Thursday 7.05.12
"Arm pain from a cervical herniated discis one of the more common cervical spine conditions treated by spine specialists. It usually develops in the 30 - 50 year old age group. Although a cervical herniated disc may originate from some sort of trauma or injury to the cervical spine, the symptoms, including arm pain, commonly start spontaneously.
The arm pain from a cervical herniated disc results because the herniated disc material “pinches” or presses on a cervical nerve, causing pain to radiate along the nerve pathway down the arm. Along with the arm pain, numbness and tingling can be present down the arm and into the fingertips. Muscle weakness may also be present due to a cervical herniated disc."
That's what I got going on, according to my MRI. Herniated disc between C6 and C7. Not cool. Now I'm waiting for a spine and neck specialist to call me to set up an appointment there. No one has told me not to exercise yet, other than to avoid what causes me pain, so I keep getting after it!
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
The 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols Each Leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
High Bar Back Squats:
Warm Up to 120% of work set weight:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 275x2
- 315x1
Work Sets:
- 255x 3x5
Bench Press:
Warm Up to 120% of work set weight:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 185x3
- 225x2
- 275x1
Work Sets:
- 225x 3x5- My herniated disc is causing my right arm to be WEAK in pressing movements, which has caused me to back WAY off the weights I normal bench. Very frustrating!
On the minute for 10:00 complete:
- 100 yard sprint
Score: Fastest was around 13 seconds give or take and slowest was high 14 seconds region.
Tuesday 7.03.12
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
Warm Up to 120% of 1rm:
- 135x5
- 225x4
- 315x3
- 405x2
- 498x0- This should have been an easy single but between my arm/nerve issue and my sore hamstrings from yesterday the weight was not moving today.
Works Set:
- 415x5- +5 lbs from last week, working back from a reset from 460x5 to 405x5
Power Cleans:
Warm Up reps for the conditioning circuit:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 225x1
CrossFit Disco:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
- Power Clean @ 75% of 3rm (for me that's 185)
- Pull Ups
Time: 11:19- The pull ups were rough on my injury and I was pretty much doing them in sets of 4 or fewer the whole time.
I've done this workout three other times in my CrossFit career. I did a little research on the CrossFit Football site and found the dates:
- On 5.01.09 I did it in 19:30 with 185 power cleans.
- On 6.22.10 I did it in 12:31 with 185 power cleans (6:59 PR!).
- On 6.14.11 I did it in 11:57 with 190 power cleans (:34 PR with 5 lbs heavier weight!)
It's interesting to see the progression, especially with a workout that only happens about once a year. In 4 years, every year, I have been able to consistently shave time off of this workout. That's why you should record your workouts to really appreciate the progress you make over the years.
- 500m Row
Then 3 rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
Warm Up to 120% of 1rm:
- 135x5
- 225x4
- 315x3
- 405x2
- 498x0- This should have been an easy single but between my arm/nerve issue and my sore hamstrings from yesterday the weight was not moving today.
Works Set:
- 415x5- +5 lbs from last week, working back from a reset from 460x5 to 405x5
Power Cleans:
Warm Up reps for the conditioning circuit:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 225x1
CrossFit Disco:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
- Power Clean @ 75% of 3rm (for me that's 185)
- Pull Ups
Time: 11:19- The pull ups were rough on my injury and I was pretty much doing them in sets of 4 or fewer the whole time.
I've done this workout three other times in my CrossFit career. I did a little research on the CrossFit Football site and found the dates:
- On 5.01.09 I did it in 19:30 with 185 power cleans.
- On 6.22.10 I did it in 12:31 with 185 power cleans (6:59 PR!).
- On 6.14.11 I did it in 11:57 with 190 power cleans (:34 PR with 5 lbs heavier weight!)
It's interesting to see the progression, especially with a workout that only happens about once a year. In 4 years, every year, I have been able to consistently shave time off of this workout. That's why you should record your workouts to really appreciate the progress you make over the years.
CrossFit Disco,
Power Cleans,
Pull Ups
Monday 7.02.12
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
Box Squats:
Warm Up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 315x2
- 342x1
Work Sets:
- 285x 3x5
Shoulder Press:
Warm up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 198x1
Work Sets:
- 165x 3x5
6x 200m sprints
I started my sprints every 2:00, so if it took 32 seconds for the run, I rested for 1:28 before I went again. My fastest sprint was :32 and my slowest was :37. I ran these as 100m out, stop, turn, and run 100m back. having to slow down and change directions and re-accelerate adds time and makes it a lot harder, in my opinion.
- 500m Row
Then 3 rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Strength Work:
Box Squats:
Warm Up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 315x2
- 342x1
Work Sets:
- 285x 3x5
Shoulder Press:
Warm up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 198x1
Work Sets:
- 165x 3x5
6x 200m sprints
I started my sprints every 2:00, so if it took 32 seconds for the run, I rested for 1:28 before I went again. My fastest sprint was :32 and my slowest was :37. I ran these as 100m out, stop, turn, and run 100m back. having to slow down and change directions and re-accelerate adds time and makes it a lot harder, in my opinion.
Sunday 7.01.12
Today is my usual rest day, but I had to flip-flop my rest day this weekemnd so I did this one today. It was pretty short, though, so I don't think it will mess me up for the start of a new training week tomorrow....
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Complete the following:
- Tabata 20 lbs Sledgehammer Strikesn (8 rounds of :20 all out work and :10 rest)
- Tabata Burpees
- Tabata Sledgehammer Strikes
Score: 216 reps
There was no rest between tabata intervals, just the :10 break. Normally tababt intervals are scored by taking the lowest number of repititions completed in any :20 period per exercise, but I decided to just keep track of total reps. Burpees still hurt my nerve issue, but the sledgehammer work felt okay.
Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
Complete the following:
- Tabata 20 lbs Sledgehammer Strikesn (8 rounds of :20 all out work and :10 rest)
- Tabata Burpees
- Tabata Sledgehammer Strikes
Score: 216 reps
There was no rest between tabata intervals, just the :10 break. Normally tababt intervals are scored by taking the lowest number of repititions completed in any :20 period per exercise, but I decided to just keep track of total reps. Burpees still hurt my nerve issue, but the sledgehammer work felt okay.
Saturday 6.30.12
This was a rest day, although I "rested" by walking all over Discovery Kingdom chasing two kids around all day in thhe direct sun with no food because I refused to eat the crap they sell there. So I was still pretty tired by the end of the day.
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