
Friday 7.31.15

Warm Up:
- Dynamic shoulder mobility

Strength Training:
Shoulder Press (4x4):
- 45x 10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 185x 4 (2 push presses), 225x 2 (both push presses), 195x 4, 3, 3, 3 (stay)

Weighted Chin Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 25x 4, 50x 3, 75x 2, 100x 1, 57.5x 4, 4, 3, 3 (stay)

Biceps/ Triceps Superset (working to 3x15):
- Overhead DB Extensions @ 30 lbs:  13, 13, 12
- DB Hammer Curls @ 30 lbs:  13, 13, 12

Shoulder Circuit (working to 3x12):
- Front Plate Raises @ 25 lbs:  9, 9, 9
- DB Lateral Raises @ 25 lbs:  9, 9, 9
- Babrell External Rotations @ 35 lbs:  9, 9, 9
- Band Pull Aparts with Blue Band:  34, 33, 33

- None

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