
Saturday 10.29.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x 10, 95x 9, 135x 8, 185x 7, 225x 6 (5030), 267.5x 5, 5, 4 (3745 lbs)
- Barbell Row: 45x 10, 95x 9, 135x 8, 185x 7, 225x 6 (5030), 267.5x 5, 5, 4 (3745 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 45x 14, 95x 13, 135x 12, 185x 11 (5520), 190x 10, 10, 9 (5510 lbs)
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 45x 14, 95x 13, 135x 12, 185x 11 (5520), 190x 10, 10, 9 (5510 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Skull Crushers:  97.5x 15, 15, 14 (4290 lbs)
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  77.5x 15, 15, 14 (3410 lbs)

- Band Push Downs: 60 reps (32-22-6)
- Band Curls:  60 reps (32-22-6)
- Band Pull Aparts:  60 reps (32-22-6)

Total Weight Moved:  (47,310 lbs)

Total Weight for the week:  199,272.5 lbs

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