Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 Rounds of Hip Circle work (10 steps each direction and 10 squats)
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Ups:
-45x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 225x 4/4, 315x 3/3, 405x 2/2, 495x 1/1
Standing Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 10, 10, 10, 9, 9 (alternating with deadlift warm ups)
Sumo Deadlift (5x3):
- 430x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 200x 10, 10, 9, 9, 9 (alternating with sumo deadlifts)
Conventional Deadlift/ Hang Power Shrugs (5x 3/6):
- 430x 2/4, 2/4, 2/4, 2/4, 2/4
Seated Calf Raises (5x10):
- 130x 10, 9, 9, 9, 9 (alternating with deadlift/shrugs)
Straight Leg Deadlift (3x 10-12):
- 225x 11, 11, 11 (alternating with first 3 CS drills)
Frog Pumps:
- With Hip Circle x 16, 15, 15, 15 (alternating with last 4 CS drills)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
Saturday 4.30.16
Barbell Shrugs,
Donkey Calf Raises,
Frog Pumps,
Hip Circle,
Seated Calf Raises,
Standing Calf Raises,
Straight Leg Deadlifts,
Sumo Deadlifts
Friday 4.29.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (warm up to 120%, then 4x 6-8):
- 49x 11, 99x 9, 139x 7, 189x 5, 229x 3, 279x 1, 232.5x 8, 8, 7, 7
Landmine Rows (4x 6-8):
- 76x 11, 101x 9, 126x 7, 151x 5, 176x 3, 201x 1, 167.5x 8, 8, 7, 7
Slingshot Bench Press (normal grip, 3x8 @ 120% of close grip bench sets):
- 279x 8, 7, 7
1-Arm Landmine Rows (3x 8):
- 115x 8, 7, 7
Arms and Shoulders Tri-set (3x 12-15):
- Seated DB Curls @ 35x 14, 14, 14
- Elbows Out DB Extensions @ 35x 14, 14, 14
- DB Lateral Raiseses @ 20x 14, 14, 14
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (warm up to 120%, then 4x 6-8):
- 49x 11, 99x 9, 139x 7, 189x 5, 229x 3, 279x 1, 232.5x 8, 8, 7, 7
Landmine Rows (4x 6-8):
- 76x 11, 101x 9, 126x 7, 151x 5, 176x 3, 201x 1, 167.5x 8, 8, 7, 7
Slingshot Bench Press (normal grip, 3x8 @ 120% of close grip bench sets):
- 279x 8, 7, 7
1-Arm Landmine Rows (3x 8):
- 115x 8, 7, 7
Arms and Shoulders Tri-set (3x 12-15):
- Seated DB Curls @ 35x 14, 14, 14
- Elbows Out DB Extensions @ 35x 14, 14, 14
- DB Lateral Raiseses @ 20x 14, 14, 14
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
Thursday 4.28.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips and shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 rounds of hip circle circuit (10 squats and 10 steps each direction)
Strength Training:
Power Snatch (5x3 with 1:30 rest for 3's, 1:00 rest for 2's):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 190x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Snatch High Pull (5x3 at 135% of PS work sets with 1:00 rest):
- 256.5x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Hang Power Snatch (5x5 at 100 lbs less than SHP weight with 1:00 rest):
- 156.5x 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Barbell Reverse Lunges (3x5, same weight as HPS):
- 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 156.5x 4, 4, 4
Glute Bridges (with Hip Circle):
- 15, 15, 15 (between first three drills of CS Recovery)
Standing Calf Raises (5 sets, 2-second pauses, adding a rep each week):
- 0x 16, 16, 16, 16, 15 (between last 4 drills of CS Recovery)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- Dynamic mobility for hips and shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 rounds of hip circle circuit (10 squats and 10 steps each direction)
Strength Training:
Power Snatch (5x3 with 1:30 rest for 3's, 1:00 rest for 2's):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 190x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Snatch High Pull (5x3 at 135% of PS work sets with 1:00 rest):
- 256.5x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Hang Power Snatch (5x5 at 100 lbs less than SHP weight with 1:00 rest):
- 156.5x 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Barbell Reverse Lunges (3x5, same weight as HPS):
- 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 156.5x 4, 4, 4
Glute Bridges (with Hip Circle):
- 15, 15, 15 (between first three drills of CS Recovery)
Standing Calf Raises (5 sets, 2-second pauses, adding a rep each week):
- 0x 16, 16, 16, 16, 15 (between last 4 drills of CS Recovery)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
Wednesday 4.27.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Chin Ups and Ring Dips Superset (10x5, 1:00 rest between sets):
- Warm Ups: 0x5, 20x4, 40x3, 55x2, 70x1 (same weight/reps for chin and dips)
- Chin Ups: 5x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
- Ring Dips: 5x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Arm Recovery:
- Orange CS Band Skull Crushers (eye level): 13, 12, 12
- Orange CS Band Stretch Curls (knee level): 13, 12, 12
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 57 Push Ups in between CS drills (1x9, 6x8)
- Skipped due to time.
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Chin Ups and Ring Dips Superset (10x5, 1:00 rest between sets):
- Warm Ups: 0x5, 20x4, 40x3, 55x2, 70x1 (same weight/reps for chin and dips)
- Chin Ups: 5x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
- Ring Dips: 5x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Arm Recovery:
- Orange CS Band Skull Crushers (eye level): 13, 12, 12
- Orange CS Band Stretch Curls (knee level): 13, 12, 12
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 57 Push Ups in between CS drills (1x9, 6x8)
- Skipped due to time.
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap,
Push Ups,
Weighted Chin Ups,
Weighted Ring Dips
Tuesday 4.26.16
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 Rounds of Hip Circle Drills (10 steps each direction and 10 air squats)
Strength Training:
Back Squat/ Front Squat Warm Up:
- 55x 8/1, 105x 7/1, 145x 6/1, 195x 5/1, 235x 4/1, 285x 3/1, 325x 2/1, 375x 1 BS
Back Squats (5x3):
- 325x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2
Front Squats (3x5):
- 265x 5, 4, 4
Band Hip Thrusts:
- 12, 11, 11 (purple band and hip circle)
Frog Pumps:
- 16, 16, 16 (in between first three CS drills)
Standing Calf Raises:
- 16, 16, 16 (in between last 4 CS drills)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 Rounds of Hip Circle Drills (10 steps each direction and 10 air squats)
Strength Training:
Back Squat/ Front Squat Warm Up:
- 55x 8/1, 105x 7/1, 145x 6/1, 195x 5/1, 235x 4/1, 285x 3/1, 325x 2/1, 375x 1 BS
Back Squats (5x3):
- 325x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2
Front Squats (3x5):
- 265x 5, 4, 4
Band Hip Thrusts:
- 12, 11, 11 (purple band and hip circle)
Frog Pumps:
- 16, 16, 16 (in between first three CS drills)
Standing Calf Raises:
- 16, 16, 16 (in between last 4 CS drills)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
Back Squats,
Band Hip Thrusts,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Recovery,
Frog Pumps,
Front Squat,
Hip Circle,
Standing Calf Raises
Monday 4.25.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic shoulder mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/2, 255x 0/1
Shoulder Press (10, 8, 6, 15-20):
- 150x 10, 170x 8, 190x 4, 125x 15
Weighted Pull Ups (25 reps or 5x5):
- 0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 60x1, 27.5x 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3
DB Lateral Raises (3x 10):
- 30x 10, 10, 10 - Did this as a shoulder finisher since I was short on time and had to skip the rest.
Arnold Press (3x 10-15):
- Arnold Press @ 55: 12, 12, 12- SKIPPED THIS WEEK DUE TO TIME
- DB Hammer Curls @ 45x 13, 12, 12
- OH Triceps Extensions (Cable machine) @ 90: 13, 12, 12
- One round of Iron Scap
- 56 Push Ups in between CS drills (8x7)
- Dynamic shoulder mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/2, 255x 0/1
Shoulder Press (10, 8, 6, 15-20):
- 150x 10, 170x 8, 190x 4, 125x 15
Weighted Pull Ups (25 reps or 5x5):
- 0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 60x1, 27.5x 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3
DB Lateral Raises (3x 10):
- 30x 10, 10, 10 - Did this as a shoulder finisher since I was short on time and had to skip the rest.
Arnold Press (3x 10-15):
- Arnold Press @ 55: 12, 12, 12- SKIPPED THIS WEEK DUE TO TIME
- DB Hammer Curls @ 45x 13, 12, 12
- OH Triceps Extensions (Cable machine) @ 90: 13, 12, 12
- One round of Iron Scap
- 56 Push Ups in between CS drills (8x7)
Saturday 4.23.16
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 Rounds of Hip Circle work (10 steps each direction and 10 squats)
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Ups:
-45x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 225x 4/4, 315x 3/3, 405x 2/2, 495x 1/1
Sumo Deadlift (5x3 or 15 reps total):
- 425x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (430 next week)
Conventional Deadlift/ Hang Power Shrugs (5x 3/6 or 15/30 reps):
- 425x 3/6, 3/6, 3/6, 3/6, 3/6 (430 next week)
Straight Leg Deadlift (3x 10-12 with Hip Circle):
- 225x 11, 11, 10 (in between first 3 CS drills)
Standing Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 10, 10, 9, 9, 9 (stay at this weight)
Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 200x 10, 9, 9, 9, 9
Seated Calf Raises (5x10):
- 130x 10, 9, 9, 9, 9
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- 4x 15 Frog Pumps with Hip Circle in between last 4 CS drills
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 Rounds of Hip Circle work (10 steps each direction and 10 squats)
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Ups:
-45x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 225x 4/4, 315x 3/3, 405x 2/2, 495x 1/1
Sumo Deadlift (5x3 or 15 reps total):
- 425x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (430 next week)
Conventional Deadlift/ Hang Power Shrugs (5x 3/6 or 15/30 reps):
- 425x 3/6, 3/6, 3/6, 3/6, 3/6 (430 next week)
Straight Leg Deadlift (3x 10-12 with Hip Circle):
- 225x 11, 11, 10 (in between first 3 CS drills)
Standing Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 10, 10, 9, 9, 9 (stay at this weight)
Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 200x 10, 9, 9, 9, 9
Seated Calf Raises (5x10):
- 130x 10, 9, 9, 9, 9
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- 4x 15 Frog Pumps with Hip Circle in between last 4 CS drills
Friday 4.22.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (warm up to 120%, then 4x 6-8):
- 49x 11, 99x 9, 139x 7, 189x 5, 229x 3, 279x 1, 232.5x 8, 7, 7, 7
Landmine Rows (4x 6-8):
- 76x 11, 101x 9, 126x 7, 151x 5, 176x 3, 201x 1, 167.5x 8, 7, 7, 7
Slingshot Bench Press (normal grip, 3x8 @ 120% of close grip bench sets):
- 279x 7, 7, 7
1-Arm Landmine Rows (3x 8):
- 115x 7, 7, 7
Arms and Shoulders Tri-set (3x 12-15):
- Seated DB Curls @ 35x 14, 14, 13
- Elbows Out DB Extensions @ 35x 14, 14, 13
- DB Lateral Raiseses @ 20x 14, 14, 13
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 56 Push Ups in between CS drills (7x8)
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (warm up to 120%, then 4x 6-8):
- 49x 11, 99x 9, 139x 7, 189x 5, 229x 3, 279x 1, 232.5x 8, 7, 7, 7
Landmine Rows (4x 6-8):
- 76x 11, 101x 9, 126x 7, 151x 5, 176x 3, 201x 1, 167.5x 8, 7, 7, 7
Slingshot Bench Press (normal grip, 3x8 @ 120% of close grip bench sets):
- 279x 7, 7, 7
1-Arm Landmine Rows (3x 8):
- 115x 7, 7, 7
Arms and Shoulders Tri-set (3x 12-15):
- Seated DB Curls @ 35x 14, 14, 13
- Elbows Out DB Extensions @ 35x 14, 14, 13
- DB Lateral Raiseses @ 20x 14, 14, 13
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 56 Push Ups in between CS drills (7x8)
1-Arm Landmine Rows,
Close Grip Bench Press,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap,
DB Curls,
Elbows Out DB Extensions,
Landmine Rows,
Lateral Raises,
Push Ups,
Thursday 4.21.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips and shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 rounds of hip circle circuit (in between first e CS drills)
Strength Training:
Power Snatch (15 reps or 5x3 with 1:30 rest):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 187.5x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (190 next week)
Snatch High Pull (15 reps or 5x3 at 135% of PS work sets with 1:00 rest):
- 253x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (256.5 next week)
Hang Power Snatch (25 reps or 5x5 at 100 lbs less than SHP weight with 1:00 rest):
- 153x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (156.5 next week)
Barbell Reverse Lunges (3x5, same weight as HPS):
- 45x 10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 153x 5, 5, 5 (156.5 next week)
Standing Calf Raises (5 sets, 2-second pauses, adding a rep each week):
- 0x 16, 16, 16, 15, 15 (in between sets of lunges)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- Dynamic mobility for hips and shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 rounds of hip circle circuit (in between first e CS drills)
Strength Training:
Power Snatch (15 reps or 5x3 with 1:30 rest):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 187.5x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (190 next week)
Snatch High Pull (15 reps or 5x3 at 135% of PS work sets with 1:00 rest):
- 253x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (256.5 next week)
Hang Power Snatch (25 reps or 5x5 at 100 lbs less than SHP weight with 1:00 rest):
- 153x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (156.5 next week)
Barbell Reverse Lunges (3x5, same weight as HPS):
- 45x 10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 153x 5, 5, 5 (156.5 next week)
Standing Calf Raises (5 sets, 2-second pauses, adding a rep each week):
- 0x 16, 16, 16, 15, 15 (in between sets of lunges)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
Wednesday 4.20.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Chin Ups and Ring Dips Superset (50 reps or 10x5, whichever comes first, 1:00 rest between sets):
- Warm Ups: 0x5, 20x4, 35x3, 50x2, 65x1 (same weight/reps for chin and dips)
- Chin Ups: 10x 5 (go up to 5 lbs next week)
- Ring Dips: 10x 5 (go up to 5 lbs next week)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 56 Push Ups in between CS drills (8x7)
Arm Recovery:
- Orange CS Band Skull Crushers (eye level): 3x 12
- Orange CS Band Stretch Curls (knee level): 3x12
- Internal rotators of shoulders
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Chin Ups and Ring Dips Superset (50 reps or 10x5, whichever comes first, 1:00 rest between sets):
- Warm Ups: 0x5, 20x4, 35x3, 50x2, 65x1 (same weight/reps for chin and dips)
- Chin Ups: 10x 5 (go up to 5 lbs next week)
- Ring Dips: 10x 5 (go up to 5 lbs next week)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 56 Push Ups in between CS drills (8x7)
Arm Recovery:
- Orange CS Band Skull Crushers (eye level): 3x 12
- Orange CS Band Stretch Curls (knee level): 3x12
- Internal rotators of shoulders
Chin Ups,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap,
mobility work,
Push Ups,
Ring Dips,
Weighted Chin Ups,
Weighted Ring Dips
Tuesday 4.19.16
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 Rounds of Hip Circle steps and squats
Strength Training:
Front Squat (warm up to 120%, then 5x3):
- 48x 7, 98x 6, 138x 5, 188x 4, 228x 3, 278x 2, 318x 1, 265x 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 (Switch with back squats and do 3x5)
Back Squats (3x5):
- 230x 4, 280x 3, 320x 2, 370x 1, 325x 5, 4, 4 (Switch with front squats and do 5x3)
Band Hip Thrusts:
- Purple Band and Hip Circle x 13, 10, 10
Standing Calf Raises (3x max reps):
- 0x 16, 16, 15 (in between CS drills)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 round of Recovery
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 3 Rounds of Hip Circle steps and squats
Strength Training:
Front Squat (warm up to 120%, then 5x3):
- 48x 7, 98x 6, 138x 5, 188x 4, 228x 3, 278x 2, 318x 1, 265x 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 (Switch with back squats and do 3x5)
Back Squats (3x5):
- 230x 4, 280x 3, 320x 2, 370x 1, 325x 5, 4, 4 (Switch with front squats and do 5x3)
Band Hip Thrusts:
- Purple Band and Hip Circle x 13, 10, 10
Standing Calf Raises (3x max reps):
- 0x 16, 16, 15 (in between CS drills)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 round of Recovery
Back Squats,
Band Hip Thrusts,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Recovery,
Front Squat,
Hip Circle,
Standing Calf Raises
Monday 4.18.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic shoulder mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation (skipped because the station was taken)
Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/2, 255x 0/1
Shoulder Press (10, 8, 6, 15-20):
- 147.5x 10, 167.5x 8, 187.5x 6, 120x 20
Weighted Pull Ups (25 reps or 5x5):
- 0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 55x1, 27.5x 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Arnold Press (3x 10-15):
- Arnold Press @ 55: 12, 12, 12
Arms Superset:
- DB Hammer Curls @ 45x 13, 12, 12
- OH Triceps Extensions (Cable machine) @ 90: 13, 12, 12
Crossover Symmetry:
- One round of Iron Scap
- 56 Push Ups in between CS drills (8x7)
- Dynamic shoulder mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation (skipped because the station was taken)
Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/2, 255x 0/1
Shoulder Press (10, 8, 6, 15-20):
- 147.5x 10, 167.5x 8, 187.5x 6, 120x 20
Weighted Pull Ups (25 reps or 5x5):
- 0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 55x1, 27.5x 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Arnold Press (3x 10-15):
- Arnold Press @ 55: 12, 12, 12
Arms Superset:
- DB Hammer Curls @ 45x 13, 12, 12
- OH Triceps Extensions (Cable machine) @ 90: 13, 12, 12
Crossover Symmetry:
- One round of Iron Scap
- 56 Push Ups in between CS drills (8x7)
Arnold Press,
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap,
Hammer Curls,
Overhead Triceps Extensions (cables),
Push Presses,
Push Ups,
Weighted Pull Ups
Saturday 4.16.16
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 2 Rounds of Hip Circle work (10 steps each direction and 10 squats)
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Ups:
-45x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 225x 4/4, 315x 3/3, 405x 2/2, 495x 1/1
Sumo Deadlift (5x3 or 15 reps total):
- 425x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1
Conventional Deadlift/ Hang Power Shrugs (5x 3/6 or 15/30 reps):
- 425x 3/6, 3/6, 3/6, 3/6, 2/4, 1/2
Straight Leg Deadlift (3x 10-12):
- 225x 11, 10, 10
Standing Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 10, 9, 9, 9, 9 (stay at this weight)
Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 190x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (200 next week)
Seated Calf Raises (5x10):
- 125x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (130 next week)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 2 Rounds of Hip Circle work (10 steps each direction and 10 squats)
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Ups:
-45x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 225x 4/4, 315x 3/3, 405x 2/2, 495x 1/1
Sumo Deadlift (5x3 or 15 reps total):
- 425x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1
Conventional Deadlift/ Hang Power Shrugs (5x 3/6 or 15/30 reps):
- 425x 3/6, 3/6, 3/6, 3/6, 2/4, 1/2
Straight Leg Deadlift (3x 10-12):
- 225x 11, 10, 10
Standing Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 10, 9, 9, 9, 9 (stay at this weight)
Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 190x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (200 next week)
Seated Calf Raises (5x10):
- 125x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (130 next week)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
Barbell Shrugs,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Recovery,
Donkey Calf Raises,
Hip Circle,
Seated Calf Raises,
Standing Calf Raises,
Straight Leg Deadlifts,
Sumo Deadlifts
Friday 4.15.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (warm up to 120%, then 4x 6-8):
- 46x 11, 96x 9, 136x 7, 186x 5, 226x 3, 276x 1, 230x 8, 8, 8, 8 (232.5 next week)
Landmine Rows (4x 6-8):
- 75x 11, 100x 9, 125x 7, 150x 5, 175x 3, 198x 1, 165x 8, 8, 8, 8 (167.5 next week)
Slingshot Bench Press (normal grip, 3x 10-12):
- 277.5x 11, 10, 10
1-Arm Landmine Rows (3x 10-12):
- 110x 11, 10, 10
Arms Superset (3x 12-15):
- Seated DB Curls @ 35x 14, 13, 13
- Elbows Out DB Extensions @ 35x 14, 13, 13
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (warm up to 120%, then 4x 6-8):
- 46x 11, 96x 9, 136x 7, 186x 5, 226x 3, 276x 1, 230x 8, 8, 8, 8 (232.5 next week)
Landmine Rows (4x 6-8):
- 75x 11, 100x 9, 125x 7, 150x 5, 175x 3, 198x 1, 165x 8, 8, 8, 8 (167.5 next week)
Slingshot Bench Press (normal grip, 3x 10-12):
- 277.5x 11, 10, 10
1-Arm Landmine Rows (3x 10-12):
- 110x 11, 10, 10
Arms Superset (3x 12-15):
- Seated DB Curls @ 35x 14, 13, 13
- Elbows Out DB Extensions @ 35x 14, 13, 13
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
Thursday 4.14.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips and shoulders (barbell snatch drills)
- Crossover Symmetry Activation (while wearing the Hip Circle)
Strength Training:
Power Snatch (15 reps or 5x3 with 1:30 rest):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 187.5x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1
Snatch High Pull (15 reps or 5x3 at 135% of PS work sets with 1:00 rest):
- 253x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1
Hang Power Snatch (25 reps or 5x5 at 100 lbs less than SHP weight with 1:00 rest):
- 153x 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 1
Hip Thrusts (Band):
- Purple Badx 15, 15, 15 (2 second holds at top, add band tension next week)
Standing Calf Raises:
- 0x 16, 15, 15 (in between the first 3 CS drills)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- Dynamic mobility for hips and shoulders (barbell snatch drills)
- Crossover Symmetry Activation (while wearing the Hip Circle)
Strength Training:
Power Snatch (15 reps or 5x3 with 1:30 rest):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 187.5x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1
Snatch High Pull (15 reps or 5x3 at 135% of PS work sets with 1:00 rest):
- 253x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1
Hang Power Snatch (25 reps or 5x5 at 100 lbs less than SHP weight with 1:00 rest):
- 153x 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 1
Hip Thrusts (Band):
- Purple Badx 15, 15, 15 (2 second holds at top, add band tension next week)
Standing Calf Raises:
- 0x 16, 15, 15 (in between the first 3 CS drills)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
Wednesday 4.13.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Chin Ups and Ring Dips Superset (50 reps or 10x5, whichever comes first, 1:00 rest between sets):
- Warm Ups: 0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 60x1 (same weight/reps for chin and dips)
- Chin Ups: 9x5, 1x3, 1x2
- Ring Dips: 9x5, 1x3, 2x2
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
- Internal rotators of shoulders
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Chin Ups and Ring Dips Superset (50 reps or 10x5, whichever comes first, 1:00 rest between sets):
- Warm Ups: 0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 60x1 (same weight/reps for chin and dips)
- Chin Ups: 9x5, 1x3, 1x2
- Ring Dips: 9x5, 1x3, 2x2
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
- Internal rotators of shoulders
Tuesday 4.12.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings and shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Front Squat (5x3):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 260x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (265 next week)
Back Squats (3x5):
- 185x 5, 225x 4, 275x 3, 315x 2, 365x 1, 325x 4, 4, 4 (work up to 370 next week)
Glutes Circuit (3x through the circuit, no rest):
- Hip Circle Side Steps: 10 steps each direction
- Hip Circle Forward/ Backward Steps: 10 steps each direction
- Banded Good Mornings with Black Band: 10 reps
Standing Calf Raises (3x max reps):
- 0x 15, 15, 15 (in between CS drills)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 round of Recovery
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings and shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Front Squat (5x3):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 260x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (265 next week)
Back Squats (3x5):
- 185x 5, 225x 4, 275x 3, 315x 2, 365x 1, 325x 4, 4, 4 (work up to 370 next week)
Glutes Circuit (3x through the circuit, no rest):
- Hip Circle Side Steps: 10 steps each direction
- Hip Circle Forward/ Backward Steps: 10 steps each direction
- Banded Good Mornings with Black Band: 10 reps
Standing Calf Raises (3x max reps):
- 0x 15, 15, 15 (in between CS drills)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 round of Recovery
Back Squats,
Band Good Mornings,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Recovery,
Front Squat,
Hip Circle,
Standing Calf Raises
Monday 4.11.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic shoulder mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/2, 255x 0/1
Shoulder Press (10, 8, 6, 15-20):
- 145x 10, 165x 8, 185x 6, 120x 18
Weighted Pull Ups (25 reps or 5x5):
- 0x5, 15x4, 25x3, 35x2, 45x1, 25x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (work up to 55x1 and 27.5 next week)
Arnold Press (3x 10-15):
- Arnold Press @ 55: 12, 12, 11
Arms Superset:
- DB Hammer Curls @ 45x 12, 12, 12
- OH Triceps Extensions (Orange CS cord): 12, 12, 12
Crossover Symmetry:
- One round of Iron Scap
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
- Dynamic shoulder mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/2, 255x 0/1
Shoulder Press (10, 8, 6, 15-20):
- 145x 10, 165x 8, 185x 6, 120x 18
Weighted Pull Ups (25 reps or 5x5):
- 0x5, 15x4, 25x3, 35x2, 45x1, 25x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (work up to 55x1 and 27.5 next week)
Arnold Press (3x 10-15):
- Arnold Press @ 55: 12, 12, 11
Arms Superset:
- DB Hammer Curls @ 45x 12, 12, 12
- OH Triceps Extensions (Orange CS cord): 12, 12, 12
Crossover Symmetry:
- One round of Iron Scap
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
Saturday 4.09.16
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
- Dynamic mobility for hips and hamstrings
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Ups:
-45x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 225x 4/4, 315x 3/3, 405x 2/2, 495x 1/1
Sumo Deadlift (5x3 or 15 reps total):
- 425x 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2
Conventional Deadlift/ Hang Power Shrugs (5x 3/6 or 15/30 reps):
- 425x 3/6, 3/6, 3/6, 2/4, 2/4, 2/4
Sumo Straight Leg Deadlift (3x 10-12):
- 225x 10, 10, 10
Standing Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 (stay at this weight)
Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 180x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (190 next week)
Seated Calf Raises (5x10):
- 120x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (125 next week)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- None
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
- Dynamic mobility for hips and hamstrings
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Ups:
-45x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 225x 4/4, 315x 3/3, 405x 2/2, 495x 1/1
Sumo Deadlift (5x3 or 15 reps total):
- 425x 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2
Conventional Deadlift/ Hang Power Shrugs (5x 3/6 or 15/30 reps):
- 425x 3/6, 3/6, 3/6, 2/4, 2/4, 2/4
Sumo Straight Leg Deadlift (3x 10-12):
- 225x 10, 10, 10
Standing Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 (stay at this weight)
Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 180x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (190 next week)
Seated Calf Raises (5x10):
- 120x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (125 next week)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- None
Barbell Shrugs,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Recovery,
Donkey Calf Raises,
Push Ups,
Seated Calf Raises,
Standing Calf Raises,
Sumo Deadlifts,
Sumo Straight Leg Deadlifts
Friday 4.08.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (warm up to 120%, then 4x 6-8):
- 45x 11, 95x 9, 135x 7, 185x 5, 225x 3, 275x 1, 227.5x 8, 8, 8, 8 (230 next week)
Landmine Rows (4x 6-8):
- 75x 11, 100x 9, 125x 7, 150x 5, 175x 3, 200x 1, 162.5x 8, 8, 8, 8 (165 next week)
Slingshot Bench Press (normal grip, 3x 10-12):
- 277.5x 10, 10, 10
1-Arm Landmine Rows (3x 10-12):
- 110x 10, 10, 10
Arms Superset (3x 12-15):
- Seated DB Curls @ 35x 13, 13, 13
- Elbows Out DB Extensions @ 35x 13, 13, 13
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
- None
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (warm up to 120%, then 4x 6-8):
- 45x 11, 95x 9, 135x 7, 185x 5, 225x 3, 275x 1, 227.5x 8, 8, 8, 8 (230 next week)
Landmine Rows (4x 6-8):
- 75x 11, 100x 9, 125x 7, 150x 5, 175x 3, 200x 1, 162.5x 8, 8, 8, 8 (165 next week)
Slingshot Bench Press (normal grip, 3x 10-12):
- 277.5x 10, 10, 10
1-Arm Landmine Rows (3x 10-12):
- 110x 10, 10, 10
Arms Superset (3x 12-15):
- Seated DB Curls @ 35x 13, 13, 13
- Elbows Out DB Extensions @ 35x 13, 13, 13
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
- None
1-Arm Landmine Rows,
Air Squats,
Close Grip Bench Press,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap,
DB Curls,
Elbows Out DB Extensions,
Landmine Rows,
Push Ups,
Thursday 4.07.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips and shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation (while wearing the Hip Circle)
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
Strength Training:
Power Snatch (5x3):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 187.5x 3, 3, 3, 2, 2
Snatch High Pull (5x3 at 135% of PS work sets):
- 253x 3, 3, 3, 2, 2
Hang Power Snatch (5x5 at 100 lbs less than SHP weight):
- 153x 5, 5, 5, 4, 4
AMRAP in 10:00 of:
- 10 KB Swings @ 70 lbs
- 20 Bulgarian Split Squats holding a 25 lbs plate (10 each leg)
Score: 5 rounds + 10 KB swings
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
- Dynamic mobility for hips and shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation (while wearing the Hip Circle)
- 50 Push Ups in between CS drills
Strength Training:
Power Snatch (5x3):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 187.5x 3, 3, 3, 2, 2
Snatch High Pull (5x3 at 135% of PS work sets):
- 253x 3, 3, 3, 2, 2
Hang Power Snatch (5x5 at 100 lbs less than SHP weight):
- 153x 5, 5, 5, 4, 4
AMRAP in 10:00 of:
- 10 KB Swings @ 70 lbs
- 20 Bulgarian Split Squats holding a 25 lbs plate (10 each leg)
Score: 5 rounds + 10 KB swings
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
Wednesday 4.06.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 50 Push Ups in Between CS drills (2x7 and 6x6)
Strength Training:
Chin Ups and Ring Dips Superset (50 reps or 10x5, whichever comes first):
- Warm Ups: 0x5, 15x4, 25x3, 35x2, 45x1 (same weight/reps for chin and dips)
- Chin Ups: 8x5, 1x4, 2x3
- Ring Dips: 8x5, 1x4, 2x3
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
- Internal rotators of shoulders
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 50 Push Ups in Between CS drills (2x7 and 6x6)
Strength Training:
Chin Ups and Ring Dips Superset (50 reps or 10x5, whichever comes first):
- Warm Ups: 0x5, 15x4, 25x3, 35x2, 45x1 (same weight/reps for chin and dips)
- Chin Ups: 8x5, 1x4, 2x3
- Ring Dips: 8x5, 1x4, 2x3
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
- Internal rotators of shoulders
Air Squats,
Chin Ups,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap,
Push Ups,
Ring Dips
Tuesday 4.05.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings and shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation while wearing the Hip Circle
- 8x5 Push Ups in between CS drills
Strength Training:
Front Squat/ Back Squat:
- 45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3, 275x 2/2, 315x 1/1
Front Squats (5x3 with 1:00 rest between sets):
- 260x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2
Back Squats (3x5 with 2:00 rest between sets):
- 320x 5, 5, 5 (325 next week)
KB Swing and Calf Raise Circuit (as much of 21's as possible in 10:00):
- KB Swings @ 70 lbs: 20, 19, 18, ......3, 2, 1
- Standing Calf Raises @ 0: 1, 2, 3, ...18, 19, 20
Score: I got through the round of 12 KB Swings (144 total) and 10 Calf Raises (55 total).
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 round of Recovery
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings and shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation while wearing the Hip Circle
- 8x5 Push Ups in between CS drills
Strength Training:
Front Squat/ Back Squat:
- 45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3, 275x 2/2, 315x 1/1
Front Squats (5x3 with 1:00 rest between sets):
- 260x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2
Back Squats (3x5 with 2:00 rest between sets):
- 320x 5, 5, 5 (325 next week)
KB Swing and Calf Raise Circuit (as much of 21's as possible in 10:00):
- KB Swings @ 70 lbs: 20, 19, 18, ......3, 2, 1
- Standing Calf Raises @ 0: 1, 2, 3, ...18, 19, 20
Score: I got through the round of 12 KB Swings (144 total) and 10 Calf Raises (55 total).
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 round of Recovery
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
Air Squats,
Back Squats,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Recovery,
Front Squat,
KB Swings,
Push Ups,
Standing Calf Raises
Monday 4.04.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic shoulder mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 40 Push Ups (n between CS drills)
Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/2, 250x 0/1
Shoulder Press (10, 8, 6, 15-20):
- 142.5x 10, 162.5x 8, 182.5x 6, 115x 20 (145, 165, 185 and 120 next week)
Weighted Pull Ups (25 reps or 5x5):
- 0x5, 15x4, 25x3, 35x2, 45x1, 25x 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Arnold Press (3x 10-15):
- Arnold Press @ 55: 12, 11, 11
Arms Superset:
- DB Hammer Curls @ 45x 12, 12, 11
- OH Triceps Extensions (Orange CS cord): 12, 12, 11
Crossover Symmetry:
- One round of Iron Scap
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
- None
- Dynamic shoulder mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 40 Push Ups (n between CS drills)
Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/2, 250x 0/1
Shoulder Press (10, 8, 6, 15-20):
- 142.5x 10, 162.5x 8, 182.5x 6, 115x 20 (145, 165, 185 and 120 next week)
Weighted Pull Ups (25 reps or 5x5):
- 0x5, 15x4, 25x3, 35x2, 45x1, 25x 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Arnold Press (3x 10-15):
- Arnold Press @ 55: 12, 11, 11
Arms Superset:
- DB Hammer Curls @ 45x 12, 12, 11
- OH Triceps Extensions (Orange CS cord): 12, 12, 11
Crossover Symmetry:
- One round of Iron Scap
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
- None
Saturday 4.02.16
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 40 Push Ups in between CS drills
- Dynamic mobility for hips and hamstrings
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Ups:
-45x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 225x 4/4, 315x 3/3, 405x 2/2, 495x 1/1
Sumo Deadlift (5x3 or 15 reps total):
- 425x 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Seated Calf Raises (warm up, then 5x10):
- 105x 12, 115x 10, 125x 8, 135x 6, 145x 4, 155x 2, 115x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (go up 5 lbs on all sets)
Conventional Deadlift/ Hang Power Shrugs (5x 3/6 or 15/30 reps):
- 425x 3/6, 3/6, 2/4, 2/4, 2/4, 2/4, 1/2
Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (180 next week)
Standing Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 (stay at this weight)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery (but I forgot it today)
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
- None
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 40 Push Ups in between CS drills
- Dynamic mobility for hips and hamstrings
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Ups:
-45x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 225x 4/4, 315x 3/3, 405x 2/2, 495x 1/1
Sumo Deadlift (5x3 or 15 reps total):
- 425x 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Seated Calf Raises (warm up, then 5x10):
- 105x 12, 115x 10, 125x 8, 135x 6, 145x 4, 155x 2, 115x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (go up 5 lbs on all sets)
Conventional Deadlift/ Hang Power Shrugs (5x 3/6 or 15/30 reps):
- 425x 3/6, 3/6, 2/4, 2/4, 2/4, 2/4, 1/2
Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (180 next week)
Standing Calf Raises (5x10):
- 170x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 (stay at this weight)
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Recovery (but I forgot it today)
- 100 Air Squats in between CS drills
- None
Friday 4.01.16
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 8x5 Push Ups (in between Crossover Symmetry Drills)
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (warm up to 120%, then 5x8):
- 45x 11, 95x 9, 135x 7, 185x 5, 225x 3, 275x 1, 225x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 (227.5 next week)
Landmine Rows (5x8):
- 75x 11, 100x 9, 125x 7, 150x 5, 175x 3, 200x 1, 160x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 (162.5 next week)
Slingshot Close Grip Bench Press (3x8-10):
- 225x 8, 8, 8
1-Arm Landmine Rows (3x 8-10):
- 110x 8, 8, 8
Arms Superset (3x 12-15):
- Seated DB Curls @ 35x 13, 13, 12
- Elbows Out DB Extensions @ 35x 13, 13, 12
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 8x 10 Air Squats (slow for mobility, done in between Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap drills)
- None
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 8x5 Push Ups (in between Crossover Symmetry Drills)
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (warm up to 120%, then 5x8):
- 45x 11, 95x 9, 135x 7, 185x 5, 225x 3, 275x 1, 225x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 (227.5 next week)
Landmine Rows (5x8):
- 75x 11, 100x 9, 125x 7, 150x 5, 175x 3, 200x 1, 160x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 (162.5 next week)
Slingshot Close Grip Bench Press (3x8-10):
- 225x 8, 8, 8
1-Arm Landmine Rows (3x 8-10):
- 110x 8, 8, 8
Arms Superset (3x 12-15):
- Seated DB Curls @ 35x 13, 13, 12
- Elbows Out DB Extensions @ 35x 13, 13, 12
Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 8x 10 Air Squats (slow for mobility, done in between Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap drills)
- None
1-Arm Landmine Rows,
Air Squats,
Close Grip Bench Press,
Crossover Symmetry Activation,
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap,
DB Curls,
Elbows Out DB Extensions,
Landmine Rows,
Push Ups,
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