
Sunday 12.31.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine and hamstrings

Strength Training (Deload):
Legs (50 reps), Upper body Body and Shoulders (100 reps each) Circuit #1:
- Front Squats (75% bodyweight):  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 185x1, 195x 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 3
- BB Row (75% bodyweight):  45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 185x4, 225x2, 195x14, 14, 14, 14, 8, 6
- DB Front Raises:  8x10, 10x8, 12x6, 15x4, 20x2, 25x14, 14, 14, 14, 8, 6

Legs (50 reps), Upper Body and Shoulders (100 reps each) Circuit #2:
- Sumo Deadlift (at bodyweight):  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1, 260x 7, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3
- Bench Press (75% bodyweight): 45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 185x4, 225x2, 195x 14, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 6
- DB Lateral Raises:  25x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 14, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 6

Arms and Shoulders Circuit (100 reps each):
- EZ Bar Curls:  75x 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 5, 5
- EZ Bar Overhead Extensions:  75x 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 5, 5
- Band Pull Aparts:  Red Band x 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 5, 5

Saturday 12.30.17

Rest day.


Friday 12.29.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders and spine
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Pull Ups, Seated Overhead Press, Cable Lateral Raise Ciruit (100 reps each):
- Pull Ups:  0x10, 10x8, 20x6, 30x4, 40x2, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3
- Press:  45x10, 75x8, 105x6, 135x4, 165x2, 130x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3
- Lateral Raise:  Blue CS Cord x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3

Arms Superset:
- Skipped due to time


Thursday 12.28.17

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training (Deload):
Deadlift @ 150% bodyweight and Goblet Squats @ 25 (100 reps, 45 ramping up, 55 at rx'd weights):
- Deadlift:  135x9, 185x8, 225x6, 275x6, 315x5, 365x4, 405x3, 255x2, 495x1, 390x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- Goblet Squats:  20x9, 30x8, 40x7, 50x6, 60x5, 70x3, 80x3, 90x2, 100x1, 65x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Standing Calf Raises (100 reps for time):
- 0x 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 10
Time:  4:30-ish


Wednesday 12.27.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders and spine
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training (Deload):
Ring Rows, Bar Dips and Lateral Raises (100 reps of each for time):
- Ring Rows:  0x 10, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3
- Bar Dips:  0x sam rep scheme
- Lateral Raises:  30x same rep scheme
Time:  27:37

DB Curls, Skull Crushers, ATYT's (100 reps of each for time):
- DB Curls:  40x 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8
- Skull Crushers:  95x same rep scheme
- ATYT's:  Yellow CS Cord x same rep scheme
Time:  26:52

Tuesday 12.26.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine and hamstrings

Strength Training (Deload):
Back Squats (10-1 at bodyweight):
- 45x9, 95x8, 135x7, 185x6, 225x5, 275x4, 315x3, 365x2, 405x1, 260x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

KB Swings (superset with each squat set):
- 70x 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

AMRAP in 5:00 of:
- 5 Push Ups
- 10 Sit Ups
- 15 Air Squats
Score:  4 rounds + 7 squats into round 5.

Monday 12.25.17

Rest day.


Sunday 12.24.17

- 10:00 of jump rope

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
- 20 Vacuum Trunk Twists
- 20 Banded Good Mornings with Green Band
- 20 2-count Flutter Kicks

- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
- 100 Lateral Raises each arm with Red CS Cord
- 100 Band Curls each arm with Blue CS Cord
- 100 Reverse Grip Pushdowns with Blue CS Cord

- 20:00 of static stretching for shoulders, lats, and chest


Saturday 12.23.17

Warm Up:
- Vacuum Trunk Twists:  10, 10, 10
- Reverse Hypers:  50x 10, 10, 10
- Hanging Leg Raise:  10, 10, 10

Strength Training:
Front Squats and Biceps:
- Front Squats:  45x7, 95x6, 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1, 260x 3, 2, 2
- Barbell Curls:  45x15, 65x15, 85x 15, 14, 14
- DB Hammer Curls:  40x 15, 14, 14
- EZ Bar Reverse Curls:  60x 15, 14, 14

Deadlifts and Triceps:
- Deadlifts:  45x8, 135x7, 225x6, 315x5, 405x4, 460x 3, 2, 2
- Overhead Barbell Tricep Extensions:  45x15, 65x15, 85x 15, 14, 14
- 1-Arm Overhead DB Extensions:  35x 13, 13, 13

Calves and Triceps:
- Donkey Calve Raises:  220x 15, 15, 15
- Reverse Grips Push Downs:  15, 15, 15


Friday 12.22.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders and spine
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Vertical Push and Pull Superset #1 (3x5):
- Push Press:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1, 185x 5, 5, 5
- Weighted Chin Ups:  0x5, 25x4, 50x3, 75x2, 100x1, 50x 5, 4, 4

Vertical Push and Pull Superset #2 (3x10):
- Shoulder Press:  135x 10, 10, 10
- Pull Ups:  0x 10, 8, 7

Upper Back Superset (3x15):
- Trap Bar Shrugs:  262.5x 15, 14, 14
- Band Face Pulls:  Green+Red x 15, 14, 14

Shoulder Shocker Circuit:
- Front Plate Raises:  35x 10, 9, 8
- DB Cuban Press:  20x 10, 9, 8
- DB Lateral Raise:  20x 10, 9, 8
- Band Pull Apart:  Red x 30, 27, 24


Thursday 12.21.17

Recovery Day:

- Skipped but will add jump rope and/or rowing in the future

Recovery Work:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
- Crossover Symmetry Cord Shoulder Pump:  Blue Cord x 10, 10, 10
- Shoulder Mobility Work
- Lower Body Mobility Work


Wednesday 12.20.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings, and spine

Strength Training:
Back Squats  and Biceps (3x3 and 3x15):
- Back Squats:  45x10, 95x9, 135x8, 185x7, 225x6, 275x5, 315x4, 340x 3, 2, 2
- Barbell Curls:  45x15, 65x15, 85x 15, 14, 14
- DB Hammer Curls:  40x 15, 14,  14
- Reverse Curls:  60x 15, 14, 14

Sumo Deadlifts and Triceps (3x3 and 3x15):
- Sumo Deadlifts:  45x8, 135x7, 225x6, 315x5, 405x4, 460x 3, 2, 2
- Skull Crushers:  45x15, 70x15, 95x 15, 14, 14
- Elbows out DB Extensions:  45x 15, 14, 14

Calves and Triceps (3x15):
- Standing Calf Raises:  5x 15, 15, 15
- Reverse Grip Skull Crushers:  60x 15, 14, 14


Tuesday 12.19.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Chest and Back Superset #1 (3x5):
- Bench Press:  45x13, 95x11, 135x9, 185x7, 225x5, 275x3, 315x1, 262.5x 5, 4, 4 (3-sec negatives)
- Barbell Rows: 45x13, 95x11, 135x9, 185x7, 225x5, 275x3, 315x1, 262.5x 5, 4, 4

Chest and Back Superset #2 (3x10):
- Dips:  0x 10, 9, 9 (controlled negatives)
- Ring Rows:  0x 10, 9, 9 (rings hip height, feet on a bench)

Traps and Upper Back Superset (3x15):
- Barbell Shrugs (behind the back):  262.5x 15, 14, 14
- Band Face Pulls:  Greeen and Red Band x 15, 14, 14

Shoulders Superset (3x20):
- DB Lateral Raises:  30x 20, 19, 19
- Band Pull Apart:  Blue Band x 20, 19, 19

Monday 12.18.17

Rest day.


Sunday 12.17.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility and band drills for shoulder and spine
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Shoulder Press (3x5):
- 45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 155x4, 185x 2, 225x1push press, 180x 4, 4, 4, 3
- Band Face Pulls:  Green x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 4, 4, 4, 3

Seated BTN Military Press (3x10):
- 135x 10, 9, 9, 2
- Band Pull Aparts:  Red x 10, 9, 9, 2

Shoulders and Biceps Giant Set (3x15):
- Arnold Presses:  50x 12, 12, 12, 9
- DB Lateral Raises:  35x 12, 12, 12, 9
- Barbell Curls:  95x 12, 12, 12, 9

Arms Superset #1(3x15):
- Overhead DB Extensions:  35x 15, 14, 14, 2
- DB Hammer Curls:  40x 15, 14, 14, 2

Arms Superset #2 (3x25):
- Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns:  115x 24, 23, 23, 5
- Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curls:  50x 24, 23, 23, 5


Saturday 12.16.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Weighted Chin Ups (3x5 or 15 reps):
- 0x5, 35x 4, 70x 3, 105x 1, 60x 5, 4, 4, 2

Pull Ups (3x10 or 30 reps):
- 0x 10, 8, 7, 5

Hammer Strength Pull Downs (parallel grip, 3x15 or 45 reps each):
- 140x 15, 15, 115

Upper Back Superset (3x15 or 45 reps each movement):
- Overhead Shrugs (Smith Machine):  190x 12, 12, 12, 6
- DB Shrugs:  140x 12, 12, 12, 6

Cable Face Pulls (3x20 or 60 reps):
- 100x 18, 18, 18, 6


Friday 12.15.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings, and spine

Strength Training:
Deadlifts (3x3):
- 45x 8, 135x 7, 225x 6, 315x 5, 405x 4, 460x 2, 2, 2

Skull Crushers (3x15):
- 45x20, 55x19, 65x18, 75x17, 85x16, 95x 15, 15, 15

Front Squats (3x3):
- 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 185x 5, 225x 4, 260x 2, 2, 2

Elbows Out DB Extensions (3x15):
- 15x20, 20x19, 25x18, 30x17, 35x16, 40x 15, 15, 15

Calf Raises (3x15):
- 0x15, 15, 15

Reverse Grip Skull Crushers (3x15):
- 55x 15, 15, 15


Thursday 12.14.17

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Bench Press and Reverse Flyes (12 120%, then 3x5, then 3x10):
- Warm Ups:  45x8, 95x7, 135x6, 185x5, 225x4, 275x3, 315x2, 355x1 (slingshot)
- 3x5:  295x 4, 4, 3
- 3x10:  245x 8, 8, 6
- CS Cord Reverse Flyes:  Blue Cord x 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 4, 3, 8, 8, 6 (between sets)

Dips and DB Lateral Raises (3x15):
- Dips:  12, 12, 9
- DBLR:  35x 12, 12, 9


Wednesday 12.13.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings, and spine
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Barbell Reverse Lunges (120%, then 3x6):
- 45x 10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 185x 4, 225x 2, 228x 1, 190x 6, 6, 6

Barbell Step Ups (20" box, 3x9):
- 80x 9, 9, 9

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats (3x12):
- 80 x 12, 12, 12

Calf Raises (3x20):
- 0x 20, 18, 18, 4

In between I did some bicep work to make up for missing it yesterday:

- DB Curls:  45x 12, 12, 12, 9
- DB Hammer Curls:  45x 12, 12, 12, 9
- Reverse Curls:  90x 12, 12, 12, 9


Tuesday 12.12.17

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows (3x5):
- 65x 10, 115x 9, 155x 8, 205x 7, 245x 6, 295x 4, 4, 4, 3

Supinated Grip Barbell Rows (3x10):
- 245x 9, 9, 9, 3

Ring Rows (3x15 or 45 reps, Ringsd at hip height, feet on bench):
- 0x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5

Upper Back Superset (3x10):
- Overhead Shrugs:  195x 9, 9, 9, 3
- Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs:  295x 9, 9, 9, 3
- Band Face Pulls:  Green and Red Band x 9, 9, 9, 3

Standing DB Curls (3x15):
- Ran out of time

EZ Bar Reverse Curls (3x25):
- Ran out of time


Monday 12.11.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings, and spine
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts (120%, then 3x3):
- 45x 7, 135x 6, 225x 5, 315x 4, 405x 3, 495x 2, 550x 1, 460x 2, 2, 2

Back Squats (120%, then 3x3):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 275x 4, 315x 3, 365x2, 405x1, 340x 2, 2, 2

5 rounds of :32 seconds each:
- KB Swings @ 70 lbs
- Jump Rope Singles


Sunday 12.10.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility and band drills for shoulder and spine
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Shoulder Press (3x5):
- 45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 155x4, 185x 2, 216x1, 180x 4, 4, 3, 3, 1
- CS Cord Reverse Flyes between sets with Blue Cord (same sets and reps)

1-Arm DB Press (3x10):
- 70x 9, 9, 9, 3
- CS Cord Face Pulls between sets with Blue Cord (same sets and reps)

Shoulders Superset (3x15):
- Seated BTN Military Press:  120x 14, 14, 13, 4
- DB Lateral Raises:  35x 14, 14, 13, 4

Triceps and Shoulders Superset (3x15):
- Overhead DB Extensions:  35x 14, 14, 14, 3
- DB Rear Delt Raises:  20x 14, 14, 14, 3

Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns (3x25):
- Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns:  115x 23, 23, 23, 9


Saturday 12.09.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Weighted Chin Ups (3x5 or 15 reps):
- 0x5, 35x 4, 70x 3, 105x 1-ish, 60x 5, 4, 3, 3

Pull Ups (3x10 or 30 reps):
- 0x 10, 8, 5, 4, 3 (1:00 rest)

Hammer Strength Pull Downs (parallel grip, 3x15 or 45 reps each):
- 140x 15, 15, 14, 1

Upper Back Circuit (3x10 or 30 reps each movement):
- Overhead Shrugs (Smith Machine):  190x 10, 10, 9, 1
- DB Shrugs:  140x 10, 10, 9, 1
- Band Face Pulls:  Green x 10, 10, 9, 1

DB Curls (3x15 or 45 reps):
- 40x 15, 15, 15

EZ Bar Reverse Curls (3x25 or 75 reps):  
- 50x 24, 23, 23, 5


Friday 12.08.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings, and spine
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Deadlifts (120%, then 3x3):
- 45x 7, 135x 6, 225x 5, 315x 4, 405x 3, 495x 2, 546x 1, 455x 3, 3, 3

Front Squats (120%, then 3x3):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 255x 3, 3, 3

5 rounds of :31 seconds each:
- KB Swings @ 70 lbs
- Jump Rope Singles

Thursday 12.07.17

Rest day.


Wednesday 12.06.17

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (120%, then 3x5):
- 45x8, 95x7, 135x6, 185x5, 225x4, 275x3, 315x2, 355x1 (slingshot), 295x 4, 3, 3
- Band Face Pulls:  Green and Red x 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3

Weighted Dips (3x10):
- 50x 10, 9, 9
- Band Face Pulls:  Green and Red x 10, 9, 9

Triceps and Shoulders Giant Set (3x15):
- Skull Crushers: 85x 14, 14, 13, 4
- Elbows Out DB Extensions:  40x 14, 14, 13, 4
- Band Pull Aparts:  Red x 28, 28, 26, 8

Triceps and Shoulders Superset (3x25):
- Reverse Grip Skull Crushers:  55x 24, 24, 23, 4
- DB Lateral Raises:  20x 24, 24, 23, 4


Tuesday 12.05.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings, and spine
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Barbell Reverse Lunges (120%, then 3x6):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 228x 1, 190x 6, 6, 5

Front Rack Step Ups (20" box, 3x9):
- 80x 9, 9, 8

DB Bulgarian Split Squats (3x12):
- 40's x 12, 12, 11

5 rounds of:
- KB Swings @ 70 lbs for 31 seconds
- 6 seconds rest
- Jump Rope Singles for 31 seconds
- 6 seconds rest


Monday 12.04.17

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows (3x5):
- 60x 10, 110x 9, 150x 8, 200x 7, 240x 6, 290x 5, 5, 5

Supinated Grip Barbell Rows (3x10):
- 240x 10, 10, 10

Ring Rows (3x15 or 45 reps, 30" rings on a a 24" box):
- Subbed Hammer Strength Rows:  90x15, 110x15, 130x15

Upper Back Superset (3x10):
- Overhead Shrugs:  190x 10, 10, 10
- Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs:  290x 10, 10, 10
- Band Face Pulls:  Green Band x 10, 10, 10

Standing DB Curls (3x15):
- 40x 15, 15, 15

EZ Bar Reverse Curls (3x25):
- 50x 23, 223, 23, 6


Sunday 12.03.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings, and spine
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts and Shoulder Press Superset:
- SDL:  45x7, 135x6, 225x5, 315x4, 405x3, 495x2, 545x skipped (no belt), 455x 3, 3, 3
- SP:  45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 160x4, 190x2, 216x 1 (push press), 180x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Back Squats and 1-Arm DB Press, then Seated BTN Military Press:
- BS:  45x10, 95x9, 135x8, 185x7, 225x6, 275x5, 315x4, 335x 3, 3, 3
- DBP:  70x 9, 9, 8, 4
- SMP:  120x 14, 13, 13, 5

Overhead DB Extensions and DB Lateral Raises:
- OHDBE:  35x 14, 14, 13, 4
- DBLR:  35x 14, 14, 13, 4

Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns and Rear Delt DB Raises:
- RGTP:  115x 22, 22, 21, 10
- RDDBR:  15x 22, 22, 21, 10

Saturday 12.02.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders

Strength Training:
Weighted Chin Ups (3x5 or 15 reps):
- 0x5, 35x 4, 70x 3, 105x 1, 60x 4, 4, 3, 3, 1

Wide Grip Pulldowns (3x10 or 30 reps):
- 180x 10, 9, 9, 2

Hammer Strength Pulldowns (parallel grip, 3x15 or 45 reps each):
- 140x 15, 14, 14, 2

Upper Back Circuit (3x10 or 30 reps each movement):
- Overhead Shrugs (Smith Machine):  190x 10, 9, 9, 2
- DB Shrugs:  140x 10, 9, 9, 2
- Band Face Pulls:  Green x 10, 9, 9, 2

DB Curls (3x15 or 45 reps):
- 40x 15, 15, 14, 2

EZ Bar Reverse Curls (3x25 or 75 reps):  
- 50x 23, 23, 22, 7


Friday 12.01.17

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, hamstrings, and spine

Strength Training:
Deadlifts (120%, then 3x3):
- 45x 7, 135x 6, 225x 5, 315x 4, 405x 3, 495x 2, 540x 1, 455x 3, 3, 2

Front Squats (120%, then 3x3):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 255x 3, 3, 2

5 rounds of :30 seconds each:
- KB Swings @ 70 lbs
- Jump Rope Singles