I didn't get to do this strength workout on Friday as I normally do so I thought I would come in on a normal rest day and put in the work.
Warm Up:
- Dynamic Warm Up Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch
Strength Work:
Power Cleans (3 @70%, 80%, and 90% of 275):Warm Up Sets: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2
Work Sets:
- 195x3
- 225x3
- 248x3, 2, 1- The bar was moving fast today. Felt like I was able to get some frustrations out on these!
Weighted Pull Ups:- 30x3
- 40x3
- 50x6
- Body Weight x 14 (PR!), 4
I decided to re-attempt the 7:00 burpee workout from yesterday with a strategy of hitting a target number of reps per minute, rather than going all out fromn the beginning. I decided if I could do 15 reps in each of the first two minutes, and then 14 each minute after that, that I could get 100 reps. That strategy worked really well...until round 3. I then realized that my shoulders were VERY sore from yesterday's burpees, which is something I had not noticed until around rep 20. I finished it out and ended up with 83 burpees, 4 worse than yesterday.
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