
Saturday 3.31.12

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility
- Samson Stretch
- Jump Rope

Strength Work:
Overhead Squat (85%, 75%, and 65% of 225):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 150x1
- 170x1
- 191x5
- 170x6
- 150x10

Weighted Dips:
- 40x1
- 55x1
- 70x5
- 55x7
- 40x10

In between each set I did 70 single jump ropes, 6 hip extensions, and 6 hollow rocks.


Friday 3.30.12

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Power Cleans (5 reps at 85%, 75%, and 65% of 285):
Warm Ups:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 195x1
- 215x1
Work Sets:
- 243x5
- 215x6
- 185x7

Weighted Pull Ups:
- 25x1
- 40x1
- 55x5
- 40x7
- 25x10


Thursday 3.29.12

Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
- 65x6
- 155x4
- 245x2
Front Squats (85%, 75%, and 65% of 325):
- 277x5
- 245x5
- 215x5

Shoulder Press (85%, 75%, and 65% of 215):
- 183x5
- 165x5
- 140x5

* I did 70 reps of jump rope single-unders, 6 reverse hypers, and 6 knees-to-bar in between each set of thrusters, squats, and presses.*

21-15-9 reps for time of:
- 95 lbs Barbell Thrusters
- Pull Ups
Time:  4:13

This is not my best time (3:32) but not even close to my worst time (7:58).  I felt good on the thrusters and didn't need to break up any of those sets. The pull ups sets, though, were broken into two or three mini sets each time.  It was a combination of fatigue from 54 knees-to-elbows I already completed, and opting to use leather hand grips instead of tape.  Those things caused my hands to slip quite a bit.  So for next time, I will minimize the grip intensive work before Fran, and I will take the time to properly tape my hands.  My goal will be to get to get back under 4:00 for the first time in over two years.

For the strength work I decided to try some "Reverse Pyramid"style of lifting with Wendler 5-3-1 percentages.  So basically rather than starting with the lowest percentage and working up, I will be starting with the highest percentage and working down.  This has worked wonders for strength gains in the past, but I never tried it with Wendler 5-3-1 numbers.  We'll see how it goes.


Wednesday 3.28.12

Rest Day.  I thought about running for about 12 seconds, then decided complete rest was in order.


Tuesday 3.27.12

Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Deadlifts (65%, 75%, and 85% of 530):
Warm Ups:
- 45x8
- 135x6
- 225x4
- 315x2
Work Sets:
- 345x5
- 405x5
- 450x5

Weighted Chin Ups:
- 25x5
- 40x5
- 55x7
- 40x7
- 25x8

* I did 70 single jump rope reps, 6 GHD Sit Ups, and 6 Reverse Hypers in between each set of every lift.

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10:00 of:
- 3 Ring Dips
- 10 Hollow Rocks
- 10 Hip Extensions
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Double Unders
Score:  I completed 5 rounds + 3 ring dips and 10 hollow rocks.  I treated this as recovery and just moved through everything at a fast pace, but not as fast as possible.  Quality reps because consistency breeds credibility.  A wise man once told me that....

Adding Sprints to Your Training

From the article "Adding Sprints to Your Training" at Elitefts.com...

"We’ve all seen the picture comparing the marathoner to the sprinter, and we all know that we’d much rather look like the sprinter. Sprinting is great because it helps keep you lean, preserves muscle, improves coordination, and works both the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems among other things."

This is an  a decent article of many, many articles you can find extolling the health and physique benefits of sprinting.  I would like to start adding one or two days at the track each week to my own training, when and if Mother Nature decides to let me.  That's right, I'm a fair-weather sprinter and I'm comfortable with that. 

What I did today....

Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Back Squat (5 reps at 65%, 75%, and max reps @85% of  390):
Warm Up Sets:  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
Work Sets:
- 255x5
- 295x5
- 331x5

Bench Press (5 reps at 65%, 75%, and max reps @85% of  350):
Warm Ups Sets::  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
Work Sets:
- 230x5
- 265x5
- 298x5

* I did 65 single unders in between each set of strength work.

Sunday 3.25.12

Rest Day.

Saturday 3.24.12

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Warm Up Drills
- Ghd Sit ups
- Ghd back extensions
- Thrusters up to 225x1
- Weighted Chest-to-bar Pull Ups up to 30x1  

Conditioning: As many reps as possible in 7:00 of:
- 3 Thrusters (100 lbs)
- 3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 6 Thrusters
- 6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
-9 Thrusters
- 9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 12 Thrusters
- 12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 15 Thrusters
- 15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 18 Thrusters
- 18 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 21 Thrusters
- 21 Chest to Bar Pull Ups...

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.  
Score: I completed through the round of 15 for both movements, plus 5 thrusters into the round of 18, which is 95 total reps. The Open was a lot of fun and the competitive and supportive atmosphere in the gym each Saturday was pretty cool. It kinda sucks that it's over. I was pleased with most of my workouts and I was able to take the third place spot among Compound men, so I'll take it!

Friday 3.23.12

Rest Day. Gotta get ready for the last CrossFit Games Open Workout tomorrow.


Thursday 3.22.12

Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Power Cleans(75%, 85%, and 95% of 280):
Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2
Work Sets:
- 210x1
- 240x1
- 266x1,1,1,1,1

Weighted Pull Ups:
- 40x1
- 50x1
- 60x6

I'm going to take tomorrow off and then I should be good and rested for the CrossFit Open workout on Saturday.

Wednesday 3.21.12

Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch
- Thrusters:  60x6, 150x4, 240x2

Strength Work:
Front Squats (75%, 85%, and 95% of 345):
- 260x1
- 295x1
- 328x1- I got VERY light headed on this rep, so I did not attempt a second.

Shoulder Press (75%, 85%, and 95% of 220):
- 165x1
- 190x1
- 209x1- Wanted 2-3 reps but my strength is not there today!

* I did 65 reps of jump rope single-unders in between each set of thrusters, squats, and presses.*

Push Presses:
30 Reps@ 209: 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4
Toes to Bar:30 reps as controlled as possible (minimal kip): 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4- I just matched my push press reps and switched back and forth between the two movements.
SWAT Team Training:
In teams of two complete the following for time:
- 800m Run -both team members running together
- 150 Hand Release Push Ups- one team member working at a time until all reps were complete
- 150 Sit Ups
- 150 Squats
- 800m Run- bothe team members running together, and the clock stops when both cross the finish line.
**On the minute perform 2 pull ups each during the push ups, sit ups, and squats**
Score:  My partner and I finished in 24:03, which was 5th place out of 8 teams. 


Tuesday 3.20.12

Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Power Snatches:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 205x1
- 230x0

Deadlifts (75%, 85%, and 95% of 545):
- 315x2
- 410x1
- 465x1
- 518x0- I had nothing today.  I'm definitely resetting my deadlift weights next week.

Weighted Chin Ups:
- 40x1
- 50x1
- 60x6

** 65 single jump ropes between all sets of strength work.  13 sets x 65 jumps= 845 total jumps.

I am still pretty sore from Saturday, and I have a SWAT Team workout tomorrow so I decided to save something for that.  Plus, I'm feeling all around pretty weak and slow today.


How are your kidneys?

"It’s estimated that many people over 60 have only 40 percent of kidney function left. Chronic kidney disease, as it’s known, occurs gradually over the course of years......Much of it occurs due to a low-grade inflammation localized to the kidneys. Since omega-3 fatty acids, as found in fish oil, offer potent anti-inflammatory effects, it stands to reason that fish oil should also protect the kidneys, and that’s precisely what a recent study found."

View the entire article from Ironman Magazine here.  I personally try to get at least 5g of combined EPA and DHA per day (read your labels, a 1000 mg dose of fish oil usually has anywhere from 200-500mg of actual EPA/DHA, which are the health benefits of fish oil). 

What I did today...

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Back Squat (1 rep at 75%, 85%, and max reps @ 95% of  400):
Warm Up Sets:  95x6, 185x4, 275x2
Work Sets:
- 300x1
- 340x1
- 380x2

Bench Press (1 rep @75%, 85%, and max reps @ 95% of 365):
Warm Ups Sets::  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
Work Sets:
- 275x1
- 315x1
- 347x1- he rep was not exactly clean.  I think I'll have to reset my bench press weights and work back up.

Weighted Dips:
- 30 reps @ 60 lbs:  11, 8, 7, and 4
Toes to Bar:
- 30 reps:  11, 8, 7, and 4- I just matched my dip reps and tried to move between the two with minimal rest.  I also tried to control the reps and minimize the kip required to complete these.) 

I'm still thrashed from my Saturday workout so I decided to do my accessory work in a circuit fashion as semi-conditioning.  Hopefully my tight back and sore quads will be ready to go tomorrow.


Sunday 3.18.12

Today is supposed to be a rest day, which it still is.  But I am feeling pretty sore from yesterday so I came in to do a recovery workout.  The following is not for time or for any maximum weights.  I just wanted to move as many different muscles as I could through a full range of motion to get blood flowing and hopefully aid recovery.

3 Rounds of the following:
- 10 Turkish Get Ups (5 each side with 44 lbs)
- 10 KB Swings (70 lbs)
- 10 Ring Push Ups
- 10 Ring Rows
- 10 GHD Sit Ups
- 10 Hip Extensions

Saturday 3.17.12

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility
- Jump Rope
- Samsnon Stretch

Strength Work:

2012 CrossFit Open Workout 12.4As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12:00 of:
- 150 Wall Balls (20 lbs ball to a 10' target)
- 90 Double Unders
- 30 Muscle Ups
Score:  I completed all the wall balls and the double unders and was only able to get 1 muscle up completed before time ran out.  I actually had alomost 3 minutes left wjen I got to the rings but my shoulders were pretty shot by then.  I should have probably taken 30-45 seconds to rest before getting on the ring, which may have helped me get one or two more reps completed, but after failing like 5 attempts and finally getting one, I didn't have anything left.  Oh well, I wanted to hit at least 1 muscle up and I got it, so I'm satisfied with my effort.

Friday 3.16.12

Rest Day.  I needed it, too.  I'm very tired and sore!  Who programs this stuff?


Thursday 3.15.12

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Warm Up Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Power Cleans (3 @70%, 80%, and 90% of 280):
Warm Up Sets:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2
Work Sets:
- 195x3
- 225x3
- 252x3, 2, 1- Felt pretty fast and aggressive with the bar today.

Weighted Pull Ups:
- 35x3
- 45x3
- 55x5
- 45x5
- 35x7

In Between All Strength Sets:
- 65 single hop jump ropes
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Reverse Hypers

My time management has not been great and I didn't have time for conditioning work again.  Tomorrow will be a rest day, though, and Saturday will be the CrossFit Open workout.


Wednesday 3.14.12

Today is normally a rest day, which I like to take the day after I do heavy deadlifts, but my schedule is a little different this week so I have to work straight through...

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Samson Stretch
- Jump Rope
- Thrusters:  60x6, 150x4, 240x2

Strength Work:
Front Squats (70%, 80%, and 90% of 345):
- 245x3
- 275x3
- 311x2- I was very light headed coming up from rep 2, so I thought fainting during my third attempt might not help matters.

Shoulder Press (70%, 80%, and 90% of 220):
- 155x3
- 175x3
- 198x3

**65 reps of single hop jump rope between all sets of strength work:  9 sets x 65= 585 jumps

Push Press:
30 reps at the top shoulder press weight for the day
198x 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, and 4

GHD Sit Ups:
6,6,5,5,4,4- I just matched the push press reps and alternated between the two lifts without rest.

No conditioning today.  Having to train so many days in a row this week, I thought it better to save the conditioning for tomorrow, then take a rest day, then hit up the CF Open workout on Saturday.


Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
 - Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Power Snatches:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 205x1
- 230x0- Not even close.

Deadlifts (70%, 80%, 90% of 545):
- 315x3
- 385x3
- 435x3
- 491x1- Couldn't do a second, much less a third!

Weighted Chin Ups:
- 35x3
- 45x3
- 55x6
- 45x6
- 35x8

Five Rounds for Time of:
- 12 Deadlifts @ 155
- 9 Hang Power Cleans @ 155
- 6 Push Jerks @ 155
Time:  7:41

This is a CrossFit workout called "DT".  My previous best time was 8:24, to it was a PR by :43 seconds!


Monday 3.12.12

I started with some power snatches today and I just wasn't feeling it.  My body feels thrashed from Saturday's workout still.  I decided to do some active recovery work (AKA ping pong) and call it a day.  I'll commit to getting after it again tomorrow!



Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Back Squat (3 reps at 70%, 80%, and max reps @90% of  400):
Warm Up Sets:  75x6, 165x4, 255x2
Work Sets:
- 280x3
- 320x3
- 360x3

Bench Press (3 reps @70%, 80%, and max reps @90% of 365):
Warm Ups Sets::  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
Work Sets:
- 260x3
- 295x3
- 329x1- My shoulders are TRASHED from yesterday so 1 rep is all I felt I could safely attempt without a spotter. 
**65 single rope jumps in between each set of strength work.  12x65= 780 jumps
Mid-Line Stabilization:
5 sets of 10 reps each of:
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Hip Extensions
The CrossFit Games Open workout yesterday left me pretty sore today so I just hit some strength work and called it good. 


2012 CrossFit Open Workout 12.3

Saturday 3.10.12

Warm Up:
- Dyamnic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Reverse Hypers
- Samson Stretch
- Push Presses up to 185

2012 CrossFit Open Workout 12.3:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18:00 of:
- 15 Box Jumps (24")
- 12 Push Press (115 lbs)
- 9 Toes To Bar
Score: I completed 8 full rounds and 4 toes to bar short of the 9th round.

Friday 3.09.12 Warm Up:
- Dyamnic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Reverse Hypers
- Samson Stretch

Power Cleans (65%, 75%, and 85% of 280):
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x5
- 210x5
- 238x5,4,3,2,1



Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Reverse Hypers
- Samson Stretch
- Thrusters:  60x6, 150x4, 240x2

Strength Work:
Front Squats (65%, 75%, and 85% of 345):
- 225x5
- 260x5
- 294x5

Shoulder Press (65%, 75%, and 85% of 220):
- 145x5
- 165x5
- 187x5

On the minute for 10:00:
- 5 Burpees
- Max reps of 135 lbs barbell thrusters for the remainder of the minute.
Score:  47 total thrusters

This is a version of the hardest workout I've ever done, which is the same workout but you continue until you've completed 100 total thrusters.  I've never actually completed it because around 50-60 thrusters into it I would get to the point where I couldn't even do the 5 burpees within the minute.  So today I was hoping to get to 50 thrusters in 10:00, and I just missed it by 3 reps.


Most Diet Pills Don't Work

Today is a rest day.  

The following article id from from Science Daily:

An Oregon State University researcher has reviewed the body of evidence around weight loss supplements and has bad news for those trying to find a magic pill to lose weight and keep it off -- it doesn't exist.

Melinda Manore reviewed the evidence surrounding hundreds of weight loss supplements, a $2.4 billion industry in the United States, and said no research evidence exists that any single product results in significant weight loss -- and many have detrimental health benefits.

The study is online in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.

A few products, including green tea, fiber and low-fat dairy supplements, can have a modest weight loss benefit of 3-4 pounds (2 kilos), but it is important to know that most of these supplements were tested as part of a reduced calorie diet.

"For most people, unless you alter your diet and get daily exercise, no supplement is going to have a big impact," Manore said.

Manore looked at supplements that fell into four categories: products such as chitosan that block absorption of fat or carbohydrates, stimulants such as caffeine or ephedra that increase metabolism, products such as conjugated linoleic acid that claim to change the body composition by decreasing fat, and appetite suppressants such as soluble fibers.

She found that many products had no randomized clinical trials examining their effectiveness, and most of the research studies did not include exercise. Most of the products showed less than a two-pound weight loss benefit compared to the placebo groups.

"I don't know how you eliminate exercise from the equation," Manore said. "The data is very strong that exercise is crucial to not only losing weight and preserving muscle mass, but keeping the weight off."

Manore, professor of nutrition and exercise sciences at OSU, is on the Science Board for the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. Her research is focused on the interaction of nutrition and exercise on health and performance.

"What people want is to lose weight and maintain or increase lean tissue mass," Manore said. "There is no evidence that any one supplement does this. And some have side effects ranging from the unpleasant, such as bloating and gas, to very serious issues such as strokes and heart problems."

As a dietician and researcher, Manore said the key to weight loss is to eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats, reduce calorie intake of high-fat foods, and to keep moving. Depending on the individual, increasing protein may be beneficial (especially for those trying to not lose lean tissue), but the only way to lose weight is to make a lifestyle change.

"Adding fiber, calcium, protein and drinking green tea can help," Manore said. "But none of these will have much effect unless you exercise and eat fruits and vegetables."

Manore's general guidelines for a healthy lifestyle include:
  • Do not leave the house in the morning without having a plan for dinner. Spontaneous eating often results in poorer food choices.
  • If you do eat out, start your meal with a large salad with low-calorie dressing or a broth-based soup. You will feel much fuller and are less likely to eat your entire entrée. Better yet: split your entrée with a dining companion or just order an appetizer in addition to your soup or salad.
  • Find ways to keep moving, especially if you have a sedentary job. Manore said she tries to put calls on speaker phone so she can walk around while talking. During long meetings, ask if you can stand or pace for periods so you don't remain seated the entire time
  • Put vegetables into every meal possible. Shred vegetables into your pasta sauce, add them into meat or just buy lots of bags of fruits/vegetables for on-the-go eating.
  • Increase your fiber. Most Americans don't get nearly enough fiber. When possible, eat "wet" sources of fiber rather than dry -- cooked oatmeal makes you feel fuller than a fiber cracker.
  • Make sure to eat whole fruits and vegetables instead of drinking your calories. Eat an apple rather than drink apple juice. Look at items that seem similar and eat the one that physically takes up more space. For example, eating 100 calories of grapes rather than 100 calories of raisins will make you feel fuller.
  • Eliminate processed foods. Manore said research increasingly shows that foods that are harder to digest (such as high fiber foods) have a greater "thermic effect" -- or the way to boost your metabolism.
Story Source:
The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Oregon State University.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:
Melinda M. Manore. Dietary Supplements for Improving Body Composition and Reducing Body Weight: Where is the evidence? International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2012 [link]

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120306131646.htm


Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Power Snatches:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 225x1- Finally!  Only took me 3 weeks!

Deadlifts (65%, 75%, and 85% of 545):
Warm Up Sets:  225x4, 315x2
Work Sets:
- 355x5
- 410x5
- 464x4- I wanted 5 reps but my back felt like it would've rounded big time to get it.  All my pulling muscles have taken a beating this last weekend!

Weighted Chin Ups:
- 30x5
- 40x5
- 50x7
- 40x6
- 30x7

* I did 65 single jump rope reps in between each set of every lift, so 15 total sets of 65.

I ran out of time for conditioning today, but I will be training tomorrow on a normal rest day so it was probably good to keep it to strength training only today.  Plus the 5-rep days of deadlifts kill me!



This is from elitefts.com
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:

Back Squat (5 reps at 65%, 75%, and max reps @85% of  400):
Warm Up Sets:  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
Work Sets:
- 260x5
- 300x5
- 340x5

Bench Press (5 reps at 65%, 75%, and max reps @85% of  365):
Warm Ups Sets::  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
Work Sets:
- 240x5
- 275x5
- 311x4- My shoulder was a little sore from the workout on Saturday and I felt a little uneasy about going for the 5th rep, so I stopped at 4.

* I did 65 single unders in between each set of strength work.

Weighted Dips:
- 30 reps @ 65 lbs:  9, 9, 9, and 3 reps
Toes to Bar:
- 9, 9, 9, and 3.  I did these as controlled as possible.

As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of:
- 12 Barbell Walking Lunges @ 135
- 12 Ring Push Ups
- 24 Double Unders
Score:  I did 4 full rounds + 12 lunges.


CrossFit Open Workout 12.2

CrossFit Games Open 12.2:
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10:00 of:
- 30 Snatches @ 75 lbs
- 30 Snatches @ 135 lbs
- 30 Snatches @ 165
- Max Rep Snatches @ 210 lbs

This workout begins from the standing position. The athlete will complete all reps at the first weight before advancing to the next weight. Score is total reps completed in 10min.

Score: 78 reps. I did 30 reps at 75, 30 reps in 135, and 18 reps at 165. I had hoped to get through 90 reps but I hit a wall! I think my game plan was off a little.



Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Power Cleans(75%, 85%, and 95% of 275):
Warm Ups: 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2
Work Sets:
- 210x1
- 235x1
- 262x1,1,1,1,1

Weighted Pull Ups:
- 35x1
- 45x1
- 55x6
- 45x5
- 35x5
- Body Weight x12

I skipped the conditioning today to rest up for the CrossFit Open 12.2 workout tomorrow.


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

We've all done it.  We hit the gym hard after a layoff and find out the next day that we can't handle the weight or volume that we used to without building back up to it.  I know I personally experience Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) whenever I do high rep squat work.  By the next day my legs are on fire!

In the article "Dealing With DOMS" from www.elitefts.net, several different strategies are covered, both to avoid DOMS in the first place and to deal with it when you get it.  My favorite recommendation is to keep moving.  Too often when we are sore we do nothing that day, but the fact is that movement pumps nutrient rich blood into sore muscles, aiding and speeding recovery and eliminating soreness.

The next time you kill yourself in the gym, rather than taking the next day off due to soreness try a light workout, a run, a swim, or a body weight circuit of some kind that works your muscles through a full range of motion.  It's better than pain meds, and will get you back to the gym faster.

What I did today...

Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch
- Thrusters:  55x6, 145x4, 235x2

Strength Work:
Front Squats (75%, 85%, and 95% of 340):
- 255x1
- 290x1
- 323x2

Shoulder Press (75%, 85%, and 95% of 215):
- 165x1
- 185x1
- 205x3

* I did 60 reps of jump rope single-unders in between each set of thrusters, squats, and presses.*

Push Presses:
30 Reps@ 215: 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, and 2.  That was much harder than I thought it was going to be.

*I did 5 GHD sit ups in between each set of push presses*

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10:00 of:
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 Air Squats
Score:  I completed 11 rounds + 4 pull ups.  I was hoping to get 12-13 rounds but all my overhead work before thrashed my shoulders.