Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility
- Jump Rope
- Samsnon Stretch
Strength Work:
2012 CrossFit Open Workout 12.4As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12:00 of:
- 150 Wall Balls (20 lbs ball to a 10' target)
- 90 Double Unders
- 30 Muscle Ups
Score: I completed all the wall balls and the double unders and was only able to get 1 muscle up completed before time ran out. I actually had alomost 3 minutes left wjen I got to the rings but my shoulders were pretty shot by then. I should have probably taken 30-45 seconds to rest before getting on the ring, which may have helped me get one or two more reps completed, but after failing like 5 attempts and finally getting one, I didn't have anything left. Oh well, I wanted to hit at least 1 muscle up and I got it, so I'm satisfied with my effort.
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