Thursday 5.31.12
10:00 Warm Up:
- 300m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Hip Extensions
- Handstand Push Ups Practice
- Pistols Practice
- Muscle Ups Practice
Strength Work:
Box Squat (5's):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 275x5
- 245x6
- 215x7
Bench Press (5's):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 260x5
- 230x7
- 200x10
Tabata Box Jumps on a 24" Box:
- 8 rounds of :20 all out work and :10 rest (most reps in any :20 period was 13, least was 8)
1:00 rest, then..
Tabata Push Presses @ 95 lbs:
- Most reps in any :20 period was 15, least was 10
Score: 18 (the least number of each movement added together, so 8 box jumps and 10 push presses).
Bench Presses,
Box Jumps,
Box Squats,
Push Presses,
Wednesday 5.30.12
Today I took a much needed rest day. Didn't even wear shoes to coach at the gym so I wasn't tempted to work out.
Tuesday 5.29.12
Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility
- 3x8 GHD Sit Ups
- 3x8 Hip Extensions
Strength Work:
Power Snatches (95%, 85%, and 75% of 195):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 170x2
- 150x3
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +30x4
- +60x2
- +70x1
- +65x2
- +60x3
I had nothing today. I felt weak, slow, and unmotivated. Two nights of less than 4 hours of sleep after a pretty brutal training week last week has left me unrecovered to say the least. I'll take a full rest day tomorrow and then get back after it on Thursday.
- Dynamic Mobility
- 3x8 GHD Sit Ups
- 3x8 Hip Extensions
Strength Work:
Power Snatches (95%, 85%, and 75% of 195):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 170x2
- 150x3
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +30x4
- +60x2
- +70x1
- +65x2
- +60x3
I had nothing today. I felt weak, slow, and unmotivated. Two nights of less than 4 hours of sleep after a pretty brutal training week last week has left me unrecovered to say the least. I'll take a full rest day tomorrow and then get back after it on Thursday.
Monday 5.28.12
Saturday 5.26.12
Rest day, but I did have to grapple with over 20 police cadets at the academy for a few hours.
Sunday 5.27.12
Rest day.
Monday 5.28.12
Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x8 Hollow Rocks
- 6x8 Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Front Squats (95%, 85%%, and 75% of 290):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 276x1
- 250x3
- 225x5
Press (95%, 85%%, and 75% of 185):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 176x3
- 160x5
- 140x7
For time:- 30 Back Squats @155
- 30 Shoulder to Overheads @155
- 20 Front Squats @125
- 20 Shoulder to Overhead @125
- 10 Overhead Squats @95
- 10 Shoulder to Overhead @95
Time: 12:30
Rest day, but I did have to grapple with over 20 police cadets at the academy for a few hours.
Sunday 5.27.12
Rest day.
Monday 5.28.12
Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x8 Hollow Rocks
- 6x8 Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Front Squats (95%, 85%%, and 75% of 290):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 276x1
- 250x3
- 225x5
Press (95%, 85%%, and 75% of 185):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 176x3
- 160x5
- 140x7
For time:- 30 Back Squats @155
- 30 Shoulder to Overheads @155
- 20 Front Squats @125
- 20 Shoulder to Overhead @125
- 10 Overhead Squats @95
- 10 Shoulder to Overhead @95
Time: 12:30
Friday 5.25.12
Warm Ups: - Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x8 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x8 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Power Cleans (95%, 85%, and 75% of 250):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 225x1
- 238x2 (95%)
- 215x4 (85%)
- 190x6 (75%)
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +60x1
- +70x4
- +65x5
- +60x5
On the minute for 5:00:
- 5 Hang Power Cleans @ 190
- 6x8 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x8 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Power Cleans (95%, 85%, and 75% of 250):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 225x1
- 238x2 (95%)
- 215x4 (85%)
- 190x6 (75%)
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +60x1
- +70x4
- +65x5
- +60x5
On the minute for 5:00:
- 5 Hang Power Cleans @ 190
Hang Power Cleans,
Power Cleans,
Weighted Chin Ups
Thursday 5.24.12
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x8 Hollow Rocks
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x8 Hollow Rocks
- 6x8 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Overhead Squats (95%, 85%, and 75% of 225):
Strength Work:
Overhead Squats (95%, 85%, and 75% of 225):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 215x2 (95%)
- 195x4 (85%)
- 170x7 (75%)
Weighted Dips:
- Bodyweight x6- +20x4
- +40x2
- +60x1
- +70x2
- +65x4
- +60x6
**65 single jump ropes between each set.
I was pretty sore and moving slow from the three prior day's training, so I just did my strength work and got out.
Wednesday 5.23.12
SWAT Team Workout:
In teams of 3 complete the following for time:
- 60 Hand Release Push Ups each (one team member working at a time)
- 60 Sit Ups each (one at as time)
- 100 Air Squats each (one at a time)
- 1000m Row each (all done together)
*During the bodyweight movements only one person works at a time, while the other two each hold a 45 lbs weight plate.
**Every 2:00 each team member will stop and perform 3 pull ups.
Time: My team finished in 27:48.
In teams of 3 complete the following for time:
- 60 Hand Release Push Ups each (one team member working at a time)
- 60 Sit Ups each (one at as time)
- 100 Air Squats each (one at a time)
- 1000m Row each (all done together)
*During the bodyweight movements only one person works at a time, while the other two each hold a 45 lbs weight plate.
**Every 2:00 each team member will stop and perform 3 pull ups.
Time: My team finished in 27:48.
Tuesday 5.22.12
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x8 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x8 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Deadlifts (95%, 85%, and 75% of 450):
- 135x6
- 225x4
- 315x2
- 405x1
- 428x1 (95%)
- 385x3 (85%)
- 340x5 (75%)
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +20x4
- +40x2
- +60x1
- +70x3
- +65x4
- +60x5
Tabata Mash-up:
- Deadlifts @ 315
- Double Unders
Alternate between :20 of all-out deadlifts, :10 rest, :20 of all-out double unders, and :10 of rest. Repeat that 8 times. Your score is the total number of deadlifts and double unders completed.
I completed 50 deadlifts @ 315 and 195 double unders. This was my first double under workout with my new rope, so it took me a few rounds to get the feel of it.
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x8 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x8 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Deadlifts (95%, 85%, and 75% of 450):
- 135x6
- 225x4
- 315x2
- 405x1
- 428x1 (95%)
- 385x3 (85%)
- 340x5 (75%)
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +20x4
- +40x2
- +60x1
- +70x3
- +65x4
- +60x5
Tabata Mash-up:
- Deadlifts @ 315
- Double Unders
Alternate between :20 of all-out deadlifts, :10 rest, :20 of all-out double unders, and :10 of rest. Repeat that 8 times. Your score is the total number of deadlifts and double unders completed.
I completed 50 deadlifts @ 315 and 195 double unders. This was my first double under workout with my new rope, so it took me a few rounds to get the feel of it.
Do you excercise or do you train?
Bo knew that to look and perform like an athlete he needed to train, not just exercise. |
There is a big difference between exercising and training. Training is what an athlete does to prepare for competition, or what a tactical athlete does to prepare to save his or someone else's life. Training has a purpose, merely exercising can lead to a lack of motivation and burnout. The following quote is from an article written by Charles Staley called "Exercisers and Athletes":
"Exercisers are almost always engrossed in (and defined by) negative
themes involving pain and restriction. But athletes are far more likely
to think in terms of PR’s and personal achievement. They tend to compare
themselves to the best, not the worst. They’re chasing excellence, not
running from corpulence."
Think about your workout routine. Are you beating your previous records in weight lifted or time periods you work in like a athlete would, or are you just going through the motions every day?
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x8 Hollow Rocks
- 6x8 Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Box Squat (75%, 85%, and 95% of 320):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 305x2
- 275x4
- 240x6
Bench Press (75%, 85%, and 95% of 300):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 285x2
- 255x4
- 225x11
5 Rounds for as many reps as possible of:
- 1:00 Kettlebell Push Presses using two 53 lbs kettlebells
- 1:00 Weighted GHD Sit Ups with 25 lbs on my chest
- 1:00 Kettlebell Push Presses using two 53 lbs kettlebells
- 1:00 Weighted GHD Sit Ups with 25 lbs on my chest
Score: 119 total reps.
Bench Presses,
Box Squats,
GHD Sit Ups,
KB Push Presses
2012 Northern California CrossFit Regionals
I was off from the gym from Friday through Sunday to attend the 2012 Northern California CrossFit Regional competition. It was pretty impressive watching the fittest men, women, and teams from Northern California compete for spots in the CrossFit Games to take place later this summer. It was motivating to say the least, and makes you realize that you don not train hard enough!
The SWAT Fitness Challenge
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All the participants from the 5th Annual SWAT Fitness Challenge before the agony began. |
Event 1:
In teams of 4, and with only one member working at a time, complete the following:
- 200 Hand Release Push Ups
- 200 Sit Ups
- 200 Box Jumps (About 20")
- 2 Members flip a tire 25 ft
- 2 Members flip the tire back 25 ft
We did poorly in this event, though I would point out that we had the most strict judge of all the teams and we were getting "no repped" like crazy!
Event 2:
For 10:00 walk as many lengths of 120 feet as possible carrying 185 pounds barbell (including 2 buckets full of sand) and one of your team members. If you put the weight or the team member down at any point the workout was over and your distance what whatever it was when you set it down. We were able to go the entire 10:00 without stopping while covering 25 lengths of 120 feet (3000 feet), which was the winning distance for this event.
Event 3:
Hike 2.5 miles carrying an 8 foot wooden post and two cinder blocks among the team members. We slip the block on the post and two members carried it while the other two hiked without weight, and we switched as necessary.
Event 4:
In an aluminum fishing boat row 1.5 miles, which was out and round an island. The boat only had two oars so we had to rotate rowers. Our actual distance was a lot longer than 1.5 miles, however, becasue rowing straight is not easy.
Event 5:
We had to complete a 7.5 mile trail run to get back to the event start location. We sustained an injury to one of our members along the way, so what started as a trail run ended up as a trail walk.
Event 6:
All team members had to shoot 20 rounds at the 15 yard line and 10 rounds at the 25 yard line, where you were docked points for any and all rounds outside of the bullseye. This was tough to do at this point due to fatigue and exhaustion from the previous 5 events.
Overall my team was working through these events for around 5 hours including transition times. It was a tough but fun day. We ended up taking 13th place out of 23 teams.
Wednesday 5.16.12
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x6 GHD Hip Extensions
Strength Work:
Power Snatches (90%, 80%, and 70% of 195):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 176x5
- 160x6
- 140x7
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Bodyweight x6
- +20x4
- +40x2
- +60x3
- +55x5
- +50x6
On the minute for 5:00:
- 5 Hang Power Snatches @ 140
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x6 GHD Hip Extensions
Strength Work:
Power Snatches (90%, 80%, and 70% of 195):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 176x5
- 160x6
- 140x7
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Bodyweight x6
- +20x4
- +40x2
- +60x3
- +55x5
- +50x6
On the minute for 5:00:
- 5 Hang Power Snatches @ 140
Tuesday 5.15.12
Warm Up:
- 1.5 mile jog
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
Strength Work:
Front Squats (90%, 80%, and 70% of 290):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 261x3 (90%)
- 235x4 (80%)
- 205x5 (70%)
Shoulder Press (90%, 80%, and 70% of 185):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 167x3 (90%)
- 150x5 (80%)
- 135x7 (70%)
As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of:
- 15 Shoulder to Overhead @ 75 (add 10 pounds each round)
- 20 Double Unders
- 10 Burpees with a jump over the bar
Score: I completed 5 full rounds plus 15 presses and 18 double unders into round 6. I finished with 125 on the bar.
- 1.5 mile jog
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
Strength Work:
Front Squats (90%, 80%, and 70% of 290):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 261x3 (90%)
- 235x4 (80%)
- 205x5 (70%)
Shoulder Press (90%, 80%, and 70% of 185):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 167x3 (90%)
- 150x5 (80%)
- 135x7 (70%)
As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of:
- 15 Shoulder to Overhead @ 75 (add 10 pounds each round)
- 20 Double Unders
- 10 Burpees with a jump over the bar
Score: I completed 5 full rounds plus 15 presses and 18 double unders into round 6. I finished with 125 on the bar.
Monday 5.14.12
Today was an active rest. day. I ran 1.5 miles, but not for time. I just jogged it.
Mother's Day Sunday 5.13.12
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"To all the mothers and the sisters and the wives and friends, I want to offer my love and respect to the end." - Adam "MCA" Yauch |
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x7 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x7 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Power Cleans (90%, 80%, and 70% of 250):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 225x3 (90%)
- 200x4 (80%)
- 175x5 (70%)
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +60x3
- +55x4
- +50x5
On the minute for 5:00:
- 5 Hang Power Cleans @ 175
10x 60-yard sprints resting only long enough to walk back to the start.
Saturday 5.12.12
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x7 V-Ups
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x7 V-Ups
- 6x7 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Overhead Squats (90%, 80%, and 70% of 225):
Strength Work:
Overhead Squats (90%, 80%, and 70% of 225):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 203x3 (90%)
- 180x4 (80%)
- 160x5 (70%)
Weighted Dips:
- Bodyweight x6- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +60x3
- +55x5
- +50x7
**60 single jump ropes between each set.
Friday 5.11.12
Warm Ups: - Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x7 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x7 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Deadlifts (90%, 80%, and 70% of 450):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 315x1
- 405x3 (90%)
- 360x4 (80%)
- 315x5 (70%)
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +60x3
- +55x4
- +50x6
5 Rounds for time of:
- 5 Deadlifts @ 315
- 400m Run
Time: 12:03. I should've scaled the weight up to around 345. Next time...
- 6x7 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x7 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Deadlifts (90%, 80%, and 70% of 450):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 315x1
- 405x3 (90%)
- 360x4 (80%)
- 315x5 (70%)
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +60x3
- +55x4
- +50x6
5 Rounds for time of:
- 5 Deadlifts @ 315
- 400m Run
Time: 12:03. I should've scaled the weight up to around 345. Next time...
Thursday 5.10.12
Warm Ups:
- 3000m Row in 11:52.8
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x7 Toes to Bar
- 6x7 Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Box Squat (70%, 80%, and 90% of 320):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 302x3
- 270x4
- 235x5
Bench Press (70%, 80%, and 90% of 300):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 270x3
- 240x5
- 225x10
I had to be at work early today and ran out of time.
- 3000m Row in 11:52.8
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x7 Toes to Bar
- 6x7 Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Box Squat (70%, 80%, and 90% of 320):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 302x3
- 270x4
- 235x5
Bench Press (70%, 80%, and 90% of 300):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 270x3
- 240x5
- 225x10
I had to be at work early today and ran out of time.
Wednesday 5.09.12
I love sprinting. It's over quickly, works my muscles in a way no other movement does, makes me faster, leaner, more powerful, and in my head, I look exactly like this when I sprint...
This, however, is probably what I actually look like....
Whatever, I'm a work in progress. Here are just some of the many benefits of sprinting I found in an article at Mark's Daily Apple:
SO, in light of all that I'm trying to get at least one pure sprinting session in each week. Today I did the following:
This, however, is probably what I actually look like....
Whatever, I'm a work in progress. Here are just some of the many benefits of sprinting I found in an article at Mark's Daily Apple:
- Sprint intervals improve insulin sensitivity in healthy young subjects, overweight men, and overweight, sedentary women alike. In the youngsters, it improves their lipids, too. Sprint intervals also reduce postprandial lipemia (temporary elevation of blood triglycerides after a meal), and they improve the circulatory function of obese, sedentary women. Sprinting also boosts growth hormone.
- Sprinting doesn’t just make you better at sprinting. Even though it’s wholly anaerobic, sprinting increases the oxidative (fat burning) potential of muscle and improves endurance capacity. It also improves the efficiency of muscle during exercise, so you can conserve more glycogen and rely on more fat, instead of using up the former right away (perfect for fat-burning beasts). Incorporating sprint training with jump training improves both speed and vertical leap in handball players better than jumping alone.
- It’s even an effective way to improve agility and speed in young (11 and 12 year olds) kids. I’m not really surprised that 10 and 20 meter runs are effective in making kids more athletic, because that’s exactly how they naturally play – by running around in short bursts! Play-restricted adults, take heed.
- Best of all, sprinting is the best bang for your buck exercise around. It’s over quick, you’re not in agony for hours at a time (and for more hours after the workout), and it gets the job done. One study even concluded that sprint intervals are a “time-efficient strategy to induce” similar muscular and performance benefits as endurance training.
SO, in light of all that I'm trying to get at least one pure sprinting session in each week. Today I did the following:
Warm Up:
- 1.5 mile run at a fair pace, but not running really hard.
Sprint Training:
10x50 yard sprints resting only long enough to walk back to the starting line.
Last week I did 10x40 yard sprints, next week I'll bump it up to 60, and so on until I get to 10x100. I could just jump to 10x100's now, but it's been so long since I sprinted regularly that I get really sore afterward. So I figured I'd ramp up to the longer sprint distances over a few weeks to let my body acclimate.
Tuesday 5.08.12
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x6 GHD Hipe Extensions
Strength Work:
Power Snatches (85%, 75%, and 65% of 195):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 166x5
- 150x6
- 135x7
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Bodyweight x6
- +20x4
- +40x2
- +50x5
I stopped there because my hands are wrecked from yesterday's workout and I didn't want to do further damage. Plus I had to get to work early and extra rest is never a bad thing.
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x6 GHD Hipe Extensions
Strength Work:
Power Snatches (85%, 75%, and 65% of 195):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 166x5
- 150x6
- 135x7
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Bodyweight x6
- +20x4
- +40x2
- +50x5
I stopped there because my hands are wrecked from yesterday's workout and I didn't want to do further damage. Plus I had to get to work early and extra rest is never a bad thing.
Monday 5.07.12
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 Toes to bar
- 6x6 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Front Squats (85%, 75%, and 65% of 290):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 247x5 (85%)
- 220x6 (75%)
- 190x7 (65%)
Shoulder Press (85%, 75%, and 65% of 185):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 157x5 (85%)
- 140x6 (75%)
- 120x7 (65%)
Complete 25-20-15-10-5 reps of the following for time:
- Box Jumps @ 24"
- Pull Ups
- Push Presses @ 135 lbs
Time: 14:14
This conditioning workout originally called for a 95 lbs push press, but I wanted to scale it up a bit so I went with 135. The pull ups were the toughest part, since 75 of them tends to cause some hand damage I was really trying to avoid. A lot of tape and some strategic rest periods kept my hands from ripping and I completed the workout under my goal of 15:00.
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 Toes to bar
- 6x6 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Front Squats (85%, 75%, and 65% of 290):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 247x5 (85%)
- 220x6 (75%)
- 190x7 (65%)
Shoulder Press (85%, 75%, and 65% of 185):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 157x5 (85%)
- 140x6 (75%)
- 120x7 (65%)
Complete 25-20-15-10-5 reps of the following for time:
- Box Jumps @ 24"
- Pull Ups
- Push Presses @ 135 lbs
Time: 14:14
This conditioning workout originally called for a 95 lbs push press, but I wanted to scale it up a bit so I went with 135. The pull ups were the toughest part, since 75 of them tends to cause some hand damage I was really trying to avoid. A lot of tape and some strategic rest periods kept my hands from ripping and I completed the workout under my goal of 15:00.
Box Jumps,
Front Squat,
Pull Ups,
Push Presses
Sunday 5.06.12
Warm Ups: - Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x6 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Power Cleans (85%, 75%, and 65% of 250):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 213x5 (85%)
- 190x6 (75%)
- 165x7 (65%)
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +50x5
- +45x6
- +40x7
I skipped it today. I was feeling pretty tired and dehydrated so I got my strength work in and got out. I'll be back tomorrow...
- 6x6 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x6 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Power Cleans (85%, 75%, and 65% of 250):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 213x5 (85%)
- 190x6 (75%)
- 165x7 (65%)
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +50x5
- +45x6
- +40x7
I skipped it today. I was feeling pretty tired and dehydrated so I got my strength work in and got out. I'll be back tomorrow...
Saturday 5.05.12
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In honor of Cinco de Mayo I thought I'd engage in the traditional Mexican pastimes of overhead squats and dips. A special thanks to Matt for posing for this portrait. |
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 Toes to bar, knees to bar, and knees to elbows
- 6x6 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Overhead Squats (85%, 75%, and 65% of 225):
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 Toes to bar, knees to bar, and knees to elbows
- 6x6 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Overhead Squats (85%, 75%, and 65% of 225):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 191x5 (85%)
- 170x6 (75%)
- 150x7 (65%)
Weighted Dips:
- Bodyweight x6- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +50x5
- +45x6
- +40x7
Complete for time:
- 500m Row (1:35 PR!)
- 30 Ring Rows
- 30 Ring Dips
- 30 Hollow Rocks
- 500m Row (1:43 not a PR)
Time: 12:43
My shoulders were thrashed from this week of workouts so the dips were rough today.
500m Row,
Overhead Squats,
Ring Dips,
Ring Rows,
Weighted Dips
Friday 5.04.12
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x6 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Deadlifts (85%, 75%, and 65% of 450):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 315x1
- 383x5 (85%)
- 340x6 (75%)
- 295x7 (65%)
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +50x5
- +45x6
- +40x7
On the minute for as long as you can go complete:
- 20 Double Unders
- 1 Snatch (Muscle snatch, Power Snatch, or Snatch)
The snatch wieghts go up by 10 lbs each round starting at 35 and ending when you cannot complete the double unders and 1 snatch in the miinute.
Score: I went from 35 to 215 successfully and failed at the round of 225.
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 GHD Sit Ups
- 6x6 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Deadlifts (85%, 75%, and 65% of 450):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 315x1
- 383x5 (85%)
- 340x6 (75%)
- 295x7 (65%)
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Body weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +50x5
- +45x6
- +40x7
On the minute for as long as you can go complete:
- 20 Double Unders
- 1 Snatch (Muscle snatch, Power Snatch, or Snatch)
The snatch wieghts go up by 10 lbs each round starting at 35 and ending when you cannot complete the double unders and 1 snatch in the miinute.
Score: I went from 35 to 215 successfully and failed at the round of 225.
Double Unders,
Weighted Pull Ups
Thursday 5.03.12
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 Toes to bar, knees to bar, and knees to elbows
- 6x6 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Box Squats (85%, 75%, and 65% of 320):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 210x1
- 240x1
- 272x5 (85%)
- 240x6 (75%)
- 210x7 (65%)
Bench Press (85%, 75%, and 65% of 300):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 195x1
- 225x1
- 255x5 (85%)
- 225x7 (75%)
- 195x10 (65%)
5 Rounds for Time of:
- 10 Snatch Grip Overhead Walking Lunges @135
- 10 Plyo Push Ups
Time: 9:00 even.
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x6 Toes to bar, knees to bar, and knees to elbows
- 6x6 GHD Reverse Hypers
Strength Work:
Box Squats (85%, 75%, and 65% of 320):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 210x1
- 240x1
- 272x5 (85%)
- 240x6 (75%)
- 210x7 (65%)
Bench Press (85%, 75%, and 65% of 300):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 195x1
- 225x1
- 255x5 (85%)
- 225x7 (75%)
- 195x10 (65%)
5 Rounds for Time of:
- 10 Snatch Grip Overhead Walking Lunges @135
- 10 Plyo Push Ups
Time: 9:00 even.
Wednesday 5.02.12
- 1.5-sh mile run. I did not time this, just tried to use it as a warm up for sprints.
- 10x 40 yard sprints. I rested just long enough to walk back to the starting line.
I wore the wrong shoes and the wrong socks this morning and now I have a blister to prove it. Bring the right tools for the job, kids. Write that down.
- 1.5-sh mile run. I did not time this, just tried to use it as a warm up for sprints.
- 10x 40 yard sprints. I rested just long enough to walk back to the starting line.
I wore the wrong shoes and the wrong socks this morning and now I have a blister to prove it. Bring the right tools for the job, kids. Write that down.
Tuesday 5.01.12
Last day of testing my maxes....
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6 sets of 6 GHD Sit Ups
- 6 sets of 6 GHD Hip Extensions
Strength Work:
Power Snatch 1rm:
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 195x1
- 205x1
- 210x0
- 210x0
- 210x1- My previous max with a belt on was 225, so obviously I was getting quite a bit of help from it.
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Bodyweight x 6
- +25x4
- +50x2
- +60x1
- +70x1
- +80x1
- +90x1
- +100x1- PR!
4 Rounds for time of:
- 10 DB Snatches (alternating arms each rep)
- 100 yard sprint (done as 4x25 yard shuttles touching the line with both hands at each turn)
Time: 8:06.
Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6 sets of 6 GHD Sit Ups
- 6 sets of 6 GHD Hip Extensions
Strength Work:
Power Snatch 1rm:
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 195x1
- 205x1
- 210x0
- 210x0
- 210x1- My previous max with a belt on was 225, so obviously I was getting quite a bit of help from it.
Weighted Chin Ups:
- Bodyweight x 6
- +25x4
- +50x2
- +60x1
- +70x1
- +80x1
- +90x1
- +100x1- PR!
4 Rounds for time of:
- 10 DB Snatches (alternating arms each rep)
- 100 yard sprint (done as 4x25 yard shuttles touching the line with both hands at each turn)
Time: 8:06.
DB Snatches,
Power Snatches,
Weighted Chin Ups
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