Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Back Extensions
Push Jerk 1rm for the day:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 225x1
- 255x1- Stopped there as the lockout on my right side was getting sketchy because of my injury.
Part 1: As Many Rounds as Possible in 12:00 of:
- 5 Push Jerks @ 185
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 Back Extensions
Score: I completed 6 full rounds plus 5 jerks and 2 push ups. This was around 2 rounds less than my best ever at this one, which was because my push ups were terrible due to my tricep nerve injury.
Part 2:
- 4x 800m Runs with 3:00 rest periods.
Score: I didn't actually time my runs, just my rest periods. I made sure to run each interval as hard as possible however, which wasn't very hard due to just completing a weight circuit not 5 minutes before.
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