
Monday 6.30.14

Strength Training:
Overhead Squats 4x4 @ 85% of TM:
- Warm Ups with Box Jumps:  45x6/6, 95x5/5, 135x4/4, 185x3/3, 225x2/2, 270x1/1
- Work Sets:  230x 4, 4, 4, 6

Weighted Chin Ups 5x5:
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 25x4, 50x3, 75x2, 100x1
- Work Sets:  55x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5  (PR!  go up 2.5 lbs)

Barbell Hip Thrusts:
- 335x 8, 8, 8

EMOM for 12:00:
- 3 Barbell Rows
- 3 Hang Power Cleans
- 3 Push Presses

I did the first 4 rounds @ 115, the next 4 rounds @ 135, and the last 4 rounds @ 155.


Saturday 6.28.14

Strength Training:
Hang Clean/ Hang Power Clean/ Power Clean/ Clean and Jerk Complex:
- 45, 95, 135, 185, 225, 245- one rep of each lift at each of these weights
- 255- hang clean, power clean, c&j
- 265- hang clean and c&j only
- 275- hang clean and c&j only

Hang Clean Pulls:
- 250x 5, 5, 5 go up 2.5 lbs)

Shoulder Press 4x4 @ 85% of TM (Cycle 1, Week 3):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 190x1
- Work Sets:  160x 4, 4, 4, 7

Push Presses:
- 190x 5, 5, 5 (go up 2.5 lbs)

10:00 AMRAP:
- 40 Yard Sprints (with a walk back to the start)
Score:  13 sprints


Friday 6.27.14

Strength Training:
Front Squats 4x4 @ 85% of TM (Cycle 1, Week 3):
- Warm Ups:  135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1
- Work Sets:  265x 4, 4, 4, 6

Box Jumps @ 36":
- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (immediately after each warm up set of squats)

Barbell Row:
- 135x10, 185x8, 225x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

Reverse Barbell Lunges:
- 185x 5, 5, 5 (5 reps each leg, not alternating)

3 rounds for total reps of:
- 1:00 KB Swings @ 88 lbs
- :30 rest
- 1:00 calorie row
- :30 rest
- 1:00 Burpees
- :30 rest
Score:  207 total reps


Wednesday 6.25.14

Shoulder Superset (100 reps):
- Arnold Presses:  40x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (go up 5 lbs)
- DB Lateral Raises:  20x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (stay at this weight, had a few rest-pause reps)

Tricep Superset (100 reps):
- Bar Dips:  10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (stay at this weight and work rep quality)
- 1-Arm OH Extensions:  25x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (stay at this weight, had to rest after dips to complete)

Biceps Superset (100 reps):
- Close Grip Chin Ups:  7, 7, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (stay until 5x10)
- DB Curls @ 35:  7, 7, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (stay until 5x10)

- None


Tuesday 6.24.14

Strength Training:
Hang Snatch/ Hang Power Snatch/ Snatch/ Power Snatch:
- 45x Burgener Warm Up, 1 rep of each at 75, 95, 115, 135, 155, and 185, missed the hang power snatch but got the rest at 205, snatch only at 215, missed at 225.

Hang Snatch High Pulls 3x5:
- 200x 5, 5, 5 (go up 5 lbs)

Bench Press 4x4 @ 85% of TM (Cycle 1, Week 3):
- Warm Ups:  45x7, 95x6, 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x1, 295x1
- Work Sets:  250x 4, 4, 4, 8

Banded Scare Crows:
- Same sets and reps as bench presses

- Off

Monday 6.23.14

Strength Training:
Squat 4x4 @ 85% of TM (Cycle 1, Week 3):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 395x1
- Work Sets:  335x 4, 4, 4, 5

Box Jumps @ 36":
- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 immediately following each warm up set of squats

Weighted Pull Ups 5x5:
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 25x4, 50x3, 75x2, 100x1
- Work Sets:  55x 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

Glute/Ham Raises 3x10:
- 15x 10, 10, 10 (go up 5 lbs)

7 rounds for time:
- 7 Overhead Squats @ 95 lbs (taken from the ground)
- 7 Pull Ups
- 7 Box Jumps @ 24"
Time:  9:11


Saturday 6.21.14

Strength Training:
Clean Deadlift 4x4 @ 80% of TM (Cycle 1, Week 2):
- Warm Ups:  135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x2, 450x1
- Work Sets:  360x 4, 4, 4, 6

Barbell Shrugs (3x8-10):
- 340x 8, 8, 8 (stay at this weight)

Weighted Ring Dips 5x5:
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 25x4, 50x3, 75x2, 100x1
- Work Sets:  57.5x 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 (stay at this weight)

Banded Scare Crows:
- Same sets and reps as the dips

- 10x 40 Yard Sprints, resting only long enough to walk back to the starting line.


Thursday 6.19.14

Strength Training:
Shoulder Superset (80 reps):
- Arnold Presses:  35x10, 40x10, 45x10, 50x 8+2
- DB Lateral Raises:  20x 10, 10, 10, 8+2

Tricep Superset (80 reps):
- Bar Dips:  10, 9, 8, 7, 6
- 1-Arm OH Extensions:  25x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6

Biceps Superset (80 reps):
- Close Grip Chin Ups:  8x5
- DB Curls:  8x5

Push Ups:
- 5x10

- None


Wednesday 6.18.14

Strength Training:
Overhead Squats 4x4 @ 80% of TM (Cycle 1, Week 2):
- 3-sec Paused Warm Ups:  45x6, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x1, 270x1 (last rep not paused)
- Work Sets:  217.5x 4, 4, 4, 6

Box Jumps @ 36":
- 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (immediately following each warm up set of squats)

Hollow Rocks:
- 10x10 (during my squat rest periods)

Barbell Hip Thrusts:
- 330x 10, 10, 10 (go up 5 lbs)

- None


Tuesday 6.17.14

Strength Training:
Hang Clean/Clean/Power Clean Complex:
- 95x 3/3/3, 135x 2/2/2, 185x 1/1/1, 225x 1/1/1, 275x 0/0/0

Power Cleans:
247.5x 2, 3, 3- Stay at this weight next week

Hang Clean Pulls:
247.5x 5, 5, 5

Shoulder Press 4x4 @ 80% of TM (Cycle 1, Week 2):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 200x1
- Work Sets:  152.5x 4, 4, 4, 8

Push Press:
- 185x5, 205x5, 225x2

Band Pull Aparts:
- Same sets and reps as all the pressing movements

- None


Monday 6.16.14

Strength Training:
Front Squats 4x4 @ 80% of TM (Cycle 1, Week 2):
- 3 sec Pause Warm Ups:  45x6, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x2, 275x1
- Work Sets:  250x 4, 4, 4, 7

Ring Rows:
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 60x1
- Work Sets:  15x 6, 6, then 0x 8, 8, 8 (stick with all unweighted sets for a while to work higher rep range)

Glute/ Ham Raises:
- 15x 9, 9, 9

AMRAP in 12:00:
- 25 Yard Walking Lunges with 53 lbs KB in one arm
- 10 KB Hang Power  cleans in same arm
***Change arms each round
Score:  8 rounds + 20 feet of lunges into round 9


Saturday 6.14.14

Strength Training:
Hang Snatch/ Snatch/ Power Snatch Complex:
- 45x 1/1/3, 95x 1/1/2, 135x 1/1/1, 185x 1/1/1, 225x 0/0/0

Power Snatch 3x3:
- 195x 1, 0, 0- Holy crap I'm slow today and my left shoulder feels unstable.

Hang Snatch High Pulls:
- 195x 5, 5, 5

Bench Press 4x4 @ 80% of TM (Cycle 1, Week 2):
- Warm Ups:  45x7, 95x6, 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1
- Work Sets:  235x 4, 4, 4, 10

Band Pull Aparts:
- Same sets as reps as bench press.

- None


Friday 6.13.14

Strength Training:
Squats 4x4 @ 80% of TM (Cycle 2, Week 1):
- 3 sec. Paused Warm Up Reps:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 345x1
- Work Sets:  315x 4, 4, 4, 6 (go up 5 lbs next cycle)

Box Jumps @ 36":
- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- immediately following each warm up set of squats

Weighted Pull Ups 5x5:
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 25x4, 50x3, 75x2, 100x1
- Work Sets:  52.5x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (go up 2.5 lbs)

Barbell Hip Thrusts 3x8-10:
- 330x 9, 9, 9

"Helen"- 3 Rounds for time of:
- 400m Run
- 21 KB Swings @ 53 lbs
- 12 Pull Ups
Time:  10:59


Wednesday 6.11.14

Mobility and some arm and shoulder accessory bro lifting for fun.


Tuesday 6.10.14

Strength Training:
Deadlifts (4x4 @ 75%):
- Warm Ups:  135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x2, 435x1
- Work Sets:  335x 4, 4, 4, 8

Barbell Shrugs:
- 335x 10, 10, 10

Weighted Ring Dips:
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 25x4, 50x3, 75x2, 100x1
- Work Sets:  55x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (go up 2.5 lbs)

Band Pull Aparts:
- Same sets and reps as the ring dips

- Tabata Hang Power Cleans @ 115 lbs
Score:  Lowest round was 7 reps (11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7).  My grip was fried.


Monday 6.09.14

Strength Training:
Overhead Squats (4x4 @ 75%, max reps on the last set):
- Warm Ups (3 second pause):  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1
- Work Sets:  202.5x 4, 4, 4, 8- Go up 2.5 lbs next cycle

Box Jumps @ 36":
- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- Done immediately following each warm up set of overhead squats

Weighted Chin Ups (5x5):
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 25x4, 50x3, 75x2, 100x1
- Work Sets:  55x 4, 4, 4, 4, 4- Better than last week, but stay here until I get 5x5

Glute/ Ham Raises:
- 15x 8, 8, 8- Use a vest next time instead of holding a plate.

10:00 Ascending Ladder (1, 2, 3, etc) of:
- Snatch Grip Rack Thrusters
- Chest to Bar Chin Ups (Strict)
Score:  Got through the round of 7.


Saturday 6.07.14

Strength Training:
Hang Clean, Clean, Power Clean Complex:
- 95x1/1/3, 135x1/1/2, 185x1/1/1, 225x 1/1/1, 275x0/0/0- no speed today.

Power Cleans:
- 245x 3, 3, 3 (go up 2.5 lbs)

Hang Clean Pulls:
- 245x 5, 5, 5

Shoulder Press:
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1 Push Press
- Work Sets:  142.5x 4, 4, 4, 10

Band Pull Aparts:
- Same sets and reps the shoulder presses.

- Off


Friday 6.06.14

Strength Training:
Front Squats (4x4 @ 75%, max reps on last set):
- 3-Second Paused Reps:  45x10, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x2, 275x1 (no belt)
- Work Sets:  235x 4, 4, 4, 8 (No belt on the 1st set)

Box Jumps @ 36":
- 6x3 (immediately after each warm up set of front squats)

Ring Rows (5x10):
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 15x4, 30x3, 45x2, 60x1
- Work Sets:  15x 8, 8, 8, 8, 7 (stay at this weight and try with a vest next week)

Barbell Hip Thrusts (3x 8-10):
- 330x 8, 8, 8

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
- Barbell Rows @ 115 (strict)
- Burpees
Score:  12 full rounds + 2 rows

I'm trying to fix my squat, which has been sucking lately from a mobility and flexibility standpoint.  I'm doing paused reps on my warm up sets, mobility work for hips and hamstrings immediately post training, and then at night I'm trying to get in 30-45 minutes of deep stretching.


Wednesday 6.04.14

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3, warm up sets include snatch, hang snatch, and power snatch):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 225x0
- Work Sets:  195x1, 2, 2- Stay at this weight

Hang Snatch High Pulls (3x5):
- 195x 5, 5, 5

Bench Press (4x4 @ 75%, max reps on the last set):
- Warm Ups:  45x12, 95x10, 135x8, 185x6, 225x4, 275x2, 315x1
- Work Sets:  225x4, 4, 4, 11- Stay at this weight next cycle

Band Pull Aparts:
- Same sets and reps as bench press

- Off


Tuesday 6.03.14

Strength Training:
Squats 4x4 @ 75% of TM (Cycle 1, Week 1):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 365x1
- Work Sets:  295x 4, 4, 4, 8- I keep pitching forward in the bottom.  Need to address mobility.

Weighted Pull Ups (5x5):
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 25x4, 50x3, 75x2, 100x0- I'm vacation fat so I pul ups were rough.
- Work Sets:  52.5x 4, 4, 4, 4, 4- Stay at this weight until I get 5x5

Glute/Ham Raises:
- 10x 10, 10, 10- Go up 5 lbs)

AMRAP in 12:00 of:
- 12 Overhead Squats @ 95 lbs
- 12 Lateral Hops over thebarbell
- 15 Yard Bear Crawl
Score:  7 rounds even


Monday 6.02.14

Got roped into a gold tournament today so I had to take yet another rest day.