
Friday 11.30.12

Not the prettiest, and I was definitely a little forward on my toes when I received it, but not bad for 215.

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Samson Stretch
- Burgener Warm Up with empty Bar

Power Snatch 5x3 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  100x5, 130x4, 160x3, 190x2, 215x1
- Work Sets:  5x3 @ 165

Weighted Chin Ups 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +20x4, +35x3, +50x2, +65x1
- Work Sets:  +35x 5,4,3,3- I'll stay at this weight next week and try for 3x5

21-15-9 reps for time of:
- Power Snatch @ 95
- Burpees
Time:  7:13


Wednesday 11.28.12

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Samson Stretch

Overhead Squats 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  80x5, 120x4, 160x3, 200x2, 240x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 175

Weighted Dips 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +10x4, +25x3, +40x2, +55x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ +35 lbs

SWAT Op Gone Bad:
1:00, :45, :30, and :15 rounds of
- Pull Ups
- Sit Ups
- Push Ups
- Air Squats
Score:  313 reps.  16 reps better than last week.


Tuesday 11.27.12

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Burgener Warm Up with an empty bar

Power Cleans 5x3 (+2.5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2, 315x0
- Work Sets:  270x 1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1- This felt heavy today and my form sucked, so I worked singles.  I'll sty at this weight next week.

Weighted Pull Ups 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +20x4, +35x3, +50x2, +65x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ +30 lbs

- None.  Doing all those singles of power cleans took all my time and I had to be at work an hour early today.  I'll probably do the SWAT circuit tomorrow on my normal day off to make up for not conditioning today.


Monday 11.26.12

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Good Morning with bar
- Samson Stretch

Front Squats 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 290x2, 330x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 260

Bench Press 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  50x5, 100x4, 150x3, 200x2, 250x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 215- Still working back from my neck injury.  Feels very weak.

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10:00 of:
- Push Press @ 115
- Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 115
Score:  7 rounds + 6 push presses.  This smoked my arms and shoulders pretty well. 


Sunday 11.25.12

Rest Day.

Saturday 11.24.12

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Samson Stretch
- Good Mornings with an empty bar

Deadlift 5rm (same weight as last week since I only got 4):
- Warm Ups:  145x5, 235x4, 325x3, 415x2, 505x1- Highest I've been since my injury.
- Work Sets:  455x5

Weighted Chin Ups 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +15x4, +30x3, +45x2, +60x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ +30

For time:
- Pull Ups:  20, 15, 10, 5
- Sit Ups:  40, 30, 20, 10
- Push Ups:  40, 30, 20, 10
- Air Squats:  60, 45, 30, 15
Time:  17:44- Very slow today.  Push Ups and Squats took for ever.


Friday 11.23.12

Warm Up:
- 400m Run
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Samson Stretch

Back Squat 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 405x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 350- PR

Shoulder Press 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Press/Push Press/Jerk:  50x3/3/3, 110x2/2/2, 170x1/1/1, 230x0/1/1, 290x0/0/1
- Shoulder Press Work Sets:  3x5 @ 160

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10:00 of:
- 14 Burpees
- 7 Thrusters @ 95
Score:  5 rounds + 1 burpee

Thursday 11.22.12

Rest Day.

Wednesday 11.21.12

Today was SWAT Team training and we did the SWAT Op Gone Bad Circuit, which is:

1:00, :45, :30, and :15 rounds of:
- Pull Ups
- Sit Ups
- Push Ups
- Air Squats
Score:  297 reps.  I'm going to have to test on this circuit for the SWAT team in two months so it will appear regularly until then to get used to high rep body weight movements.


Tuesday 11.20.12

Today is day #1 of getting back to eating right.  Not paleo, not Zone, just better macronutrient choices and overall calories for now.  My goals will be to stay under 2500 calories, to get 300 grams of protein, to stay under 30 grams of carbs, and I'll be using a combination of whole foods and protein supplements.

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Mobility Drills

Power Snatch 5x3 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  95x5, 125x4, 155x3, 185x2, 215x0- Just missed it out front but pulled it plenty high.
- Work Sets:  5x3 @ 160

Weighted Dips 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +10x4, +20x3, +35x2, +50x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ +30

Overhead Squats 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  75x5, 115x4, 155x3, 195x2, 235x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 170

Weighted Pull Ups 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +15x4, +30x3, +45x2, +60x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ +25

- None.  I missed yesterday and I always prioritize strength training, so I wanted to make up the lifts I missed.  This took me over an hour to complete so I had no time to condition, but I will do some tomorrow on what would ordinarily be a rest day.


Monday 11.19.12

Unplanned rest day.  That's three in a row.  I should be AWESOME tomorrow.

Sunday 11.18.12

Rest Day.


Friday 11.16.12

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- 5x 3 20" Box Overs into a 10 yard sprint
- Burgener Warm Up with an empty bar

Power Clean 5x3 (same weight as last week because I didn't get the reps):
- Warm Ups:  115x5, 165x4, 215x3, 265x2, 315x0
- Work Sets:  267.5x 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1- I missed one rep in the second set but it was form related, not lack of strength, so I'm going to move up 2.5 lbs next week anyway.

Weighted Chin Ups 5x3 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +10x4, +25x3, +40x2, +55x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ +25 lbs

- None.  I ran out of time today.

I knew I would be pressed for time today so I did my strength training with a running clock, with a set starting every 2:30 including warm ups.  This gave me enough time to complete my set, change the weight as needed, rest for about 60 seconds, and go again.  It was actually tough on a few sets as I normally would take a little more rest during strength training.  With 19 sets between both movements today (including warm up sets) it took me 47:30 just to to get through the strength training.  Add in a 10:00 warm up and this workout was just under an hour.  I may try to alternate between lifts next time and see if I can't cut the time down a bit.


Thursday 11.15.12

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Samson Stretch

Front Squat 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 285x2, 325x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 255

Bench Press 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 105x4, 155x3, 205x2, 245x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 210

As Many Rounds as Possible in 8:00 of:
- 15 Push Presses @ 115
- 15 Burpees
Score:  3 complete rounds + 12 push presses.


Wednesday 11.14.12

Warm Up:
- None.  Short on time. 

Deadlift 5rm (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  140x5, 230x4, 320x3, 410x2, 500x1
- Work Set:  455x4, 1- Couldn't get rep number 5 today.  I think my lack of warm up hurt me.

Weighted Pull Ups 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +10x4, +25x3, +40x2, +55x1
- Work Sets:  +25x 5, 4, 4, 2- Strength was not there today.

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 95 lbs
- Lateral Jumps over a 20" bar
Time:  7:39


Tuesday 11.13.12

Unplanned rest day.  I'll make it up tomorrow.


Monday 11.12.12

Warm Up:
- 400m Run
- Samson Stretch
- Dynamic Mobility Drills

Back Squats 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 400x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 345

Shoulder Press 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Press/Push Press/Jerk:  85x3/3/3, 135x2/2/2, 185x1/1/1, 235x0/1/1, 285x0/0/1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 155

Max Reps of Wall Ball in the following intervals:
- 30 seconds on
- 30 seconds off
- 60 seconds on
- 60 seconds off
- 90 seconds on
- 90 seconds off
- 120 seconds on
Score:  124 wall ball shots (20 lbs ball to a 10 foot target)

Sunday 11.11.12

Rest Day.

Saturday 11.10.12

Rest Day.


Friday 11.09.12

Warm Up:
- 400m Run
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Burgener Warm Up

Power Snatch 5x3 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 185x2, 210x1
- Work Sets:  5x3 @ 155

Weighted Chin Ups 5x3 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +10x4, +20x3, +35x2, +50x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ +20 lbs

On the minute for 10:00 (with 50% of Power Snatch 1rm):
- 3 Snatch Pulls @ 110
- 3 Power Snatches
- 3 Snatch Push Press (behind the neck)


Thursday 11.08.12

- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Samson Stretch

Overhead Squat 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  50x5, 100x4, 140x3, 190x2, 230x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @165

Weighted Dips 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +10x4, +20x3, +30x2, +45x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ +25

8 Rounds for Max Reps of:
- 20 seconds of Wall Ball shots
- 10 seconds rest
- 20 seconds of Sit Ups
- 10 seconds rest
Score:  198 reps.  I was shooting for 200 but came up a little short.  Also, that's what she said.


Wednesday 11.07.12

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Banded Samson Stretch
- Pistol Practice

- None today

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
- Pistols (alternating legs)
- Burpees
- Hollow Rocks
Time:  11:25, almost as rx'd.  On probably half of my pistols I had to let my heel of the forward leg tap the ground in order to not lose balance.  I didn't use any assistance to stand up, just to not fall.  My quads hate me right now.


Tuesday 11.06.12

Warm Up:
- 500m row
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Burgener warm up with 45 lbs bar

Power Clean 5x3 (+2.5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  95x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x2, 275x1, 315x0
- Work Sets:  267.5x 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1- This was a 3rm PR for me, but I'll stay here next week or until I get 5x3

Weighted Pull Ups 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body Weight x5, +10x4, +20x3, +35x2, +50x1
- Work Sets: 3x5 @ +20 lbs

- Had to skip it due to time.  I took WAY too long on my power cleans today and ran out of time.


Monday 11.05.12

Warm Up:
- Not much of anything as I was very short on time.  I used my warm up sets of my lifts to try and get warm, although I didn't think it worked too well.

Front Squats 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 280x2, 320x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 250

Bench Press 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  60x5, 110x4, 150x3, 200x2, 240x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 205

As Many Rounds as Possible in 12:00 of:
- 5 Push Presses @ 165
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 Double Unders
Score:  7 rounds even.  My push ups were the weak link here they really hurt my neck injury for some reason.

Sunday 11.04.12

Rest Day


Friday 11.02.12

Warm Up:
- 400m Run
- Dynamic Mobility
- GHD Hip Extensions

Deadlift 5rm (resetting from last week's epic failure):
- Warm Ups:  135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x2, 495x1 (couldn't get 495 last week, so progress)
- Work Sets:  450x5

Weighted Chin Ups 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  Body weight x5, +10x4, +20x3, +30x2, +45x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ +15

As Many Rounds as Possible in 7:00 of:
- 7 Ring Rows (feet parallel to the rings)
- 30 Double Unders
Score:  5 rounds + 5 more ring rows.  After the weighted chin ups my arms were totally smoked so I hit failure by the second round.  Terrible.


Thursday 11.01.12

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Samson Stretch

Back Squats 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Warm Ups:  45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 395x1
- Work Sets:  3x5 @ 340

Shoulder Press 3x5 (+5 lbs):
- Press/Push Press/Jerk:  50x4/4/4, 100x3/3/3, 140x2/2/2, 190x1/1/1, 230x0/1/1, 280x0/0/1
- Shoulder Press Work Sets:  3x5 @ 150

for 10:00, starting with one rep each, add 1 rep each minute:
- Ring Dips
- Goblet Squat with 88 lbs KB
Score:  I got to round 7 before the ring dips started bothering my injury.  Goblet squats were completed.