Only four more training days left until I appear as a spectator at Regionals. Time to cut that last bit of water weight and really get ripped. Nothing says Regionals spectator like striated glutes.
Back Squats (Goal: 405x3, 369x5, 328x7):
- Warm Ups: 185x5, 225x4, 275x3, 315x2, 365x1
- Work Sets: 405x1, 369x3, 328x5- I had no spotter today and was worried about pushing it to failure, so I ended up staying 2 reps under my goal on each set. Time to reset the weight since this is my third attempt at these weights. Still not bad considering I got to a 3RM PR of 400 while on a calorie deficit.
Weighted Pull Ups:
- Warm Ups: 0x5, +15x4, +25x3, +35x2, +45x1- I tried to get all these as strict chest to bar reps.
- Work Sets: +40x 5, 5, 5
20-15-10-5 reps for time of:
- Wall Ball
- Pull Ups
- Hollow Rocks
- Alternating KB Snatches @ 70 lbs
Time: 11:23
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