
Saturday 11.30.24

Strength Training:

Traps and Shoulders Tri-set (every 3:45):
- Kelso Shrugs: 50 x12, 100 x11, 140 x10, 190 x9, 230 x 4x8
- Cable Face Pulls: 55 x 1x14, 65 x 1x13, 70 x 1x12, 75 x 1x11, 80 x 4x10
- DB Lateral Raises: 5’s x14, 15’s x13, 25’s x12, 35’s x11, 40’s x 4x8

Arms Superset #1 (every 3:00):
- JM Presses: 56 x10, 86 x9, 116 x 4x8
- Preacher Curls: 36 x10, 56 x8, 76 x 4x8

Arms Superset #2 (every 4:00)
- Seated 1-Arm Cable Pushdowns: 36.5 x Skipped
- Cable Hammer Curls: 32.5 x Skipped

- 2.75 mile walk with no weighted vest in 36:37 (423 calories)


Friday 11.29.24

Ramp up workout post vacation

Strength Training:

Legs Superset (every 3:00):
- Supine Leg Curls: 20.75 x 4x10
- Heels Elevated Squats: 20.75 x 4x10

Single Leg Hamstrings with Core (every 3:00):
- Landmine RDL's: 93.75 x 4x8
- GHD Sit Ups: 4x7

Single Leg Quads with Upper Back Recovery (every 3:00)
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 93.75 x 4x8
- GHD Sit Ups: 4x7

Calves with Squats and Core (every 3:00)
- Standing Calf Raises: 123.75 x 4x10
- Safety Bar Squats: 123.75 x 4x10
- GHD Sit-Ups: 4x7

- 2.75 mile walk with no weighted vest in 37:53 (372 calories)

Thursday 11.28.24

 Rest day, prepping for Thanksgiving.


Wednesday 11.27.24

Ramp up post vacation workout

Strength Training:

Shoulders Circuit (every 3:30):
- Landmine Presses: 0 x 12, 25 x 11, 45 x 1x10 (add a set each session until 3x10)
- Landmine High Pulls: 0 x 12, 25 x 11, 45 x 1x10 (add a set each session until 3x10)
- Band Pull Aparts: 12, 11, 10

Push/ Pull Superset (every 3:00):
- Chest Supported Supinated Grip Rows: 135x10, 185x9, 215x 2x8 (add a set each session until 4x8)
- Weighted Dips: 0x10, 25x9, 45 x 2x8 (add a set each session until 4x8)

 Push/Pull Superset #2 (every 3:00):
- Shrugs: 235x 3x10
- Weighted Push Ups: 6x 3x10

Push/ Pull Superset #3 (every 3:00):
- Pike Pull Ups: 6 x 3x10
- Weighted Push Ups: 6 x 3x10

Arms Superset (every 3:00):
- Spider Curls: 75.5 x 3x10
- 1-Arm Cable Pushdowns: 36.5 x 3x10

- 2.75 mile with no weighted vest in 36:19 (426 calories)


Tuesday 11.26.24

Ramp up workout with 3/5’s volume

Strength Training:

Legs Superset (every 3:00):
- Supine Leg Curls: 20.75 x 3x10
- Heels Elevated Squats: 20.75 x 3x10

Single Leg Hamstrings with Core (every 3:00):
- Landmine RDL's: 93.75 x 3x8
- GHD Sit Ups: 3x7

Single Leg Quads with Upper Back Recovery (every 3:00)
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 93.75 x 3x8
- GHD Sit Ups: 3x7

Calves with Squats and Core (every 3:00)
- Standing Calf Raises: 123.75 x 3x10
- Safety Bar Squats: 123.75 x 3x10
- GHD Sit-Ups: 3x7

- 2.76 mile walk with no weighted vest in 38:18 (422 calories)

Monday 11.25.24

 Rest day. Travelled home from Costa Rica.

Sunday 11.24.24

Vacation workout in Costa Rica.

Strength Training:

Triceps and Shoulders with Squats:
- Cable Pushdowns: 10x10
- 1-Arm Cable Lateral Raises: 10x10
- Air Squats: 10x10

Biceps with Push Ups and Squats:
- 1-Arm Cable Curls: 5x10
- Push Ups: 5x10
- Air Squats: 5x10

Upper Ba \ck with Push Ups and Squats:
- Cable Face Pulls: 10x10
- Push Ups: 10x10
- Air Squats: 10x10

Calf Raises:
- Calf Raise Machine: 1x50

- None

Saturday 11.23.24

 Rest day.

Friday 11.22.24

 Rest day in Costa Rica.

Thursday 11.21.24

 Rest day in Costa Rica.


Wednesday 11.20.24

Vacation workout in Costa Rica.

Strength Training:

- DB Lateral Raises: 5’s x16, 10’s x15, 15’s x14, 20’s x13, 25’s x12, 30’s x11, 35’s x10, 40’s x 1x9, 45’s x7, 50’s x6
- Prone Cuban Presses with the first few sets

Arms Superset:
- 1-Arm Cable Pushdowns: 5x10 (worked from 32.5 to 37.5 on the machine)
- 1-Arm Cable Curls: 5x10 (worked from 27.5 to 32.5 on the machine)

Pull/Push Circuit:
- 1-Arm Cable Rows: 5x10 (worked from 62.5 to 67.5 on the machine)
- Cable Shrugs: 5x10 (worked from 52.5 to 67.5 on both sides of the machine)
- Push Ups: 5x20

Rear Delt Fly Machine:
- 40x 150 (40 on the rear Delt fly machine)

- None

Tuesday 11.19.24

 Finally was able to travel to Costa Rica (should’ve gotten here three days ago), so another rest day.

Monday 11.18.24

 Rest day. Flights to Costa Rica got cancelled so we’re stranded in Houston.


Sunday 11.17.24

 Rest day. We travelled to Costa Rica for vacation.

Saturday 11.16.24

 Rest day. We helped Taylor and Brenna move into their new house.

Friday 11.15.24

Strength Training:

Traps and Shoulders Tri-set (every 3:45):
- Kelso Shrugs: , 48.5 x14, 98.5 x13, 138.5 x12, 188.5 x11, 228.5 x 4x10
- Cable Face Pulls: 50 x 1x14, 55 x 1x13, 60 x 1x12, 70 x 1x11, 75 x 4x10
- DB Lateral Raises: 5’s x14, 15’s x13, 25’s x12, 35’s x11, 40’s x 1x9, 3x8

Arms Superset #1 (every 3:00):
- JM Presses: 55.5 x12, 85.5 x11, 115.5 x 4x10
- Preacher Curls: 35.5 x12, 55.5 x1, 75.5 x 4x10

Arms Superset #2 (every 4:00)
- 1-Arm Cable Pushdowns: 36.5 x 3x10
- Cable Hammer Curls: 32.5 x 3x10

- 2.76 mile walk with a 30 pound weighted vest in 38:09 (395 calories)


Thursday 11.14.24

Strength Training:

Legs Superset (every 3:00):
- Supine Leg Curls: 20.75 x 5x10
- Heels Elevated Squats: 20.75 x 5x10

Single Leg Hamstrings with Core (every 3:00):
- Landmine RDL's: 93.75 x 5x8
- GHD Sit Ups: 5x6

Single Leg Quads with Upper Back Recovery (every 3:00)
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 93.75 x 5x8
- GHD Sit Ups: 5x7

Calves with Squats and Core (every 3:00)
- Standing Calf Raises: 123.75 x 5x10
- Safety Bar Squats: 123.75 x 5x10
- GHD Sit-Ups: 5x7

- 2.75 mile walk with a 30 pound weighted vest in 38:42 (386 calories)


Wednesday 11.13.24

Strength Training:

Shoulder Warm Up (every 3:00):
- Arm Circles: 5x 2x10, 10x 1x10 (forward and backward circles, each arm)
- Prone Cuban Press: 5’s x 2x10, 10’s x 1x10
- Band Pull Aparts: 3x10

Push/ Pull Superset #1 (every 3:45):
- Landmine Presses: 15.5 x 12, 30.5 x 11, 45.5 x 3x10
- Landmine High Pulls: 15.5 x 12, 30.5 x 11, 45.5 x 3x10

Push/ Pull Superset #2 (every 3:30):
- Chest Supported Supinated Grip Rows: 135x10, 185x9, 215x 5x8
- Weighted Dips: 0x10, 25x9, 45 x 5x8

 Push/Pull Superset #3 (every 3:00):
- Pike Pull Ups: 6 x 3x10
- Weighted Push Ups: 6 x 2x10, 1x max reps (today I got 22)

- None


Tuesday 11.12.24

Strength Training:

Legs Superset (every 3:00):
- Supine Leg Curls: 20.5 x 5x10
- Heels Elevated Squats: 20.5 x 5x10

Single Leg Hamstrings with Core (every 3:00):
- Landmine RDL's: 93.5 x 5x8
- GHD Sit Ups: 5x6

Single Leg Quads with Upper Back Recovery (every 3:00)
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 93.5 x 5x8
- GHD Sit Ups: 5x6

Calves with Squats and Core (every 3:00)
- Standing Calf Raises: 123.5 x 5x10
- Safety Bar Squats: 123.5 x 5x10
- GHD Sit-Ups: 5x6

- None


Monday 11.11.24

Strength Training:

Shoulder Warm Up (every 2:00):
- Arm Circles: 5x 3x10 (forward and backward circles, each arm)
- Reverse Face Pulls: 5’s x 3x10

Push/ Pull Superset #1 (every 3:45):
- Landmine Presses: 15.25 x 12, 30.25 x 11, 45.25 x 3x10
- Landmine High Pulls: 15.25 x 12, 30.25 x 11, 45.25 x 3x10

Push/ Pull Superset #2 (every 3:30):
- Chest Supported Rows: 135x10, 185x9, 214 5x8
- Weighted Dips: 0x10, 25x9, 44.25 x 5x8

 Push/Pull Superset #3 (every 3:30):
- Pike Chin Ups: 5.55 x 3x10
- Weighted Push Ups: 5.5 x 2x10, 1x max reps (today I got 21)

- None

Sunday 11.10.24

 Rest day.


Saturday 11.09.24

Strength Training:

Traps and Shoulders Tri-set (every 3:45):
- Kelso Shrugs: , 48x14, 98x13, 138x12, 188x11, 228 x 4x10
- DB Lateral Raises: 5’s x14, 15’s x13, 25’s x12, 35’s x11, 40’s x 4x8
- Rear Delt DB Swings: 5’s x14, 15’s x13, 25’s x12, 35’s x11, 40’s x 4x8

Arms Superset #1 (every 3:00):
- JM Presses: 55x12, 85x11, 115x 4x10
- Preacher Curls: 35x12, 55x1, 75x 4x10

Arms Superset #2 (every 4:00)
- 1-Arm Cable Pushdowns: 36.25 x 3x10
- 1-Arm DB Hammer Curls: 45x 3x10

- 2.76 mile walk with a 28 pound weighted vest in 38:19 (362 calories)


Friday 11.08.24

Strength Training:

Legs Superset (every 3:00):
- Supine Leg Curls: 20.25 x 5x10
- Heels Elevated Squats: 20.25 x 5x10

Single Leg Hamstrings with Upper Back Recovery (every 3:00):
- Landmine RDL's: 93.25 x 5x8
- Cable Face Pulls: 70x 5x20

Single Leg Quads with Upper Back Recovery (every 3:00)
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 93.25 x 5x8
- Band Pull Aparts: 5x20

Calves with Squats and Core (every 3:00)
- Standing Calf Raises: 123.25 x 5x10
- Safety Bar Squats: 123.25 x 5x10
- GHD Sit-Ups: 4x8, 1x7

- 2.75 mile walk with a 27 pound weighted vest in 38:23 (391 calories)


Thursday 11.07.24

Strength Training:

Shoulder Warm Up (every 2:00):
- Arm Circles: 0x10, 5x10, 10x10 (forward and backward circles, each arm)
- Band Pull Aparts: 3x10

Push/ Pull Superset #1 (every 3:45):
- Landmine Presses: 15x 12, 30x 11, 45x 3x10
- Landmine High Pulls: 15x 12, 30x 11, 45x 3x10

Push/ Pull Superset #2 (every 3:30):
- Chest Supported Rows: 135x10, 185x9, 213.75x 5x8
- Weighted Dips: 0x10, 25x9, 434x 5x8

 Push/Pull Superset #3 (every 3:30):
- Pike Chin Ups: 5.25 x 3x10
- Weighted Push Ups: 5.25 x 2x1, 1x max reps (today I got 20)

- None. My allergies were really bad after yesterday’s walk so I skipped it.

Wednesday 11.06.24


- 4.01 mile walk with a 26 pound vest in 55:23 (566 calories)


Tuesday 11.05.24

Strength Training:

Legs Superset (every 3:00):
- Supine Leg Curls: 20 x 5x10
- Heels Elevated Squats: 20 x 5x10

Single Leg Hamstrings with Upper Back Recovery (every 3:00):
- Landmine RDL's: 93 x 5x8
- Cable Face Pulls: 70x 5x20

Single Leg Quads with Upper Back Recovery (every 3:00)
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 93 x 5x8
- Band Pull Aparts: 5x20

Calves with Squats and Core (every 3:00)
- Standing Calf Raises: 123 x 5x10
- Safety Bar Squats: 123 x 5x10
- GHD Sit-Ups: 3x8, 2x7

- None


Monday 11.04.24

Strength Training:

Push/ Pull Superset #1 (every 3:45):
- Landmine Presses: .75x 12, 15.75x 11, 30.75x 3x10
- Landmine High Pulls: .75x 12, 15.75x 11, 30.75x 3x10

Push/ Pull Superset #2 (every 3:30):
- Chest Supported Rows: 135x10, 185x9, 213.5x 5x8
- Weighted Dips: 0x10, 25x9, 43.75x 5x8

 Push/Pull Superset #3 (every 3:00):
- Pike Chin Ups: 5 x 5x10
- Weighted Push Ups: 5x 5x10

Triceps (every 2:30):
- Tate Presses: 50's x 2x15 (do sets at an incline next time)

- 2.01 mile walk with 25 pound vest in 28:21 (277 calories)


Sunday 11.03.24


- 4.01 mile walk with a 25 pound vest in 57:23 (564 calories)


Saturday 11.02.24

Strength Training:

Horizontal Pull with Neck Extensions and External Rotation (every 3:00):
- Chest Supported Rows: 135 x11, 165 x10, 195 x9, 213.25 x 5x8
- Banded Neck Extensions: 8x10
- No Moneys: 8x10

Traps with Neck Extensions, External Rotation, and Push Recovery (every 3:00):
- Kelso Shrugs: 227 x 3x10
- Band External Rotation: 2x10 (with first 2 sets of shrugs)
- No Moneys: 2x10 (with first 2 sets of shrugs)
- Push Ups: 1x11 (with last set of shrugs)

 Upward Pull with Push Recovery (every 3:00):
- Landmine High Pulls: 56 x 3x10
- Push Ups: 3x11

Downward Pull with Push Recovery (every 3:00):
- Lat Pulldowns: Stack+Band+20.5 x 3x10
- Push Ups: 2x11, 1x10

Biceps with Push Recovery (every 3:00):
- Spider Curls: 85x 3x10
- Push Ups: 3x10

- 2.01 mile walk with 24 pound vest in 30:57 (256 calories, Holly went with me so pace was slower)


Friday 11.01.24


- 4.03 mile walk with a 24 pound vest in 55:42 (572 calories)