
Sunday 1.31.21

Rest day. I'm still down with COVID, but feeling better. Came out of isolation today and may try to work out tomorrow.

Saturday 1.30.21

Rest day. I'm still down with COVID.

Friday 1.29.21

Rest day. I'm still down with COVID.

Thursday 1.28.21

Rest day. I'm still down with COVID.


Wednesday 1.27.21

 Rest day. I'm still down with COVID.

Tuesday 1.26.21

 Rest day. I'm still down with COVID.

Monday 1.25.21

 Rest day. I got diagnosed with COVID-19 so this may be a week off.


Sunday 1.24.21

 Rest day.

Saturday 1.23.21

Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit and Close Grip Bench Press Warm Up (on the 3:00):
- Prone Y Raises: 5x 3x10
- Rear Delt Flyes" 5x 3x10
- Prone External Rotations: 5x 3x10
- Bench Press: 45x11, 95x10, 135x9

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press and Banded "No Money's" (on the 2:30):
- Bench Press: 185x 5x8
- No Money's: 5x10

Dips and Band Pull Aparts (on the 2:00):
- DipsL: 1x9, 4x8
- Pull Aparts: Red Band x 5x10

Single Arm DB High Pull and DB Press Superset (Both lifts left, then both right, on the 3:00):
- DB High Pulls: 35x 4x12
- DB Press: 35 x 4x12

Overhead Triceps Extensions and DB Lateral Raises (on the 2:00):
- Triceps Extensions: 80x 4x12
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 4x12

Reverse Grip Crossover Cable Pushdowns (50 reps, minimal rest):
- Blue CS Cords x 20, 16, 14

- KBS: 70 x 60 reps unbroken


Friday 1.22.21

 Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit (on the 3:00):
- Prone Y Raises: 5x 3x10
- Rear Delt Flyes" 5x 3x10
- Prone External Rotations: 5x 3x10
- Straight Arm Pull Downs: 3x10

Strength Training:
Fat Man Pull Ups and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Pull Ups: 5x6
- VTT: 5x20

SUpinated Grip Body Rows and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Rows: 5x8
- VTT: 5x20

Upper Back and Lat Superset (on the 2:30):
- Prone DB Face Pulls: 25's x 5x10
- Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns: 12 x 5x10

Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz and No Money's (on the 2:30):
- Curls: 40x 2x10, 35x 2x10
- No Money's: 4x10

Spider Curls (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 38x 20, 16, 14

- KBS: 80 x 52 reps unbroken


Thursday 1.21.21

 Warm Up:

Leg Tri-Set Warm Ups:

- Barbell Reverse Lunges: 45x13, 65x12, 85x11, 105x10, 125x9 (each leg)

- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 5x10
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 2x11, 3x10

Strength Training:
Leg Superset #1:
- Barbell Reverse Lunges: 135x 3x8
- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 3x8

Leg Superset #2:
-Back Squats: 135x10, 185x9, 198x 3x8
- Landmine Single Leg RDL's: 70 x 5x10 (each leg)

KB Swings:
- Skipped due to time


Wednesday 1.20.21

Warm Up:

Shoulder Circuit (on the 3:00):
- 1-Arm Landmine Press: 45x11, 50x10, 55x9
- Prone Y Raises: 5x 3x10
- Rear Delt Flyes" 5x 3x10
- Prone External Rotations: 5x 3x10

Strength Training:
1-Arm Landmine Presses and Banded "No Money's" (on the 2:30):
- Press: 60x 5x8 (each arm)
- No Money's: 5x10

Reverse Grip Bench Press and Band Pull Aparts (on the 2:00):
- Press: 135x 5x10
- Pull Aparts: Red Band x 5x10

Dips and DB Lateral Raises (on the 2:30):
- Dips: 5x8
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 5x12

DB Skull Crushers (on the 2:00):
- 35x 4x12

Crossover Cable Pushdowns (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 7.5x 20, 16, 14

- KBS: 80 x 52 reps unbroken


Tuesday 1.19.21

  Warm Up:

DB Shoulder Circuit:

- Y Raises: 5x 3x10

- Rear Delt Flyes: 5x 3x10

- Rear DB Swings: 5x 3x10

- Prone DB External Rotations: 5x 3x10

Strength Training:

Fat Man Chin Ups and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Chin Ups: 5x6
- VTT: 5x20

Body Rows and Vacuum Trunk Twists (on the 2:00):
- Rows: 5x8
- VTT: 5x20

Upper Back and Lats Superset (on the 2:30):
- Prone DB Face Pulls: 25's x 5x10
- Crossover Cable Straight Arm Pulldowns: 12 x 5x10

Lean_away DB Curls with Fat Gripz (on the 2:30):
- 40x 2x10, 35x 2x10

Reverse Spider Curls (50 reps, minimal rest):
- 28x 20, 16, 14

- KBS: 80 x 52 reps unbroken


Monday 1.18.21

 Warm Up:

Leg Tri-Set Warm Ups:

- Bulgarian Split Squats: 0x11, 15x10, 30x9 (each leg)

- Single Leg RDL's: 0x12, 20x10, 40x9 (each leg)
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 1x11, 3x10

Strength Training:
Leg Tri-Set Work Sets:
- Bulgarian Slpit Squats: 45x 4x8
- Single Leg RDL's: 60x 4x8
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 4x10

Leg Superset:
- Front Squats: 45x11, 95x10, 135x9, 158x 3x8
- DB RDL's with Shrugs: 75's x 6x10

KB Swings:
- 70x 60 reps unbroken

Sunday 1.17.21

 Rest day.


Saturday 1.16.21

Warm Up:

- DB Shoulder Circuit

Strength Training:
Push Superset with Rear Delts (every 2:00):
- Dips: 9x6, 1x5
- Push Ups: 9x6, 1x5
- Band Pull Aparts: Red Band x 9x12, 1x10

Heavy Triceps with Shoulders (every 2:30): 
- Overhead Triceps Extensions: 45x12, 75x11, 95x 3x8
- DB Lateral Raises: 20's x 12, 25's x 11, 30's x 3x10

Moderate Triceps with Shoulders (every 2:30)
- DB Skull Crushers: 40's x 3x12
- Wide Grip Upright Rows: 76x 2x12, 75 x 1x12

Light Triceps:
- Reverse Grip Crossover Cable Pushdowns: Blue CS Cord x 17, 17, 16

- KB Swings: 70x 59 reps unbroken


Friday 1.15.21

Warm Up:

- Banded Shoulder Circuit

Strength Training:

Pull Ups and Body Rows (on the 2:00):
- Pull Ups: 9x2, 1x1
- Body Rows: 9x7, 1x6

Biceps and Rear Delts:
- Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz: 40x 1x10, 35 x 3x10 each arm
- Rear Delt Flyes: 25's x 1x10, 20's x 3x10
- Rear Delt Swings: 25's x 1x10, 20's x 3x10

Biceps and Upper Back:
- Barbell Spider Curls: 35x 20, 16, 14
- Ring Face Pulls: 0 x 20, 16, 14

- KBS: 70x 59 reps unbroken

- 7:00 of shoulder stretches


Thursday 1.14.21 PM Session

Warm Up:

- Skipped

Strength Training:
Push Superset with Rear Delts (every 2:00):
- Dips: 9x6, 1x5
- Push Ups: 9x6, 1x5
- Band Pull Aparts" Red Band x 9x12, 1x10

Heavy Triceps with Shoulders (every 2:30): 
- Barbell Skull Crushers: 45x12, 75x11, 104 x 4x10
- DB Lateral Raises: 20's x 12, 25's x 11, 30's x 4x10

Moderate Triceps with Shoulders (every 2:30)
- Elbows Out DB Extensions: 45's x 3x12
- Wide Grip Upright Rows: 76x 1x12, 75 x 2x12

Light Triceps:
- Crossover Cable Pushdowns: Blue CS Cords x 18, 17, 15

- Skipped, since I already did this once this morning

Thursday 1.14.21 AM Session

 Warm Up:

Legs and Core Circuit:
- Front Squats: 45x6, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3
- Back Squats: 45x6, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 4x10

Strength Training:
Front Squats, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Standing Calf Raises:
- Squats: 187x 3x5
- VTT's: 3x20
- Calf Raises: 50x 3x10

Back Squats, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Standing Calf Raises:
- Squats: 227x 3x8
- VTT: 2x20
- Calf Raises: 50x 3x10

DB Bulgarian Split Squats and Behind the Back Shrugs:
- 40x 2x10, 35x 1x10
- Shrugs: 263x 3x10

- KB Swings: 80x 51 reps unbroken

Wednesday 1.13.21

 Forced rest day due to work.


Tuesday 11.12.21

 Warm Up:

- Banded Shoulder Circuit

Strength Training:

Chin Ups and Body Rows (on the 2:00):
- Chin Ups: 9x2, 1x1
- Body Rows: 9x7, 1x6

Biceps and Rear Delts:
- Lean Away DB Curls with Fat Gripz: 40x 1x10, 35 x 3x10 each arm
- Rear Delt Flyes: 25's x 1x10, 20's x 3x10
- Rear Delt Swings: 25's x 1x10, 20's x 3x10

Biceps and Upper Back:
- Reverse Spider Curls: 27x 18, 17, 15
- EZ Curl Bar Face Pulls: 27x 18, 17, 15

- KBS: 80 x 51 reps unbroken

- 5:00 of shoulder stretches


Monday 1.11.21

 Warm Up:

- Sumo DL: 45x9, 135x8, 225x7, 315x6

- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 4x10

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Standing Calf Raises:
- Deadlifts: 356x 3x5
- Trunk Twists: 3x20
- Calf Raises: 50x 3x10

Straight Leg Deadlifts, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Standing Calf Raises:
- Deadlifts: 206x 3x8
- Trunk Twists: 3x20
- Calf Raises: 50x 3x10

Single Leg Barbell Romanian Deadlifts and Barbell Shrugs:
- 47x 3x10 each leg
- Shrugs: 263x 3x10

KB Swings:
- 80x 51 reps unbroken

Sunday 1.10.21

 Rest day.


Saturday 1.09.21

Warm Up:

- Banded Shoulder Circuit

Strength Training:
Push Superset with Rear Delts (every 2:00):
- Dips: 8x6, 2x5
- Push Ups: 8x6, 2x5
- Band Pull Aparts: Red Band x 8x12, 2x10

Heavy Triceps with Shoulders (every 2:30): 
- Overhead Triceps Extensions: 45x12, 75x11, 95x 10, 10, 9, 8
- DB Lateral Raises: 20's x 12, 25's x 11, 30's x 4x10

Moderate Triceps with Shoulders (every 2:30)
- DB Skull Crushers: 40's x 3x12
- Wide Grip Upright Rows: 75 x 3x12

Light Triceps:
- Reverse Grip Crossover Cable Pushdowns: Blue CS Cord x 17, 17, 16

- KB Swings: 70x 58 reps unbroken


Friday 1.08.21

Warm Up:

- Banded Shoulder Circuit

Strength Training:

Pull Ups and Body Rows (on the 2:00):
- Pull Ups: 8x2, 2x1
- Body Rows: 8x7, 2x6

Biceps and Rear Delts:
- Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz: 35 x 4x10 each arm
- Rear Delt Flyes: 20's x 4x10
- Rear Delt Swings: 20's x 4x10

Biceps and Upper Back:
- Barbell Spider Curls: 35x 20, 15, 15
- Rope Face Pulls: 16.5 x 20, 15, 15

- KBS: 80 x 50 reps unbroken


Thursday 1.07.21

Warm Up:

Legs and Core Circuit:
- Front Squats: 45x6, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3
- Back Squats: 45x6, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20
- Standing Calf Raises: 45x 4x12

Strength Training:
Front Squats, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Standing Calf Raises:
- Squats: 186x 3x5
- VTT's: 3x20
- Calf Raises: 45x 3x12

Back Squats, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Standing Calf Raises:
- Squats: 226x 3x8
- VTT: 2x20
- Calf Raises: 45x 3x12

DB Bulgarian Split Squats and Behind the Back Shrugs:
- 40x 1x10, 35x 2x10
- Shrugs: 262x 3x10

- KB Swings: 80x 50 reps unbroken


Wednesday 1.06.21

 Warm Up:

- Banded Shoulder Circuit

Strength Training:
Push Superset with Rear Delts (every 2:00):
- Dips: 8x6, 2x5
- Push Ups: 8x6, 2x5
- Band Pull Aparts" Red Band x 8x12, 2x10

Heavy Triceps with Shoulders (every 2:30): 
- Barbell Skull Crushers: 45x12, 75x11, 103 x 4x10
- DB Lateral Raises: 20's x 12, 25's x 11, 30's x 4x10

Moderate Triceps with Shoulders (every 2:30)
- Elbows Out DB Extensions: 45's x 3x12
- Wide Grip Upright Rows: 75 x 3x12

Light Triceps:
- Crossover Cable Pushdowns: 7.5 x 17, 17, 16

- KB Swings: 80x 50 reps unbroken


Tuesday 1.05.21

 Warm Up:

- Banded Shoulder Circuit

Strength Training:

Chin Ups and Body Rows (on the 2:00):
- Chin Ups: 8x2, 2x1
- Body Rows: 8x7, 2x6
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 10x20

Biceps and Rear Delts:
- Lean Away DB Curls with Fat Gripz: 35 x 4x10 each arm
- Rear Delt Flyes: 20's x 4x10
- Rear Delt Swings: 20's x 4x10

Biceps and Upper Back:
- Reverse Spider Curls: 26x 20, 15, 15
- EZ Curl Bar Face Pulls: 26x 20, 15, 15

- KBS: 80 x 50 reps unbroken


Monday 1.04.21

  Warm Up:

- Sumo DL: 45x9, 135x8, 225x7, 315x6

- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20
- Standing Calf Raises: 45x 2x14, 2x13

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Standing Calf Raises:
- Deadlifts: 355x 3x5
- Trunk Twists: 3x20
- Calf Raises: 45x 2x12, 1x11

Straight Leg Deadlifts, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Standing Calf Raises:
- Deadlifts: 205x 3x8
- Trunk Twists: 3x20
- Calf Raises: 45x 1x11, 2x10

Single Leg Barbell Romanian Deadlifts and Barbell Shrugs:
- 46x 3x10 each leg
- Shrugs: 262x 3x10

KB Swings:
- 80x 50 reps unbroken

Sunday 1.03.21

 Rest day.


Saturday 1.02.21

 Warm Up:

- None

Strength Training:

Ring Face Pulls and Hammer Curls:

    - Face Pulls: 0x 5x10

    - Curls: 25x 10, 30x10, 35x10, 40x10, 45x10

Fat Gripz Rear Delt Flyes and DB Spider Curls:

    - Flyes: 15's x 5x10

    - Spider Curls: 15's x 5x10

Banded Shoulder Circuit:

    - Once through the sequence


Friday 1.01.21

Warm Up:

Legs and Core Circuit:
- Front Squats: 45x6, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3
- Back Squats: 45x6, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x20
- Standing Calf Raises: 45x 1x14, 3x13

Strength Training:
Front Squats and Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Squats: 185x 3x5
- VTT's: 3x20

Back Squats and Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Squats: 225x 3x8
- VTT: 2x20

Bulgarian Split Squats:
- 35 x 3x10 each leg (holding a 20 and 15 DB)

Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs and Serratus Crunches:
- Shrugs: 261x 4x10
- Crunches: 70x 4x10 (holding 35's)

Thursday 12.31.20

 Rest day.