
Friday 7.31.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap with Rowing:
- Iron Scap: 3 times through each exercise
- Rowing: 20x 250m intervals

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (845,000m of 1,000,000m complete)

Thursday 7.30.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Push Ups with Rowing:
- Push Ups: 15x 10
- Rowing: 15x 250m intervals

Rowing Finisher:
- 1250m to round out the 5000m for the day

Rowing Total: 5000m (840,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Wednesday 7.29.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Air Squats with Rowing:
- Air Squats: 20x 10
- Rowing: 20x 250m intervals

Rowing Total: 5000m (835,000m of 1,000,000m complete)

Tuesday 7.28.20

Rest Day. Travelled home from San Diego.

Monday 7.27.20

Beach Workout:
4 Rounds for time with a partner:
- 20 Sumo Band Deadlifts
- 8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts per leg
* While one partner is working, the other other one runs continuously, then switch

Sunday 7.26.20

Rest Day. No workout but lots of Spike Ball on the beach and boogie boarding.

Saturday 7.25.20

Beach Workout:
10:00 Partner AMRAP:
- Sit Ups
* One partner does sit-ups while the other one does a 150m beach run, then switch

Friday 7.24.20

Rest Day. No workout but lots of Spike Ball on the beach and boogie boarding.

Thursday 7.23.20

Beach Workout:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
- Left leg Lunges
- Right Leg Lunge
- Air Squat
* 5 Push Ups after each round

- Sets of band curls and band pull apart

Wednesday 7.22.20

Rest day. No training but lots of Spike Ball on the beach and Boogie Boarding.

Tuesday 7.21.20

Rest day. Traveling to San Diego for a foamily vacation.


Monday 7.20.20

Warm Up:
Chin Ups:
 - Chin Ups: 17 reps (7x2, 3x1)

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 170x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 80x 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 80x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Band Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: Purple Band x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 80x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Reverse Spider Curls:
- 54x 3x12

Forearm Levers:
- 6 x 3x1:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (830,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Sunday 7.19.20

Warm Up:
- Dips: 0x10, 5x9, 10x8, 15x7
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Weighted Dips and Rowing:
- Dips: 20x 1x6, 15x 3x6
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 50's x 1x12, 3x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar Overhead Triceps Extensions and Rowing:
- Extensions: 85 x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- Skull Crushers: 85 x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns: Subbed CS cords for 50 reps, rested as needed

Wrist Roller:
- 50x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (825,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Saturday 7.18.20

Warm Up:
Sumo Deadlifts, Conventional Deadlifts, and Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Sumo DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3
- Conv. DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3
- Trunk Twists: 5x20

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 318x 3x5

Conventional Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 318x 3x5

Snatch Grip Straight Leg Deadlifts:
- 188x 3x8

Standing Calf Raises:
- 35x 5x14

Forearm Levers:
- 6 x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 0m (820,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 7.17.20

Warm Up:
Pull Ups:
 - Pull Ups: 16 reps (6x2, 4x1)

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 169x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 79x 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 79x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Band Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: Purple Band x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Reverse Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 58x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Spider Curls:
- 58x 3x12

Wrist Roller:
- 50x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (820,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Thursday 7.16.20

Warm Up:
- Close Grip Bench Press: 50x10, 100x9, 140x8, 190x7
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press and Rowing:
- Bench: 230x 4x6
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 50's x 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

KB Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- KBSCs: 44's x 1x10, 3x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Incline Elbows Out DB Extensions and Rowing:
- 50's x 1x10, 3x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Tricep Finisher:
- Freemotion Machine Reverse Grip Pushdowns: 16.5x 50 reps (40, 10)

Forearm Levers:
- 6 x 3x 1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (815,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Wednesday 7.15.20

Warm Up:
Front Squats, Back Squats, and Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Squats: 45x7/7, 77x 6/6, 127x 5/5, 167x 4/4, 217x 3/3
- Trunk Twists: 5x20

Strength Training:
Back Squats:
- Squats: 257x 3x5

Front Squats:
- Squats: 167x 3x5

Goblet Squats:
- Goblet Squats: 65x 3x8

Standing Calf Raises:
- 35x 5x14

Wrist Roller:
- 50x 5:00

Rowing Total: 0m (810,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Tuesday 7.14.20

Warm Up:
Chin Ups with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
 - Chin Ups: 16 reps (6x2, 4x1)

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 169x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 79x 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 79x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Band Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: Purple Band x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 79x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Reverse Spider Curls:
- 53x 3x12

Forearm Levers:
- 6 x 3x1:00

Rowing Total: 500m (810,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Monday 7.13.20

Warm Up:
- Dips: 0x10, 0x9, 5x8, 10x7
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Weighted Dips with Vacuum Trunk Twists and Rowing:
- Dips: 15x 4x6
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses with Vacuum Trunk Twists and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 50's x 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar Overhead Triceps Extensions and Rowing:
- Extensions: 85 x 3x12, 1x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- Skull Crushers: 85 x 3x12, 1x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns: 16.5 x 50 reps (40, 10)

Wrist Roller:
- 50x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (805,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Sunday 7.12.20

Rest day.

Saturday 7.11.20

Warm Up:
Sumo Deadlifts, Conventional Deadlifts, and Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Sumo DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3
- Conv. DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3
- Trunk Twists: 4x20

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 317x 3x5

Conventional Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 317x 3x5

Snatch Grip Straight Leg Deadlifts:
- 187x 3x8

Standing Calf Raises:
- 35x 4x14, 1x13

Forearm Levers:
- 5.75x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 0m (800,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 7.10.20

Warm Up:
Pull Ups:
 - Pull Ups: 15 reps (5x2, 5x1)

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 168x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 78x 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 78x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Band Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: Purple Band x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Reverse Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 62x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Spider Curls:
- 62x 3x12

Wrist Roller:
- 50x 5:00

Rowing Total: 500m (800,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Thursday 7.09.20

Warm Up:
- Close Grip Bench Press: 49x10, 99x9, 139x8, 189x7
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press and Rowing:
- Bench: 229x 4x6
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 50's x 3x11, 1x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

KB Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- KBSCs: 44's x 4x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Incline Elbows Out DB Extensions and Rowing:
- 50's x 4x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Tricep Finisher:
- Freemotion Machine Reverse Grip Pushdowns: 16.5x 50 reps (39, 11)

Forearm Levers:
- 5.75x 3x 1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (795,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Wednesday 7.08.20

Forced rest day due to late night at work last night.


Tuesday 7.07.20

Warm Up:
Chin Ups with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
 - Chin Ups: 15 reps (5x2, 5x1) ***STAY AT THIS MANY REPS***
- Trunk Twists: 10x11 (during the rest periods for chin ups)

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 168x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 78x 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 78x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Band Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: Purple Band x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 78x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Reverse Spider Curls:
- 52x 3x12

Forearm Levers:
- 5.75x 3x1:00

Rowing Total: 500m (790,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Monday 7.06.20

Warm Up:
- Dips: 0x10, 0x9, 5x8, 10x7
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Weighted Dips with Vacuum Trunk Twists and Rowing:
- Dips: 15x 3x6, 10x 1x6
- Trunk Twists: 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses with Vacuum Trunk Twists and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 50's x 3x11, 1x10
- Trunk Twists: 2x11 (with first two sets of presses only)
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar Overhead Triceps Extensions and Rowing:
- Extensions: 85 x 2x12, 2x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- Skull Crushers: 85 x 2x12, 2x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns: 16.5 x 50 reps (39, 11)

Wrist Roller:
- 50x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (785,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Sunday 7.05.20

Rest day.

Saturday 7.04.20

Warm Up:
Sumo Deadlifts, Conventional Deadlifts, and Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Sumo DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3
- Conv. DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3
- Trunk Twists: 4x11

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts and Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Deadlifts: 316x 5, 5, 5
- Trunk Twists: 3x11

Conventional Deadlifts and Trunk Twists:
- Deadlifts: 316x 5, 5, 5
- Trunk Twists: 1x11, 2x10

Bulgarian Split Squats and Hamstring Roll-Ins:
- BSS's: 40x 1x10, 35x 3x10 (each leg)
- Roll-Ins: 0x 10, 10, 10, 10

Standing Calf Raises:
- 35x 13x14, 2x13

Forearm Levers:
- 5.75x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 0m (780,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 7.03.20

Warm Up:
Pull Ups with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
 - Pull Ups: 14 reps (4x2, 6x1)
- Trunk Twists: 9x11, 1x10 (during the rest periods for pull ups)

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 167x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 77x 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 77x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Band Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: Purple Band x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar Reverse Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 61x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar  Spider Curls:
- 61x 3x12

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 500m (780,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Thursday 7.02.20

Warm Up:
- Close Grip Bench Press: 48x10, 98x9, 138x8, 188x7
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Rowing:
- Bench: 228x 4x6
- Trunk Twists: 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 50's x 2x11, 2x10
- Trunk Twists: 1x11, 1x10 (superset with the first two sets of presses only)
- Rowing: 4x 250m

KB Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- KBSCs: 44's x 3x9, 1x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Incline Elbows Out DB Extensions and Rowing:
- 50's x 3x9, 1x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Tricep Finisher:
- Freemotion Machine Reverse Grip Pushdowns: 16.5x 50 reps (38, 12)

Forearm Levers:
- 5.75x 3x 1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (775,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Wednesday 7.01.20

Warm Up:
Back Squats and Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Squats: 45x10, 95x9, 135x8, 185x7, 225x6
- Trunk Twists: 5x11

Strength Training:
Back Squats and Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Squats: 256x 5, 5, 5
- Trunk Twists: 3x11

Front Squats:
- Squats: 166x 5, 5, 5
- Trunk Twists: 1x11, 1x10

Single-Leg Landmine Romanian Deadlifts and Goblet Squats:
- RDL's: 70x 10, 10, 10, 10 (each leg)
- Goblet Squats: 55x 1x10, 50x 3x10

Standing Calf Raises:
- 35x 3x14, 2x13

Wrist Roller:
- 50x 5:00

Rowing Total: 0m (770,000m of 1,000,000m complete)