
Sunday 5.31.20

Warm Up:
- Dips: 0x10, 0x9, 0x8, 5x7
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 3x11, 1x10

Strength Training:
Weighted Dips with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Dips: 8x 4x6
- Trunk Twists: 4x10

Arnold Presses with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Arnold Presses: 45's x 4x12
- Trunk Twists: 2x10 (with first two sets of presses only)

EZ Bar Overhead Triceps Extensions:
- Extensions: 83 x 4x12

EZ Bar Skull Crushers:
- Skull Crushers: 83x 4x12

Reverse Grip Pushdowns:
- Blue CS Cords x 50 reps (31, 10, 9 with short rest intervals)

Forearm Levers:
- Skipped

Rowing Total: Rest day from rowing (700,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Saturday 5.30.20

Warm Up:
Pull Ups with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
 - Pull Ups: 11 reps (1x2, 9x1)
- Trunk Twists: 3x11, 7x10 (during the rest periods for pull ups)

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 164x 4x10
- Rowing: none

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 74x 4x11
- Rowing: none

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 74x 4x12
- Rowing: none

Band Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: Purple Bandx 4x12
- Rowing: none

Alternating Crossbody DB Hammer Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 40's x 1x11, 3x10
- Rowing: none

EZ Bar Spider Curls:
- 70x 1x11, 2x10

Forearm Levers:
- 5.5x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: none (700,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 5.29.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
10 Rounds of:
- KB Swings: 70x 3x11, 7x10 
- Rowing: 10x 250m
- Goblet Squats: 70x 3x11, 7x10
- Rowing: 10x 250m
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 3x11, 7x10 (first 5 rounds only)

Standing Calf Raises:
- 35x 5x13

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (700,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Thursday 5.28.20

Strength Training:
Vacuum Trunk Twists and Rowing:
- Trunk Twists: 2x11, 18x10
- Rowing: 20x 250m

Rowing Total: 5000m (695,000m of 1,000,000m complete)

Wednesday 5.27.20

Strength Training:
Vacuum Trunk Twists and Rowing:
- Trunk Twists: 2x11, 18x10
- Rowing: 20x 250m

Rowing Total: 5000m (690,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Tuesday 5.26.20

Warm Up:
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x10, 95x9, 135x8, 185x7
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Rowing:
- Bench: 224x 4x6
- Trunk Twists: 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 45's x 4x12
- Trunk Twists: 2x10 (superset with the first two sets of presses only)
- Rowing: 4x 250m

KB Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- KBSCs: 35's x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Elbows Out DB Extensions and Rowing:
- 45's x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Tricep Finisher:
- Freemotion Machine Reverse Grip Pushdowns: 15x 50 reps unbroken

Forearm Levers:
- 5.5x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (685,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Monday 5.25.20

Warm Up:
Chin Ups with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
 - Chin Ups: 11 reps (1x2, 9x1, on the :30)
- Trunk Twists: 2x11, 8x10 (during the rest periods for chin ups)

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 164x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 74x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 74x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Band Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: Purple Band x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

DB Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 40's x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar Reverse Spider Curls:
- 49x 3x12

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (680,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Sunday 5.24.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
10 rounds, 1 round every 2:00:
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 2x11, 8x10
- KB Swings: 70x 2x11, 8x10
- Goblet Squats: 70x 2x11, 8x10

Standing Calf Raises:
- 35x 5x13

Rowing Total: Rest day from rowing (675,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Saturday 5.23.20

Warm Up:
- Dips: 0x10, 0x9, 0x8, 0x7
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 11, 10, 10, 10

Strength Training:
Weighted Dips with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Dips: 5x 4x6
- Trunk Twists: 4x10

Arnold Presses with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Arnold Presses: 45's x 2x12, 2x11
- Trunk Twists: 4x10

EZ Bar Overhead Triceps Extensions with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Extensions: 83 x 2x12, 2x11
- Trunk Twists: 4x10

EZ Bar Skull Crushers with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- Skull Crushers: 83x 2x12, 2x11
- Trunk Twists: 4x10

Reverse Grip Pushdowns:
- Blue CS Cords x 50 reps (rest as little as possible)

Forearm Levers:
- 5.5 lbs x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: Rest day from rowing (675,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 5.22.20

Warm Up:
Pull Ups with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
 - Pull Ups: 10 reps (1 rep every :30)
- Trunk Twists: 10x10 (during the rest periods for pull ups)

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 163x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 73x 4x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 73x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Band Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: Purple Bandx 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Alternating Crossbody DB Hammer Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 40's x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar Spider Curls:
- 70x 3x10

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (675,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Thursday 5.21.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
10 Rounds of:
- KB Swings: 70x 1x11, 9x10 
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 1x11, 4x10 (first 5 rounds only)
- Rowing: 10x 250m
- Goblet Squats: 70x 1x11, 9x10
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 1x11, 4x10 (first 5 rounds only)
- Rowing: 10x 250m

Standing Calf Raises:
- 30x 5x15

Forearm Levers:
- 5.5x 3x 1:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (670,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Wednesday 5.20.20

Warm Up:
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x10, 95x9, 135x8, 185x7
- Vacuum Trunk Twists: 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Rowing:
- Bench: 223x 4x6
- Trunk Twists: 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses, Vacuum Trunk Twists, and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 45's x 3x12, 1x11
- Trunk Twists: 2x10 (superset with the first two sets of presses only)
- Rowing: 4x 250m

KB Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- KBSCs: 35's x 3x12, 1x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Elbows Out DB Extensions and Rowing:
- 45's x 3x12, 1x11
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (665,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Tuesday 5.19.20

Warm Up:
Chin Ups with Vacuum Trunk Twists:
 - Chin Ups: 15 reps (1 rep every :30)
- Trunk Twists: 15x10 (during the rest periods for chin ups)

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 163x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 73x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 73x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Ring Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 73x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

EZ Bar Reverse Spider Curls:
- 48x 3x12

Forearm Lever:
- 5.5 x 3x 1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (660,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Monday 5.18.20

Still nursing my hurt lower back...

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Vacuum Trunk Twists, Air Squats, and Rowing:
- Trunk Twists: 20x 10
- Air Squats: 20x 10
- Rowing: 20x 250m

Standing Calf Raises:
- 30x 5x15

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (655,000m of 1,000,000m complete)

Sunday 5.17.20

Still nursing my hurt lower back...

Warm Up:
- None

Recovery Workout:
Vacuum Trunk Twists with Rowing:
- Trunk Twists: 20x 10
- Rowing: 20x 250m

Rowing Total: 5000m (650,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Saturday 5.16.20

Still nursing my hurt lower back...

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
- 100 reps: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 12x5 resting as little as possible

Forearm Levers:
- 5.5x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: None (645,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 5.15.20

I hurt back back yesterday so I just did a biceps and forearms pump workout while trying to stretch and relax my lower back...

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
EZ Bar Spider Curls with Rear Delt Rows:
- Curls: 20x10, 25x10, 30x10, 35x10, 40x10, 45x10, 50x10, 55x10
- Rows: 20x10, 25x10, 30x10, 35x10, 40x10, 45x10, 50x10, 55x10

EZ Bar Reverse Spider Curls with Rear Delt Rows:
- Curls: 40x 10, 10, 10
- Rows: 40x 10, 10, 10

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: None (645,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Thursday 5.14.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Bulgarian Split Squats with Rowing:
- BSS: 50x 4x10, 1x9 (10 total sets, alternating each leg)
- Rowing: 10x 250m

DB Romanian Deadlifts Shrugs with Rowing:
- DBRDLS's: 70's x 4x10, 1x9
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Standing Calf Raises with Rowing:
- Calf Raises: 30x 4x15, 1x14
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Forearm Levers:
- 5.5 x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (645,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Wednesday 5.13.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press with Rowing:
- Bench: 45x11, 75x10, 95x9, 135x8, 185x7, 222x 5x6
- Rowing: 10x 250m

Arnold Presses (5x 10-12) with Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 45's x 2x12, 3x11
- Rowing: 5x 250m

KB Skull Crushers (5x 10-12) with Rowing:
- KBSCs: 35's x 2x12, 3x11
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Elbows Out DB Extensions (5x 10-12):
- 45's x 2x12, 3x11

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (640,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Tuesday 5.12.20

Warm Up:
- Chin Ups: 15 reps (1 rep every :30)

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 162x 5x10
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Upright Rows: 72x 3x10
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Rear Delt Swings (3x 10-12) and Rowing:
- Swings: 40's x 1x11, 2x10
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Rear Delt Raises (3x 10-12) and Rowing:
- Rear Delt Raises: 30's x 1x11, 2x10
- Rowing: 3x 250m

DB Y Raises (3x10-12) and Rowing:
- Y Raises: 15's x 3x12
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Ring Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: 3x12
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Lean Away DB Curls:
- 45x x 1x10, 2x9 each arm

Forearm Lever:
- 5.5 x 3x 1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (635,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Monday 5.11.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Single Leg RDL's with Rowing:
- RDL's: 65x 5x9 (alternating each leg)
- Rowing: 10x 250m

Goblet Squats with Rowing:
- Squats: 65x 5x9
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Standing Calf Raises with Rowing:
- Calf Raises: 30x 4x15, 1x14
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (630,000m of 1,000,000m complete)

Sunday 5.10.20

Warm Up:
- None

Recovery Circuit:
10 Rounds, starting a round every 3:00:
- GHD Sit Ups: 6x12, 4x11 (116 total reps)
- Push Ups: 6x12, 4x11
- Reverse Grip Pushdowns: Blue CS Cords x 6x12, 4x11
- DB Lateral Raises: 20's x 6x12, 4x11

Rowing Total: Rest day from rowing (625,000m of 1,000,000m)


Saturday 5.09.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Dips (10 sets, on the 1:30 mark) with Band Pull Apart:
- Dips: 0x 8x7, 2x6
- Band Pull Parts: Red Band x 10x10

Arnold Presses (5x 10-12 on the 2:00 mark):
- Arnold Presses: 45's x 1x12, 4x11

Overhead Triceps Extensions (5x 10-12 on the 2:00 mark):
- EZ Bar: 83 x 1x12, 4x11

Barbell Skull Crushers (5x 10-12 on the 2:00 mark):
- Skull Crushers: 83x 1x12, 4x11

Forearm Levers:
- 5.5 lbs x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: Rest day from rowing (625,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 5.08.20

Warm Up:
- Pull Ups: 5, 5, 4

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 161x 5x10
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Upright Rows: 71x 3x10
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Rear Delt Swings (3x 10-12) and Rowing:
- Swings: 40's x 3x10
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Rear Delt Raises (3x 10-12) and Rowing:
- Rear Delt Raises: 30's x 3x10
- Rowing: 3x 250m

DB Y Raises (3x10-12) and Rowing:
- Y Raises: 15's x 3x12
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Ring Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: 2x12, 1x11
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Lean Away Hammer Curls (3x 9-12):
- 45x 3x9 (alternating arms)

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (625,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Thursday 5.07.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Bulgarian Split Squats with Rowing:
- BSS: 50x 3x10, 2x9 (10 total sets, alternating each leg, holding two 25's)
- Rowing: 10x 250m

DB Romanian Deadlifts Shrugs with Rowing:
- DBRDLS's: 70's x 3x10, 2x9
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Standing Calf Raises with Rowing:
- Calf Raises: 30x 3x15, 2x14
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Forearm Levers:
- 5.5 x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (620,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Wednesday 5.06.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press with Rowing:
- Bench: 45x11, 75x10, 95x9, 135x8, 185x7, 221x 5x6
- Rowing: 10x 250m

Arnold Presses (5x 10-12) with Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 45's x 1x12, 4x11
- Rowing: 5x 250m

KB Skull Crushers (5x 10-12) with Rowing:
- KBSCs: 35's x 1x12, 4x11
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Elbows Out DB Extensions (5x 10-12):
- 45's x 5x10

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (615,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Tuesday 5.05.20

Warm Up:
- Chin Ups: 5, 5, 4

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 161x 5x10
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Upright Rows: 71x 3x10
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Rear Delt Swings (3x 10-12) and Rowing:
- Swings: 40's x 3x10
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Rear Delt Raises (3x 10-12) and Rowing:
- Rear Delt Raises: 30's x 3x10
- Rowing: 3x 250m

DB Y Raises (3x10-12) and Rowing:
- Y Raises: 15's x 3x12
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Ring Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: 2x12, 1x11
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Lean Away DB Curls:
- 45x x 3x9 each arm

Forearm Lever:
- 5.5 x 3x 1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (610,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Monday 5.04.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Single Leg RDL's with Rowing:
- RDL's: 60x 5x10 (alternating each leg)
- Rowing: 10x 250m

Goblet Squats with Rowing:
- Squats: 60x 5x10 (3-second negatives)
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Standing Calf Raises with Rowing:
- Calf Raises: 30x 3x15, 2x14
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (605,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Sunday 5.03.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Push Ups and GHD Sit Ups with Rowing:
- Push Ups: 5x12, 5x11 (115 total reps)
- GHD Sit Ups: 5x12, 5x11 (115 total reps)
- Rowing: 20x 250m (push ups, row, sit ups, row, etc.)

Cable Pushdowns:
-Blue CS Cords x 115 reps (alternate every 10 reps between grips)

DB Lateral Raises:
- 12's x 115 reps (5x20, 1x15)

Rowing Total: 5000m (600,000m of 1,000,000m)


Saturday 5.02.20

Warm Up:
- None

Strength Training:
Dips with Rowing:
- Dips: 0x 7x7, 3x6, 5x5
- Rowing: 15x 250m

Arnold Presses (5x 10-12) with Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 45's x 5x11
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Overhead Triceps Extensions (5x 10-12) with Rowing:
- EZ Bar: 83 x 5x11
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Barbell Skull Crushers (5x 10-12) with Rowing:
- Skull Crushers: 83x 5x11
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Forearm Levers:
- 5.25 lbs x 3x1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 7500m (595,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 5.01.20

Warm Up:
- Pull Ups: 5, 4, 4

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 160x 5x10
- Rowing: 5x 250m

Barbell  Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Upright Rows: 70x 3x10
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Rear Delt Swings (3x 10-12) and Rowing:
- Swings: 35's x 3x12
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Rear Delt Raises (3x 10-12) and Rowing:
- Rear Delt Raises: 25's x 3x12
- Rowing: 3x 250m

DB Y Raises (3x10-12) and Rowing:
- Y Raises: 15's x 3x12
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Ring Face Pulls and Rowing:
- Face Pulls: 1x12, 2x11
- Rowing: 3x 250m

Lean Away Hammer Curls and Rowing:
- 40x x 3x12, 1x11, 1x10
- Rowing: 10x 250m (left arm curls, row, right arm curls, row, etc...)

Wrist Roller:
- 40x 5:00

Rowing Total: 7500m (587,500m of 1,000,000m complete)