
Monday 8.31.20

  Warm Up:

- Dips: 0x12, 0x11, 0x10, 5x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Weighted Dips and Rowing:
- Dips: 10x 2x8, 5x 2x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses (4x10) and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 55's x 3x9, 1x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Chest Supported DB Lateral Raises and Rowing::
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 3x11, 1x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- Skull Crushers: 89 x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- Cable Pushdowns: 16.5 x 50 reps (44, 6)

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (935,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Sunday 8.30.20

Warm Up:

Sumo Deadlifts and Conventional Deadlifts:

- Sumo DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3

- Conv. DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 327x 3x5

Conventional Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 327x 3x5

Snatch Grip Straight Leg Deadlifts with Standing Calf Raises
- Snatch Grip SLDL's: 197x 3x8
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x15

Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (barbell) with Standing Calf Raises:
- RDL's: 69x 3x10
- Calf Raises: 35x 1x15, 2x14

Rowing Total: 0m (930,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Saturday 8.29.20

 Warm Up:

Crossover Symmetry:

- Activations: 1 round
 - Iron Scap: 1 round

Strength Training:
Shoulder Circuit:
- DB Y Raises 
- Rear Delt Raises
- Rear Delt Swings
- DB Lateral Raises
- Seated DB Press
        - 5x10, 8x10, 10x10, 12x10, 15x8 

Overhead Triceps Extensions and Seated Incline Hammier Curls Superset (3x8):
- Extensions: 45x 11, 65x 10, 85x 9, 96x 8, 8, 8
- Curls: 25's x 11, 30's x 10, 35's x 9, 40's x 8, 8, 8 (stay at this weight)

Incline Elbows Out DB Extensions and Barbell Spider Curls Superset (3x10):
- Extensions: 50's x 10, 9, 9
- Curls: 65x 10, 9, 9

Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns and Reverse Grip Barbell Curls (50 reps):
- Extensions: Blue CS Cord: 20, 16, 14
- Curls: 35x 20, 16, 14

Rowing Total: 0m (930,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 8.28.20

 Warm Up:

Crossover Symmetry:
 - Iron Scap: 1 round

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 78x12, 108x11, 138x10, 168x9, 198x 4x8
- Rowing: 8x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 108x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 78x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Reverse Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 63x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Forearm Levers:
- 6x 10, 10, 9

Rowing Total: 5000m (930,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Thursday 8.27.20

 Warm Up:

- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x12, 95x11, 135x10, 185x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press and Rowing:
- Bench: 225x 2x8, 2x7
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 55's x 2x9, 2x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Supported DB Lateral Raises and Rowing:
- DBLR's: 25's x 2x11, 2x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

KB Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- KBSCs: 44's x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- Incline Elbows Out DB Extensions: 30's x 50 (35, 15)

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (925,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Wednesday 8.26.20

 Warm Up:

Front Squat/ Back Squat Warm Ups:
- 45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3

Strength Training:
Back Squats:
- 261x 3x5

Front Squats:
- 171x 3x5

Goblet Squats with Standing Calf Raises
- Squats: 70x 2x8, 65x 1x8
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x15

Bulgarian Split Sqats (front rack) with Standing Calf Raises:
- BSS's: 50x 3x10
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x14

Rowing Total: 0m (920,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Tuesday 8.25.20

 Warm Up:

Crossover Symmetry:
 - Iron Scap: 1 round

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 78x12, 108x11, 138x10, 168x9, 198x 4x8
- Rowing: 8x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 108x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 78x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 78x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Forearm Levers (3x 8-12):
- 6 x 10, 10, 9 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (920,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Monday 8.24.20

 Warm Up:

- Dips: 0x12, 0x11, 0x10, 5x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Weighted Dips and Rowing:
- Dips: 10x 1x8, 5x 3x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses (4x10) and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 55's x 2x9, 3x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Chest Supported DB Lateral Raises and Rowing::
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 2x11, 2x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- Skull Crushers: 88 x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- Cable Pushdowns: 16.5 x 50 reps (43, 7)

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (915,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Sunday 8.23.20

Warm Up:

Sumo Deadlifts and Conventional Deadlifts:

- Sumo DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3

- Conv. DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 325x 3x5

Conventional Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 325x 3x5

Snatch Grip Straight Leg Deadlifts with Standing Calf Raises
- Snatch Grip SLDL's: 195x 3x8
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x15

Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (barbell) with Standing Calf Raises:
- RDL's: 68x 3x10
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x14

Rowing Total: 0m (910,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Saturday 8.22.20

 Warm Up:

Crossover Symmetry:

- Activations: 1 round
 - Iron Scap: 1 round

Strength Training:
Shoulder Circuit:
- DB Y Raises: 20's x 10x, 10, 10
- Rear Delt Raises: 20's x 10, 10, 10
- Rear Delt Swings: 20's x 10, 10, 10
- DB Lateral Raises: 20's x 10, 10, 10

Overhead Triceps Extensions and Seated Incline Hammier Curls Superset (3x8):
- Extensions: 45x 11, 65x 10, 85x 9, 95x 8, 8, 8
- Curls: 20's x 11, 25's x 10, 30's x 9, 35's x 8, 8, 8

Incline Elbows Out DB Extensions and Barbell Spider Curls Superset (3x10):
- Extensions: 50's x 9, 9, 9
- Curls: 65x 9, 9, 9

Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns and Reverse Grip Barbell Curls (50 reps):
- Extensions: Blue CS Cord: 17, 17, 16
- Curls: 35x 17, 17, 16

Rowing Total: 0m (910,000m of 1,000,000m complete)

*No rowing due to air quality from the fires.


Friday 8.21.20

 Warm Up:

Crossover Symmetry:

- Activations: 1 round
 - Iron Scap: 1 round

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 77x12, 107x11, 137x10, 167x9, 197x 4x8
- Rowing: None

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 107x 4x10
- Rowing: None

Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 77x 4x12
- Rowing: none

Reverse Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 62x 4x12
- Rowing: none

Forearm Levers:
- 6x 10, 9, 9

Rowing Total: 0m (910,000m of 1,000,000m complete)

*No rowing due to air quality from the fires.

Thursday 8.20.20

 Rest day due to work (fire evacuations).

Wednesday 8.19.20

 Rest day due to work (fire evacuations).


Tuesday 8.18.20

Warm Up:

Crossover Symmetry:
 - Iron Scap: 1 round

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 77x12, 107x11, 137x10, 167x9, 197x 4x8
- Rowing: 8x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 107x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 77x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 77x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Forearm Levers (3x 8-12):
- 6 x 10, 9, 9 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (910,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Monday 8.17.20

 Warm Up:

- Dips: 0x12, 0x11, 0x10, 0x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Weighted Dips and Rowing:
- Dips: 5x 4x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses (4x10) and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 55's x 1x9, 3x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Chest Supported DB Lateral Raises and Rowing::
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 2x11, 2x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- Skull Crushers: 87 x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns: 16.5 x 50 reps (42, 8)

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (905,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Sunday 8.16.20

Warm Up:

Sumo Deadlifts and Conventional Deadlifts:

- Sumo DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3

- Conv. DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 323x 3x5

Conventional Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 323x 3x5

Snatch Grip Straight Leg Deadlifts with Standing Calf Raises
- Snatch Grip SLDL's: 193x 3x8
- Calf Raises: 35x 2x15, 1x14

Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (barbell) with Standing Calf Raises:
- RDL's: 67x 3x10
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x14

Rowing Total: 0m (900,000m of 1,000,000m complete)

Saturday 8.15.20

Warm Up:

- Overhead Triceps Extensions: 21x13, 41x12, 61x11

Strength Training:

Overhead Triceps Extensions with Rowing:
- OTE: 81x 7x10
- Rowing: 7x 250m intervals

Spider Curls with Rowing:
- Curls: 61x 7x10
- Rowing: 7x 250m intervals

Seated DB Lateral Raises with Rowing:
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 2x11, 5x10

Rowing Total: 5000m (900,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 8.14.20

 Warm Up:

Crossover Symmetry:
 - Iron Scap: 1 round

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 76x12, 106x11, 136x10, 166x9, 196x 4x8
- Rowing: 8x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 106x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 76x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Reverse Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 61x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Forearm Levers:
- 6x 9, 9, 9

Rowing Total: 5000m (895,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Thursday 8.13.20

 Warm Up:

- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x12, 95x11, 135x10, 185x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press and Rowing:
- Bench: 225x 2x8, 2x7
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 55's x 1x9, 3x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Supported DB Lateral Raises and Rowing:
- DBLR's: 25's x 1x11, 3x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

KB Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- KBSCs: 44's x 3x10, 1x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- 25's x 1x50 unbroken

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (890,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Wednesday 8.12.20

 Warm Up:

Front Squat/ Back Squat Warm Ups:
- 45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3

Strength Training:
Back Squats:
- 259x 3x5

Front Squats:
- 169x 3x5

Goblet Squats with Standing Calf Raises
- Squats: 70x 1x8, 65x 2x8
- Calf Raises: 35x 1x15, 2x14

Bulgarian Split Sqats (front rack) with Standing Calf Raises:
- BSS's: 49x 3x10
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x14

Rowing Total: 0m (885,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Tuesday 8.11.20

 Warm Up:

Crossover Symmetry:
 - Iron Scap: 1 round

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 76x12, 106x11, 136x10, 166x9, 196x 4x8
- Rowing: 8x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 106x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 76x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 76x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Forearm Levers (3x 8-12):
- 6 x 9, 9, 9 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (885,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Monday 8.10.20

 Warm Up:

- Dips: 0x12, 0x11, 0x10, 0x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Weighted Dips and Rowing:
- Dips: 0x 4x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses (4x10) and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 55's x 4x8
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Chest Supported DB Lateral Raises and Rowing::
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- Skull Crushers: 86 x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns: 16.5 x 50 reps (41, 9)

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (880,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Sunday 8.09.20

Warm Up:

Sumo Deadlifts and Conventional Deadlifts:

- Sumo DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3

- Conv. DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 321x 3x5

Conventional Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 321x 3x5

Snatch Grip Straight Leg Deadlifts with Standing Calf Raises
- Snatch Grip SLDL's: 191x 3x8
- Calf Raises: 35x 1x15, 2x14

Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (barbell) with Standing Calf Raises:
- RDL's: 66x 3x10
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x14

Rowing Total: 0m (875,000m of 1,000,000m complete)

Saturday 8.08.20

Warm Up:

- Overhead Triceps Extensions: 20x13, 40x12, 60x11

Strength Training:

Overhead Triceps Extensions with Rowing:
- OTE: 80x 7x10
- Rowing: 7x 250m intervals

Spider Curls with Rowing:
- Curls: 60x 7x10
- Rowing: 7x 250m intervals

Seated DB Lateral Raises with Rowing:
- Lateral Raises: 25's x 1x11, 6x10

Forearm Levers:
- 6x 9, 9, 8

Rowing Total: 5000m (875,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Friday 8.07.20

Warm Up:
Crossover Symmetry:
 - Iron Scap: 1 round

Strength Training:
Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 75x12, 105x11, 135x10, 165x9, 195x 4x8
- Rowing: 8x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 105x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 75x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Reverse Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 60x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (870,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Thursday 8.06.20

Warm Up:
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x12, 95x11, 135x10, 185x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press and Rowing:
- Bench: 225x 2x8, 2x7
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 50's x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Supported DB Lateral Raises and Rowing:
- DBLR's: 20's x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

KB Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- KBSCs: 44's x 2x10, 2x9
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- 20's x 1x50 unbroken

Forearm Levers:
- 6 x 9, 9, 8

Rowing Total: 5000m (865,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Wednesday 8.05.20

Warm Up:
Front Squat/ Back Squat Warm Ups:
- 45x 7/7, 78x 6/6, 128x 5/5, 168x 4/4, 218x 3/3

Strength Training:
Back Squats:
- 258x 3x5

Front Squats:
- 168x 3x5

Goblet Squats with Standing Calf Raises
- Squatss: 65x 3x8
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x14

Bulgarian Split Sqats (front rack) with Standing Calf Raises:
- BSS's: 48x 3x10
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x14

Rowing Total: 0m (860,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Tuesday 8.04.20

Warm Up:
Crossover Symmetry:
 - Iron Scap: 1 round

Strength Training:
Barbell Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 75x12, 105x11, 135x10, 165x9, 195x 4x8
- Rowing: 8x 250m

Rear Delt Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 105x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Upright Rows and Rowing:
- Rows: 75x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Curls and Rowing:
- Curls: 75x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Forearm Levers (3x 8-12):
- 6 x 9, 9, 8 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (860,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Monday 8.03.20

Warm Up:
- Dips: 0x10, 5x9, 10x8, 15x7
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Strength Training:
Weighted Dips and Rowing:
- Dips: 20x 1x6, 15x 3x6
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Arnold Presses (4x10) and Rowing:
- Arnold Presses: 50's x 4x10
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Chest Supported DB Lateral Raises and Rowing::
- Lateral Raises: 20's x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Barbell Skull Crushers and Rowing:
- Skull Crushers: 85 x 4x12
- Rowing: 4x 250m

Triceps Finisher:
- Reverse Grip Cable Pushdowns: 16.5 x 50 reps (40, 10)

Wrist Roller:
- 45x 5:00

Rowing Total: 5000m (855,000m of 1,000,000m complete)


Sunday 8.02.20

Warm Up:
Sumo Deadlifts and Conventional Deadlifts:
- Sumo DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3
- Conv. DL: 45x6, 135x6, 225x4, 315x3

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 319x 3x5

Conventional Deadlifts:
- Deadlifts: 319x 3x5

Snatch Grip Straight Leg Deadlifts with Standing Calf Raises
- Snatch Grip DL's: 189x 3x8
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x14

Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (barbell) with Standing Calf Raises:
- RDL's: 65x 3x10
- Calf Raises: 35x 3x14

Rowing Total: 0m (850,000m of 1,000,000m complete)

Saturday 8.01.20

Warm Up:
- Overhead Triceps Extensions: 20x10, 25x10, 55x10

Strength Training:
Overhead Triceps Extensions with Rowing:
- OTE: 85x 7x10
- Rowing: 20x 250m intervals

Spider Curls with Rowing:
- Curls: 55x 7x10

Forearm Levers:
- 6x 3x 1:00 each arm

Rowing Total: 5000m (850,000m of 1,000,000m complete)