
Friday 6.29.12

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
Then 3 rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 GHD Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups (1 strict, 1 kipping)
- 5 Pull Ups

Strength Work:
Warm Up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45 x Burgener Warm Up
- 95x5 Muscle Cleans
- 135x4 Muscle Cleans
- 185x3 (2 Muscles Cleans and 1 Power Clean)
- 225x2 Power Cleans
- 264x1 Power Clean
Work Sets:
- 220x 5x3

5 Rounds for Total Reps of:
- 53 lbs KB Thrusters for :15
- Rest :45
- 50 lbs Weighted Pull Ups for :15
- Rest :45
- Burpees for :15
- Rest :45
Score:  I did 74 total reps.  6 thrusters each round, 2-4 pull ups each round, and 6 burps each round.


Thursday 6.28.12

Warm Up:
3 Rounds of:
- 100 Jump Ropes
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 GHD Hip Extensions
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
- 3-5 Pull Ups

Strength Work:
High Bar Back Squats:
Warm Up to 120% of of work sets:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 275x2
- 300x1
Work Sets:
- 250x 3x5- I started off doing front squats but the front rack position in the bottom of the squats hurts my nerve issue way too much, so I switched to high bar back squats going as deep as possible.

Bench Press:
Warm Up Sets to 120% of work sets:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 275x1
Work Sets:
- 250x5
- 225x 5,5- I started out at 250 for my work sets but my arm was killing me today and I could barely get the first set done.

10 Rounds of:
- 10 Push Ups
- 50 yard sprint
- walk back to the start
Score:  I didn't time this workout.  My goal was do complete all the push ups without any breaks due to my hurt arm, and to run each sprint as an all out effort.


Tuesday 6.26.12

Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope

Strength Work:
Warm Up sets to 120% of work set:
- 45x6 straight leg deads
- 135x5
- 225x4
- 315x3
- 405x2
- 495x1
Work Set:
- 410x5- still hurts the arm pretty good but at least I can hold onto the bar now.

For time complete:
- 25 Handstand Push Ups
- 50 Pull Ups
Time:  21:00

For the conditioning, I did as many handstand push ups as I could, and then did twice that number of pull ups.  It took forever because handstand push ups are already a weakness of mine, but add the right arm/shoulder nerve issue and they're really tough.  It was basically just more strength work rather than conditioning and I just worked on developing my technique.


Monday 6.25.12

Nerve Injury Update:  It's the same.  It hurts.  But I can still train for now, so that's good.  The only lift so far that causes me a lot of pain is the deadlift when I get into that 90%+ range.  Here's what I did today...

Warm Ups:
- I got a late start this morning and was kind of pressed for time, so my warm up suffered, which is not a good idea.  I basically did some dynamic mobility drills and then used my lighter sets of squats as my warm up.

Strength Work:
Box Squats:
Warm up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 315x2
- 336x1
Work Sets:
- 280 x5,5,5

Shoulder Press:
Warm up to 120% of my work sets:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 192x1
Work Sets:
- 160x 5,5,5

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10:00 of:
- 7 Bent Over Rows with two 53 lbs KB's
- 7 Cleans with the KB's
- 7 Push Presses with the KB's
Score:  4 complete rounds + 7 rows and 3 cleans into the next round.

This workout was originally written with 50 lbs dumbbells.  I didn't have those so I used what I did have.  Kettlebells are A LOT harder.  Especially for the cleans.


Sunday 6.24.12

Rest day.  I'm finally done with my Prednisone, which is good because that stuff makes me want to eat everything in sight!  I probably gained 10 lbs on that stuff.


Saturday 6.23.12

Saturday workouts in CrossFit Football are traditionally not strength oriented and are usually circuits designed to challenge you physically in ways the basic lifts and movements we do during the week don't.  Today was definitely an example of that.

Warm Ups:
- 500m Row
- Various KB Power Snatches at incresing weights

Complete 5 Rounds of the following using a 70 lbs Kettlebell:
-10 one arm KB Power Snatches - right
- Walk 50 yards w/ KB in overhead position - right
- 10 one arm KB Power Snatches - left
- Walk 50 yards w/ KB in overhead position - left
- Rest 1:00

I did this workout by walking 25 yards out and back each round. Shoulder and core stability started to get taxed in round 3. I started the timer but due to refereeing fights between my two young kids, and bathroom trips, etc it wasn't accurate. I'm estimating 3-4 minutes per round.  My strategy was to do 9 snatches, take a short break, then get the 10th snatch and go straight into the overhead walks.  That seemed to work well, and I probably could have attempted this workout with the 88 pounder.


Friday 6.22.12

Warm Ups:
- 500m Row
Then 3 Rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 GHD Hip Extensions
- 1 Handstand Push Up
- 3 Pull Ups

Strength Work:
Power Cleans:
Warm Up Sets (up to 120% of working sets):
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 225x1
- 255x1
Work Sets:
- 215x 5x3

Evil Wheels:
- 55 Reps using a 45 lcd barbell with 5 lbs plates on each side.  I was supposed to do 75 reps but these were ROUGH and my technique was breaking down big time so I cut it at 55.

- On the minute complete one 45 lbs plate slam and one chin up, 1 plate slam and 2 chin ups on the second minute, 1 plate slam and 3 chin ups on the third minute, and so on until I can't complete the prescribed work in the given time.  I made it through the round of 6 chin ups.  These hurt my right arm/nerve issue pretty good so I didn't push it.


Thursday 6.21.12

Warm Ups:
- 500m Row
Then 3 rounds of:
- 5 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 GHD Hip Extension
- 2 Pistols each leg
- 1 Handstand Push Up
- 3 Pull Ups

Strength Work:
Front Squats:
Warm Up to 120% of my working sets:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 275x2
- 295x1
Working Sets:
245x 5, 5, 5- Front squats really aggravate my nerve injury for some reason so I am starting very light and working up.

Bench Presses:
Warm Up to 120% of my working sets:

- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 275x2
- 295x1
Working Sets:
245x 5, 5, 5

15, 12, 9, 6, and 3 reps each of:
- 40 lbs DB Thrusters
- Dynamic Push Ups
- Russian Twists with a 45 lbs plate
Time: 10:46

Wednesday 6.20.12

Rest Day. 


Tuesday 6.19.12

Warm Ups:
- 500m Row
- 3x5 GHD Sit Ups
- 3x5 GHD Reverse Hypers
- 3x1 Handstand Push Ups
- 3x3 Chest to Ring Pull Ups with False Grip

Strength Work:
Power Snatches:
Worked up to 195x1 (failed at 205) to see what my curr3ent max was while dealing with this injury.

- 135x5
- 225x4
- 315x3
- 405x2
- 495x1
- 405x5- The first 5 sets were to warm up for one max set of 5.  My 5 rep set at 405 is nowhere near my max, but due to injury I reset to this weight and I will work to increase it by 5-10 lbs each time while I rehab.  While doing so I will also work on my technique, grip, and core strength by not using a belt and using a double overhand grip as much as possible.

On the Minute for 15:00 complete the following:
- 2 Power Snatches at 165 (85% of today's max)
- 10 sledgehammer strikes with the 20 lbs sledge alternating right side/left side each rep.

This circuit was rough on the grip, especially with my right handed grip being weak right now already.  I felt whooped after completing it!  I'm enjoying being back on CrossFit Football, though, and being able to focus mostly on being strong, fast, and explosive.


Monday 6.18.12

Today I start back on the CrossFit Football programming.  I really like their stuff and it will be nice to have my workouts planned for me for a while.  I'll still be working around my injury and doing only what doesn't cause pain.

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- 3x5 GHD Sit Ups
- 3x5 GHD Reverse Hypers
- 3x1 Handstand Push Ups
- 3x3 Chest to Rings Pull Ups with a false grip

Strength Work:
Box Squats:
- 45x5
- 135x4
- 225x3
- 315x2
- 345x1
- 275x 5, 5, 5- I haven't done three sets of five at the same weight like this in a while, and with the goal to move up in weight by 5 lbs each workout I started pretty conservatively.

Shoulder Press:
- 45x5
- 95x4
- 135x3
- 185x2
- 195x1
- 155x 5, 5, 5- I felt this a little on my bad side, but the weight was light enough to allow me to get all the reps.  I'm also going to take this time of being forced to lift lighter to better my technique.  I've always pressed overhead with a false grip (no thumb wrapped around the bar, which could easily let it slip out of your hands).  Today I started pressing with a full thumb-wrap grip, which challenges the flexibility in my arms and wrists a bit.

Complete 7 rounds of:
Handstand Holds for maximum time
10 Supine Ring Pull Ups
Score is total time held in a handstand for all 7 rounds.

It had been a long time since I did a handstand hold for time, so not knowing what to expect I opted to set a goal to achieve on each set, which was :45.  I was able to do it and over 7 rounds of :45 each I spent 5 minutes and 15 seconds in a handstand.

Sunday 6.17.12

Rest day and exploring San Francisco with my two kids.

Saturday 6.16.12

I'm still mending this nerve injury that has my right shoulder, lat, arm, and grip weak and painful. It's not from lifting and the doc says do whatever my pain tolerance allows, so I decided to do the CrossFit Football Total today and will jump back into that program on Monday. Here's how it went...

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- 3x5 GHD Sit Ups
- 3x5 GHD Hip Extensions
- 3x1 Handstand Push Up
- 3x3 Chest to Rings Pull Ups with false grip

CrossFit Football Total:
In three attempts on each lift, establish a 1rm and add up the four maxes for a total:
Power Clean: 275 (305 last time, so down 30)
Back Squat: 435 (475 last time, so down 40)
Bench Press: 325 (370 last time, so down 45)
Deadlift: 500 (550 last time, so down 50)
Total: 1535, down from 1700 last time. Injuries suck.


Friday 6.15.12

Warm Up:
- 3x5 GHD Sit Ups
- 3x5 GHD Reverse Hypers
- 3x5 Ring Rows with false grip and turn out
- 3x1 Handstand Push Ups
- 50 jump ropes

Strength Work:
- 45x Burgener Warm Up
- 45x2
- 65x2
- 75x2
- 95x2
- 115x2
- 135x2
- 155x2
- 165x2
- 185x1- I wanted 2 reps but this weight was too much for my right shoulder, elbow, and grip.

On the minute for 15:00:
- 2 Hang Power Snatches @ 135
- Max Double Unders to finish
Score:  I completed all the hang power snatches and 360 double unders. 

My double unders were NOT working well, though, and I never did more than 30 in one round.  I averaged 24 per round, and I went into this thinking I could get 50 each round for a total of 750!  My shoulder problem has me turning the rope oddly on my right side, I discovered, which kept tripping me up.  Time to pound some vicodin...


Thursday 6.14.12

Warm Up:
- Samson Stretch
- Jump Rope singles and doubles

Strength Work:
Box Squats:
- 45x10
- 135x8
- 225x6
- 275x3
- 285x3
- 295x3
I wanted to work up to 315x3 but the heavier weights started causing some serious shooting nerve pain.

15-12-9-6 reps for time of:
- Barbell Thrusters @ 95
- KB Swings @ 88
Time:  6:32

I would ordinarily scale the thrusters up to 135 but I notice the front rack position causes me a whole lot of pain.  Today was okay, though, since the weight was pretty light.

Wednesday 6.13.12

Rest day.


Tuesday 6.12.12

I've been off since last Wednesday due to my shoulder.  After numerous doctor visits I was told I have a cervical radiculopathy, which is the clinical description of pain and neurological symptoms resulting from any type of condition that irritates a nerve in the cervical spine (neck).  This causes pain, numbness, and weakness in the neck, shoulders, and arms depending on the type.  I have all of that.

The treatment for this condition ranges from medication and rest to surgery.  For now, they are treating me with meds to see if they can get rid of inflammation to get the pressure off of the nerves.  The next step would be steroids (Prednazone), and then possibly surgery depending on the specific cause and if surgery could help. 

For now they tell me exercise is good and I should do anything that doesn't cause me pain.  So I'll be changing up my routine a lot and doing what I can.  The good news is that I did NOT injure myself working out.  I'm happy about that because good form and full range of motion are things I ensure when I train for the purposes of avoiding injury.

What I did today:

Warm Up:
- 500m Row (slow, just trying to warm up my back muscles)
- 3x5 GHD Sit Ups
- 3x5 GHD Reverse Hypers
- Lat and Shoulder Stetches

Strength Work:
Deadlifts (with a black average band, which adds approximately 100-120 pounds at the top of the lift):
- 135x5
- 225x4
- 315x3
- 405x1
On the Minute for 10:00
- 315x3 (with the black band)

The deadlifts felt pretty good and didn't hurt my arm.  My grip on the right side didn't feel as strong, but strong enough to do what I needed to do here.  I started each rep from a dead stop and lifted each rep as explosively as possible, West Side Barbell Dynamic Effort style.  The addition of the band made the lockout much more challenging.

For time:
-1 mile Run
-30 Floor Wipers with 135 lbs
Time:  10:04.

I was hoping to go sub 10:00 on this.  I completed my mile in 7:20, which is not super fast but decent for me at my body weight and not having run much in the last month or so.  The thing that most aggravated my arm and shoulder today was the running, oddly enough.  The other movements didn't involve much bending of the arm so they were okay.  It felt good to do something finally. I hate taking time off from working out, especially not by choice due to injury.


Wednesday 6.06.12

I'm on doctor ordered rest so my right shoulder/lat can heal up.


Tuesday 6.05.12

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- 3x5 GHD Sit Ups
- 3x5 GHD Hip Extensions
- Pistols
- Handstand Push Ups
- Muscle Ups

Strength Work:
Power Cleans (5's):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 185x1
- 220x5

Weighted Pull Ups:
- Body Weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +55x1

I stopped because I feel like I injured my right lat.  I could barely do pull ups and the second pull in the power cleans was very painful.  Also, my index and middle fingers of my right hand were numb and tingly.  I went to Kaiser and they said said I had a pinched nerve and a good muscle strain.  I'll be taking the rest of the week off from lifting to let it heal up.  So frustrating!


Monday 6.04.12

Yesterday I started a nutrition challenge to shed this winter coat I have.  The challenge will run 13 weeks (through most of the summer up until Saturday 9-1-12) and will consist of the following:
  • Pictures to be taken on day 1 and day 91, and those pictures will be posted here.
  • 3 measurements taken on day 1, and then every Saturday to gauge progress.
  • My eating plan will involve a mixture of intermittent fasting and carb/calorie cycling.  I will not be paleo exactly, but the emphasis will be on paleo and other "real" foods.
  • 1 cheat meal will be allowed each week, but only if I "earned" it by showing measurable results.  Since this is a body fat and appearance based competition, than my body circumference measurements will be the gauge of my progress.  If I lose size, I get a cheat meal.  Not a cheat day, not a cheat 4-hour window where anything goes, just one cheat meal.
  • Drink at least 1 gallon of water each day.
  • Get in a minimum of 4 workouts each week.  Weights will be heavy (for me), along with conditioning work, to ensure that I don't burn muscle mass.
  • Sleep 7 hours a night, which will be a big improvement from the  5-6 I currently get.
So pictures and measurements are done, and I'm two days in.  Following this plan a few years ago I was able to get almost-six-pack lean, and I'm hoping to get back there in 13 weeks, and then STAY there this time!.  I actually hope I can get there in 10 weeks, which is when my 35th birthday comes around.  I gotta go into "middle age" looking good, or at least better than I do now.

What I did today...

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Hip Extensions
- Pistols
- Handstand Push Ups
- Muscle Ups

Strength Work:
Front Squats (5's):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 250x2- WTH.  I was supposed to hit 5 reps at this weight but I had nothing in the tank today and got really light headed on this set for some reason.
- 225x5
- 195x5

Press (5's):
- 45x6
- 95x4
- 135x2
- 165x5
- 145x7
- 125x9- Working on gripping the bar with my thumbs around the bar, rather than a false grip.  It feels awkward.

 Five rounds for time of:
- 25 Push Presses at 95 lbs
- 50 Double Unders
Time:  9:10. 

The original workout called for 75 lbs but I decided to scale up to make it heavier.  The double unders were all unbroken except for one trip up in round 3.

Sunday 6.03.12

Today is supposed to be when I do my long runs in preparation for Tough Mudder, but I decided to do a hike/trail run instead.  I did run some of it, but out of 5.1 miles I probably ran less than half.  It was pretty steep in places, and the footing was rough.  It was a good workout, though, and took somewhere between 1.5 and 2 hours.

Saturday 6.02.12

Rest Day. 


Friday 6.01.12

Warm Up:
- 500m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Hip Extensions
- Pistols
- Handstand Push Ups
- Muscle Ups

Strength Work:
Deadlifts (5's):
- 135x6
- 225x4
- 315x2
- 365x1
- 390x5
- 345x6
- 300x7

Weighted Chin Ups (5's):
- Body Weight x6
- +15x4
- +30x2
- +45x1
- +55x5
- +50x6
- +45x Did not do because my hands were about to rip

5 Rounds for Time of:
- 21 Double Unders
- 15 Abmat Sit Ups
- 9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95 lbs
Time:  4:55