Rather than continue to be upset by failing my lifts, I decided to take a lot of weight off the bar and work back up addressing any technique flaws.
11:00 am
Deadlifts (Goal: 475x1, 90% x3, 80% x5- without a belt):
- Warm Ups: 45x5, 135x4, 225x3, 315x2, 405x1
- Work Sets: 475x1, 428x3, 380x5- I was able to get all the lifts without a belt. Because my lifts are about 50 lbs higher with a belt on, I want to try address that weakness for a little while.
Ring Dips:
- 8 sets of 6 reps, all strict with a turn out. These were done in between deadlift sets.
Barbell Row:
- 3x7 @ 225- attempt 3x8 next time.
GHD Sit Ups:
- 3x10 unweighted
Off. I'm doing a running workout later tonight.
6:00 pm
Endurance Workout:
- Run for 15:00- I went 2.8 km in that time. Not all out y any means. I need to get my body used to running agin (my calves were tore up for 4 days after my sprints last week) and I'm breaking in some new running shoes. I'm just going to ease back into running over the next 4-6 weeks. I'll run twice a week during the CF Open, then 3x per week after that.
- 10x 40 yard sprints resting only on the walk back to the starting line.
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