
Work harder AND smarter.

This is an interesting article about how more is not always better when it comes to exercise.  Over doing it can make you as or more susceptible to sickness than being sedentary.  If your routine is intense enough and challenging enough, 3-4 days a week should cover your fitness bases.  I find people who try to make up for their poor diet with more exercise are the ones more likely to overtrain and get sick (I know, because I've been there!)

What I did today...

Warm Up:
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch
- Power Cleans:  45x3, 95x2, 135x1, 185x1, 225x1

Strength Work:
Power Cleans (65%, 75%, and 85% of 265):
- 173x5
- 199x5
- 226x5

Weighted Pull Ups:
- 10x5
- 20x5
- 30x6
- Bodyweight x 9, 5 (Did max reps the first round, then just enough to complete 30 total pull ups reps for the day)

On the minute for 10:00 perform the following:
- 1 Power Clean @ 185
- 1 Hang Clean @ 185
- 1 Clean @ 185
- Max Double Unders to finish the minute

I completed 129 double unders during this circuit.  One round I had somehow managed to tie the rope into two knots so I spent that whole time period undoing knots.  The rest of the time I just felt very uncoordinated the more tired my legs got from the cleans.  Brutal workout.  I was hoping for 20 double unders per round at least, but ended up averaging only 12.9.  It was a lot harder than it sounded like it was going to be!

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