
Startin' on Monday!

Come at me, bro!
Seems like everyone always starts things they don't really want to do on Monday.  New diets, new exercise routines, quitting drinking, quitting smoking- it's always Monday when we start.  Maybe that's so we feel better about completely wrecking it over the weekend (it's okay 'cause come Monday things will change!). 
So in order to not be one of "those people" I got back to good eating and working out yesterday!  I had taken a break from the gym to heal up and recover, and I accidentally lapsed a little in the nutrition department as well.  But now it's Monday, and while most people are just getting started I'm two days in!

What I did today...

Warm Ups:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- 6x5 Knees to Bars
- 6x5 GHD Back Extensions

Strength Work:
Box Squats:
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 275x1
- 315x1
- 335x1
- 355x1- This will be my new 1rm I'll be working from for the next few weeks.  I did it with no belt on, which is what I want to work on.  I think I developed some over reliance on the belt and I want to break that and work on my core strength a little more.  I decided to work box squats back into the rotation because they were really effective last time I used them.

Bench Press:
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 255x1
- 275x1
- 295x1
- 315x1- I felt pretty weak on this.  I was supposed to be testing my max and this is nowhere near it.  I gotta figure that lift out because it's the only one I haven't been making progress in.

** I did 50 reps of single jump ropes in between each set of strength work.  I didn't do any other conditioning, but I plan to start working that back in this week too.

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