
Sunday 4.08.12

There are two types of people who work out:  those who recognize their limitations when they're sick or hurt and rest to come back strong, and then there's me.  I continue to train through illness or injury, causing poor workouts and prolonged recovery times.  Step 1 is admitting I have a problem.

Despite being still beat up from Thursday at the police academy, and having a swollen right foot from what could be a stress fracture, I came in to do the CrossFit Total, which is a one rep max in the back squat, shoulder press, and deadlift.

Besides being injured, it turns out losing weight is stupid and makes you weak.....

Back Squat:  I worked up to 425x1, which is 50 lbs under my my best of 475.
Press:  I worked up to 215x1, down 10 pounds from my best of 225.
Deadlift:  I worked up to 495x1, which is 55 lbs under my best of 550.
Total:  1135.  Terrible.

I'm going to try and max out this week still on the power clean, power snatch, front squat, overhead squat, and bench press.  Then I'm going to take a week off (which I haven't done in over 6 months), then use these maxes to base my training off of when I resume lifting.  Gotta get better at recovery.

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