Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine, and hamstrings
- T-Spine mobility
- Hip Circle walks and goblet squats
- Vacuum Trunk Twists
Strength Training:
Back Squats (1 at 120%, then 3x3):
- 45x9, 135x7, 225x5, 315x3, 405x1, 325x 3, 3, 3
Front Squats (1 at 120%, then3x4):
- 102x9, 152x7, 192x5, 232x3, 282x1, 235x 4, 4, 4
Reverse Lunges (3x5) and Standing Calf Raises (3x15):
- Lunges: 185x 5, 5, 5
- Calf Raises: 55x 14, 14, 14
Glute Finisher:
- 50 reps of hip circle hip abduction to glute bridge.
Thursday 5.31.18
Back Squats,
Front Squat,
Glute Bridges,
Hip Abduction,
Reverse Lunges,
Standing Calf Raises
Wednesday 5.30.18
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- T-Spine Mobility
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (3x8) with Parallel Grip Chin Ups and Fat Man Pull Ups:
- Bench Press: 45x7, 95x6, 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1, 255x 8, 7, 7
- Parallel Chins: 0x 8, 7, 7
- Fat Man Pull Ups: 0x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9
Shoulders Giant Set (3x 10-12):
- Behind the Neck Press: 125x 10, 10, 10
- Lateral Raises: 25x 10, 10, 10
- Rear Delt Raises: 25x 10, 10, 10
Upper Back and Traps (3x12-15):
- Trap Bar Shrugs: 300x 12, 12, 12
- DB High Pulls: 40x 12, 12, 12
Arms Superset (3x12-15):
- 1-Arm DB Curls: 35x 12, 12, 12
- 1-Arm Overhead Extensions: 35x 12, 12, 12
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- T-Spine Mobility
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (3x8) with Parallel Grip Chin Ups and Fat Man Pull Ups:
- Bench Press: 45x7, 95x6, 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1, 255x 8, 7, 7
- Parallel Chins: 0x 8, 7, 7
- Fat Man Pull Ups: 0x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9
Shoulders Giant Set (3x 10-12):
- Behind the Neck Press: 125x 10, 10, 10
- Lateral Raises: 25x 10, 10, 10
- Rear Delt Raises: 25x 10, 10, 10
Upper Back and Traps (3x12-15):
- Trap Bar Shrugs: 300x 12, 12, 12
- DB High Pulls: 40x 12, 12, 12
Arms Superset (3x12-15):
- 1-Arm DB Curls: 35x 12, 12, 12
- 1-Arm Overhead Extensions: 35x 12, 12, 12
Behind the Neck Presses,
Close Grip Bench Press,
DB Curls,
DB High Pulls,
Fat Man Pull Ups,
Lateral Raises,
Overhead Triceps Extensions,
Parallel Grip Chin Ups,
Rear Delt Raises,
Trap Bar Shrugs
Tuesday 5.29.18
Warm Up:
- Hip Circle Glute Walks
- Vacuum Trunk Twists
- Samson Stretch
Strength Training:
Conventional Deadlifts (1 @ 120%, then 3x3):
- 45x7, 135x6, 225x5, 315x3, 405x3, 495x2, 522x1, 435x 3, 3, 3
Sumo Deadlifts (3x4):
- 395x 4, 4, 4
Snatch Grip Deadlifts (3x5):
- 345x 5, 5, 5
Bulgarian Split Squats (3x6-8) and Standing Calf Raises (3x14-15):
- Split Squats: 40x 7, 7, 7
- Calf Raises: 55x 14, 14, 14
Glute Finisher Giant Set:
- Hip Circle Abduction: 3x10
- Hip Circle Glute Bridges: 3x10
- Air Squats with Hip Circle: 3x10
- Hip Circle Glute Walks
- Vacuum Trunk Twists
- Samson Stretch
Strength Training:
Conventional Deadlifts (1 @ 120%, then 3x3):
- 45x7, 135x6, 225x5, 315x3, 405x3, 495x2, 522x1, 435x 3, 3, 3
Sumo Deadlifts (3x4):
- 395x 4, 4, 4
Snatch Grip Deadlifts (3x5):
- 345x 5, 5, 5
Bulgarian Split Squats (3x6-8) and Standing Calf Raises (3x14-15):
- Split Squats: 40x 7, 7, 7
- Calf Raises: 55x 14, 14, 14
Glute Finisher Giant Set:
- Hip Circle Abduction: 3x10
- Hip Circle Glute Bridges: 3x10
- Air Squats with Hip Circle: 3x10
Air Squats,
Bulgarian Split Squats,
Glute Bridges,
Hip Abduction,
Snatch Deadlifts,
Standing Calf Raises,
Sumo Deadlifts
Monday 5.28.18
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- T-Spine mobility
Strength Training:
Weighted Dips (5x8) and Ring Rows:
- Dips: 0x5, 25x4, 45x3, 70x2, 90x1, 45x 7, 7, 7, 7, 7
- Rows: 0x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7
Shoulders Giant Set (3x10-12):
- Arnold Press: 50x 10, 10, 10
- Lateral Raise: 25x 10, 10, 10
- Rear Delt Row: 135x 10, 10, 10
Upper Back and Traps Superset (3x 12-15):
- Barbell Shrugs: 300x 12, 12, 12
- DB High Pulls: 40x 12, 12, 12
Arms Giant Set (3x 12-15):
- Crossbody Hammer Curl: 35x 12, 12, 12
- DB Skull Crushers: 35x 12, 12, 12
- Elbows Out Extensions: 35x 12, 12, 12
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- T-Spine mobility
Strength Training:
Weighted Dips (5x8) and Ring Rows:
- Dips: 0x5, 25x4, 45x3, 70x2, 90x1, 45x 7, 7, 7, 7, 7
- Rows: 0x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7
Shoulders Giant Set (3x10-12):
- Arnold Press: 50x 10, 10, 10
- Lateral Raise: 25x 10, 10, 10
- Rear Delt Row: 135x 10, 10, 10
Upper Back and Traps Superset (3x 12-15):
- Barbell Shrugs: 300x 12, 12, 12
- DB High Pulls: 40x 12, 12, 12
Arms Giant Set (3x 12-15):
- Crossbody Hammer Curl: 35x 12, 12, 12
- DB Skull Crushers: 35x 12, 12, 12
- Elbows Out Extensions: 35x 12, 12, 12
Arnold Press,
Barbell Shrugs,
DB High Pulls,
DB Skull Crushers,
Elbows Out DB Extensions,
Hammer Curls,
Lateral Raises,
Rear Delt Barbell Rows,
Ring Rows,
Weighted Dips
Friday 5.25.18
I was feeling beat up from spending almost 20 hours in a car over the last two days so I took it easy today. I'll take the next two days off and start a new program...
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- T-Spine Mobility
Strength Training:
1-Arm KB Presses:
- 26x12, 35x11, 44x10, 53x9, 72x 5, 5, 5
Banded Pull Ups:
- 12, 11, 10, 9 (superset with the first 4 sets of KB presses)
Chin Ups:
- 0x 8, 7, 7 (superset with the last 3 sets of KB presses)
Traps and Shoulder Giant Set:
- Behind the Back Shrugs: 300x 12, 12, 11
- 1-Arm DB High Pulls: 40x 13, 13, 13
- DB Lateral Raises: 25x 10, 10, 10
Arms Giant Set:
- Crossbody Hammer Curls: 40x 11, 10, 10
- DB Skull Crushers: 40x 11, 10, 10
- Elbows Out Extensions: 40x 11, 10, 10
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- T-Spine Mobility
Strength Training:
1-Arm KB Presses:
- 26x12, 35x11, 44x10, 53x9, 72x 5, 5, 5
Banded Pull Ups:
- 12, 11, 10, 9 (superset with the first 4 sets of KB presses)
Chin Ups:
- 0x 8, 7, 7 (superset with the last 3 sets of KB presses)
Traps and Shoulder Giant Set:
- Behind the Back Shrugs: 300x 12, 12, 11
- 1-Arm DB High Pulls: 40x 13, 13, 13
- DB Lateral Raises: 25x 10, 10, 10
Arms Giant Set:
- Crossbody Hammer Curls: 40x 11, 10, 10
- DB Skull Crushers: 40x 11, 10, 10
- Elbows Out Extensions: 40x 11, 10, 10
Thursday 5.24.18
Hotel workout in Carlsbad...
Warm Up:
- None really
Strength Training (all movements done as a circuit):
Goblet Squats:
- 0x10, 5x10, 10x10, 15x10, 20x10, 25x10, 30x10, 35x10, 40x10, 45x10, 50x10
Bulgarian Split Squats:
- 0x 5 (each leg), 5x5, 10x5, 15x5, 20x5, 25x5, 30x5, 35x5, 40x5, 45x5, 50x5
Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- 11 sets of 20
Face Pulls:
- Green Band x 11 sets of 10
Push Ups:
- 11 sets of 10
Warm Up:
- None really
Strength Training (all movements done as a circuit):
Goblet Squats:
- 0x10, 5x10, 10x10, 15x10, 20x10, 25x10, 30x10, 35x10, 40x10, 45x10, 50x10
Bulgarian Split Squats:
- 0x 5 (each leg), 5x5, 10x5, 15x5, 20x5, 25x5, 30x5, 35x5, 40x5, 45x5, 50x5
Vacuum Trunk Twists:
- 11 sets of 20
Face Pulls:
- Green Band x 11 sets of 10
Push Ups:
- 11 sets of 10
Wednesday 5.23.18
Hotel workout in Carlsbad...
Warm Up:
- Skipped due to time
Strength Training:
Shoulders Circuit:
- DB Cuban Press: 20x 11, 10, 10
- Front Plate Raise: 45x 11, 10, 10
- DB Lateral Raise: 25x 11, 10, 10
- ATYT: Yellow x 11, 10, 10 (subbed rear delt raises)
Shoulders and Upper Back Superset:
- 1-Arm DB High Pull: 20x 20, 25x 18, 30x 16, 35x 14, 40x 12, 45x 10
- 1-Arm DB Press: 20x 20, 25x 18, 30x 16, 35x 14, 40x 12, 45x 10
Arms Giant Set:
- DB Hammer Curls: 10x 20, 20x 18, 30x 16, 35x 14
- Incline DB Skull Crushers: 10x 20, 20x 18, 30x 16, 35x 14
- Incline Elbows Out DB Extensions: 10x 20, 20x 18, 30x 16, 35x 14
Warm Up:
- Skipped due to time
Strength Training:
Shoulders Circuit:
- DB Cuban Press: 20x 11, 10, 10
- Front Plate Raise: 45x 11, 10, 10
- DB Lateral Raise: 25x 11, 10, 10
- ATYT: Yellow x 11, 10, 10 (subbed rear delt raises)
Shoulders and Upper Back Superset:
- 1-Arm DB High Pull: 20x 20, 25x 18, 30x 16, 35x 14, 40x 12, 45x 10
- 1-Arm DB Press: 20x 20, 25x 18, 30x 16, 35x 14, 40x 12, 45x 10
Arms Giant Set:
- DB Hammer Curls: 10x 20, 20x 18, 30x 16, 35x 14
- Incline DB Skull Crushers: 10x 20, 20x 18, 30x 16, 35x 14
- Incline Elbows Out DB Extensions: 10x 20, 20x 18, 30x 16, 35x 14
Cuban Presses,
DB High Pulls,
DB Presses,
DB Skull Crushers,
Elbows Out DB Extensions,
Front Plate Raises,
Hammer Curls,
Lateral Raises,
Rear Delt Raises
Tuesday 5.22.18
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (3x5-6):
- Bench Press: 55x7, 105x 6, 145x5, 195x 4, 235x3 285x 2, 325x1, 285x 6, 6, 5
Landmine Rows (3x 10-12, superset with Bench Press):
- 50x16, 75x15, 100x14, 125x13, 150x 12, 12, 10
Fat Man Pull Ups (3 sets, superset with Bench Press):
- 0x 10, 10, 10
Reverse Grip Bench Press (3x7-8):
- 215x 8, 8, 7
Fat Man Chin Ups (3 sets, superset with Reverse Bench Press):
- 0x 10, 10, 9
Bar Dips (3x15) and Rear Delt Barbell Rows (3x15):
- Dips: 0x 14, 13, 13
- Rows: 135x 14, 13, 13
Barbell Shrugs (3x12) and DB High Pulls (3x15):
- Shrugs: 300x 12, 12, 11
- High Pulls: 40x 13, 13, 13
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (3x5-6):
- Bench Press: 55x7, 105x 6, 145x5, 195x 4, 235x3 285x 2, 325x1, 285x 6, 6, 5
Landmine Rows (3x 10-12, superset with Bench Press):
- 50x16, 75x15, 100x14, 125x13, 150x 12, 12, 10
Fat Man Pull Ups (3 sets, superset with Bench Press):
- 0x 10, 10, 10
Reverse Grip Bench Press (3x7-8):
- 215x 8, 8, 7
Fat Man Chin Ups (3 sets, superset with Reverse Bench Press):
- 0x 10, 10, 9
Bar Dips (3x15) and Rear Delt Barbell Rows (3x15):
- Dips: 0x 14, 13, 13
- Rows: 135x 14, 13, 13
Barbell Shrugs (3x12) and DB High Pulls (3x15):
- Shrugs: 300x 12, 12, 11
- High Pulls: 40x 13, 13, 13
Bar Dips,
Barbell Shrugs (behind the back),
Close Grip Bench Press,
DB High Pulls,
Fat Man Pull Ups,
Fat Man Pull Ups (supinated grip),
Landmine Rows,
Rear Delt Barbell Rows,
Reverse Grip Bench Press
Monday 5.21.18
Warm Up:
- Hip Circle Glute Walks
- Vacuum Trunk Twists
- Samson Stretch
Strength Training:
Conventional Deadlifts (3x3):
- 75x 7, 165x 6, 255x 5, 345x 4, 435x 3, 3, 2
Sumo Deadlifts (3x4):
- 395x 4, 4, 3
Snatch Grip Deadlifts (3x5):
- 345x 5, 5, 4
Standing Calf Raises Ring Planks Giant Set:
- Calf Raise: 50x 15, 15, 15
- Planks: 0x :41, :41, :41
10:00 AMRAP:
- 12 Bulgarian Splits Squats with 40 lbs DB's (6 each leg)
- 12 GHD Sit Ups
- 12 Stability Ball Hamstring Roll-Ins
Score: 3 Rounds + 12 split squats and 5 GHD sit ups
- Hip Circle Glute Walks
- Vacuum Trunk Twists
- Samson Stretch
Strength Training:
Conventional Deadlifts (3x3):
- 75x 7, 165x 6, 255x 5, 345x 4, 435x 3, 3, 2
Sumo Deadlifts (3x4):
- 395x 4, 4, 3
Snatch Grip Deadlifts (3x5):
- 345x 5, 5, 4
Standing Calf Raises Ring Planks Giant Set:
- Calf Raise: 50x 15, 15, 15
- Planks: 0x :41, :41, :41
10:00 AMRAP:
- 12 Bulgarian Splits Squats with 40 lbs DB's (6 each leg)
- 12 GHD Sit Ups
- 12 Stability Ball Hamstring Roll-Ins
Score: 3 Rounds + 12 split squats and 5 GHD sit ups
Bulgarian Split Squats,
GHD Sit Ups,
Hamstring Roll-Ins,
Planks (rings),
Snatch Deadlifts,
Standing Calf Raises,
Sumo Deadlifts
Saturday 5.19.18
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulder Giant Set:
- DB Cuban Press: 20x 10, 10, 10
- Front Plate Raise: 45x 10, 10, 10
- DB Lateral Raise: 25x 10, 10, 10
- Band Pull Aparts: Red Band x 30, 30, 30
Arms Warm Up Superset:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 5x 20, 15x 18, 25x 16, 35x 14
- Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns: Orange GS Band x 20, 18, 16, 14
Arms Giant Set #1:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 40x 10, 10, 10
- Neutral Grip DB Skull Crushers: 40x 10, 10, 10
- Elbows Out DB Extensions: 40x 10, 10, 10
Arms Giant Set #2:
- EZ Curl Bar Spider Curls: 70x 10, 10, 10
- Reverse Grip Skull Crushers: 70x 10, 10, 10
- Reverse Close Grip Bench Press: 70x 10, 10, 10
- 100 reps of push ups and band face pulls (5 sets of 20 each for time)
Score: 8:00
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulder Giant Set:
- DB Cuban Press: 20x 10, 10, 10
- Front Plate Raise: 45x 10, 10, 10
- DB Lateral Raise: 25x 10, 10, 10
- Band Pull Aparts: Red Band x 30, 30, 30
Arms Warm Up Superset:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 5x 20, 15x 18, 25x 16, 35x 14
- Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns: Orange GS Band x 20, 18, 16, 14
Arms Giant Set #1:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 40x 10, 10, 10
- Neutral Grip DB Skull Crushers: 40x 10, 10, 10
- Elbows Out DB Extensions: 40x 10, 10, 10
Arms Giant Set #2:
- EZ Curl Bar Spider Curls: 70x 10, 10, 10
- Reverse Grip Skull Crushers: 70x 10, 10, 10
- Reverse Close Grip Bench Press: 70x 10, 10, 10
- 100 reps of push ups and band face pulls (5 sets of 20 each for time)
Score: 8:00
Band Pull Aparts,
Cuban Presses,
DB Skull Crushers,
Elbows Out DB Extensions,
Face Pulls,
Front Raises,
Hammer Curls,
Lateral Raises,
Push Ups,
Reverse Grip Pushdowns,
Reverse Grip Skull Crushers,
Spider Curls
Friday 5.18.18
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- T-Spine Mobility
Strength Training:
Push Press (3x6) with Pull Up variations:
- Push Press: 70x9, 120x 8, 160x 7, 210x 6, 5, 5
- Pull Ups: 0x 7, 7, 7
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups: 0x 7, 7, 7
Standing Barbell Press (3x8) with Chin Ups:
- Press: 160x 8, 7, 7
- Chin Ups: 0x 7, 7, 7
Arnold Press (3x10) with Ring Rows:
- Press: 65x 9, 8, 8
- Ring Rows: 0x 13, 13, 13
Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs (3x12) with 1-Arm DB High Pulls:
- Shrugs: 300x 12, 11, 11
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 15, 15
- Band Pull Aparts to finish the 60:00 (completed 53 pull aparts in 1:30)
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- T-Spine Mobility
Strength Training:
Push Press (3x6) with Pull Up variations:
- Push Press: 70x9, 120x 8, 160x 7, 210x 6, 5, 5
- Pull Ups: 0x 7, 7, 7
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups: 0x 7, 7, 7
Standing Barbell Press (3x8) with Chin Ups:
- Press: 160x 8, 7, 7
- Chin Ups: 0x 7, 7, 7
Arnold Press (3x10) with Ring Rows:
- Press: 65x 9, 8, 8
- Ring Rows: 0x 13, 13, 13
Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs (3x12) with 1-Arm DB High Pulls:
- Shrugs: 300x 12, 11, 11
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 15, 15
- Band Pull Aparts to finish the 60:00 (completed 53 pull aparts in 1:30)
Arnold Press,
Band Pull Aparts,
Barbell Shrugs (behind the back),
Chin Ups,
DB High Pulls,
Parallel Grip Chin Ups,
Pull Ups,
Push Presses,
Ring Rows
Thursday 5.17.18
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine, and hamstrings
- Hip Circle walks
Strength Training:
Back Squats (1 at 120%, then 3x3):
- 45x9, 135x7, 225x5, 315x3, 405x1, 325x 3, 2, 2
Front Squats (1 at 120%, then3x4):
- 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2, 282x1, 235x 4, 3, 3
Calves and Core Super Set:
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 15, 15, 14
- Ring Plank Holds: 0x :40, :40, :40
Skipped due to time
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine, and hamstrings
- Hip Circle walks
Strength Training:
Back Squats (1 at 120%, then 3x3):
- 45x9, 135x7, 225x5, 315x3, 405x1, 325x 3, 2, 2
Front Squats (1 at 120%, then3x4):
- 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2, 282x1, 235x 4, 3, 3
Calves and Core Super Set:
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 15, 15, 14
- Ring Plank Holds: 0x :40, :40, :40
Skipped due to time
Back Squats,
Calf Raises,
Front Squat,
Planks (rings)
Wednesday 5.16.18
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulders Giant Set:
- DB Cuban Presses: 20x 10, 10, 10
- Front Plate Raises: 45x 10, 10, 10
- DB Lateral Raises: 25x 10, 10, 10
- ATYT: Yellow CS Cord x 10, 10, 10
Arms Warm Up Superset:
- Hammer Curls: 10x10, 20x18, 30x16, 35x14
- Reverse Grip Pushdowns: Orange CS Cord x 20, 18, 16, 14
Arms Superset (3x12):
- Hammer Curls: 40x 10, 10, 9
- Overhead Barbell Extensions: 107.5x 10, 10, 9
Arms Giant Set (3x12):
- DB Spider Curls: 35x 10, 10, 9
- Overhead DB Extensions: 35x 10, 10, 9
- Overhead Elbows Out Extensions: 35x 10, 10, 9
- 100 reps of push ups and face pulls (not for time but short breaks)
Score: Completed in sets of 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, and 10
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulders Giant Set:
- DB Cuban Presses: 20x 10, 10, 10
- Front Plate Raises: 45x 10, 10, 10
- DB Lateral Raises: 25x 10, 10, 10
- ATYT: Yellow CS Cord x 10, 10, 10
Arms Warm Up Superset:
- Hammer Curls: 10x10, 20x18, 30x16, 35x14
- Reverse Grip Pushdowns: Orange CS Cord x 20, 18, 16, 14
Arms Superset (3x12):
- Hammer Curls: 40x 10, 10, 9
- Overhead Barbell Extensions: 107.5x 10, 10, 9
Arms Giant Set (3x12):
- DB Spider Curls: 35x 10, 10, 9
- Overhead DB Extensions: 35x 10, 10, 9
- Overhead Elbows Out Extensions: 35x 10, 10, 9
- 100 reps of push ups and face pulls (not for time but short breaks)
Score: Completed in sets of 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, and 10
Cuban Presses,
Elbows Out DB Extensions,
Face Pulls,
Front Raises,
Hammer Curls,
Lateral Raises,
Overhead Triceps Extensions,
Push Ups,
Reverse Grip Pushdowns,
Spider Curls
Tuesday 5.15.18
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (3x5-6):
- Bench Press: 55x7, 105x 6, 145x5, 195x 4, 235x3 285x 2, 325x1, 285x 6, 5, 5
Landmine Rows (3x 10-12, superset with Bench Press):
- 50x16, 75x15, 100x14, 125x13, 150x 12, 10, 10
Fat Man Pull Ups (3 sets, superset with Bench Press):
- 0x 10, 10, 10
Reverse Grip Bench Press (3x7-8):
- 215x 8, 7, 7
Fat Man Chin Ups (3 sets, superset with Reverse Bench Press):
- 0x 10, 9, 9
Bar Dips (3x15) and Rear Delt Barbell Rows (3x15):
- Dips: 0x 13, 13, 13
- Rows: 125x 15, 15, 15 (130 next week)
Barbell Shrugs (3x12) and DB High Pulls (3x15):
- Shrugs: 300x 12, 11, 11
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 15, 15
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (3x5-6):
- Bench Press: 55x7, 105x 6, 145x5, 195x 4, 235x3 285x 2, 325x1, 285x 6, 5, 5
Landmine Rows (3x 10-12, superset with Bench Press):
- 50x16, 75x15, 100x14, 125x13, 150x 12, 10, 10
Fat Man Pull Ups (3 sets, superset with Bench Press):
- 0x 10, 10, 10
Reverse Grip Bench Press (3x7-8):
- 215x 8, 7, 7
Fat Man Chin Ups (3 sets, superset with Reverse Bench Press):
- 0x 10, 9, 9
Bar Dips (3x15) and Rear Delt Barbell Rows (3x15):
- Dips: 0x 13, 13, 13
- Rows: 125x 15, 15, 15 (130 next week)
Barbell Shrugs (3x12) and DB High Pulls (3x15):
- Shrugs: 300x 12, 11, 11
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 15, 15
Monday 5.14.18
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for spine, hips, and hamstrings
- Hip Circle Glute Warm Ups
Strength Training:
Conventional Deadlifts (3x3):
- 75x 7, 165x 6, 255x 5, 345x 4, 435x 3, 2, 2
Sumo Deadlifts (3x4):
- 165x 7, 255x 6, 345x 5, 395x 4, 3, 3
Snatch Grip Deadlifts (3x5):
- 345x 5, 4, 4
Standing Calf Raises Ring Planks Giant Set:
- Calf Raise: 50x 15, 15, 14
- Planks: 0x :40, :40, :40
10:00 AMRAP:
- 30 step of Walking Lunges
- 75 Jump Rope Singles
Score: 5 full rounds + 30 lunges and 30 single unders (180 lunges and 405 single unders)
- Dynamic mobility for spine, hips, and hamstrings
- Hip Circle Glute Warm Ups
Strength Training:
Conventional Deadlifts (3x3):
- 75x 7, 165x 6, 255x 5, 345x 4, 435x 3, 2, 2
Sumo Deadlifts (3x4):
- 165x 7, 255x 6, 345x 5, 395x 4, 3, 3
Snatch Grip Deadlifts (3x5):
- 345x 5, 4, 4
Standing Calf Raises Ring Planks Giant Set:
- Calf Raise: 50x 15, 15, 14
- Planks: 0x :40, :40, :40
10:00 AMRAP:
- 30 step of Walking Lunges
- 75 Jump Rope Singles
Score: 5 full rounds + 30 lunges and 30 single unders (180 lunges and 405 single unders)
Calf Raises,
Jump Rope,
Snatch Deadlifts,
Sumo Deadlifts,
Walking Lunges
Saturday 5.12.18
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulder Giant Set:
- DB Cuban Press: 20x 10, 10, 9
- Front Plate Raise: 45x 10, 10, 9
- DB Lateral Raise: 25x 10, 10, 9
- ATYT: Yellow CS Band x 10, 10, 9
Arms Warm Up Superset:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 5x 20, 15x 18, 25x 16, 35x 14
- Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns: Orange GS Band x 20, 18, 16, 14
Arms Giant Set #1:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 40x 10, 10, 9
- Neutral Grip DB Skull Crushers: 40x 10, 10, 9
- Elbows Out DB Extensions: 40x 10, 10, 9
Arms Giant Set #2:
- EZ Curl Bar Spider Curls: 70x 10, 10, 9
- Reverse Grip Skull Crushers: 70x 10, 10, 9
- Reverse Close Grip Bench Press: 70x 10, 10, 9
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulder Giant Set:
- DB Cuban Press: 20x 10, 10, 9
- Front Plate Raise: 45x 10, 10, 9
- DB Lateral Raise: 25x 10, 10, 9
- ATYT: Yellow CS Band x 10, 10, 9
Arms Warm Up Superset:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 5x 20, 15x 18, 25x 16, 35x 14
- Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns: Orange GS Band x 20, 18, 16, 14
Arms Giant Set #1:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 40x 10, 10, 9
- Neutral Grip DB Skull Crushers: 40x 10, 10, 9
- Elbows Out DB Extensions: 40x 10, 10, 9
Arms Giant Set #2:
- EZ Curl Bar Spider Curls: 70x 10, 10, 9
- Reverse Grip Skull Crushers: 70x 10, 10, 9
- Reverse Close Grip Bench Press: 70x 10, 10, 9
Cuban Presses,
DB Skull Crushers,
Elbows Out DB Extensions,
Front Plate Raises,
Hammer Curls,
Lateral Raises,
Reverse Grip Bench Press,
Reverse Grip Pushdowns,
Reverse Grip Skull Crushers,
Spider Curls
Friday 5.11.18
Warm Up:
- T-Spine Mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Push Press (3x6) with Pull Up variations:
- Push Press: 70x9, 120x 8, 160x 7, 210x 5, 5, 5
- Pull Ups: 0x 7, 7, 7
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups: 0x 7, 7, 7
Standing Barbell Press (3x8) with Chin Ups:
- Press: 160x 7, 7, 7
- Chin Ups: 0x 7, 7, 6
Arnold Press (3x10) with Ring Rows:
- Press: 65x 8, 8, 8
- Ring Rows: 0x 13, 13, 12
Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs (3x12) with 1-Arm DB High Pulls:
- Shrugs: 300x 11, 11, 11
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 15, 14
- T-Spine Mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Push Press (3x6) with Pull Up variations:
- Push Press: 70x9, 120x 8, 160x 7, 210x 5, 5, 5
- Pull Ups: 0x 7, 7, 7
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups: 0x 7, 7, 7
Standing Barbell Press (3x8) with Chin Ups:
- Press: 160x 7, 7, 7
- Chin Ups: 0x 7, 7, 6
Arnold Press (3x10) with Ring Rows:
- Press: 65x 8, 8, 8
- Ring Rows: 0x 13, 13, 12
Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs (3x12) with 1-Arm DB High Pulls:
- Shrugs: 300x 11, 11, 11
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 15, 14
Arnold Press,
Barbell Shrugs (behind the back),
DB High Pulls,
Parallel Grip Chin Ups,
Pull Ups,
Push Presses,
Ring Rows
Thursday 5.10.18
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine, and hamstrings
- Hip Circle walks
Strength Training:
Back Squats (1 at 120%, then 3x3):
- 45x9, 95x8, 135x7, 185x6, 225x5, 275x4, 315x3, 365x2, 390x1, 325x 2, 2, 2
Front Squats (1 at 120%, then3x4):
- 45x6, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x2, 282x1, 235x 3, 3, 3
Calves and Core Super Set:
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 15, 14, 14
- Ring Plank Holds: 0x :39, :39, :39
AMRAP in 10:00:
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...(each leg)
- KB Swings: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10...
Score: Finished 11 split squats each leg plus 5 swings of the round of 22
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine, and hamstrings
- Hip Circle walks
Strength Training:
Back Squats (1 at 120%, then 3x3):
- 45x9, 95x8, 135x7, 185x6, 225x5, 275x4, 315x3, 365x2, 390x1, 325x 2, 2, 2
Front Squats (1 at 120%, then3x4):
- 45x6, 95x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x2, 282x1, 235x 3, 3, 3
Calves and Core Super Set:
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 15, 14, 14
- Ring Plank Holds: 0x :39, :39, :39
AMRAP in 10:00:
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...(each leg)
- KB Swings: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10...
Score: Finished 11 split squats each leg plus 5 swings of the round of 22
Back Squats,
Bulgarian Split Squats,
Front Squat,
KB Swings,
Planks (rings),
Standing Calf Raises
Wednesday 5.09.18
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulders Giant Set:
- Handstand Holds: :33, :33, :33
- Front Plate Raises: 45x 10, 10, 9
- DB Lateral Raises: 25x 10, 10, 9
- ATYT: Yellow CS Cord x 10, 10, 9
Arms Warm Up Superset:
- Hammer Curls: 10x10, 20x18, 30x16, 35x15
- Reverse Grip Pushdowns: Orange CS Cord x 20, 18, 16, 14
Arms Superset (3x12):
- Hammer Curls: 40x 10, 9, 9
- Overhead Barbell Extensions: 107.5x 10, 9, 9
Arms Giant Set (3x12):
- DB Spider Curls: 35x 10, 9, 9
- Overhead DB Extensions: 35x 10, 9, 9
- Overhead Elbows Out Extensions: 35x 10, 9, 9
10:00 AMRAP of:
- 20 Push Ups
- 20 calorie row:
Score: 5 rounds + 20 push ups (120 push ups and 100 calories total)
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulders Giant Set:
- Handstand Holds: :33, :33, :33
- Front Plate Raises: 45x 10, 10, 9
- DB Lateral Raises: 25x 10, 10, 9
- ATYT: Yellow CS Cord x 10, 10, 9
Arms Warm Up Superset:
- Hammer Curls: 10x10, 20x18, 30x16, 35x15
- Reverse Grip Pushdowns: Orange CS Cord x 20, 18, 16, 14
Arms Superset (3x12):
- Hammer Curls: 40x 10, 9, 9
- Overhead Barbell Extensions: 107.5x 10, 9, 9
Arms Giant Set (3x12):
- DB Spider Curls: 35x 10, 9, 9
- Overhead DB Extensions: 35x 10, 9, 9
- Overhead Elbows Out Extensions: 35x 10, 9, 9
10:00 AMRAP of:
- 20 Push Ups
- 20 calorie row:
Score: 5 rounds + 20 push ups (120 push ups and 100 calories total)
Elbows Out DB Extensions,
Front Raises,
Hammer Curls,
Lateral Raises,
Overhead Triceps Extensions (barbell),
Overhead Triceps Extensions (dumbbell),
Push Ups,
Reverse Grip Pushdowns,
Spider Curls
Tuesday 5.08.18
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (3x5-6):
- Bench Press: 55x7, 105x 6, 145x5, 195x 4, 235x3 285x 2, 325x1, 285x 5, 5, 5
Landmine Rows (3x 10-12, superset with Bench Press):
- 50x16, 75x15, 100x14, 125x13, 150x 10, 10, 10
Fat Man Pull Ups (3 sets, superset with Bench Press):
- 0x 10, 10, 9
Reverse Grip Bench Press (3x7-8):
- 215x 7, 7, 7
Fat Man Chin Ups (3 sets, superset with Reverse Bench Press):
- 0x 9, 9, 9
Bar Dips (3x15) and Rear Delt Barbell Rows (3x15):
- Dips: 0x 13, 13, 12
- Rows: 120x 16, 16, 16 (125x 3x15 next week)
Barbell Shrugs (3x12) and DB High Pulls (3x15):
- Shrugs: 300x 11, 11, 11
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 15, 14
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (3x5-6):
- Bench Press: 55x7, 105x 6, 145x5, 195x 4, 235x3 285x 2, 325x1, 285x 5, 5, 5
Landmine Rows (3x 10-12, superset with Bench Press):
- 50x16, 75x15, 100x14, 125x13, 150x 10, 10, 10
Fat Man Pull Ups (3 sets, superset with Bench Press):
- 0x 10, 10, 9
Reverse Grip Bench Press (3x7-8):
- 215x 7, 7, 7
Fat Man Chin Ups (3 sets, superset with Reverse Bench Press):
- 0x 9, 9, 9
Bar Dips (3x15) and Rear Delt Barbell Rows (3x15):
- Dips: 0x 13, 13, 12
- Rows: 120x 16, 16, 16 (125x 3x15 next week)
Barbell Shrugs (3x12) and DB High Pulls (3x15):
- Shrugs: 300x 11, 11, 11
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 15, 14
Monday 5.07.18
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for spine, hips, and hamstrings
- Hip Circle Glute Warm Ups
Strength Training:
Snatch Grip/ Sumo/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Up Sets:
- 75x 5/5/5, 165x 4/4/4, 255x 3/3/3, 345x 2/2/2
Conventional Deadlifts (3x3):
- 435x 2, 2, 2
Sumo Deadlifts (3x4):
- 395x 3, 3, 3
Snatch Grip Deadlifts (3x5):
- 345x 4, 4, 4
Standing Calf Raises Ring Planks Giant Set:
- Calf Raise: 50x 15, 14, 14
- Planks: 0x :39, :39, :39
10:00 AMRAP:
- Walking Lunges
Score: 129 each leg (258 total steps)
- Dynamic mobility for spine, hips, and hamstrings
- Hip Circle Glute Warm Ups
Strength Training:
Snatch Grip/ Sumo/ Conventional Deadlift Warm Up Sets:
- 75x 5/5/5, 165x 4/4/4, 255x 3/3/3, 345x 2/2/2
Conventional Deadlifts (3x3):
- 435x 2, 2, 2
Sumo Deadlifts (3x4):
- 395x 3, 3, 3
Snatch Grip Deadlifts (3x5):
- 345x 4, 4, 4
Standing Calf Raises Ring Planks Giant Set:
- Calf Raise: 50x 15, 14, 14
- Planks: 0x :39, :39, :39
10:00 AMRAP:
- Walking Lunges
Score: 129 each leg (258 total steps)
Planks (rings),
Snatch Deadlifts,
Standing Calf Raises,
Sumo Deadlifts,
Walking Lunges
Saturday 5.05.18- De-Load Week
De-Load Week...
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulder Giant Set:
- Handstand Holds: 0x :32, :32, :32
- Front Plate Raise: 45x 10, 9, 9
- DB Lateral Raise: 25x 10, 9, 9
- ATYT: Yellow CS Band x 10, 9, 9
Arms Warm Up Superset:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 10x 20, 20x 18, 30x 16
- Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns: Orange GS Band x 20, 18, 16
Arms Giant Set #1:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 40x 10, 9, 9
- Neutral Grip DB Skull Crushers: 40x 10, 9, 9
- Elbows Out DB Extensions: 40x 10, 9, 9
Arms Giant Set #2:
- EZ Curl Bar Spider Curls: 70x 10, 9, 9
- Reverse Grip Skull Crushers: 70x 10, 9, 9
- Reverse Close Grip Bench Press: 70x 10, 9, 9
10:00 AMRAP of:
- 20 Push Ups
- 20 calorie row
Score: 5 rounds + 20 push and 2 calories (120 push ups and 102 calories rowed)
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulder Giant Set:
- Handstand Holds: 0x :32, :32, :32
- Front Plate Raise: 45x 10, 9, 9
- DB Lateral Raise: 25x 10, 9, 9
- ATYT: Yellow CS Band x 10, 9, 9
Arms Warm Up Superset:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 10x 20, 20x 18, 30x 16
- Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns: Orange GS Band x 20, 18, 16
Arms Giant Set #1:
- Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curls: 40x 10, 9, 9
- Neutral Grip DB Skull Crushers: 40x 10, 9, 9
- Elbows Out DB Extensions: 40x 10, 9, 9
Arms Giant Set #2:
- EZ Curl Bar Spider Curls: 70x 10, 9, 9
- Reverse Grip Skull Crushers: 70x 10, 9, 9
- Reverse Close Grip Bench Press: 70x 10, 9, 9
10:00 AMRAP of:
- 20 Push Ups
- 20 calorie row
Score: 5 rounds + 20 push and 2 calories (120 push ups and 102 calories rowed)
DB Skull Crushers,
Deload Week,
Elbows Out DB Extensions,
Front Raises,
Hammer Curls,
Handstand Holds,
Lateral Raises,
Push Ups,
Reverse Grip Pushdowns,
Reverse Grip Skull Crushers,
Spider Curls
Friday 5.04.18- De-Load Week
De-Load Week...
Warm Up:
- T-Spine Mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Push Press (3x3) with Pull Up variations:
- Push Press: 70x9, 120x 8, 160x 7, 210x 3, 3, 3
- Pull Ups: 0x 5, 4, 4
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups: 0x 4, 4, 4
Standing Barbell Press (3x4) with Chin Ups:
- Press: 160x 4, 4, 4
- Chin Ups: 0x 4, 4, 4
Seated Arnold Press (3x5) with Ring Rows:
- Arnold Press: 65x 5, 5, 5
- Ring Rows: 0x 7, 6, 6
Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs (3x12) with 1-Arm DB High Pulls:
- Shrugs: 300x 10, 10, 10
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 14, 14
Shoulder/ Upper Back Superset:
- 10 to 1 reps of 1-Arm Landmine Press (started with the bar, added 5 lbs each set)
- 20 to 2 reps of Banded Face Pull/ Pull Apart with Blue band
Warm Up:
- T-Spine Mobility
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Push Press (3x3) with Pull Up variations:
- Push Press: 70x9, 120x 8, 160x 7, 210x 3, 3, 3
- Pull Ups: 0x 5, 4, 4
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups: 0x 4, 4, 4
Standing Barbell Press (3x4) with Chin Ups:
- Press: 160x 4, 4, 4
- Chin Ups: 0x 4, 4, 4
Seated Arnold Press (3x5) with Ring Rows:
- Arnold Press: 65x 5, 5, 5
- Ring Rows: 0x 7, 6, 6
Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs (3x12) with 1-Arm DB High Pulls:
- Shrugs: 300x 10, 10, 10
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 14, 14
Shoulder/ Upper Back Superset:
- 10 to 1 reps of 1-Arm Landmine Press (started with the bar, added 5 lbs each set)
- 20 to 2 reps of Banded Face Pull/ Pull Apart with Blue band
Arnold Press,
Barbell Shrugs (behind the back),
Chin Ups,
DB High Pulls,
Face Pulls,
Landmine Press,
Parallel Grip Chin Ups,
Pull Ups,
Push Presses,
Ring Rows
Thursday 5.03.18- De-Load Week
De-Load Week...
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine, and hamstrings
- Hip Circle walks
- T-Spine and Shoulder mobility
Strength Training:
Back Squats (3x1):
- 55x9, 105x8, 145x7, 195x6, 235x5, 285x4, 325x 1, 1, 1
- Shoulder and T-Spine ,mobility between sets
Front Squats (3x2):
- 105x7, 145x6, 195x5, 235x 2, 2, 2
- Shoulder and T-Spine mobility between sets
Overhead Squats (3x3):
- 45x7, 95x6, 105x 5, 5, 5 (go back to reverse lunges)
Calves and Core Super Set:
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 14, 14, 14
- Ring Plank Holds: 0x :38, :38, :38
- None due to time.
Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine, and hamstrings
- Hip Circle walks
- T-Spine and Shoulder mobility
Strength Training:
Back Squats (3x1):
- 55x9, 105x8, 145x7, 195x6, 235x5, 285x4, 325x 1, 1, 1
- Shoulder and T-Spine ,mobility between sets
Front Squats (3x2):
- 105x7, 145x6, 195x5, 235x 2, 2, 2
- Shoulder and T-Spine mobility between sets
Overhead Squats (3x3):
- 45x7, 95x6, 105x 5, 5, 5 (go back to reverse lunges)
Calves and Core Super Set:
- Standing Calf Raises: 50x 14, 14, 14
- Ring Plank Holds: 0x :38, :38, :38
- None due to time.
Back Squats,
Deload Week,
Front Squat,
Overhead Squats,
Planks (rings),
Standing Calf Raises
Wednesday 5.02.18- De-Load Week
De-Load Week (accessory work stays the same minus Fat Gripz)
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulders Giant Set (3x8-12):
- Handstand Holds: :32, :32, :32
- Front Raises: 45x 10, 9, 9
- DB Lateral Raises: 25x 10, 9, 9
- ATYT's: Yellow CS Cords x 10, 9, 9
DB Spider Curls (3x6-10) and Overhead Barbell Extensions(3x8-10):
- Curls: 10x 13, 20x 12, 30x 11, 40x 8, 7, 7 (2 arms for warm ups, 1 arm for work sets)
- OHE: 47.5x13, 67.5x 12, 87.5x11, 107.5x 9, 8, 8
Standing, Alternating DB Hammer Curls and Overhead Elbows Out Extensions (3x10-12):
- Curls: 40x 11, 10, 10
- EODBE: 40x 11, 10, 10
10:00 AMRAP of:
- 20 Push Ups
- 20 calorie row
Score: 5 rounds and 10 push ups (110 push ups and 100 calories rowed total)
Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Strength Training:
Shoulders Giant Set (3x8-12):
- Handstand Holds: :32, :32, :32
- Front Raises: 45x 10, 9, 9
- DB Lateral Raises: 25x 10, 9, 9
- ATYT's: Yellow CS Cords x 10, 9, 9
DB Spider Curls (3x6-10) and Overhead Barbell Extensions(3x8-10):
- Curls: 10x 13, 20x 12, 30x 11, 40x 8, 7, 7 (2 arms for warm ups, 1 arm for work sets)
- OHE: 47.5x13, 67.5x 12, 87.5x11, 107.5x 9, 8, 8
Standing, Alternating DB Hammer Curls and Overhead Elbows Out Extensions (3x10-12):
- Curls: 40x 11, 10, 10
- EODBE: 40x 11, 10, 10
10:00 AMRAP of:
- 20 Push Ups
- 20 calorie row
Score: 5 rounds and 10 push ups (110 push ups and 100 calories rowed total)
Deload Week,
Elbows Out DB Extensions (overhead),
Front Raises,
Hammer Curls,
Handstand Holds,
Lateral Raises,
Overhead Triceps Extensions (barbell),
Push Ups,
Spider Curls
Tuesday 5.01.18- De-Load Week
De-Load Week...
Warm Up:
- T-Spine mobility (skip this next week for time)
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (3x3) with 1-Arm Landmine Rows and Fat Man Pull Ups:
- Bench Press: 55x7, 105x 6, 145x5, 195x 4, 235x3 285x 2, 325x1, 285x 3, 3, 3
- 1-Arm Landmine Rows: 55x 10, 80x 9, 105x 8, 8, 8 (2-Arm rows next week for time)
- Fat Man Pull Ups: 0x 10, 9, 9, 9
- Fat Man Pull Ups (Supinated Grip): 0x 0
Reverse Grip Bench Press (3x4) and Fat Man Pull Ups (Supinated Grip):
- Bench: 215x 4, 4, 4
- Fat Man Pull Ups: 0x 9, 9, 9
Bar Dips and Rear Delt Barbell Rows:
- Dips: 0x 7, 6, 6
- Rows: 115x 16, 16, 16
Barbell Shrugs (3x12) and DB High Pulls (3x15):
- Shrugs: 300x 10, 10, 10
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 14, 14
Warm Up:
- T-Spine mobility (skip this next week for time)
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (3x3) with 1-Arm Landmine Rows and Fat Man Pull Ups:
- Bench Press: 55x7, 105x 6, 145x5, 195x 4, 235x3 285x 2, 325x1, 285x 3, 3, 3
- 1-Arm Landmine Rows: 55x 10, 80x 9, 105x 8, 8, 8 (2-Arm rows next week for time)
- Fat Man Pull Ups: 0x 10, 9, 9, 9
- Fat Man Pull Ups (Supinated Grip): 0x 0
Reverse Grip Bench Press (3x4) and Fat Man Pull Ups (Supinated Grip):
- Bench: 215x 4, 4, 4
- Fat Man Pull Ups: 0x 9, 9, 9
Bar Dips and Rear Delt Barbell Rows:
- Dips: 0x 7, 6, 6
- Rows: 115x 16, 16, 16
Barbell Shrugs (3x12) and DB High Pulls (3x15):
- Shrugs: 300x 10, 10, 10
- High Pulls: 35x 15, 14, 14
1-Arm Landmine Rows,
Bar Dips,
Barbell Shrugs,
Close Grip Bench Press,
DB High Pulls,
Deload Week,
Fat Man Pull Ups,
Fat Man Pull Ups (supinated grip),
Rear Delt Barbell Rows,
Reverse Grip Bench Press
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