
Tough Mudder!

The powers that be at Tough Mudder have decided that this blog counts as me being a member of the press, and have graciously offered me free entry into the event in Tahoe in September 22nd!  Guess I need to start running every now and again!  If you haven't seen or heard of Tough Mudder, check it out here!  I'll be posting my training for it here, of course, and I will have a detailed write up after the event.

Today is normally a rest day for me, but since I know later my nutrition will be somewhat lax during the Super Bowl, I figured I'd better do something to put those extra calories to use.  Here's what I did....

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Jump Rope
- Samson Stretch

Strength Work:
Back Squat (1 rep at 75%, 85%, and max reps @95% of  405):
Warm Up Sets:  95x6, 185x4, 275x2
Work Sets:
- 305x1
- 345x1
- 385x2- Felt good here since last week I BARELY got 2 reps at 365.

Bench Press (1 reps @75%, 85%, and max reps @95% of 355):
Warm Ups Sets::  45x6, 135x4, 225x2
Work Sets:
- 265x1
- 305x1
- 338x2- I felt pretty strong here today.  If I had a spotter I would've gone for 3 reps here, but I was a little nervous to get pinned under it by myself!  Safety first, kids!

Weighted Dips:
- 30 reps @ 60 lbs:  8, 8, 8, 6.  Last week it took me 5 sets to do 30 reps.  I take the progress!

As many reps as possible in 10:00 of the following:
- Wall Ball (30 lbs ball to an 11' target)
- Chest to Bar Pull Ups

I did one rep of each, than two reps of each, then 3, then 4, etc. until 10:00 had elapsed.  I'd hoped to finish up to 10 of each before the time ran out, but I got to 10 wall balls and 6 chest to bar pull ups.  The pull ups were the limiting factor because if my chest didn't touch, it didn't count.

1 comment:

  1. I think since your considered "media" you should purchase a GoPro waterproof action camera and fild your entire TuffMudder experience.
    From start to finish and the after party involving LA and a huge hot tub of caramel could be posted here.


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