
Wednesday 5.09.12

I love sprinting.  It's over quickly, works my muscles in a way no other movement does, makes me faster, leaner, more powerful, and in my head, I look exactly like this when I sprint...

This, however, is probably what I actually look like....

Whatever, I'm a work in progress.  Here are just some of the many benefits of sprinting I found in an article at Mark's Daily Apple: 

SO, in light of all that I'm trying to get at least one pure sprinting session in each week.  Today I did the following:

Warm Up:
- 1.5 mile run at a fair pace, but not running really hard.  

Sprint Training:
10x50 yard sprints resting only long enough to walk back to the starting line.

Last week I did 10x40 yard sprints, next week I'll bump it up to 60, and so on until I get to 10x100.  I could just jump to 10x100's now, but it's been so long since I sprinted regularly that I get really sore afterward.  So I figured I'd ramp up to the longer sprint distances over a few weeks to let my body acclimate.

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