
Thursday 5.31.12

10:00 Warm Up:
- 300m Row
- GHD Sit Ups
- GHD Hip Extensions
- Handstand Push Ups Practice
- Pistols Practice
- Muscle Ups Practice

Strength Work:
Box Squat (5's):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 275x5
- 245x6
- 215x7

Bench Press (5's):
- 45x6
- 135x4
- 225x2
- 260x5
- 230x7
- 200x10

Tabata Box Jumps on a 24" Box:
- 8 rounds of :20 all out work and :10 rest (most reps in any :20 period was 13, least was 8)
1:00 rest, then..
Tabata Push Presses @ 95 lbs:
- Most reps in any :20 period was 15, least was 10
Score:  18 (the least number of each movement added together, so 8 box jumps and 10 push presses).

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