
Saturday 12.31.16 (Back Off Week)

Warm Up:
- Not much, got right to lifting

Strength Training:
Reverse Grip/ Close Grip Bench Press (5x 5/5):
- Warm Ups:  65x 5/5, 115x 4/4, 155x 3/3, 205x 2/2, 245x 1/1
- Work Sets:  205x 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

Supinated Grip Row/ Barbell Row (5x 5/5):
- Warm Ups:  65x 5/5, 115x 4/4, 155x 3/3, 205x 2/2, 245x 1/1
- Work Sets:  205x 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

Arms Superset:
- Skull Crushers:  100x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
- DB Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  35x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Band Face Pulls:
- Green x 50 (27, 23)

Friday 12.30.16 (Back Off Week)

Rest day.  Played golf and bowled so my back felt pretty tired and I decided to take the unplanned rest day.


Thursday 12.29.16 (Back off Week)

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Pull Ups (5x10):
- Warm Ups:  0x 5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 80x 1
- Work Sets:  0x 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5 (strict/ band assisted with two reds)

1-Arm DB Overhead Press (5x10):
- 20x 10, 25x 10, 30x 10, 35x 10, 40x 10, 45x 10, 50x 10, 55x 10, 60x 10, 65x 10

Shoulders and Arms Finisher Circuit (50 reps each):
- DB Lateral Raise: 20x 25, 15, 10
- Barbell Curl:  45x 25, 15, 10
- Barbell Overhead Extension:  45x 25, 15, 10
- Band Face Pull:  Green x 25, 15, 10

KB Swings:
- 70x 50 reps unbroken


Wednesday 12.28.16 (Back Off Week)

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine, and hamstrings

Strength Training:
Overhead Squats (3x 10):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 155x 2, 185x 1, 115x 10, 10, 10

Snatch Deadlifts (3x 10):
- 45x 5, 135x 4, 225x 3, 315x 2, 405x 1, 225x 10, 10, 10

Overhead Shrugs, Press Grip (4x 10):
- 160x 10, 10, 10

Jump Rope:
- 1225 singles (5 sets of 65 and 15 sets of 60)

KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- 50 reps unbroken

Band Face Pulls:
- Green x 50 (26-15-9)


Tuesday 12.27.16 (Back Off Week)

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Chin Ups (5x 10):
- Warm Ups:  0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 80x 1
- Work Sets:  0x 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5 (unweighted/ band assisted with two red bands)

Bar Dips (5x 10):
- Warm Ups:  0x 5, 25x 4, 50x 3, 75x 2, 100x 1
- Work Sets::  5x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Arms Superset (5x 10):
- Incline Hammer Curls w/ Super Fat Gripz:  30x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
- Standing Overhead Barbell Extension:  100x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- 50 unbroken

Band Face Pulls:
- Green Band x 50 reps (25-15-10)


Monday 12.26.16 (Back off Week)

Back off week...

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Back Squats (3x10):
- 45x 9, 135x 7, 225x 5, 315x 3, 355x 1, 230x 10, 10, 10

Sumo Deadlift (3x10):
- 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1, 360x 10, 10, 10

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (4x10):
- 345x 10, 10, 10, 10

Jump Rope:
- 1220 singles (4 set of 65 and 16 sets of 60)

KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- 50 unbroken

Sunday 12.25.16

Rest day.


Saturday 12.24.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation (skipped)

Strength Training:
Warm Up Sets:
- Close/ Reverse Grip Bench:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3
- Row / Supinated Grip Row:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3

Superset #1 (3x5):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 270x 5, 5, 5
- Barbell Row: 270x 5, 5, 5

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 195x 10, 10, 10
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 195x 10, 10, 10

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Skull Crushers:  100x 15, 15, 15
- Standing Alternating DB Culrs w/ Fat Gripz:  35x 14, 14, 14

KB Swings:
- 70x 50 reps unbroken

- Band Push Downs, Curls, and Pull Aparts: 44 reps of each


Friday 12.23.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Front Squats (Paused, 3x 2-3):
- 65x 7, 115x 6, 155x 5, 205x 4, 240x 3, 3, 3

Front Rack Step Ups (3x 5-6):
- 85x 6, 6, 6

Deadlifts (3x 2-3):
- 135x 9, 225x 7, 315x 5, 405x 3, 495x 1, 455x 3, 3, 3

Hang Clean Pulls (3x 4-5):
- 455x 5, 5, 5 (change to 3x10 shrugs)

Jump Rope:
- 1215 singles (3 sets of 65 and 17 sets of 60)

KB Swings:
- 70x 50 reps unbroken


Thursday 12.22.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation (skipped today for time)

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x 4-5):
- Push Press:  65x 5, 115x 4, 155x 3, 155x 3, 205x 2, 245x 1, 205x 5, 5, 5
- Weighted Pull Ups:  0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 5, 5, 5

Superset #2 (3x 9-10):
- Shoulder Press:  140x 10, 10, 10
- Band Assisted Wide Grip Pull Ups:  Blue and Red Band x 10, 10, 10

Superset #3 (3x 13-15):
- Seated DB Presses:  50x 14, 14, 14
- DB Lateral Raises:  20x 14, 14, 14

KB Swings:
- 70x 50 reps unbroken

- Barbell Curls: 45x  43 (20-13-10)
- Overhead Extensions:  45x 43 (20-13-10, superest with curls)
- Band Pull Aparts:  Red band x 43 unbroken


Wednesday 12.21.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine, and hamstrings

Strength Training:
Paused Back Squat (3x 2-3):
- 45x 9, 135x 7, 225x 5, 315x 3, 350x 1, 290x 3, 3, 3

Bulgarian Split Squat (3x 5-8):
- 35x 6, 6, 6

Snatch Pulls (3x 2-3):
- 55x 9, 105x 8, 145x 7, 195x 6, 235x 5, 285x 4, 325x 3, 3, 3

Jump Rope:
- 1210 singles (2 sets of 65 and 18 sets of 60)

KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- 50 reps unbroken


Tuesday 12.20.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x4-5):
- Weighted Chin Ups: 0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 5, 5, 5
- Weighted Dips: 0x5, 25x 4, 45x 3, 75x 2, 100x 1, 75x 5, 5, 5

Superset #2 (3x9-10):
- Assisted Chin Ups:  Blue and Red x 10, 10, 10
- Weighted Dips:  37.5x 10, 10, 10

Superset #3 (3x13-15):
- Incline Hammer Curls w/ Super Fat Gripz:  30x 14, 14, 14
- Standing Overhead Barbell Extension:  100x 15, 15, 15

KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- 50 unbroken

Band Push Downs, Curls, and Pull Aparts Circuit:
- 42 reps each


Monday 12.19.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x4-5):
- 50x 6, 100x 5, 140x 4, 190x 3, 230x 2, 280x 1, 230x 5, 5, 5

Sumo Deadlift (3x2-3):
- 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1, 455x 3, 3, 3

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 9-10):
- 355x 10, 10, 10

Jump Rope:
- 1205 singles (1 set of 65 and 19 sets of 60)

Sprints (incline, flying start):
- skipped

KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- 50 unbroken

Sunday 12.18.16

Rest day.


Saturday 12.17.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Warm Up Sets:
- Close/ Reverse Grip Bench:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3
- Row / Supinated Grip Row:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3

Superset #1 (3x5):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 270x 5, 5, 4
- Barbell Row: 270x 5, 5, 4

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 195x 10, 10, 9
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 195x 10, 10, 9

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Skull Crushers:  100x 15, 15, 14
- Standing Alternating DB Culrs w/ Fat Gripz:  35x 14, 14, 13

KB Swings:
- 70x 50 reps unbroken

- Band Push Downs, Curls, and Pull Aparts: 76 reps (41-35)


Friday 12.16.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Front Squats (Paused, 3x 2-3):
- 65x 7, 115x 6, 155x 5, 205x 4, 240x 3, 3, 2

Front Rack Step Ups (3x 5-6):
- 85x 6, 6, 5

Deadlifts (3x 2-3):
- 135x 9, 225x 7, 315x 5, 405x 3, 495x 1, 455x 3, 3, 2

Hang Clean Pulls (3x 4-5):
- 455x 5, 5, 4

Jump Rope:
- 1200 singles (20 sets of 60)

KB Swings:
- 70x 50 reps unbroken


Thursday 12.15.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x 4-5):
- Push Press:  65x 5, 115x 4, 155x 3, 155x 3, 205x 2, 245x 1, 205x 5, 5, 4
- Weighted Pull Ups:  0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 5, 5, 4

Superset #2 (3x 9-10):
- Shoulder Press:  140x 10, 10, 9
- Band Assisted Wide Grip Pull Ups:  Blue and Red Band x 10, 10, 9

Superset #3 (3x 13-15):
- Seated DB Presses:  50x 14, 14, 13
- DB Lateral Raises:  20x 14, 14, 13

KB Swings:
- 70x 50 reps unbroken

Band Push Downs, Curls, and Pull Aparts Circuit:
- 75 (40-35)


Wednesday 12.14.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation- Skipped for time

Strength Training:
Paused Back Squat (3x 2-3):
- 45x 9, 135x 7, 225x 5, 315x 3, 350x 1, 290x 3, 3, 2

Bulgarian Split Squat (3x 5-8):
- 35x 6, 6, 5

Snatch Pulls (3x 2-3):
- 55x 9, 105x 8, 145x 7, 195x 6, 235x 5, 285x 4, 325x 3, 3, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1195 singles (19 set of 60 and 1 set of 55)

KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- 50 reps unbroken


Tuesday 12.13.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x4-5):
- Weighted Chin Ups: 0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 5, 5, 4
- Weighted Ring Dips: 0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 5, 5, 4

Superset #2 (3x9-10):
- Assisted Chin Ups:  Blue and Red x 10, 10, 9
- Weighted Bar Dips:  37.5x 10, 10, 9

Superset #3 (3x13-15):
- Alternating Incline Hammer Curls w/ Super Fat Gripz:  30x 14, 14, 13
- Standing Overhead Barbell Extension:  100x 15, 15, 14

KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- 50 unbroken

Band Push Downs, Curls, and Pull Aparts Circuit:
- 74 (39-35)


Monday 12.12.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x4-5):
- 50x 6, 100x 5, 140x 4, 190x 3, 230x 2, 280x 1, 230x 5, 5, 4

Sumo Deadlift (3x2-3):
- 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1, 455x 3, 3, 2

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 9-10):
- 355x 10, 10, 9

Jump Rope:
- 1190 singles (18 sets of 60 and 2 sets of 55)

Sprints (incline, flying start):
- 75 yards x 6

KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- 50 unbroken

Sunday 12.11.16

Rest day and anniversary trip.

Saturday 12.10.16

Rest day and anniversary trip.

Friday 12.09.16

Rest day and anniversary trip.


Thursday 12.08.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips, spine, and shoulders

Strength Training:
Deadlifts (3x 2-3):
- 135x 9, 225x 7, 315x 5, 405x 3, 495x 1, 455x 3, 2, 2

Close Grip Bench Press (3x 4-5):
- 45x 14, 95x 12, 135x 10, 185x 8, 225x 6, 270x 5, 4, 4

Incline DB Curls w/ Super Fat Gripz (3x 13-15):
- 30x 14, 13, 13

Skull Crushers (3x 14-15):
- 100x 15, 14, 14


Wednesday 12.07.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x 4-5):
- Push Press:  65x 5, 115x 4, 155x 3, 155x 3, 205x 2, 245x 1, 205x 5, 4, 4
- Weighted Pull Ups:  0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 5, 4, 4

Superset #2 (3x 9-10):
- Shoulder Press:  140x 10, 9, 9
- Band Assisted Wide Grip Pull Ups:  Blue and Red Band x 10, 9, 9

Superset #3 (3x 13-15):
- Seated DB Presses:  50x 14, 13, 13
- DB Lateral Raises:  20x 14, 13, 13

Band Push Downs, Curls, and Pull Aparts Circuit:
- 73 (38-35)


Tuesday 12.06.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation- Skipped for time

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x 2-3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 165x 3, 2, 2

Snatch High Pulls (3x 3-4):
- 235x 4, 3, 3

Hang Snatch Pulls (3x 4-5):
- 325x 5, 4, 4

Paused Back Squats (3 seconds down, pause, fast up for 3x 2-3):
- 135x 5, 225x 4, 290x 3, 2, 2

Bulgarian Split Squats (3x5-8):
- 35x 6, 5, 5

Jump Rope:
- 1185 singles (17 set of 60 and 3 sets of 55)


Monday 12.05.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x4-5):
- Weighted Chin Ups: 0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 5, 4, 4
- Weighted Ring Dips: 0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 5, 4, 4

Superset #2 (3x9-10):
- Assited Chin Ups:  Blue and Red x 10, 9, 9
- Weighted Bar Dips:  37.5x 10, 9, 9

Superset #3 (3x13-15):
- Alternating Incline Hammer Curls w/ Super Fat Gripz:  30x 14, 13, 13
- Standing Overhead Barbell Extension:  100x 15, 14, 14

Band Push Downs, Curls, and Pull Aparts Circuit:
- 72 (37-35)


Sunday 12.04.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x4-5):
- 50x 6, 100x 5, 140x 4, 190x 3, 230x 2, 280x 1, 230x 5, 4, 4

Sumo Deadlift (3x2-3):
- 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1, 455x 3, 2, 2

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 9-10):
- 355x 10, 9, 9

Jump Rope:
- 1180 singles (16 sets of 60 and 4 sets of 55)

Sprints (flying start):
- Skipped for time

Tabata KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- Skipped for time


Saturday 12.03.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Warm Up Sets:
- Close/ Reverse Grip Bench:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3
- Row / Supinated Grip Row:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3

Superset #1 (3x5):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 270x 4, 4, 4
- Barbell Row: 270x 4, 4, 4

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 195x 9, 9, 9
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 195x 9, 9, 9

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Skull Crushers:  100x 14, 14, 14
- Standing Alternating DB Culrs w/ Fat Gripz:  35x 13, 13, 13

- Band Push Downs, Curls, and Pull Aparts: 71 reps (36-35)


Friday 12.02.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Front Squats (Paused, 3x 2-3):
- 60x 7, 110x 6, 150x 5, 200x 4, 240x 2, 2, 2

Front Rack Step Ups (3x 5-6):
- 85x 5, 5, 5

Deadlifts (3x 2-3):
- 135x 9, 225x 7, 315x 5, 405x 3, 495x 1, 455x 2, 2, 2

Hang Clean Pulls (3x 4-5):
- 455x 4, 4, 4

Jump Rope:
- 1175 singles (15 sets of 60 and 5 sets of 55)

100 KB Swings for time:
- 70x 30-25-20-15-10
Time:  3:56


Thursday 12.01.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x 4-5):
- Push Press:  65x 5, 115x 4, 155x 3, 155x 3, 205x 2, 245x 1, 205x 4, 4, 4
- Weighted Pull Ups:  0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 4, 4, 4

Superset #2 (3x 9-10):
- Shoulder Press:  140x 9, 9, 9
- Band Assisted Wide Grip Pull Ups:  Blue and Red Band x 9, 9, 9

Superset #3 (3x 13-15):
- Arnold Press:  50x 13, 13, 13
- DB Lateral Raises:  20x 13, 13, 13

- Band Push Downs:  70 (35-35)
- Band Curls:  70 (35-35)
- Band Pull Aparts:  70 (35-35)


Wednesday 11.30.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x 2-3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 165x 2, 2, 2

Snatch High Pulls (3x 3-4):
- 235x 3, 3, 3

Hang Snatch Pulls (3x 4-5):
- 325x 4, 4, 4

Paused Back Squats (3 seconds down, pause, fast up for 3x 2-3):
- 135x 5, 225x 4, 290x 2, 2, 2

Bulgarian Split Squats (3x5-8):
- 35x 5, 5, 5

Jump Rope:
- 1170 singles (14 set of 60 and 6 sets of 55)

Tabata KB Swings:
- 70x 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 = 98 reps


Tuesday 11.29.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x4-5):
- Weighted Chin Ups: 0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 4, 4, 4
- Weighted Ring Dips: 0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 4, 4, 4

Superset #2 (3x9-10):
- Assited Parallel Grip Chin Ups:  Blue and Red x 9, 9, 9
- Weighted Bar Dips:  37.5x 9, 9, 9

Superset #3 (3x13-15):
- Alternating Incline DB Curls w/ Super Fat Gripz:  30x 13, 13, 13
- Standing Overhead Barbell Extension:  100x 14, 14, 14

- Band Push Downs: 69 (35-34)
- Band Curls:  69 (35-34)
- Band Pull Aparts:  69 (35-34)


Monday 11.28.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x4-5):
- Warm Ups: 50x 6, 100x 5, 140x 4, 190x 3, 230x 2, 280x 1, 230x 4, 4, 4

Sumo Deadlift (3x2-3):
- 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1, 455x 2, 2, 2

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 9-10):
- 355x 9, 9, 9

Jump Rope:
- 1165 singles (13 sets of 60 and 7sets of 55)

Sprints (flying start):
- 4x 20-yard sprints
- 3x 30-yard sprints
- 2x 40-yard sprints
- 1x 50-yard sprint

Tabata KB Swings @ 70 lbs:
- 12, 13, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12= 97 reps


Sunday 11.27.16

Rest day.

Saturday 11.26.16

Back off week...

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility

Strength Training:
Deadlifts (3x10):
- 135x 9, 225x 7, 315x 5, 405x 3, 495x 1, 355x 10, 10, 10 (16,725 lbs)

Shoulder Press:
- 45x 12, 95x 11, 135x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (9685 lbs)

Power Snatch:
- 45x 9, 95x 7, 135x 5, 155x 3, 185x 1 (2395 lbs)

Overheard Shrugs (snatch grip):
- 45x 10, 95x 10, 135x 10, 185x 10 (6150 lbs)

Overhead Triceps Extensions (5x10):
- 95x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (4750 lbs)

DB Lateral Raises (5x10):
- 20x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (2000 lbs)

Total Weight Moved:  41,705 lbs

Total Weight Moved This Week:  237,980


Friday 11.25.16

Back of week...

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Stretching for hips, spine, and shoulders

Strength Training:
Front Squat (3x10):
- 95x 7, 135x 5, 185x 3, 225x 1, 185x 10, 10, 10 (7670 lbs)

Front Rack Step Ups (3x10):
- 65x 10, 10, 10 (3900 lbs)

Pull Ups/ Band Pull Ups (40 lbs of band assistance):
- 5/5, 5/5, 5/5 (7200 lbs)

Parallel Grip Chin Ups/ Band P.G. Chin Ups (40 lbs of assistance):
- 5/5, 5/5, 5/5 (7200 lbs)

Chin Ups/ Band Chin Ups (40 lbs of band assistance):
- 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5 (9600 lbs)

Barbell Curls with Fat Gripz (3x15):
- 80x 15, 15, 15 (3600 lbs)

Total Weight Moved:  39,170 lbs


Thursday 11.24.16

Back Off Week...

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift (3x10):
- 45x 11, 135x 9, 225x 7, 315x 5, 405x 3, 495x 1, 355x 10, 10, 10 (17,220 lbs)

Dips (10x 10):
- Bodyweight x 10x 10 (26,000 lbs)

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (4x10):
- 345x 10, 10, 10, 10 (13,800 lbs)

Skull Crushers (3x15):
- 100x 15, 15, 15 (4500 lbs)

AMRAP in 10:00:
- 15-1 Push Ups:  15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6= 105 reps (27,300 lbs)
- 1-15 KB Swings @ 70: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10= 55 reps (3850 lbs)

Total Weight Moved:  92,670


Wednesday 11.23.16

Back-off Week...

Warm Up:
- Dynamic stretching for hips and hamstrings

Strength Training:
Back Squats (3x10):
- Warm Ups:  45x 8, 135x 6, 225x 4, 315x 1 (2385 lbs)
- Work Sets:  225x 10, 10, 10 (6750 lbs)

Bulgarian Split Squats (3x10):
- 25x 10, 10, 10 (18,600 lbs)

Standing Calf Raises (10x10):
- Unweighted x 10x 10 (26,000 lbs)

Landmine Rows (3x10):
- Warm Ups:  0x10, 25x 10, 50x 10, 75x 10, 100x 10, 125x 10, 150x 10 (8150 lbs)
- Work Sets:  150x 10, 10, 10 (5250 lbs)

Incline DB Curls with Super Fat Gripz (3x10):
- 35x 10, 10, 10 (2100 lbs)

Total Weight Moved:  64,435 lbs

Tuesday 11.22.16

Rest day/ family vacation.

Monday 11.21.16

Rest day/ family vacation.

Sunday 11.20.16

Rest day/ family vacation.


Saturday 11.19.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic stretching for lats and hip flexors

Strength Training:
Front Squats (3-second negative, pause, explode up for 3x3):
- 105x 9, 145x 7, 195x 5, 232.5x 3, 3, 2 (4795 lbs)

Front Rack Step Ups (3x6, 20" box):
- 80x 6, 6, 5 (5780 lbs, 260 body weight)

Seated DB Arnold Presses:
- 40x 10 sets of 10 in between sets of the above (8000 lbs)

Deadlifts (3x3):
-  WU: 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1 (6075 lbs)
- Work Sets:  455x 3, 3, 2 (3640 lbs lbs)

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 455x 5, 5, 4 (6370 lbs)

DB Lateral Raises:
- 20x 10 sets of 10 in between sets of pulls (4000 lbs)

KB Swings:
- 70x 17, 17, 17, 16, 16 (5810 lbs)

Band Pull Aparts:
- 5x 20 in between sets of swings

Total Weight Moved:  44,470 lbs

Total Weight Moved This Week:  193,222.5 lbs


Friday 11.18.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Warm Up Sets:
- Close/ Reverse Grip Bench:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3 (5950 lbs)
- Row / Supinated Grip Row:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3 (5950 lbs)

Superset #1 (3x5):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 270x 5, 4, 4 (3510 lbs)
- Barbell Row: 270x 5, 4, 4 (3510 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 195x 10, 9, 9 (5460 lbs)
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 195x 10, 9, 9 (5460 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Skull Crushers:  100x 15, 14, 14 (4300 lbs)
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  80x 15, 14, 14 (3440 lbs)

- Band Push Downs: 68 reps (34-34)
- Band Curls:  68 reps (34-34)
- Band Pull Aparts: 68 reps (34-34)

Total Weight Moved:  (37,580 lbs)


Thursday 11.17.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 162.5x 3, 3, 3 (2747.5 lbs)

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 232.5x 4, 4, 4 (2790 lbs)

Hang Snatch Pulls (3x5):
- 322.5x 5, 5, 5 (4837.5 lbs)

Paused Back Squats (3 seconds down, pause, fast up for 3x3):
- 135x 5, 225x 4, 285x 3, 3, 3 (4140 lbs)

Bulgarian Split Squats (3x8):
- 30x 7, 7, 7 (12,180 lbs, 260 bodyweight)

KB Swings:
- 70x 17, 17, 16, 16, 15 (5740 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1435 singles (12 set of 60 and 13 sets of 55)

Total weight moved:  32,435 lbs


Wednesday 11.16.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Warm Up Sets:
- Alternating Grip Chin Ups: 0x 5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1 (4295 lbs)
- Ring Dips: 0x 5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1 (4295 lbs)

Superset #1 (3x5):
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups: 37.5x 5, 5, 4 (4165 lbs)
- Weighted Ring Dips: 37.5x 5, 4, 4 (4165 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Chin Ups:  0x 11, 10, 10 (8060 lbs)
- Weighted Bar Dips:  37.5x 10, 10, 9 (8627.5 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Hammer Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  40x 14, 14, 13 (3280 lbs)
- Standing Overhead Barbell Extension:  97.5x 15, 15, 14 (4290 lbs)

- Band Press Downs: 67 (34-33)
- Band Curls:  67 (34-33)
- Band Pull Aparts:  67 (34-33)

Total Weight Moved: 41,177.5 lbs (body weight 260)

Tuesday 11.15.16

Unplanned rest day.

Monday 11.14.16

Warm Up:
- Skipped general warm up

Strength Training:
Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- Warm Ups: 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1 (5130 lbs)
- Work Sets:  225x 5, 5, 5 (6750 lbs)

Sumo Deadlift (3x3):
- 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1 (6075 lbs)
- Work Sets:  455x 3, 3, 2 (3640 lbs)

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 355x 10, 10, 9 (10,295 lbs)

KB Swings:
- 70x 17, 16, 16, 16, 16 (5670 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1430 singles (11 sets of 60 and 14 sets of 55)

Total Weight Moved:  37,560 lbs


Sunday 11.13.16

Rest day

Saturday 11.12.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Warm Up Sets:
- Close/ Reverse Grip Bench:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3 (5950 lbs)
- Row / Supinated Grip Row:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3 (5950 lbs)

Superset #1 (3x5):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 270x 4, 4, 4 (3240 lbs)
- Barbell Row: 270x 4, 4, 4 (3240 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 195x 9, 9, 9 (5265 lbs)
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 195x 9, 9, 9 (5265 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Skull Crushers:  100x 14, 14, 14 (4200 lbs)
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  80x 14, 14, 14 (3360 lbs)

- Band Push Downs: 66 reps (33-33)
- Band Curls:  66 reps (33-33)
- Band Pull Aparts:  66 reps (33-33)

Total Weight Moved:  (33,554 lbs)

Total Weight for the week:  203,085 lbs


Friday 11.11.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic stretching for lats and hip flexors

Strength Training:
Front Squats (3-second negative, pause, explode up for 3x3):
- 105x 9, 145x 7, 195x 5, 232.5x 3, 2, 2 (4562.5 lbs)

Front Rack Step Ups (3x6, 20" box):
- 80x 6, 5, 5 (2560 lbs)

Deadlifts (3x3):
-  WU: 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1 (6075 lbs)
- Work Sets:  455x 3, 2, 2 (3185 lbs lbs)

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 455x 5, 4, 4 (5915 lbs)

KB Swings:
- 70x 16, 16, 16, 16, 16 (5600 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- - 1425 singles (10 set of 60 and 15 sets of 55)

Total Weight Moved:  27,897.5 lbs


Thursday 11.10.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Push Press:  65x 5, 1155x 44, 155x 3, 205x 2, 246x 1 (1606 lbs), 205x 5, 4, 4 (2665 lbs)
- Weighted Pull Ups:  0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1 (4295 lbs), 37.5x 5, 4, 4 (3867.5 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Shoulder Press:  135x 10, 9, 9  (3780 lbs)
- Wide Grip Pull Ups:  0x 9, 8, 8 (6500 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Arnold Press:  50x 13, 13, 13 (3900 lbs)
- DB Lateral Raises:  20x 13, 13, 13 (1560 lbs)

- Band Push Downs:  65 reps (33-32)
- Band Curls:  65 reps (33-32)
- Band Pull Aparts:  65 reps (33-32)

Total Weight Moved:  28,173.5 lbs (260 body weight)


Wednesday 11.09.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 162.5x 3, 3, 2 (2585 lbs)

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 232.5x 4, 4, 3 (2557.5 lbs)

Hang Snatch Pulls (3x5):
- 322.5x 5, 5, 4 (4515 lbs)

Paused Back Squats (3 seconds down, pause, fast up for 3x3):
- 135x 5, 225x 4, 285x 3, 3, 2 (3855 lbs)

Bulgarian Split Squats (3x8):
- 25x 8, 8, 8 (13680 lbs, 260 bodyweight)

KB Swings:
- 70x 16, 16, 16, 16, 15 (5530 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1420 singles (9 set of 60 and 16 sets of 55)

Total weight moved:  32,722.5 lbs


Tuesday 11.08.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Warm Up Sets:
- Alternating Grip Chin Ups: 0x 5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1 (4295 lbs)
- Ring Dips: 0x 5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1 (4295 lbs)

Superset #1 (3x5):
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups: 37.5x 5, 4, 4 (3867.5 lbs)
- Weighted Ring Dips: 37.5x 5, 4, 4 (3867.5 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Chin Ups:  0x 11, 10, 9 (7800 lbs)
- Weighted Bar Dips:  37.5x 10, 9, 9 (8330 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Hammer Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  40x 14, 13, 13 (3200 lbs)
- Standing Overhead Barbell Extension:  97.5x 15, 14, 14 (4192.5 lbs)

- Band Press Downs: 64 (32-32)
- Band Curls:  64 (32-32)
- Band Pull Aparts:  64 (32-32)

Total Weight Moved:  39,847.5 lbs (body weight 260)


Monday 11.07.16

Warm Up:
- Skipped general warm up

Strength Training:
Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- Warm Ups: 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1 (9930 lbs)
- Work Sets:  225x 5, 5, 4 (6300 lbs)

Sumo Deadlift (3x3):
- 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1 (6075 lbs)
- Work Sets:  455x 2, 2, 2 (3185 lbs)

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 355x 10, 9, 9 (9940 lbs)

KB Swings:
- 70x 16, 16, 16, 15, 15 (5460 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1415 singles (8 sets of 60 and 17 sets of 55)

Total Weight Moved:  40,890 lbs


Sunday 11.06.16

Rest day.

Saturday 11.05.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Warm Up Sets:
- Close/ Reverse Grip Bench:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3 (5950 lbs)
- Row / Supinated Grip Row:  45x 7/7, 95x 6/6, 135x 5/5, 185x 4/4, 225x 3/3 (5950 lbs)

Superset #1 (3x5):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 267.5x 5, 5, 5 (4012.5 lbs)
- Barbell Row: 267.5x 5, 5, 5 (4012.5 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 190x 10, 10, 10 (5700 lbs)
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 190x 10, 10, 10 (5700 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Skull Crushers:  97.5x 15, 15, 15 (4387.5 lbs)
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  77.5x 15, 15, 15 (3487.5 lbs)

- Band Push Downs: 63 reps (32-31)
- Band Curls:  63 reps (32-31)
- Band Pull Aparts:  63 reps (32-31)

Total Weight Moved:  (39,200 lbs)

Total Weight for the week:  188,042.5 lbs


Friday 11.04.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic stretching for lats and hip flexors

Strength Training:
Front Squats (3-second negative, pause, explode up for 3x3):
- WU: 102.5x 6, 142.5x 5, 192.5x 4, 232.5x 2, 2, 2 (3492.5 lbs)

Front Rack Step Ups (3x6, 20" box):
- 65x 6, 6, 6 (2340 lbs)

Deadlifts (3x3):
-  WU: 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1 (6075 lbs)
- Work Sets:  455x 2, 2, 2 (2730 lbs lbs)

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 455x 4, 4, 4 (5460 lbs)

KB Swings:
- 70x 16, 16, 15, 15, 15 (5390 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- - 1410 singles (7 set of 60 and 18 sets of 55)

Total Weight Moved:  25,487.5 lbs


Thursday 11.03.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Shoulder Press:  45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/1, 162.5x 4, 4, 4 (4935 lbs)
- Weighted Pull Ups:  0x5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1, 37.5x 4, 4, 4 (7865 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- 1-Arm DB Press:  55x 10, 10, 10  (3300 lbs)
- Wide Grip Pull Ups:  0x 8, 8, 8 (6240 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- DB Press (Seated, Partials):  45x 15, 15, 15 (4050 lbs)
- DB Lateral Raises:  15x 15, 15, 15 (1350 lbs)

- Band Tricep Push Downs:  62 reps (34-24-4)
- Band Curls:  62 reps (34-24-4)
- Band Pull Aparts:  62 reps (34-24-4)

Total Weight Moved:  27,740 lbs (260 body weight)

Wednesday 11.02.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 162.5x 3, 2, 2 (2422.5 lbs)

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 232.5x 4, 3, 3 (2325 lbs)

Hang Snatch Pulls (3x5):
- 322.5x 5, 4, 4 (4192.5 lbs)

Paused Back Squats (3 seconds down, pause, fast up for 3x3):
- 135x 5, 225x 4, 285x 3, 2, 2 (3570 lbs)

Bulgarian Split Squats (3x8):
- 25x 8, 8, 7 (1150 lbs)

KB Swings:
- 70x 16, 15, 15, 15, 15 (5320 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1405 singles (6 set of 60 and 19 sets of 55)

Total weight moved:  18,980 lbs


Tuesday 11.01.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups: 0x 5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1 (4295 lbs), 37.5x 4, 4, 4 (3570 lbs)
- Weighted Ring Dips: 0x 5, 20x 4, 40x 3, 60x 2, 75x 1 (4295 lbs), 37.5x 4, 4, 4 (3570 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Chin Ups:  0x 10, 10, 10 (7800 lbs)
- Weighted Bar Dips:  35x 10, 10, 10 (8850 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Hammer Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  40x 13, 13, 13 (3120 lbs)
- Standing Overhead Barbell Extension:  97.5x 14, 14, 14 (4095 lbs)

- Band Press Downs: 61 (33-23-5)
- Band Curls:  61 (33-23-5)
- Band Pull Aparts:  61 (33-23-5)

Total Weight Moved:  39,595 lbs (body weight 260)


Monday 10.31.16

Warm Up:
- Skipped general warm up

Strength Training:
Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- Warm Ups: 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1 (9930 lbs)
- Work Sets:  225x 5, 4, 4 (2925 lbs)

Sumo Deadlift (3x3):
- 45x11, 135x9, 225x7, 315x5, 405x3, 495x1 (6570 lbs)
- Work Sets:  455x 2, 2, 2 (2730 lbs)

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 355x 9, 9, 9 (9585 lbs)

KB Swings:
- 53x 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 (5300 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1390 singles (5 sets of 60 and 20 sets of 55)

Total Weight Moved:  37,040 lbs

Sunday 10.30.16

Rest day.


Saturday 10.29.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x 10, 95x 9, 135x 8, 185x 7, 225x 6 (5030), 267.5x 5, 5, 4 (3745 lbs)
- Barbell Row: 45x 10, 95x 9, 135x 8, 185x 7, 225x 6 (5030), 267.5x 5, 5, 4 (3745 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 45x 14, 95x 13, 135x 12, 185x 11 (5520), 190x 10, 10, 9 (5510 lbs)
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 45x 14, 95x 13, 135x 12, 185x 11 (5520), 190x 10, 10, 9 (5510 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Skull Crushers:  97.5x 15, 15, 14 (4290 lbs)
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  77.5x 15, 15, 14 (3410 lbs)

- Band Push Downs: 60 reps (32-22-6)
- Band Curls:  60 reps (32-22-6)
- Band Pull Aparts:  60 reps (32-22-6)

Total Weight Moved:  (47,310 lbs)

Total Weight for the week:  199,272.5 lbs

Friday 10.28.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic stretching for lats and hip flexors

Strength Training:
Front Squats (3-second negative, pause, explode up for 3x3):
- WU: 50x 5, 140x 4, 230x 3, 3, 3 (2880 lbs)

Front Rack Step Ups (3x6, 20" box):
- 45x 6, 6, 6 (1620 lbs)

Deadlifts (3x3):
-  WU: 45x11, 95x0, 135x9, 185x0, 225x7, 275x0, 315x5, 365x0, 405x3, 455x0, 495x1 (6570 lbs)
- Work Sets:  450x 3, 3, 3 (4050 lbs lbs)

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 450x 5, 5, 5 (6750 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- Skipped for time

Total Weight Moved:  21,870 lbs


Thursday 10.27.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Shoulder Press:  45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/1, 160x 5, 5, 5 (5385 lbs)
- Weighted Pull Ups:  0x5, 20x 4, 30x 3, 50x 2, 70x 1, 35x 5, 5, 5 (8665 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- 1-Arm DB Press:  55x 10,10 , 9  (3190 lbs)
- Wide Grip Pull Ups:  0x 8, 8, 7 (5980 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- BTN Press (Seated, Partials):  95x 15, 15, 14 (4180 lbs)
- DB Lateral Raises:  15x 15, 15, 14 (1320 lbs)

- Band Tricep Push Downs:  56 reps (29-19-8)
- Band Curls:  56 reps (29-19-8)
- Band Pull Aparts:  56 reps (29-19-8)

Total Weight Moved:  28,720 lbs (260 body weight)


Wednesday 10.26.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 162.5x 2, 2, 2 (2260 lbs)

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 185x 6, 225x 5, 232.5x 3, 3, 3 (4327.5 lbs)

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 275x 7, 315x 6, 322.5x 4, 4, 4 (7685 lbs)

Paused Back Squats (3 seconds down, pause, fast up for 3x3):
- 55x 6, 145x 5, 235x 4, 285x 2, 2, 2 (3705 lbs)

Bulgarian Split Squats (3x8):
- 25x 8, 7, 7 (2200 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1380 singles (1 set of 60 and 24 sets of 55)

Total weight moved:  20,177.5 lbs


Tuesday 10.25.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Weighted Chin Ups: 0x 5, 20x 4, 30x 3, 50x 2, 70x 1 (4240 lbs), 35x 5, 5, 5 (4425 lbs)
- Weighted Ring Dips: 0x 5, 20x 4, 30x 3, 50x 2, 70x 1 (4240 lbs), 35x 5, 5, 5 (4425 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups:  0x 10, 10, 9 (7540 lbs)
- Weighted Bar Dips:  30x 10, 10, 10 (8700 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- DB Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  35x 15, 15, 15 (3150 lbs)
- Standing Overhead Barbell Extension:  95x 15, 15, 15 (4275 lbs)

- Band Press Downs w/ Fat Gripz:  Blue Band x 58 (30, 20, 8)
- Band Curls:  Blue Band x 58 (30, 20, 8)
- Band Pull Aparts:  Blue Band x 58 (30, 20, 8)

Total Weight Moved:  40,995 lbs (body weight 260)


Monday 10.24.16

Warm Up:
- Skipped general warm up

Strength Training:
Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- Warm Ups: 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1 (9930 lbs)
- Work Sets:  225x 4, 4, 4 (2700 lbs)

Sumo Deadlift (3x3):
- 45x11, 95x10, 135x9, 185x8, 225x7, 275x6, 315x5, 365x4, 405x3, 455x2, 495x1 (13,020 lbs)
- Work Sets:  450x 3, 3, 3 (4050 lbs)

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 350x 10, 10, 10 (10,500 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1390 singles (3 sets of 60 and 22 sets of 55)

Total Weight Moved:  40,200 lbs

Sunday 10.23.16

Rest day.


Saturday 10.22.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x 10, 95x 9, 135x 8, 185x 7, 225x 6, 267.5x 5, 4, 4 (8507.5 lbs)
- Barbell Row: 45x 10, 95x 9, 135x 8, 185x 7, 225x 6, 267.5x 5, 4, 4 (8507.5 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 45x 14, 95x 13, 135x 12, 185x 11, 190x 10, 9, 9 (10,840 lbs)
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 45x 14, 95x 13, 135x 12, 185x 11, 190x 10, 9, 9 (10,840 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Skull Crushers:  97.5x 15, 14, 14 (4192.5 lbs)
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  77.5x 15, 14, 14 (3332.5 lbs)

- Band Push Downs: 54 reps each (27-17-10)
- Band Pull Aparts:  54 reps each (27-17-10)
- EZ Bar Curls:  Empty bar x 54 reps unbroken

Total Weight Moved:  (46,220 lbs)

Total Weight for the week:  205,360 lbs


Friday 10.21.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic stretching for lats and hip flexors

Strength Training:
Front Squats (3-second negative, pause, explode up for 3x3):
- WU: 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 185x 5, 225x 4 (3660 lbs)
- Work Sets:  230x 3, 3, 2 (1840 lbs)

Deadlifts (3x3):
-  WU: 45x11, 95x10, 135x9, 185x8, 225x7, 275x6, 315x5, 365x4, 405x3, 455x2, 495x1 (13,020 lbs)
- Work Sets:  450x 3, 3, 2 (3600 lbs lbs)

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 450x 5, 5, 4 (6300 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1385 singles (2 sets of 60 and 23 sets of 55)

Total Weight Moved:  28,420 lbs


Thursday 10.20.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Shoulder Press:  45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/1, 160x 5, 5, 4 (5225 lbs)
- Weighted Pull Ups:  0x5, 20x 4, 30x 3, 50x 2, 70x 1, 35x 5, 5, 4 (8370 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- 1-Arm DB Press:  55x 10, 9, 9  (3080 lbs)
- Wide Grip Pull Ups:  0x 8+2, 7+2, 7+2 (5720 lbs, not including banded reps)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- BTN Press (Seated, Partials):  75x 15, 14, 14 (3225 lbs)
- DB Lateral Raises:  15x 15, 14, 14 (1290 lbs)

- Band Tricep Push Downs:  56 reps (29-19-8)
- Band Curls:  56 reps (29-19-8)
- Band Pull Aparts:  56 reps (29-19-8)

Total Weight Moved:  26,910 lbs (260 body weight)


Wednesday 10.19.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 160x 3, 3, 3 (2725 lbs)

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 185x 6, 225x 5, 230x 4, 4, 4 (4995 lbs)

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 275x 7, 315x 6, 320x 5, 5, 5 (8615 lbs)

Paused Back Squats (3 seconds down, pause, fast up for 3x3):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 275x 4, 280x 3, 3, 3 (7965 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1380 singles (1 set of 60 and 24 sets of 55)

Total weight moved:  24,300 lbs


Tuesday 10.18.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Weighted Chin Ups: 0x 5, 20x 4, 30x 3, 50x 2, 70x 1, 35x 5, 5, 4 (8370 lbs)
- Weighted Ring Dips: 0x 5, 20x 4, 30x 3, 50x 2, 70x 1, 35x 5, 5, 4 (8370 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups:  0x 10, 9, 8 (7020 lbs)
- Weighted Bar Dips:  27.5x 10, 10, 10 (8625 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- DB Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  35x 15, 15, 14 (3080 lbs)
- Standing Overhead Barbell Extension:  95x 15, 15, 14 (4180 lbs)

- Band Press Downs w/ Fat Gripz:  Blue Band x 55 (28, 18, 9)
- Band Pull Aparts:  Blue Band x 55 (28, 18, 9)
- Band Curls:  Blue Band x 55 (28, 18, 9)

Total Weight Moved:  39,645 lbs (body weight 260)


Monday 10.17.16

Warm Up:
- Skipped general warm up

Strength Training:
Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1, 220x 5, 5, 5 (11,730 lbs)

Sumo Deadlift (3x3):
- 45x 11, 95x 10, 135x 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x1, 450x 3, 3, 2 (17,985 lbs)

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 350x 10, 10, 9 (10,150 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1375 singles (25 sets of 55)

Total Weight Moved:  39,865 lbs


Saturday 10.15.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x 10, 95x 9, 135x 8, 185x 7, 225x 6, 265x 5, 5, 5 (9005 lbs)
- Barbell Row: 45x 10, 95x 9, 135x 8, 185x 7, 225x 6, 265x 5, 5, 5 (9005 lbs)

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Reverse Grip Bench Press: 45x 10, 95x 10, 135x 10, 185x 10, 10, 10 (8300 lbs)
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 45x 10, 95x 10, 135x 10, 185x 10, 10, 10 (8300 lbs)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Skull Crushers:  95x 15, 15, 15 (4275 lbs)
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  75x 15, 15, 15 (3375 lbs)

- Band Push Downs: 54 reps each (27-17-10)
- Band Pull Aparts:  54 reps each (27-17-10)
- EZ Bar Curls:  Empty bar x 54 reps unbroken

Total Weight Moved:  (34,790 lbs)


Friday 10.14.16

Warm Up:
- none

Strength Training:
Deadlifts (3x3):
- 45x 11, 95x 10, 135x 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x 1, 450x3, 2, 2 (16,230 lbs)

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 450x 5, 4, 4 (5850 lbs)

Front Squats (3-second negative, pause, explode up for 3x3):
- 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 185x 5, 225x 4, 230x 3, 2, 2 (5270 lbs)

Jump Rope:
- 1370 singles (24 sets of 55 and 1 sets of 50)

Total Weight Moved:  27,350 lbs


Thursday 10.13.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Shoulder Press:  45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/1, 160x 5, 4, 4
- Weighted Pull Ups:  0x5, 20x 4, 30x 3, 50x 2, 70x 1, 35x 5, 4, 4

Superset #2 (3x10):
- 1-Arm DB Press:  55x 9, 9, 9
- Wide Grip Pull Ups:  0x 7+2 on bands, 7+2, 7+2

Superset #3 (3x15):
- Landmine Shoulder Raises:  55x 14, 14, 14
- DB Lateral Raises:  15x 14, 14, 14

- Band Tricep Push Downs:  53 reps (26-16-11)  **Two handed next time**
- Band Pull Aparts:  53 reps (26-16-11)
- EZ-Bar Curls:  ERmpty Bar x 53 reps unbroken

Wednesday 10.12.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 160x 3, 3, 2

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 185x 6, 225x 5, 230x 4, 4, 3

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 275x 7, 315x 6, 320x 5, 5, 4

Paused Back Squats (3 seconds down, pause, fast up for 3x3):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 275x 4, 280x 3, 3, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1365 singles (23 sets of 55 and 2 sets of 50)


Tuesday 10.11.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (3x5):
- Weighted Chin Ups: 0x 5, 20x 4, 30x 3, 50x 2, 70x 1, 35x 5, 4, 4
- Weighted Ring Dips: 0x 5, 20x 4, 30x 3, 50x 2, 70x 1, 35x 5, 4, 4

Superset #2 (3x10):
- Parallel Grip Chin Ups:  0x 10, 8, 7
- Weighted Bar Dips:  25x 10, 10, 10 (27.5 next week)

Superset #3 (3x15):
- DB Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  35x 15, 14, 14
- Seated Overhead Barbell Extension:  95x 15, 14, 14

- 1-Arm Band Press Downs w/ Fat Gripz:  Red Band x 52 (25, 15, 12)
- Band Pull Aparts:  Red Band x 52 (39, 13)


Monday 10.10.16

Warm Up:
- Skipped general warm up

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift (3x3):
- 135x 10, 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x1, 450x 3, 2, 2

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 350x 10, 9, 9

Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1, 220x 5, 5, 4

Jump Rope:
- 1360 singles (22 sets of 55 and 3 sets of 50)

Sunday 10.09.16

Rest day.


Saturday 10.08.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (4x4):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 265x 4, 4, 4, 4
- Barbell Row: 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 265x 4, 4, 4, 4

Superset #2 (4x8):
- Slingshot Bench Press: 265x 8, 8, 8, 8
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 227.5x 8, 8, 8, 8

Superset #3 (4x 12):
- Skull Crushers:  100x 12, 12, 12, 12
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  82.5x 12, 12, 12, 12

- 1-Arm Band Tricep Push Downs: 51 reps each (red band double-looped over bar)
- Band Pull Aparts:  51 reps (red band)

Friday 10.07.16

Warm Up:
- none

Strength Training:
Deadlifts (3x3):
- 45x 11, 95x 10, 135x 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x 1, 450x2, 2, 2

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 450x 4, 4, 4

Front Squats (3-second negative, pause, explode up for 3x3):
- 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 185x 5, 225x 4, 230x 2, 2, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1355 singles (21 sets of 55 and 4 sets of 50)


Thursday 10.06.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset 1 (4x4):
- Weighted Parallel Grip Pull Ups:  0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 67.5x 1, 47.5x 3, 3, 2, 2
- Weighted Ring Dips:  0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 67.5x 1, 47.5x 3, 3, 2, 2

Superset 2 (4x8)
- Weighted Chin Ups (4x8): 5x 8, 8, 7, 7
- Weighted Bar Dips (4x8): 30x 8, 8, 7, 7

Superset 3 (4x 12):
- Landmine Shoulder Raises:  55x 12, 11, 11, 11
- DB Lateral Raises:  15x 12, 11, 11, 11

Band Pull Aparts:
- Red Band x 50 reps (55 next week)


Wednesday 10.05.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 160x 3, 2, 2

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 185x 6, 225x 5, 230x 4, 3, 3

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 275x 7, 315x 6, 320x 5, 4, 4

Paused Back Squats (3 seconds down, pause, fast up for 3x3):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 275x 4, 280x 3, 2, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1350 singles (20 sets of 55 and 5 sets of 50)


Tuesday 10.04.16


Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/1

Shoulder Press (4x8):
- 140x 8, 8, 8, 8 (142.5 next week)

Weighted Pull Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 3, 3, 2, 2

1-Arm DB Press (4x8):
- 60x 8, 8, 7, 7

Wide Grip Pull Ups (4x8):
- 0x 6, 6, 5, 5

Overhead Barbell Extensions (4x12):
- 97.5x 12, 12, 11, 11

Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz (4x12):
- 40x 11, 11, 10, 10

Monday 10.03.16

Warm Up:
- Skipped general warm up

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift (3x3):
- 135x 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x1, 450x 2, 2, 2

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 345x 10, 10, 10

Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1, 220x 5, 4, 4

Jump Rope:
- 1345 singles (19 sets of 55 and 6 sets of 50)

Sunday 10.02.16

Rest day.


Saturday 10.01.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (4x4):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 265x 4, 4, 4, 3
- Barbell Row: 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 265x 4, 4, 4, 3

Superset #2 (4x8):
- Slingshot Bench Press: 265x 8, 8, 8, 7
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 227.5x 8, 8, 8, 7

Superset #3 (4x 12):
- Skull Crushers:  100x 12, 12, 12, 11
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  82.5x 12, 12, 12, 11


Friday 9.30.16

Warm Up:
- skipped

Strength Training:
Deadlifts (3x3):
- 45x 11, 95x 10, 135x 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x 1, 445x3, 3, 3

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 445x 5, 5, 5

Front Squats (3-second pauses, 3x3):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 3, 3

Jump Rope:
- 1340 singles (18 sets of 55 and 7 sets of 50)


Thursday 9.29.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset 1 (4x4, 2:00 rest):
- Weighted Parallel Grip Pull Ups:  Skipped due to finger injury
- Weighted Ring Dips:  0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 4, 4, 4, 4
- Crossover Symmetry:  One Iron Scap movement between sets of dips

Superset 2 (4x8, 1:30 rest)
- Weighted Chin Ups (4x8): skipped due to finger injury
- Weighted Bar Dips (4x8): 30x 8, 7, 6, 5
- Landmine Shoulder Raises:  45x 10, 50x 10, 55x 10, 60x 10, 65x 8, 70x 6

Superset 3 (4x 12, 1:30 rest):
- DB Curls w/ Fat Gripz: 40x 11, 10, 10, 10
- Elbows Out DB Extensions w/ Fat Gripz:  40x 11, 10, 10, 10

Crossover Symmetry:
- Performed during the workout


Wednesday 9.28.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 160x 2, 2, 2

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 185x 6, 225x 5, 230x 3, 3, 3

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 275x 7, 315x 6, 320x 4, 4, 4

Paused Back Squats (3-second pause for 3x3):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 275x 4, 280x 2, 2, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1335 singles (17 sets of 55 and 8 sets of 50)


Tuesday 9.27.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/1

Shoulder Press (4x8):
- 140x 8, 8, 8, 7

Weighted Pull Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 3, 2, 2, 2

1-Arm DB Press (4x8):
- 60x 8, 7, 7, 7

Wide Grip Pull Ups (4x8):
- 0x 6, 5, 5, 5

Overhead Barbell Extensions (4x12):
- 97.5x 12, 11, 11, 11

Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz (4x12):
- 40x 11, 10, 10, 10


Monday 9.26.16

Warm Up:
- Skipped general warm up

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift (3x3):
- 135x 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x1, 445x 3, 3, 3

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 340x 10, 10, 10 (345 next week)

Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1, 220x 4, 4, 4

Jump Rope:
- 1330 singles (16 sets of 55 and 9 sets of 50)

Sunday 9.25.16

Rest day.


Saturday 9.24.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset #1 (4x4):
- Close Grip Bench Press: 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 265x 4, 4, 3, 3
- Barbell Row: 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 265x 4, 4, 3, 3

Superset #2 (4x8):
- Slingshot Bench Press: 265x 8, 8, 7, 7
- Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 227.5x 8, 8, 7, 7

Superset #3 (4x 12):
- Skull Crushers:  100x 12, 12, 11, 11
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  85x 12, 12, 11, 11


Friday 9.23.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
- 45x 11, 95x 10, 135x 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x 1, 445x3, 3, 2

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 445x 5, 5, 4

Front Squats (3-second pauses, 3x3):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 3, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1325 singles (15 sets of 55 and 10 sets of 50)


Thursday 9.22.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Superset 1 (4x4, 2:00 rest):
- Weighted Parallel Grip Pull Ups:  0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 2, 2, 2, 2
- Weighted Ring Dips:  0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 2, 2, 2, 2

Superset 2 (4x8, 1:30 rest)
- Weighted Chin Ups (4x8): 5x 8, 7, 6, 5
- Weighted Bar Dips (4x8): 30x 8, 7, 6, 5

Superset 3 (4x 12, 1:30 rest):
- DB Curls w/ Fat Gripz: 40x 10, 10, 10, 10
- Elbows Out DB Extensions w/ Fat Gripz:  40x 10, 10, 10, 10

Crossover Symmetry:
- Skipped today


Wednesday 9.21.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 157.5x 3, 3, 3 (160 next week)

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 185x 6, 225x 5, 227.5x 4, 4, 4 (230 next week)

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 275x 7, 315x 6, 317.5x 5, 5, 5 (320 next week)

Paused Back Squats (3-second pause for 3x3):
- 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 185x 5, 225x 4, 275x 3, 3, 3 (280 next week)

Jump Rope:
- 1320 singles (14 sets of 55 and 11 sets of 50)


Tuesday 9.20.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press Warm Up:
- 45x 5/5, 95x 4/4, 135x 3/3, 185x 2/2, 225x 0/1

Shoulder Press (4x8):
- 140x 8, 8, 7, 7

Weighted Pull Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 2, 2, 2, 2

1-Arm DB Press (4x8):
- 60x 7, 7, 7, 7

Wide Grip Pull Ups (4x8):
- 0x 5, 5, 5, 5

Overhead Barbell Extensions (4x12):
- 97.5x 11, 11, 11, 11

Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz (4x12):
- 40x 10, 10, 10, 10

KB Swings:
- 257 reps (7 sets of 11 and 18 sets of 10)


Monday 9.19.16

Warm Up:
- Skipped general warm up

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift:
- 45x 11, 95x 10, 135x 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x1, 445x 3, 3, 2

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 335x 10, 10, 10 (340 next week)

Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1, 215x 5, 5, 5

Jump Rope:
- 1315 singles (13 sets of 55 and 12 sets of 50)

Sunday 9.18.16

Rest day.

Saturday 9.17.16

Rest day.

Friday 9.16.16

Rest day.

Thursday 9.15.16

Rest day.


Wednesday 9.14.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 157.5x 3, 2, 2

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 185x 6, 225x 5, 227.5x 4, 4, 3

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 275x 7, 315x 6, 317.5x 5, 5, 4

Paused Back Squats (3-second pause for 3x3):
- 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 185x 5, 225x 4, 275x 3, 3, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1315 singles (13 sets of 55 and 12 sets of 50)


Tuesday 9.13.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders

Strength Training:
Shoulder Press (4x8):
- 45x 10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 137.5x 8, 8, 8, 8 (back to 4x4 push press next week)

Weighted Pull Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 47.5x 4, 4, 4, 3

1-Arm Plate Press (4x8):
- 45x 8, 55x 8, 8, 8 (back to 4x8 DB Press next week)

Wide Grip Pull Ups (4x8):
- 0x 5, 5, 5, 5

Arms Superset (3x12):
- Overhead Barbell Extensions: 95x 12, 12, 12, 12 (97.5 next week)
- KB Curls:  35x 12, 12, 12, 12 (back to DB curls with fat grips next week)

KB Swings:
- Skipped today

Monday 9.12.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts High Pull/ Sumo Deadlift:
- 45x 6/5, 95x 5/5, 135x4/5, 185x 3/5, 225x 2/5, 275x 1/5

Sumo Deadlifts (3x3):
- 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x1, 445x 3, 2, 2

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 330x 10, 10, 10 (335 next week)

Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 217.5x 4, 4, 4

Jump Rope:
- 1310 singles (12 sets of 55 and 13 sets of 50)

Sunday 9.11.16

Rest day.


Saturday 9.10.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (4x4):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 265x 4, 3, 3, 3

Barbell Row (4x4):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 265x 4, 3, 3, 3

Slingshot Bench Press (4x8):
- 265x 8, 7, 7, 7

Supinated Grip Barbell Row (4x8):
- 227.5x 8, 7, 7, 7

Arms Superset (4x 12):
- Skull Crushers:  95x 12, 12, 12, 12 (100 next week)
- Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  80x 12, 12, 12, 12 (85 next week)

KB Swings:
- 256 reps @ 70 lbs (6 sets of 11 and 19sets of 10)


Friday 9.09.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Clean High Pulls/ Deadlifts:
- 45x 6/5, 95x 5/5, 135x 4/5, 185x 3/5, 225x 2/5, 275x 1/5

Deadlifts (3x3):
- 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x 1, 445x 3, 2, 2

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 445x 5, 4, 4

Front Squats (3-second pauses, 3x3):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 2, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1305 singles (11 sets of 55 and 14 sets of 50)


Thursday 9.08.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Weighted Parallel Grip Chin Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 4, 4, 3, 3

Weighted Ring Dips (4x4):
- 0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 4, 4, 3, 3

Weighted Chin Ups (4x8):
- 5x 7, 7, 7, 7

Weighted Bar Dips (4x8):
- 30x 7, 7, 7, 7

Arms (4x 12):
- Hammer Curls w/ Fat Gripz: 35x 12, 12, 112, 11
- CS Band Overhead Extensions:  Orange Band x 12, 12, 12, 11

KB Swings:
- 255 reps (5 sets of 11 and 20 sets of 10)


Tuesday 9.06.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 157.5x 3, 2, 2

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 227.5x 4, 3, 3

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 317.5x 5, 4, 4

Paused Back Squats (3-second pause for 3x3):
- 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 185x 5, 225x 4, 275x 3, 2, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1300 singles (10 sets of 55 and 15 sets of 50)


Monday 9.05.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Shoulder Press/ Push Press:
- 45x 4/1, 95x 3/1, 135x 2/1, 185x 1/1, 225x 0/1
- Shoulder Press:  135x 8, 8, 8, 8 (137.5 next week)

Weighted Pull Ups:
- 0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 4, 4, 3, 3

1-Arm KB Press (4x8):
- 70x 8, 8, 7, 7

KB Rows (4x16):
- 0x 16, 16, 14, 14

Arms Superset (3x12):
- Skull Crushers @ 95 with Fat Gripz:  Skipped
- Barbell Curls @ 95 with Fat Gripz: Skipped

KB Swings:
- 254 reps @ 70 (4 sets of 11 and 21 sets of 10)

Crossover Symmetry:
- Skipped

Sunday 9.05.16

Rest day.


Saturday 9.03.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts High Pull/ Sumo Deadlift:
- 45x 6/5, 95x 5/5, 135x4/5, 185x 3/5, 225x 2/5, 275x 1/5

Sumo Deadlifts (3x3):
- 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x1, 445x 2, 2, 2

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (3x 10):
- 325x 10, 10, 10 (330 next week)

Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 215x 5, 5, 5 (217.5 next week)

Jump Rope:
- 1295 singles (9 sets of 55 and 16 sets of 50)


Friday 9.02.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (4x4):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 262.5x 4, 4, 4, 4 (265 next week)

Barbell Row (4x4):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 262.5x 4, 4, 4, 4 (265 next week)

Slingshot Bench Press (4x8):
- 262.5x 8, 8, 8, 8 (265 next week)

Supinated Grip Barbell Row (4x8):
- 225x 8, 8, 8, 8 (227.5 next week)

Arms Superset (3x 12):
- Elbows Out DB Extensions:  50x 11, 11, 10
- DB Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  40x 11, 11, 10

KB Swings:
- 253 reps @ 70 lbs (3 sets of 11 and 22 sets of 10)

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap


Thursday 9.01.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Clean High Pulls/ Deadlifts:
- 45x 6/5, 95x 5/5, 135x 4/5, 185x 3/5, 225x 2/5, 275x 1/5

Deadlifts (3x3):
- 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x 1, 445x 2, 2, 2

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 445x 2, 2, 2

Front Squats (3-second pauses):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3

Jump Rope:
- 1290 singles (8 sets of 55 and 17 sets of 50)


Wednesday 8.31.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Weighted Parallel Grip Chin Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 4, 3, 3, 3

Weighted Ring Dips (4x4):
- 0x 5, 20x 4, 35x 3, 50x 2, 65x 1, 47.5x 4, 3, 3, 3

Chin Ups (4x8):
- 0x 8, 8, 8, 8 (5 next week)

Bar Dips (4x8):
- 25x 8, 8, 8, 8 (30 next week)

Arm Recovery (3x 12):
- Hammer Curls w/ Fat Gripz: 35x 12, 12, 11
- CS Band Overhead Extensions:  Orange Band x 12, 12, 11

KB Swings:
- 252 reps (2 sets of 11 and 23 sets of 10)

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap


Tuesday 8.30.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 157.5x 2, 2, 2

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 227.5x 3, 3, 3

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 317.5x 4, 4, 4

Paused Back Squats (3-second pause for 3x3):
- 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 185x 5, 225x 4, 275x 2, 2, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1285 singles (7 sets of 55 and 18 sets of 50)

Monday 8.29.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Push Press (4x4):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 1, 227.5x 4, 3, 3, 3

Weighted Ring Pull Ups:
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 47.5x 4, 3, 3, 3

1-Arm KB Press (4x8):
- 70x 8, 7, 7, 7

Ring Rows (4x8):
- 0x 8, 7, 7, 7

Arms Superset (3x12):
- Skull Crushers @ 95 with Fat Gripz:  10, 10, 10
- Barbell Curls @ 95 with Fat Gripz: 10, 10, 10

KB Swings:
- 251 reps @ 70 (1 set of 11 and 24 sets of 10)

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap

Sunday 8.28.16

Rest day.


Saturday 8.27.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts (3x3):
- Warm Ups:  45x 11, 95x 10, 135x 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x1
- Work Sets:  440x 3, 3, 3 (445 next week)

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (5x 10):
- 325x 10, 10, 9, 9, 9

Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 265x 1, 215x 5, 5, 4

Jump Rope:
- 1580 singles (6 sets of 55 and 25 sets of 50 done throughout the workout)


Friday 8.26.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 4, 4, 4, 3

Barbell Row (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 4, 4, 4, 3

Slingshot Bench Press (4x8):
- 262.5x 8, 8, 8, 7

Supinated Grip Barbell Row (4x8):
- 225x 8, 8, 8, 7

Arms Superset (3x 12):
- Elbows Out DB Extensions:  50x 11, 10, 10
- DB Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  40x 11, 10, 10

KB Swings:
- 250 reps @ 70 lbs (25 sets of 10 throughout the workout)

Crossover Symmetry:
- Skipped due to time


Wednesday 8.24.16

Rest day.

Thursday 8.25.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Clean High Pulls/ Deadlifts:
- 45x 6/5, 95x 5/5, 135x 4/5, 185x 3/5, 225x 2/5, 275x 1/5

Deadlifts (3x3):
- 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x 1, 440x 3, 3, 3 (445 next week)

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 440x 5, 5, 5 (445 next week)

Front Squats (3x3):
- 45x 5, 95x 5, 135x 5, 185x 3, 225x 3, 275x 1, 315x 1, 265x 1, 1, 1 (sore knee)

Jump Rope:
- 1275 singles (5 sets of 55 and 20 sets of 50)


Tuesday 8.23.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Weighted Parallel Grip Chin Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 4, 4, 4 (47.5 next week)

Weighted Ring Dips (4x4):
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 4, 4, 4 (47.5 next week)

Chin Ups (4x8):
- 0x 8, 8, 8, 7

Bar Dips (4x8):
- 25x 8, 8, 8, 7

Arm Recovery (3x 12):
- Low CS Band Curls:  12, 12, 12 (orange cord)
- Low CS Band Skull Crushers:  12, 12, 12 (orange cord)

KB Swings:
- 250 reps (sets of 10 throughout the workout)


Monday 8.22.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 155x 3, 3, 3 (157.5 next week)

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 225x 4, 4, 4 (227.5 next week)

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 315x 5, 5, 5 (317.5 next week)

Back Squats (3x3):
- 45x 9, 135x 7, 225x 5, 315x 3, 405x 1, 340x 3, 3, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1270 singles (4 sets of 55 and 21 sets of 50, done in between sets of lifting)

- None

Sunday 8.21.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Push Press (4x4):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1, 225x 4, 4, 4, 4 (227.5 next week)

Weighted Ring Pull Ups:
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 4, 4, 4 (47.5 next week)

1-Arm KB Press and KB Hammer Curls:
- Press @ 53x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- Hammer Curls @ 35x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

KB Swings:
- 252 reps @ 70

- None


Saturday 8.20.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts (3x3):
- Warm Ups:  45x 11, 95x 10, 135x 9, 185x 8, 225x 7, 275x 6, 315x 5, 365x 4, 405x 3, 455x 2, 495x1
- Work Sets:  440x 3, 3, 2

Barbell Shrugs Behind the Back (5x 10):
- 325x 10, 9, 9, 9, 9

Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1, 215x 5, 4, 4

Jump Rope:
- 1565 singles (3 sets of 55 and 28 sets of 50 done throughout the workout)


Friday 8.19.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 4, 4, 3, 3

Barbell Row (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 4, 4, 3, 3

Slingshot Bench Press (4x8):
- 262.5x 8, 8, 7, 7

Supinated Grip Barbell Row (4x8):
- 225x 8, 8, 7, 7

Arms Superset (3x 12):
- Elbows Out DB Extensions w/ Fat Gripz:  50x 10, 10, 10
- Seated DB Curls w/ Fat Gripz:  40x 10, 10, 10

KB Swings:
- 250 reps @ 70 lbs (25 sets of 10 throughout the workout)

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 round of Iron Scap


Thursday 8.18.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Clean High Pulls (3x3):
- 45x 8, 95x 7, 135x 6, 185x 5, 225x 4, 275x 3, 3, 2

Deadlifts (3x3):
- 315x 3, 405x 2, 495x 1, 440x 3, 3, 1

Hang Clean Pulls (3x5):
- 440x 5, 5, 4

Front Squats (3x3):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 265x 3, 3, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1160 singles (2 sets of 55 and 21 sets of 50)


Wednesday 8.17.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Weighted Parallel Grip Chin Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 4, 3, 3

Weighted Ring Dips (4x4):
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 4, 3, 3

Chin Ups (4x8):
- 0x 8, 8, 7, 7

Bar Dips (4x8):
- 25x 8, 8, 7, 7

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap

KB Swings:
- 270 reps (27 sets of 10 @ 70 lbs)


Tuesday 8.16.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 155x 3, 3, 2

Snatch High Pulls (3x4):
- 225x 4, 4, 3

Snatch Deadlifts (3x5):
- 315x 5, 5, 4

Back Squats (3x3):
- 45x 9, 135x 7, 225x 5, 315x 3, 405x 1, 340x 3, 2, 2

Jump Rope:
- 1255 singles (1 sets of 55 and 24 sets of 50, done in between sets of lifting)

- None

Monday 8.15.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Push Press (4x4):
- 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 1 (PR), 225x 4, 4, 4, 3

Weighted Pull Ups:
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 4, 4, 3

1-Arm DB Press (4x8):
- 60x 8, 8, 7, 7

Lat Pull Downs (4x 8):
- 205x 8, 8, 7, 7

Arms Superset:
- Overhead DB Extensions:  80x 12, 11, 11
- Hammer Curls with Fat Gripsz:  35x 12, 11, 11

- None

Sunday 8.14.16

Rest day.


Saturday 8.13.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlifts (3x3):
- Warm Ups with Green Band: 135x 5, 225x 4, 315x 3, 405x 2, 495x 1
- Work Sets:  440x 3, 2, 2

Barbell Shrugs behind the back (5x10):
- 320x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (325 next week)

Push Ups:
- 130 reps (13 sets of 10, in between sets of the above)

Overhead DB Extensions (3x12):
-80x 10, 10, 10

KB Swings:
- 270 reps @ 50 lbs (a set of 15 after each lift all way through)

- None


Friday 8.12.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle Glute Activation
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Back Squats (3x3):
- 45x 9, 135x 7, 225x 5, 315x 3, 405x 1, 340x 2, 2, 2

Weighted Parallel Grip Chin Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 4, 3, 3

Front Squats (3x3):
- 135x 5, 225x 4, 265x 3, 2, 2

Barbell Row (3x 8):
- 135x 10, 185x 9, 225x 8, 8, 8

Bulgarian Split Squats (3x12):
- 0x 12, 12, 12

DB Curls (3x12, standing with Fat Gripz):
- 35x 12, 12, 12

Jump Rope:
- 1000 singles (20 sets of 50 in between lifting sets)

- None


Thursday 8.11.16

Make up day...

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 155x 3, 2, 2

Bench Press (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 4, 3, 3, 3

Deadlift (3x3):
- 225x 4, 315x 3, 405x 2, 495x 1, 440x 3, 2, 2

Weighted Dips (4x8):
- 25x 8, 8, 7, 7

Barbell Power Shrugs (3x 10):
- 440x 10, 9, 9

Elbows Out DB Extensions (3x12):
- 45x 12, 12, 12

KB Swings:
- 250 reps @ 70 lbs (sets of 10 in between the above sets)

- None

Wednesday 8.10.16

Unplanned rest day.

Tuesday 8.09.16

Unplanned rest day.


Monday 8.08.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Push Press (4x4):
- 45x 6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 275x 0, 225x 4, 4, 3, 3

Weighted Pull Ups:
- 0x 6, 15x 5, 25x 4, 35x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 4, 3, 3

Arms Circuit:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
- Hammer Curl with Fat Gripz @ 30 lbs
- Push Ups with slow negative

KB Swings:
- 270 reps @ 70 lbs (sets of 10 in between sets of the above)

- None

Sunday 8.07.16

Rest day.


Saturday 8.06.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips and hamstrings

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift (3x3):
- 135x 5, 225x 4, 315x 3, 405x 2, 495x 1, 435x 3, 3, 3 (440 next week)

Reverse Barbell Lunges (3x5):
- 45x10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 185x 4, 225x 2, 275x 1, 215x 4, 4, 4

Barbell Shrugs (Behind the Back, 5x 10):
- 320x 10, 10, 10, 10, 9

Jump Rope:
- 990 jumps (a set of 45 after each set of the above)

- None


Friday 8.05.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 3, 3, 3, 3

Barbell Row (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 3, 3, 3, 3

Slingshot Bench Press (4x8):
- 262.5x 7, 7, 7, 7

Barbell Row w/Supinated Grip (4x8):
- 225x 7, 7, 7, 7

Arms Superset (3x 10-12):
- Seated DB Curls w/Fat Gripz@ 35:  12, 12, 11
- Elbows Out DB Extensions w/ Fat Gripz@ 35:  18, 18, 17

KB Swings:
- 250 reps @ 70 lbs (25 sets of 10 in between sets of the above)

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of  Iron Scap


Thursday 8.04.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle Glute activation
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Front Squats (3x3):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 265x 2, 2, 2

Deadlifts (3x3):
- 135x 5, 225x 4, 315x 3, 405x 2, 495x 1, 435x 3, 3, 3 (440 next week)

Barbell Power Shrugs (3x 10):
- 435x 10, 10, 10 (440 next week)

Jump Rope:
- 21 sets of 40 (840 total)

- Skipped due to time


Wednesday 8.03.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- KB Swings

Strength Training:
Weighted Parallel Grip Chin Ups (4x4):
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 3, 3, 3

Weighted Ring Dips (4x4):
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 3, 3, 3

Chin Ups (4x8):
- 0x 8, 7, 7, 7

Bar Dips (4x8):
- 25x 8, 7, 7, 7

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap

KB Swings:
- 70x 40 sets of 10 (one set after each lift)

- None


Tuesday 8.02.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle Glute Activation
- Band Shoulder Pass Throughs
- Jump Rope

Strength Training:
Power Snatch (3x3):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 185x 2, 225x 0, 155x 3, 2, 2

Back Squat (3x3):
- 45x 9, 135x 7, 225x 5, 315x 3, 405x 1, 335x 3, 3, 3 (340 next week)

Snatch High Pull (3x4):
- 225x 4, 3, 3

Bulgarian Split Squat (3x8):
- 10's x 8, 6, 6 (twice the reps of SHP's)

Jump Rope:
- 24 sets of 35 (a set after each set of the above work, 840 total reps)

Snatch Deadlift (3x5):
- 315x 5, 4, 4

Standing Calf Raise (left/right/both):
- 9/9/9, 8/8/8, 8/8/8

- Skipped due to time


Monday 8.01.16

Rest day.

Sunday 7.31.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Push Press (warm up to 120%, then 4x4):
- 90x 5, 140x 4, 180x 3, 230x 2, 270x 1, 225x 4, 3, 3, 3

Weighted Pull Ups (warm up to a heavy single, then 4x4):
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 4, 3, 3, 3

1-Arm DB Press (4x8):
- 60x 8, 7, 7, 7

Lat Pulldown (4x8):
- 205x 8, 7, 7, 7

Arms Superset (3x 12):
- Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz @ 30x 12, 12, 12 (35 next week)
- Overhead DB Extension @ 75x 12, 12, 12 (80 next week)

- Skipped due to time


Saturday 7.30.16

Back off week...

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips and hamstrings

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift And Conventional Deadlift (work up to a heavy single for the day):
- 135x 5 and 5, 225x 4 and 4, 315x 3 and 3, 405x 2 and 2, 495x 1 and 1

Sumo Deadlift (fast pill, 3-second negatives):
- 325x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Reverse Barbell Lunges (work up to a heavy doublele for the day, then 5x5):
- 45x10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 185x 4, 225x 2, 190x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 260x 10, 10, 10, 9, 9

Barbell Shrugs (Behind the Back, 5x 10):
- 320x 10, 10, 10, 9, 9

- Skipped due to time


Friday 7.29.16

Back off week...

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 60 KB Swings @ 70 (sets of 10 in between CS drills)

Strength Training:
Chin Ups (warm up to a heavy single, then 10 sets of 3-5):
- Warm Ups:  0x 5, 10x 4, 20x 3, 30x 2, 40x 1
- Work Sets:  0x 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3

Bar Dips (warm up to a heavy double, then 10 sets superset with CU's for twice the reps):
- Warm Ups:  0x 10, 10x 8, 20x 6, 30x 4, 40x 2
- Work Sets:  0x 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6

Arms Superset:
- Seated DB Curls with Fat Gripz @ 35:  12, 11, 11
- Elbows Out DB Ext. w/ Fat Gripz @ 35x 18, 17, 17

Jump Rope:
- 18 sets of 30 (540 reps, one set of 30 after each work set of the above)

- Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
- 60 KB Swings @ 70 (sets of 10 in between CS drills)


Thursday 7.28.16

Back off week...

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility drills

Strength Training:
Back Squats (heavy single, then 5x5 @ 65%):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5, 275x 4, 315x 3, 365x 2, 405x 1, 275x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Power Snatch (1 each from the floor, touch and go, and from the hang):
- 45x 5, 95x 4, 135x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Standing Calf Raises (left, right, both):
- 8, 8, 8, 7, 7

KB Swings:
- 70x 1 sets of 10 after each lift above for 200 total reps

- None

Wednesday 7.27.16

Back off week...

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Mobility drills
- 3 rounds of 5 push ups and 5 deep squat holds

Strength Training:
Push Press (work up to heavy double, then 3x10):
- 45x 10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 185x 4, 225x 2, 145x 10, 10, 10

Lat Pull Downs (same grip as push presses):
- same sets/ reps as push press ending at 205x 10

Arnold Presses (seated, 10, 10, 10):
- 45x 10, 50x 10, 55x 10

BTN Lat Pull Downs (wide grip):
- 160x 10, 10, 10

Arms Superset:
- Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz @ 35x 11, 11, 10
- DB Overhead Extensions @ 75x 11, 11, 10

- 10 Push Ups, 20 KB Swings @ 53
- 9 Push Ups, 18 KB Swings
- 8 Push Ups, 16 KB Swings
- .......
- 1 Push Ups, 2 KB Swings
Time:  Not timed, just went unbroken

Tuesday 7.26.16

Rest day.

Monday 7.25.16

Rest day.

Sunday 7.24.16

Rest day.


Saturday 7.23.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips and hamstrings

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift (work up to a heavy single for the day, then 5x5 with a 3-second negative):
- 45x 10, 135x 8, 225x 6, 315x 4, 405x 2, 495x 1, 325x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Reverse Barbell Lunges (work up to a heavy single for the day, then 5x5):
- 45x10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 185x 4, 225x 2, 275x 1, 2185x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 260x 10, 10, 9, 9, 9

Barbell Shrugs (Behind the Back, 5x 10):
- 320x 10, 10, 9, 9, 9

Accessory Work:
- Tabata KB Swings:  100 reps with 53 lbs (lowest was 12, highest was 13)


Friday 7.22.16

Back off week...

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (heavy single, then 3x 10 @ 65%):
- 45x 12, 95x 10, 135x 8, 185x 6, 225x 4, 275x 2, 315x 1, 205x 10, 10, 10

Barbell Row (heavy single, then 3x 10 @ 65%):
- 45x 12, 95x 10, 135x 8, 185x 6, 225x 4, 275x 2, 315x 1, 205x 10, 10, 10

Reverse Grip Bench Press (10, 10, 10):
- 135x 10, 185x 10, 205x 10

Barbell Row w/Supinated Grip (3x 10):
- 205x 10, 10, 10

Arms Superset (3x 10-12 on curls, and 1.5x the reps of extensions):
- Seated DB Curls w/Fat Gripz@ 35:  11, 11, 11
- Elbows Out DB Extensions w/ Fat Gripz@ 35:  17, 17, 17

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of  Iron Scap

KB Swings:
- 300 reps (30 sets of 10, one set after each work set throughout)


Thursday 7.21.16

Back off week...

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle glute activation
- Dynamic mobility for hips and lower back

Strength Training:
Front Squats (heavy single for the day, then 5x5 and 65% of the single):
- 45x 10, 95x 9, 135x 8, 185x 7, 225x 6, 275x 3, 315x 1, 205x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Barbell Shrugs (5x 10):
- 315x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Standing Calf Raises (5x 10, slow controlled movement):
- 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

KB Swings (paired with each set of all the other lifts):
- 70x 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 6, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10= 238 reps

Wednesday 7.20.16

Rest day and moving.

Tuesday 7.19.16

Rest day and moving.

Monday 7.18.16

Rest day and moving.


Sunday 7.17.16

Rest day but I did 55 KB swings @ 70 lbs and 47 push ups.

Saturday 7.16.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips and hamstrings
- 46 Push Ups

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift (work up to 120%, then 3x3):
- 45x 10, 135x 8, 225x 6, 315x 4, 405x 2, 495x 1, 525x 1, 445x 3, 2, 2

Reverse Barbell Lunges (work up to 120%, then 3x5):
- 45x10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 185x 4, 225x 2, 258x 1, 215x 4, 4, 4

Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 260x 10, 9, 9, 9, 9

Barbell Shrugs (Behind the Back, 5x 10):
- 320x 10, 9, 9, 9, 9

Accessory Work:
- KB Swings:  73 reps unbroken with 53 lbs

Friday 7.15.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 6 KB Swings @ 70 lbs

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 4, 4, 3, 3

Barbell Row (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 4, 4, 3, 3

Slingshot Bench Press (4x8):
- 262.5x 8, 8, 7, 7

Barbell Row w/Supinated Grip (4x8):
- 225x 8, 8, 7, 7

Arms Superset (3x 10-12):
- Seated DB Curls w/Fat Gripz@ 35:  11, 11, 10
- Elbows Out DB Extensions w/ Fat Gripz@ 35:  17, 17, 15 (1.5 x the reps of curls)

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of  Iron Scap
- 45 Push Ups


Thursday 7.14.16

Warm Up:
- Hip Circle warm up
- 44 Push Ups

Strength Training:
Power Cleans/ Clean Pulls:
- 45x 5/0, 95x 4/1, 135x 3/2, 185x 2/3, 225x 1/4, 275x 0/5

Clean Pulls (work up to a heavy single, then 3x3):
- 315x 4, 365x 3, 405x 2, 455x 1, 495x 1, 445x 2, 2, 2

Front Squats (work up to 120%, then 3x3):
- 45x 10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 185x 4, 225x 2, 275x 1, 315x 1, 336x 1, 280x 3, 3, 3 (285 next week)

Clean Shrugs (3x 10):
- 445x 9, 9, 9

Standing Calf Raises (5x 1:00):
- 0x 1:05, 1:00, 1:00, 1:00, 1:00

KB Swings:
- 55 reps unbroken at 70 lbs


Wednesday 7.13.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 55 KB Swings @ 70 lbs

Strength Training:
Weighted Chin Ups (heavy single, then 4x4):
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 3, 3, 3, 3

Weighted Ring Dips (heavy single, then 4x4):
- 0x 5, 15x 4, 30x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 3, 3, 3, 3

Parallel Grip Chin Ups (4x8):
- 0x 7, 7, 7, 6

Bar Dips (4x8, 3-second negative):
- 0x 7, 7, 7, 6

Arms Superset (with Crossover Symmetry Cords and Fat Gripz):
- Curls with Orange Cord:  10, 10, 10
- Skull Crushers with Orange Cord:  10, 10, 10

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap
- 43 Push Ups


Tuesday 7.12.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic Hip and Shoulder mobility
- 42 Push Ups

Strength Training:
Power Snatches/ Snatch Pulls:
- 45x 4/4, 95x 3/4, 135x 2/4, 185x 1/4

Snatch Pulls (Warm up to 120%, then 3x3):
- 225x 4, 275x 3, 315x 2, 365x 1, 300x 3, 3, 3

Back Squats (warm up to 120%, then 3x3):
- 45x 9, 95x 8, 135x 7, 185x 6, 225x 5,  275x 4, 315x 3, 365x 2, 405x 1, 411x 1, 345x 3, 3, 3

Standing Calf Raises (5 sets of Left/ Right/ Both):
- 0x 8's, 8's, 7's, 7's, 7's

KB Swings:

- 55 reps @ 70 lbs


Monday 7.11.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for shoulders, back, and hips

Strength Training:
Push Press (Work up to 120%, then 5x3):
- 45x 10, 95x 8, 135x 6, 185x 4, 225x 2, 265x 1, 230x 3, 3, 3, 2, 2

Weighted Pull Ups (work up to 120%, then 5x3):
- 0x6, 15x 5, 25x 4, 35x 3, 45x 2, 60x 1, 45x 3, 3, 3, 2, 2

1-Arm KB Press (4x8):
- 53x 8, 8, 7, 7
- KB Swings @ 70:  8, 8, 7, 7

Lat Pulldown (wide grip, 4x8):
- Skipped due to working out at home

Arms Superset:
- Hammer Curls @30x 11, 10, 10 (fat gripz, 3-second negatives)
- Push Ups x 11, 10, 10 (3-second negatives)

Accessory Work:
- 1 Round of Iron Scap

Sunday 7.10.16

Rest day.

Saturday 7.09.16

Warm Up:
- Dynamic mobility for hips and hamstrings
- 39 Push Ups

Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift (work up to 120%, then 3x3):
- 135x 6, 225x 5, 315x 4, 405x 3, 495x 2, 520x 1, 445x 2, 2, 2

Reverse Barbell Lunges (work up to 120%, then 3x5):
- 45x6, 95x 5, 135x 4, 185x 3, 225x 2, 252x 1, 210x 5, 5, 5

Donkey Calf Raises (5x10):
- 260x 9, 9, 9, 9, 9

Barbell Shrugs (Behind the Back, 5x 10):
- 320x 9, 9, 9, 9, 9

Accessory Work:
- KB Swings:  70 reps unbroken with 53 lbs


Friday 7.08.16

Warm Up:
- Crossover Symmetry Activation
- 38 Push Ups (done in 6 sets in between CS drills)
- 60 KB Swings @ 70 lbs (done in 6 sets in between CS drills)

Strength Training:
Close Grip Bench Press (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 4, 3, 3, 3

Barbell Row (4x4):
- 45x 7, 95x 6, 135x 5, 185x 4, 225x 3, 275x 2, 315x 1, 262.5x 4, 3, 3, 3

Slingshot Bench Press (4x8):
- 262.5x 8, 7, 7, 7

Barbell Row w/Supinated Grip (4x8):
- 225x 8, 7, 7, 7

Arms Superset (3x 10-12):
- Seated DB Curls w/Fat Gripz@ 35:  11, 10, 10
- Elbows Out DB Extensions w/ Fat Gripz@ 35:  17, 15, 15 (1.5 x the reps of curls)

Crossover Symmetry:
- 1 Round of  Iron Scap